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Piano Solo - Level 1 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1404076 By Pitbull Featuring Ke$Ha. By Armando Christian Perez, Breyan Stanley Isaac, Charles Carter, Greg Errico, Henry Walter, Jamie Sanderson, Keri Oskar, Kesha Sebert, Lee Oskar Levitin, Lukasz Gottwald, Priscilla Renea, Roger Parker, Steve Arrington, and Waung Hankerson. Arranged by Fernando Ramos. 21st Century,Contemporary,Hip-Hop,Pop,Rock. Score. 3 pages. Fernando Ramos #987250. Published by Fernando Ramos (A0.1404076). Other Arrangements Available: make piano solo arrangements for my students of songs that they love! My goal is to create something that sounds beautiful as a standalone piece of music and, most importantly, that it also makes pianistic sense. Each of my arrangements is made for a specific student, so the results will vary in terms of playing level. Most decisions are based on their current skills and abilities, or where I would like for them to be when they complete the piece.This arrangement was made for a late beginner student currently working on Federation class Elementary 2. Some very tricky fingering in the right hand, but worth the trouble. I chose not to transpose to another key with less sharps because its actually easier with the black keys, in my opinion. Sometimes it's good to throw them a good challenge, and it paid off for me. This was actually a more successful performance than his Federation piece at our recital!
Piano solo
Pitbull Featuring Ke$Ha
$4.99 4.67 € Piano solo PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (TB) - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.727280 Composed by Carol Troutman Wiggins. Children,Contemporary,Country,Instructional,Pop. Octavo. 17 pages. Carol Troutman Wiggins #3430811. Published by Carol Troutman Wiggins (A0.727280). BIG BUCK (My Eighteen-Wheelin', Mud-Flappin' Diesel Truck) TB/2-Part Mixed Male VoicesThis is that different high-energy song for the guys that you have been looking for!!! Written especially for young male singers, this upbeat, foot-stomping country song about an eighteen-wheeler is sure to please all of your truck lovers! (And . . . it's not about a pirate! Ha!)Excellent for upper elementary, middle school, and high school male voicesKey of Bb - shouldn't be too high or too low for any voice rangeA bit wordy, but has a great description of a truck driver's lifeLot of eighth notes and intervals of 4ths & 5thsAdd thigh slaps (or hand claps)Some spoken passagesUse of fermatasOptional action cues included in scoreChords included for additional instrumentsAdd guitar, bass, fiddle, and drums for a make-shift country band!Piano Acconpaniment/Rehearsal Track available on this site.
Big Buck (My Eighteen-Wheelin', Mud-Flappin' Diesel Truck) TB
Choral 2-part

$2.50 2.34 € Choral 2-part PDF SheetMusicPlus

Guitar - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1281898 By Karol G/shakira. By Carolina Giraldo, Daniel Echavarria Oviedo, Daniel Echevarria, Kevyn Cruz, and Shakira Isabel Ripoll. Arranged by mb-guitar. 21st Century,Classical,Latin,Multicultural,Pop,World. Guitar Tab. 6 pages. Mb-guitar #873249. Published by mb-guitar (A0.1281898). Descubre la esencia única de TQG, una pieza musical cuidadosamente diseñada para resaltar la belleza de la guitarra clásica.TQG es más que una partitura; es una oportunidad de experimentar melodías emotivas y acordes que conectan directamente con tus sentimientos. Cada nota ha sido elegida para evocar una atmósfera distintiva y llevar a los oyentes a un lugar de reflexión.En, encontrarás información detallada sobre esta obra, incluyendo aspectos técnicos y cómo interpretarla con autenticidad. Si buscas ampliar tu repertorio y explorar nuevas emociones a través de la guitarra clásica, TQG es una opción que te invita a descubrir una perspectiva musical fresca y genuina.Obtén tu copia de TQG hoy y comienza a explorar la belleza sutil pero poderosa de este arreglo de guitarra clásica. Visita para conocer más acerca de cómo esta pieza puede enriquecer tu experiencia musical.
Guitar notes and tablatures
Karol G/shakira
$7.00 6.55 € Guitar notes and tablatures PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano Solo - Digital Download SKU: A0.1012736 Composed by Monica Bergo. Contemporary. Score. 10 pages. Moni Bergo #5743249. Published by Moni Bergo (A0.1012736). Music and song composed by me Impostazioni account *´¨`*•.¸¸.♫ La maledizione dell'eterno volo ♫*´¨`*•.¸¸.♫   Sembra immobile l'aria e una lacrima vola questo trucco si scioglie e sul viso mi cola il mio circo d'amore e di buone intenzioni parte e mi lascia qua E la formula inversa in cui ho sempre creduto che si scaglia ora contro il mio orgoglio ferito folle io ad insegnare che più dai amore più ne ottieni per te Io qui strana attrice inutile ingoio rabbia e le lacrime inciampo tra i passi falsi miei nascondo lati dell'anima vorrei si squarciasse il cielo e poi con tutto il mio fiato lo urlerei che no, sempre forte non si può E' la maledizione dell'eterno volo che mi porta più in alto non tocco mai il suolo è quel triste sorriso che piega le labbra e di questo Pierrot poi deforma la faccia un patetico ghigno sul viso di cera maledico le origini e il freddo che c'era Era il fiore più bello di questo giardino l'hai inquinato, sporcato gli hai cambiato il destino benvenuto all'inferno sarò lì vicino e ti sbrano in eterno come il conte Ugolino non rido più... E fa tic-tac -tic-tac l'orologio dei malvagi e fa tic-tac-tic-tac la vendetta degli offesi il tuo tempo scorre ed arriva la tua fine e io danzo sopra la tua tomba tra le spine E fa tic-tac-tic-tac questa bomba che hai innescato e fa tic-tac tic-tac l'innocenza che hai rubato ci sarà per te solo il fuoco dell'inferno brucia insieme a me che l'inferno ce l'ho eterno Ti ricorderai di me di questo clown patetico dall'animo poetico e starò un passo dietro a te ma non mi riconoscerai con gli occhi tuoi non mi vedrai giustizia farò a modo mio pozioni e frasi magiche rispolvero le formule scambiamoci di posto e tu sarai il più vulnerabile solo un fantoccio inutile perchè non ridi? Questa maledizione                           la tua punizione                           e il tuo volo eterno  non ti salverà da questo inferno E' la tua punizione                           è una maledizione                           puoi scappare in eterno ma non fuggirai da questo inferno Questa tua dannazione                   è la tua punizione vola pure in eterno poi ritorna qui dentro all'inferno Ridi pagliaccio ti guardi allo specchio è un triste riflesso ridi di te stesso Ridi pagliaccio ti guardi allo specchio è un triste riflesso ridi di te stesso solo di te stesso mi risveglio e ora sono a 2 passi dal mare l'orizzonte si perde lo vado a cercare è una terra di mezzo che non ha padrone il rifugio perfetto per la mia stagione E respiro quest'aria che sa di dolore mi rimetto la maschera e so cosa fare sono stan.
Piano solo

$5.00 4.68 € Piano solo PDF SheetMusicPlus

String Quartet Cello,String Quartet,Viola,Violin - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1112567 By Jackie Evancho. By George R.R. Martin and Ramin Djawadi. Arranged by Luis Turina and Nonamé Música. Celtic,Film/TV,Historic,Irish,Pop,Wedding. 10 pages. Nonamé Música #714572. Published by Nonamé Música (A0.1112567). (Spanish below) Since this mythical series premiered, it has appeared more and more in the events in which the Nonamé String Quartet participates with its main theme music. But as it progressed, we wanted to take a truly differential step forward. We use the music from the opening scene of the first episode of the fourth season (Two Swords) which leads inevitably into the traditional opening music, as Tywin melts Ice into Widow's Lament and Oathkeeper. We start with the Lannisters theme (the Rains of Castamere) on cello, later accompanied by viola. A general crescendo leaves us with the main theme, transcribed as best as possible from Ramin Djawadi's masterful header. The violin can do pizz on the last phrase, or not play it at all. Arrangement on a single page to facilitate its interpretation outdoors. Bowings and dynamics to facilitate a good sightreading. All set to recreate the Red Wedding in your performances! More Noname Music arrangements on our channel: Noname Music Desde que comenzó esta mítica serie, cada vez ha aparecido más en los eventos en los que el Cuarteto Nonamé participa la música de su cabecera. Pero según fue avanzando quisimos dar un paso adelante realmente diferencial. Utilizamos la música de la escena preliminar del primer capítulo de la cuarta temporada (Two Swords) que desemboca irremediablemente en la música de cabecera tradicional, mientras Tywin funde Hielo para convertirla en Lamento de Viuda y Guardajuramentos. Empezamos con el tema de los Lannister (las Lluvias de Castamere) en el cello luego acompañado por la viola. Un crescendo general nos deja con el tema principal, transcrito lo mejor posible de la magistral cabecera de Ramin Djawadi. El violín puede hacer pizz en la última frase, o no tocarla en absoluto. Arreglo en una sola página para facilitar su interpretación al aire libre. Arcos, digitaciones y matices para poder hacer una buena lectura a primera vista. ¡Todo listo para recrear la Boda Roja en vuestras actuaciones! Más arreglos de Nonamé en nuestro canal: Nonamé Música
The Rains Of Castamere
String Quartet: 2 violins, viola, cello
Jackie Evancho
$12.99 12.15 € String Quartet: 2 violins, viola, cello PDF SheetMusicPlus

Concert Band - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1028005 Composed by Becca Schack. Contemporary,Folk,World. Score and parts. 111 pages. Ingenue Music #3140847. Published by Ingenue Music (A0.1028005). Commissioned by The Association for Music in International Schools AMIS. Premiered in Bangkok, Thailand in January 2011, conducted by Dimosthenis Dimitrakoulakos. Program Notes: The image of Pele, the Hawaiian goddess of fire and volcanoes, kept reappearing in my mind as the main focus for this piece. According to myth, the islands of Hawaii owe their existence to Pele who ran away from her jealous sister, a sea goddess, to these tiny islands. Her sister sent tidal waves and Pele answered by sending fiery lava into the ocean, making new land as it cooled. The spirit of Pele lives on in the craters of the volcano, watching over the islands, reminding us that fiery eruptions and emotional upheavals are followed by new life and change. Pele, unpredictable and powerful, makes her entrance with a loud bang of brass and percussion, followed by the entire ensemble joining in. As the trumpets trail off, words from the ancient Hawaiian chant E Pele, E Pele are heard moving between each section in contrasting rhythms, as the tuba and low brass unfold the main theme. This chant is performed in Hawaiian culture accompanied by hula kahiko, an ancient style of hula dancing. The vibraphone plays a tranquil melody reminiscent of a Hawaiian wind chime softly blowing in the wind. The congas and rainstick evokes a tribal element. The piece is meant to juxtapose the multi-faceted natures of Pele. Syncopated rhythms in the winds paired with big brass and percussion represent her passion and violent temper. The playful, quiet, lingering sections led by the flute and vibraphone represent her irresistible and enchanting mystery as she creates new land and the living things that inhabit these magnificent islands. Hawaiian Chant: E Pele e Pele ka`uka`ulï ana Ha`ina ka inoa no Pele la ea English Translation: O Pele o Pele, moving along In the name of Pele
In The Name Of Pele (for Symphonic Band)
Concert band

$60.00 56.11 € Concert band PDF SheetMusicPlus

Banjo,Choir,Guitar,Piano,Ukulele - Digital Download SKU: A0.1065490 Composed by Carol Troutman Wiggins. Contemporary,Country. Accompaniment. Duration 172. Carol Troutman Wiggins #3430813. Published by Carol Troutman Wiggins (A0.1065490). BIG BUCK (My Eighteen-Wheelin', Mud-Flappin' Diesel Truck) Piano Accompaniment TrackTB/2-Part Mixed Male VoicesThis is that different high-energy song for the guys that you have been looking for!!! Written especially for young male singers, this upbeat, foot-stomping country song about an eighteen-wheeler is sure to please all of your truck lovers! (And . . . it's not about a pirate! Ha!)Excellent for upper elementary, middle school, and high school male voicesKey of Bb - shouldn't be too high or too low for any voice rangeA bit wordy, but has a great description of a truck driver's lifeLot of eighth notes and intervals of 4ths & 5thsAdd thigh slaps (or hand claps)Some spoken passagesUse of fermatasOptional action cues included in scoreChords included for additional instrumentsAdd guitar, bass, fiddle, and drums for a make-shift country band.
Big Buck (My Eighteen-Wheelin', Mud-Flappin' Diesel Truck) TB (Piano Accompaniment Track)

$5.99 5.6 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Ensemble Horn,Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.931212 Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Arranged by Alessandro Macrì. Classical. Score and parts. 13 pages. Music Macri Editions #3687655. Published by Music Macri Editions (A0.931212). Le nozze di Figaro, ovvero la folle giornata  (K 492) è un'opera lirica di Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. È la prima delle tre opere  italiane scritte dal compositore salisburghese su libretto di Lorenzo Da Ponte.Musicato da Mozart all'età di ventinove anni, il testo dapontiano fu tratto dalla commedia Le nozze  di Figaro di Beaumarchais (autore della trilogia di Figaro : Il barbiere di Siviglia , Il matrimonio di Figaro  e La madre colpevole ).Dal Terzo Atto - Finale Ecco la marcia, andiamo  (Susanna, La Contessa, Il Conte, Figaro; Coro).Le Nozze di Figaro  Ã¨ una delle più famose opere di Mozart e dell'intero teatro musicale, ed è la prima di una serie di felici collaborazioni tra Mozart e Da Ponte, che ha portato anche alla creazione del  Don Giovanni  e di  Così fan tutte .Fu Mozart stesso a portare una copia della commedia di Beaumarchais a Da Ponte, che la tradusse in lingua italiana (tuttora la lingua ufficiale dell'opera lirica) e che (d'accordo con Mozart) rimosse tutti gli elementi di satira politica dalla storia. L'opera fu scritta da Mozart in gran segreto (la commedia era stata vietata dall'imperatore Giuseppe II, poiché attica l'odio tra le varie classi sociali). Questo è un periodo in cui è stato scritto. Eppure è solo dopo aver convinto l'imperatore della rottura delle scene politicamente più discusse che hanno visto il permesso di rappresentare l'opera.Inoltre, la scena finale del terzo atto, che comprendeva un balletto e una pantomima, si dovette scontrare con un divieto imperiale di rappresentare balli in scena. Racconta Da Ponte, nelle sue  memorie , che lui e Mozart, non intendono rinunciare al finale come l'avevo concepito, invitarono l'imperatore ad assistere a una prova, dove si sono giocati quel pezzo muto. L'imperatore subito ordinò che la musica fosse reinserita.Così  Le Nozze di Figaro , finita di comporre il 29 aprile, fu messa in scena al Burgtheater di Vienna, il 1º maggio 1786 con Nancy Storace (Susanna), Francesco Benucci (Figaro) e Michael Kelly (tenore) (Basilio e Don Curzio) , diretta dal compositore nelle prime due rappresentazioni e da Joseph Weigl nelle repliche. Ottenne un successo strepitoso, al punto che l'Imperatore, dopo la terza recita, dovette emanare un decreto per limitare le richieste di bis, in modo che le repliche non durassero troppo. Ancor più grande fu il successo al Teatro Nazionale di Praga (dal 17 gennaio 1787), colomba (una detta di Mozart): «Qui non sta che che del Figaro, non si suona, non si strombetta, non si canta, non si fischia che il Figaro, non si va a sentire altra opera che il Figaro. Eternamente Figaro! ».L'opera è in quattro atti e ruota attorno alle trame del Conte d'Almaviva, invaghito della cameriera della Contessa, Susanna, alla quale cerca di imporre lo ius primae noctis. La vicenda si svolge in un intreccio serrato e folle, in cui donne e uomini si contrappongono nel corso di una giornata di passione travolgente, piena sia di eventi drammatici che comici, e nella quale alla fine i servi si dimostrano più signori e intelligenti dei loro padroni. L'opera è per Mozart (e prima di lui per Beaumarchais) un pretesto per prendersi gioco delle classi sociali dell'epoca che da lì a poco saranno travolte dai fatti con la Rivoluzione francese. L'intera vicenda può anche essere letta come una metafora delle diverse fasi dell'amore: Cherubino e Barbarina rappresentano l'amore acerbo, Susanna e Figaro l'amore che sboccia, il Conte e la Contessa l'amore logorato e senza più alcuna passione, Marcellina e don Bartolo l'amore maturo.
AMADEUS suite - 5. Ecco la marcia from Act 3 of LE NOZZE DI FIGARO
Brass quartet : 2 trumpets, trombone, tuba

$6.00 5.61 € Brass quartet : 2 trumpets, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano Solo - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.958793 Composed by Carlos Alberto Saco. Arranged by Juan Carlos Cortés A,. 20th Century,Concert,Standards,Traditional,World. Score. 2 pages. Juan Carlos Cortés Aguirre #6872801. Published by Juan Carlos Cortés Aguirre (A0.958793). Transcripción para Piano Solo por:JUAN CARLOS CORTÉS A.Basado en interpretación de la Orquesta del maestro uruguayo Francisco Canaro (1888-1964) y la primera voz del cantor y letrista Luis Díaz Espejo, nacido el 8 febrero 1893 en Paysandú Uruguay y fallecido el 9 abril 1978. Acoplado a la segunda voz del bandoneonista y compositor Ãngel Ramos nacido el 26 enero 1905 y fallecido el 13 diciembre 1979.Cuando el indio llora. (Fox)Introducción orquestal:Estribillo:La fe del indio que demuestra con el llanto,apenas sale claro el sol, para alumbrar,porque su desdén está en su pensamiento,con el dolor, su gran amor, ha de borrar.Y se convierte en las notas de la quena,junto a la tribu de homenaje, a su señor,trae en su gemir un hondo pensamiento,que olvidará, al recordar, todo su amor.Interludio y Coda Orquestal.
Cuando el indio llora. Fox incaico por Carlos Alberto Saco.
Piano solo

$7.99 7.47 € Piano solo PDF SheetMusicPlus

Woodwind Ensemble - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1489384 By Juan Luis Guerra & 4.40. By Juan Luis Guerra. Arranged by Carlos Santana. Latin,Multicultural,Traditional,World. 35 pages. Carlos Jr Santana #1066242. Published by Carlos Jr Santana (A0.1489384). Experience the elegance and sophistication of Bachata Rosa, a masterfully arranged piece that captures the essence of the Bachata Son style at its finest. This internationally acclaimed hit by Juan Luis Guerra is beautifully reimagined with an intricate arrangement featuring flute, alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, trombone, violin, cello, and bass. Each instrument is woven together in a harmonious blend that elevates the traditional Bachata sound to new heights, offering a rich, soulful experience for both performers and listeners.Ideal for ensembles seeking to showcase the refined beauty of Latin music, this arrangement stands out with its sophisticated, lush harmonies and captivating melodies. Perfect for professional performances, recordings, or educational settings, Bachata Rosa is a timeless piece that resonates with audiences across Latin America, Europe, and beyond.Vive la elegancia y sofisticación de Bachata Rosa, una pieza magistralmente arreglada que captura la esencia del estilo Bachata Son en su máximo esplendor. Este éxito internacionalmente aclamado de Juan Luis Guerra ha sido bellamente reimaginado con un arreglo intrincado que incluye flauta, saxofón alto, saxofón tenor, trombón, violín, violonchelo y bajo. Cada instrumento se entrelaza en una armoniosa mezcla que eleva el sonido tradicional de la Bachata a nuevas alturas, ofreciendo una experiencia rica y emotiva tanto para los intérpretes como para los oyentes.Ideal para ensambles que buscan mostrar la belleza refinada de la música latina, este arreglo destaca por sus armonías sofisticadas, exuberantes melodías y cautivadoras líneas. Perfecto para presentaciones profesionales, grabaciones o entornos educativos, Bachata Rosa es una pieza atemporal que resuena con audiencias en toda América Latina, Europa y más allá.
Bachata Rosa
Juan Luis Guerra & 4 40
$7.00 6.55 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (SA) - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.727281 Composed by Carol Troutman Wiggins. Children,Comedy,Country,Instructional,Rock. Octavo. 17 pages. Carol Troutman Wiggins #3430817. Published by Carol Troutman Wiggins (A0.727281). BIG BUCK (My Eighteen-Wheelin', Mud-Flappin' Diesel Truck) 2-Part Mixed VoicesThis is that different high-energy song for the guys (and girls!) that you have been looking for!!! Written especially in the interest of young male singers, this upbeat, foot-stomping country song about an eighteen-wheeler is sure to please all of your truck lovers, girls or boys! (And . . . it's not about a pirate! Ha!)Excellent for upper elementary, middle school, and high school male voicesKey of C - shouldn't be too high or too low for any voice rangeA bit wordy, but has a great description of a truck driver's lifeLot of eighth notes and intervals of 4ths & 5thsAdd thigh slaps (or hand claps)Some spoken passagesUse of fermatasOptional action cues included in scoreChords included for additional instrumentsAdd guitar, bass, fiddle, and drums for a make-shift country band.
Big Buck (My Eighteen-Wheelin', Mud-Flappin' Diesel Truck) 2-Part Mixed
Choral 2-part

$2.50 2.34 € Choral 2-part PDF SheetMusicPlus

3 or 4 soprano voice soli, SATB choir (choir divisi), and piano - Moderately Easy - Digital Download SKU: MQ.1.3502-E Composed by Raimonds Tiguls. Advanced/Collegiate; Lee Nelson Choral Series. Secular, Memorial, 21st Century, Creation/Nature. Octavo. 15 pages. Duration 4 minutes, 10 seconds. Galaxy Music Corporation - Digital #1.3502-E. Published by Galaxy Music Corporation - Digital (MQ.1.3502-E). UPC: 600313135026. English.Moonlight Sound Design was commissioned and premiered by the youth choir KamÄ“r conducted by MÄris Sirmais in Riga, Latvia in 2012. In USA, it was performed by the Wartburg Choir conducted by Lee Nelson at the 2017 National Convention of the American Choral Directors Association in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Moonlight Sound Design is dedicated to my father who died by way of an accident. The title of the piece is inspired by the fact that the studio I have is in my father’s country house in an attic room, and the night moon shines directly into it.Moonlight Sound Design is composed for 3 or 4 Soprano Soli, SATB Chorus and Hang* but can be performed with Piano or Guitar accompaniment as well. The piece should not sound sad, but rather ethereal. It is more about longing than sadness. To create a more ethereal mood, the soloists may be staggered throughout the audience, if possible. This will also provide more dimension to the sound. The Bass section should sing the octave E-flat in bars 5–23 and bars 38–56 with a “didgeridoo†effect.*The Hang (pronunced haÅ‹ in German) is a musical instrument created by Felix Rohner and Sabina Schärer in Bern, Switzerland. Its name comes from the Bernese-German word for “hand.†The instrument is constructed from two half-shells of deep-drawn, nitrided steel sheets glued together at the rim, leaving the inside hollow, and creating a distinct “UFO†shape. The top (“Dingâ€) side has a center “note†hammered into it, and seven “tone fields†hammered around the center. -Raimonds TigulsDuration: 4:10.
Moonlight Sound Design (Downloadable)

$2.85 2.67 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

String Quartet Cello,String Quartet,Viola,Violin - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1112564 By Ramin Djawadi. By Ramin Djawadi. Arranged by Luis Turina and Nonamé Música. Film/TV,Medieval,Multicultural,Pop,Wedding,World. 10 pages. Nonamé Música #714569. Published by Nonamé Música (A0.1112564). (Spanish below) Since this mythical series premiered, it has appeared more and more in the events in which the Nonamé String Quartet participates with its main theme music. But as it progressed, we wanted to take a truly differential step forward. We use the music from the opening scene of the first episode of the fourth season (Two Swords) which leads inevitably into the traditional opening music, as Tywin melts Ice into Widow's Lament and Oathkeeper. We start with the Lannisters theme (the Rains of Castamere) on cello, later accompanied by viola. A general crescendo leaves us with the main theme, transcribed as best as possible from Ramin Djawadi's masterful header. The violin can do pizz on the last phrase, or not play it at all. Arrangement on a single page to facilitate its interpretation outdoors. Bowings and dynamics to facilitate a good sightreading. All set to recreate the Red Wedding in your performances! More Noname Music arrangements on our channel: Noname Music Desde que comenzó esta mítica serie, cada vez ha aparecido más en los eventos en los que el Cuarteto Nonamé participa la música de su cabecera. Pero según fue avanzando quisimos dar un paso adelante realmente diferencial. Utilizamos la música de la escena preliminar del primer capítulo de la cuarta temporada (Two Swords) que desemboca irremediablemente en la música de cabecera tradicional, mientras Tywin funde Hielo para convertirla en Lamento de Viuda y Guardajuramentos. Empezamos con el tema de los Lannister (las Lluvias de Castamere) en el cello luego acompañado por la viola. Un crescendo general nos deja con el tema principal, transcrito lo mejor posible de la magistral cabecera de Ramin Djawadi. El violín puede hacer pizz en la última frase, o no tocarla en absoluto. Arreglo en una sola página para facilitar su interpretación al aire libre. Arcos, digitaciones y matices para poder hacer una buena lectura a primera vista. ¡Todo listo para recrear la Boda Roja en vuestras actuaciones! Más arreglos de Nonamé en nuestro canal: Nonamé Música
Two Swords
String Quartet: 2 violins, viola, cello
Ramin Djawadi
$12.99 12.15 € String Quartet: 2 violins, viola, cello PDF SheetMusicPlus

C Instrument - Digital Download SKU: A0.1359236 By Polish Children Music and Polish Songs for Kids. By Polish Children Music and Polish Songs for Kids. Arranged by Darek. Children,Folk,Multicultural,Traditional,World. Lead Sheet / Fake Book. 29 pages. Darek #943696. Published by Darek (A0.1359236). Polish Children Sheet Music Collection - 20 Songs [LEAD SHEET]A Collection of 20 Sheet Music for Polish Children Songs for Various Instruments. Each song has its own video tutorial on the Music Lessons by Darek YouTube channel (Click to open the YouTube channel). This Collection of 20 Sheet Music for various instruments such as Piano, Grand Piano, Keyboard, Flute, Violin, Saxophone, Glockenspiel or even accordion or Bells! Sheet Music in the form of Melody with Chords is perfect for those who want to accompany singing or create their own arrangements.This Sheet Music Collection for Children's Songs is perfect for preschoolers and older children, as well as for adults or parents who want to play for their children, who have already started their adventure with learning to play on instruments. Musical development is an important element of growing up for every young art enthusiast. What better way to love music than by playing it yourself? This Collection of 20 Sheet Music for Children also includes some tips on, among others: rhythmic values and rests, rules for numbering fingers for playing, divisions of rhythmic values, names of sounds on the piano/keyboard, ways to remember the names of sounds, and types of chords that will make it easier to beginners to learn how to play the piano and keyboard and for more advanced musicians, they will remind and consolidate the basics of knowledge.Included: Lyrics and Chords.Song list: Były sobie kurki trzy (eng. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star) Czarny baranie Happy Birthday to You Hu hu ha Nasza zima zła Jadą jadą misie Jedzie pociąg z daleka Kółko graniaste Krakowiaczek jeden La Cucaracha Mało nas do pieczenia chleba Mam chusteczkę haftowaną Mary Had a Little Lamb Miała baba koguta Ojciec Wirgiliusz Panie Janie (eng. Brother John) Pieski małe dwa Pojedziemy na łów Stary Donald farmę miał (eng. Old MacDonald Had a Farm) Stary niedźwiedź mocno śpi Wlazł kotek na płotek Lead Sheet Arrangement | Piano | Keyboard | Guitar | Flute | Violin | Saxophone | Glockenspiel | Grand Piano | Melody with Chords | Polish Children Song | Digital Sheet Music | Children Music | Polish Song for Children | Sheet Music Children Collection | Various Children Polish Songs| Polish Songs for Kids | Polskie Piosenki dla Dzieci | Polskie Piosenki Dziecięce.
Polish Children Sheet Music Collection - 20 Songs [LEAD SHEET]
C Instruments
Polish Children Music and Polish Songs for Kids
$10.00 9.35 € C Instruments PDF SheetMusicPlus

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