Guitar - advanced SKU: BT.REG9781898466666
Exam Material. Book Only. London College Music #REG9781898466666. Published by London College Music (BT.REG9781898466666). ISBN 9781905908165. English.
This handbook is part of a series, compiled by the Registry Of Guitar Tutors that forms an expertly structured and comprehensive method of studying classical guitar. This handbook covers all the sections of the London College of Music Grade Six classical guitar examination including: all the set pieces: all scales, arpeggios and chords: sight reading: ear tests: and spoken tests. In addition, there are useful performance tips for all the pieces as well as essential advice on preparing for the examination - enabling you to study for an internationally recognized qualification. Even if you do not intend to take an examination, studying this handbook will help you to: learn appealingand inspiring pieces from a wide range of styles and periods: improve your sight reading and aural abilities so that you can learn new pieces more easily: develop your technical ability and musical understanding and so achieve your full potential as a guitarist.