Top Performing Songs and Artists from the Billboard Hot 100 and Billboard Hot 200 over the Past 50 years. Arranged by Various. Book; CD; Instrumental Series; Play-Along. Instrumental Solos Series. Pop. 60 pages. Published by Alfred Music (AP.46192).
50 Christmas Favorites. Composed by various artists and composers. This edition: Easy Hits Guitar TAB. Book; Guitar Mixed Folio; Guitar TAB. Alfred's Easy. Christmas; Sacred; Secular; Winter. 104 pages. Published by Alfred Music
(A Guide to Introducing Soprano Recorder in Orff Classes). Composed by Carol King. For Recorder, Orff instruments, percussion. Grade 4-6. Heritage Music Press #9780934017206. Published by Heritage Music Press
(The best in contemporary jazz from Europe). Composed by Various. Edited by Chuck Sher. For Eb instruments. This edition: spiral-bound. Fake book. 423 pages. Published by Sher Music Company
(Flute). For Flute. Book; CD;
Instrumental Series; Play-
Along. Easy Instrumental
Solos. Pop; Rock. Grade 2;
Grade 3. 28 pages. Published
by Alfred Music