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Soprano, clarinet (in A and B), violin and piano - Digital Download SKU: S9.Q6718 On poems by Diana Kempff. Composed by Joerg Widmann. This edition: score and parts. Downloadable, Score and parts. Duration 18 minutes. Schott Music - Digital #Q6718. Published by Schott Music - Digital (S9.Q6718). German.Es war 1996, als mir Christoph Poppen, der damalige Leiter des MĂŒnchener Kammerorchesters, von einem kuriosen Konzert in MĂŒnsing (Ammerland) erzĂ€hlte: wĂ€hrend eines seiner Konzerte mit dem Orchester in der dortigen Kirche gab es, fĂŒr alle hör- und sichtbar, eines der grĂ¶ĂŸten Unwetter, das die Region je gesehen hatte. Dabei schlug der Blitz ein in eine Art Wahrzeichen des Ortes, eine mehrere Jahrhunderte alte Linde. Unter den Zuhörern damals: die dort lebende Dichterin und Schriftstellerin Diana Kempff. Sie war unmittelbar erschĂŒttert vom Tod der Linde und schrieb unter diesem Eindruck einige Gedichte. Christoph Poppen wiederum war – wie in vielen anderen ZusammenhĂ€ngen auch – genialer Vermittler und stellte alsbald den Kontakt zu mir her. Die Idee: am Ort des Geschehens, in der MĂŒnsinger Kirche, solle ein Jahr spĂ€ter die UrauffĂŒhrung einer Art Requiem fĂŒr diesen Baum, der so vieles „gesehen“ hatte, erklingen. Im Rahmen der Holzhauser Musiktagen mit den Texten von Diana Kempff und meiner (noch zu schreibenden) Musik. Es gab bald eine wunderbare, sehr intensive Begegnung von Diana Kempff und mir, bei der sie etwas fĂŒr Schriftsteller nicht gerade Typisches tat: sie stellte mir frei, aus den vorliegenden Gedichten nach Belieben lediglich Teile, sogar nur Zeilenfragmente zu verwenden und auch die Reihenfolge nach meinen BedĂŒrfnissen anzuordnen und zu gestalten. Sie begriff sofort (und wĂŒnschte!), dass durch die Musik ohnehin etwas Drittes, etwas ganz Anderes entstehen wĂŒrde. Die Tatsache, dass wir Monate spĂ€ter eine sichtlich bewegte Diana Kempff auf die BĂŒhne holen durfte, freute uns alle besonders. Ihre Lyrik ist Ausdruck einer offenkundig zutiefst gequĂ€lten Seele und kommt uns oft wunderlich-versponnen entgegen. Einer zerbrechlichen Zartheit steht eine bisweilen fast brutale HĂ€rte unversöhnlich gegenĂŒber. Das Schubert’sche „Fremd bin ich eingezogen“ gilt fĂŒr sie in besonderer Weise und Ă€ußert sich in ihren Versen in einer NĂ€he zu allem Fremden (trotz des gleichzeitigen manischen Umkreisens des Eigenen und der eigenen Erinnerung), Abseitigen und auch (bei aller gleichzeitigen Skepsis) ÜbernatĂŒrlichen. Dieses geisterhaft-spukige Element versuchte ich durch meine Textauswahl und mit musikalischen Mitteln in diesen nun „Sieben AbgesĂ€ngen“ zu verdeutlichen. Das erste StĂŒck ist eine karge Studie ĂŒber das Verrinnen der Zeit, das Nichts; das Zweite beschwört den Regen (den heilbringenden) herbei, der dann spĂ€ter – wenngleich mit entsetzlicher Wirkung – auch kommt. Den dritten Abgesang habe ich „Tanz der toten Seelen“ betitelt; es ist ein Zwiefacher, der jedoch durch seine dĂŒster-halbseidene „Wiener“ Chromatik alles LiebenswĂŒrdig-Oberbayerische lĂ€ngst verloren hat. Das klanglich vielleicht avancierteste und dichteste StĂŒck ist der vierte Abgesang, der ganz aus der Perspektive der Linde selbst erzĂ€hlt wird. Der fĂŒnfte Abgesang zu den Worten „Und wenn der Tod so kommen mag“ ist im Stile einer traurigen Volksweise bewusst schlicht gehalten. WĂ€hrend der sechste Satz in seinem expressionistischen Gestus nicht ungefĂ€hrlich das Monodram streift, ist es schließlich die Seele (die ausgehauchte, die weiterexistierende?), die wörtlich den letzten Abgesang ĂŒber die BĂ€ume und die Seelen prĂ€gt. Diana Kempffs Gedichte, der Enthusiasmus Christoph Poppens, die phantastischen UrauffĂŒhrungs-Interpreten, allen voran die SĂ€ngerin Juliane Banse, haben mich zur Komposition dieser „Sieben AbgesĂ€nge auf eine tote Linde“ angeregt. Die „Sieben AbgesĂ€nge“ sind nunmehr auch eine Erinnerung an die erst jĂŒngst verstorbene Diana Kempff. Jörg Widmann, im Juni 2008.
Sieben Abgesänge auf eine tote Linde

$57.99 55.7 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Alto Saxophone,Piano - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.533347 Composed by Ali Ben Sou Alle, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Arranged by Paul Wehage. Concert,Opera,Romantic Period,Standards. Score and part. 22 pages. Musik Fabrik Music Publishing #2348197. Published by Musik Fabrik Music Publishing (A0.533347). One of the most enigmatic figures in the history of the Saxophone, Ali Ben Sou Alle (Charles-Valentin Soualle) was born in 1820 in Arras, France. After receiving his first prize in Clarinet at the Paris Conservatory in 1844. he served as the director ofmusic of The French Marine Band in Senegal, and then was named first clarinet solo at the OpĂ©ra-Comique in Paris. However, after the Revolution of 1848, Soualle was forced to flee France to England where he settled in London, playing in the Orchestra of the Queen's Theatre. His songs and piano pieces were published in London. While in London, Soualle met another exiled French musician, Louis Antoine Jullien, who conducted a light music series in London. Jullien encouraged Soualle to take up the saxophone, and after modifying the instrument by adding a single octave mechanism (the modern system used today) and keys for the lower register, Soualle became known as a virtuoso and began touring performing solo recitals (or mono-concerts, as they were called at the time) calling his modified saxophone the «turcophone ». He performed in all the European capitals and then traveled to Australia, New Zealand, Manilla, Java, through China and then to India where he finally settled in Mysore, becoming the director of the Royal Music for the Maharadjah. It was during this period that he converted to Islam and changed his nmae to Ali ben Sou Alle (or Ali, son of Soualle). He subsequently travaled to Ile Maurice, to French Polynesia, the Cap of Natal and the Cap of Good Hope. All of these voyages were subjects of musical works which Soualle entitled Souvenirs de... and may perhaps have been part of a collection known as The Royal Album which was presented to the Prince of Wales after a royal concert. Soualle returned to Mysore in 1858 and was almost killed in the Indian Revolution. Around 1860, Soualle returned to France for health reasons and began publishing his own music. On March 27 1865, he performed a command performance for the Emperor Napoleon III at the Tuileries Palace in the presence of the entire Imperial Family. After 1865, nothing more is known about him. Soualle not only performed on the clarinet, saxophone and piano, but also frequently sang during his concerts. He also wrote songs while he was in London. His opera fantasies are usually written for the Alto saxophone and are generally in the form of an introductory aria with cadenza, a theme with one or more variations and then a final waltz movement in rondo form with a final brillant variation. This specific work opens with motives from the Opera‘s overture, leading to Donna Anna’s 1st act aria Or sai, chi l'onore. The duet LĂ  ci darem la mano is the subject of two variations followed by a brief interlude using Zerlina’s aria Batti, batti, o bel Masetto and then the final section is the duo Andiam’ Andiam ‘ Mio Bene between Don Giovanni and Zerlina which ends the Act I duet. The work ends with a brillant coda
Ali Ben Sou Alle: Fantaisie sur Don Giovanni de Mozart for alto saxophone and piano
Alto Saxophone and Piano

$11.95 11.48 € Alto Saxophone and Piano PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano,Vocal,Voice - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.869030 Composed by Antonio CALDARA (1670 – 1736). Arranged by Sergei PICHUGIN. Baroque,Concert,Instructional,Opera,Standards. Score. 5 pages. Really Good Music, LLC. #6404037. Published by Really Good Music, LLC. (A0.869030). Sebben crudele is an aria from the Opera Pastorale La costanza in amor vince l'inganno (Faithfulness in love conquers treachery), composed by Antonio CALDARA (1670 – 1736) in 1710 for the public theater in Macerata and revised in 1716 for the Imperial Court in Vienna. It was arranged for voice and piano by Sergei Pichugin. The aria may be an invaluable addition to the repertoire of vocal teachers and students. It is available in the key of D minor (D4 – E5) for high voice.
CALDARA Antonio: Sebben crudele, aria from the opera "La costanza in amor vince l'inganno", arranged
Piano, Voice

$5.95 5.72 € Piano, Voice PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano,Vocal,Voice - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.869031 Composed by Antonio CALDARA (1670 – 1736). Arranged by Sergei PICHUGIN. Baroque,Concert,Instructional,Opera,Standards. Score. 5 pages. Really Good Music, LLC. #6404033. Published by Really Good Music, LLC. (A0.869031). Sebben crudele is an aria from the Opera Pastorale La costanza in amor vince l'inganno (Faithfulness in love conquers treachery), composed by Antonio CALDARA (1670 – 1736) in 1710 for the public theater in Macerata and revised in 1716 for the Imperial Court in Vienna. It was arranged for voice and piano by Sergei Pichugin. The aria may be an invaluable addition to the repertoire of vocal teachers and students. It is available in the original key of E minor (E4 – F#5) for high voice.
CALDARA Antonio: Sebben crudele, aria from the opera "La costanza in amor vince l'inganno", arranged
Piano, Voice

$5.95 5.72 € Piano, Voice PDF SheetMusicPlus

High Voice,Vocal Solo - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.869032 Composed by Antonio CALDARA (1670 – 1736). Arranged by Sergei PICHUGIN. Baroque,Concert,Instructional,Opera,Standards. 5 pages. Really Good Music, LLC. #6404035. Published by Really Good Music, LLC. (A0.869032). Sebben crudele is an aria from the Opera-Pastorale La costanza in amor vince l'inganno (Faithfulness in love conquers treachery), composed by Antonio CALDARA (1670 – 1736) in 1710 for the public theater in Macerata and revised in 1716 for the Imperial Court in Vienna. It was arranged for voice and piano by Sergei Pichugin. The aria may be an invaluable addition to the repertoire of vocal teachers and students. It is available in the key of F minor (F4 – G5) for high voice.
CALDARA Antonio: Sebben crudele, aria from the opera "La costanza in amor vince l'inganno", arranged
High voice

$5.95 5.72 € High voice PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano Solo - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.958783 Composed by BenjamĂ­n Tagle Lara y Carlos V. G. Flores. Arranged by Juan Carlos CortĂ©s A. 20th Century,Concert,Standards,Traditional,World. Score. 2 pages. Juan Carlos CortĂ©s Aguirre #6872627. Published by Juan Carlos CortĂ©s Aguirre (A0.958783). TranscripciĂłn para Piano Solo por:JUAN CARLOS CORTÉS A.Basado en la versiĂłn vocalizada por el cantor argentino Lalo Martel co el acompañamiento de la Orquesta TĂ­pica dirigida por Alfredo de Angelis.SIEMPRE AMIGOSLetra: BenjamĂ­n Tagle LaraMĂșsica: Carlos V. G. Flores (Alejandro Carlos Vicente Geroni Flores)INTRODUCCIÓN:SentĂĄte y escuchĂĄ... pero escondĂ© las lĂĄgrimasSabiendo que tu llanto, ya no me va a engañar,Y si por verme has vuelto, pasĂĄ, ya que has venidoAl fin somos amigos y es grato conversar.Pero ni me menciones que estĂĄs arrepentidaY que desengañada, volvĂ©s por conquistarAquel nido de amores, destruido por tu culpaY que los dos recuerdas, juramos conservar.SentĂĄte, asĂ­ me cuentas, quĂ© has hecho de tu vidaDesde la tarde aquella, en que te echĂł a perder,QuiĂ©n sabe si consejos de malas compañíasLas locas aventuras, te hicieron entrever.Te veo aquella tarde, paseĂĄndote nerviosaMirĂĄndome de reojo, dejando comprender,De que algo me ocultabas y yo en silencio siempreSujeto a tus caprichos, tu gusto dejĂ© hacer.Recuerdas que luciste, el trajecito ĂșltimoQue para tu cumpleaños te habĂ­a hecho hacer,Y que en un beso frĂ­o, diciĂ©ndome: ya vengo,Saliste y desde entonces reciĂ©n te vuelvo a ver.Levanta la cabeza y no te pongas tristeNo ves que sos mi amiga y siempre lo serĂĄs,Y siempre que te acuerdes venĂ­ a visitarmeQue somos siempre amigos, amigos nada mĂĄs.Te vas y no me cuentas quĂ© has hecho de tu vidaDesde que tus caprichos te echaron a rodar,Pero sĂ­ te agradezco el que de mĂ­ te acuerdesYa sabes, cuando quieras, venĂ­me a visitar.Y si alguien te pregunta por ahĂ­ si no me has vistoSin ocultarle nada, asĂ­ contestarĂĄs:De que nos vemos siempre,que somos siempre amigosÂĄPero no olvides nunca, amigos, nada mĂĄs!
Siempre amigos Por: Benjamín Tagle Lara y Carlos V. G. Flores
Piano solo

$7.99 7.67 € Piano solo PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano,Vocal,Voice - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.868712 Composed by Giovanni BONONCINI (1670 – 1747). Arranged by Sergei PICHUGIN. Baroque,Concert,Instructional,Opera,Standards. Score. 5 pages. Really Good Music, LLC. #4405106. Published by Really Good Music, LLC. (A0.868712). Pieta, mio caro bene is an aria from serenata L’Euleo festeggiante nel ritorno d’Alessandro Magno dall’Indie (1699), composed by Giovanni BONONCINI (1670 – 1747). It was realized from the manuscript and edited for voice and piano by Sergei Pichugin. Although being intended by composer for a tenor part, the aria is traditionally quite often performed by female voices. The aria may be an invaluable addition to the repertoire of vocal teachers and students. It is available in the original key of A minor (D3 – F#4, or D4 – F#5).
BONONCINI Giovanni: Pieta, mio caro bene, aria from the serenata, arranged for Voice and Piano (A mi
Piano, Voice

$5.95 5.72 € Piano, Voice PDF SheetMusicPlus

High Voice,Vocal Solo - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.868714 Composed by Giovanni BONONCINI (1670 – 1747). Arranged by Sergei PICHUGIN. Baroque,Concert,Instructional,Opera,Standards. 5 pages. Really Good Music, LLC. #4405110. Published by Really Good Music, LLC. (A0.868714). Pieta, mio caro bene is an aria from serenata L’Euleo festeggiante nel ritorno d’Alessandro Magno dall’Indie (1699), composed by Giovanni BONONCINI (1670 – 1747). It was realized from the manuscript and edited for voice and piano by Sergei Pichugin. Although being intended by composer for a tenor part, the aria is traditionally quite often performed by female voices. The aria may be an invaluable addition to the repertoire of vocal teachers and students. It is available in the key of B minor (E3 – G#4/E4 – G#5) for high voices. .
BONONCINI Giovanni: Pieta, mio caro bene, aria from the serenata, arranged for Voice and Piano (B mi
High voice

$5.95 5.72 € High voice PDF SheetMusicPlus

Medium Voice,Vocal Solo - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.868715 Composed by Giovanni BONONCINI (1670 â?? 1747). Arranged by Sergei PICHUGIN. Baroque,Concert,Instructional,Opera,Standards. 5 pages. Really Good Music, LLC. #4405112. Published by Really Good Music, LLC. (A0.868715). Pieta, mio caro bene is an aria from serenata Lâ??Euleo festeggiante nel ritorno dâ??Alessandro Magno dallâ??Indie (1699), composed by Giovanni BONONCINI (1670 â?? 1747). It was realized from the manuscript and edited for voice and piano by Sergei Pichugin. Although being intended by composer for a tenor part, the aria is traditionally quite often performed by female voices. The aria may be an invaluable addition to the repertoire of vocal teachers and students. It is available in the key of F sharp minor (B2 â?? D#4/B3 â?? D#5) for low voice. .
BONONCINI Giovanni: Pieta, mio caro bene, aria from the serenata, arranged for Voice and Piano (F sh
Medium voice, Piano

$5.95 5.72 € Medium voice, Piano PDF SheetMusicPlus

Woodwind Ensemble,Woodwind Quintet Clarinet - Digital Download SKU: A0.486239 Composed by Maurice Ravel. Arranged by John Benoit. 20th Century,Classical,Contemporary. 43 pages. John Benoit Music #104644. Published by John Benoit Music (A0.486239). The five movements of Maurice Ravel’s Ma mĂ©re l’Oye (1910-11) were originally written as a piano duet for children. The virtuosity of the latter movements, however, would require the skills of child prodigies. The third movement – “Laideronette, impĂ©ratrice des pagodes” – is evocative of the virtuosic performances of xylophone-like instruments in some Eastern musical traditions. This setting for clarinette quintet includes alternate fourth parts for clarinet in Bb, alto clarinet, and bass clarinet. Instrumentation: 4 Bb clarinets (alternate alto/bass for 4th part), bass clarinet. Duration: c. 3:30”. Grade 4.
Ma mére l'Oye, III. "Laideronette, impératrice des pagodes"
Clarinet Quintet: 5 clarinets

$15.99 15.36 € Clarinet Quintet: 5 clarinets PDF SheetMusicPlus

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