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Piano Solo - Digital Download SKU: A0.958721 Composed by Luis Dueñas Perilla. Arranged by Juan Carlos Cortés A. 20th Century,Concert,Standards,Traditional,World. Score. 2 pages. Juan Carlos Cortés Aguirre #6115835. Published by Juan Carlos Cortés Aguirre (A0.958721). Transcripción para Piano Solo por:JUAN CARLOS CORTÉS A.Luis Dueñas Perilla nace en Somondoco (Boyacá) el 1 de Febrero de 1921 y muere en Bogotá el 3 de Noviembre de 1977. Autor y compositor de la célebre danza Negrita.Este bambuco es tema de discusión por algunos estudiosos e investigadores musicales, los cuales suponen que este bambuco es original del maestro antioqueño Carlos Vieco Ortíz por su estilo y forma melódica y armónica. Púes en algún momento tuvo un encuentro con este buen cantante, al cual le confió uno de sus cuadernos con sus obras para estudiarlas, y luego fue devuelto lamentablemente con algunas páginas arrancadas de dicho libro; a lo cual el maestro Vieco no mostró disgusto, ni hizo reclamo, dada su pacífica actitud y tranquilo temperamento.Algunos se basan en un sugestivo título del pasillo de Carlos Vieco llamado: Saltando Polínes. A lo que el investigador Javier Gutiérrez Villegas afirma que:...No todas las canciones de Vieco tuvieron ese origen trascendente ni fueron estrenadas con solemnidad. Y dejando a un lado la actitud circunspecta, nos relata el nacimiento del pasillo Saltando polines: en 1932, plena guerra con el Perú, se juntaron en La Bastilla Alberto Ãngel Vallejo el aplaudido barítono, Roberto Muñoz Londoño, educador y poeta, y él. Se encontraban en ruinosa situación y planearon una gira que los sacaría de afanes. Imaginábamos montañas de plata, apunta don Carlos, con la voz maravillosa de Alberto, con las declamaciones de Muñoz Londoño y con mis interpretaciones al piano. Escogimos a Cisneros para comenzar. En pleno auge el Ferrocarril de Antioquia, aquella población era centro populoso y muy importante. Pues a la primera función asistieron el cura y el alcalde ya la segunda no fue nadie. Con los gastos de transporte, de hotel, de cartelería, nos quedamos en la pura inopia. Con unas monedas sobrantes compramos pasaje de tercera para Muñoz Londoño que se encontraba enfermo y Ãngel Vallejo y yo resolvimos regresar a Medellín, saltando polines. Iniciamos la aventura y cuando llevábamos buen trecho apareció una máquina del Ferrocarril que transportaba veteranos para la guerra y nos recogieron. Y en esta forma, hacinados pero felices, pusimos fin a la correría. (Sic erat scriptum: «así fue escrito».).Polines: Traviesas de madera o durmientes de madera son un tipo de traviesas utilizadas en la construcción de vías férreas.Polémica o no, este Bambuco está registrado legalmente por Luis Dueñas Perilla, compositor boyacense.Gabriel Uribe y el Conjunto de Tomás Burbano. Video You Tube:
Saltando matones. Bambuco fiestero por: Luis Dueñas Perilla.
Piano solo

$7.99 7.63 € Piano solo PDF SheetMusicPlus

Small Ensemble B-Flat Trumpet,Cello,Clarinet,Drum Set,E-Flat Alto Saxophone,Flugelhorn,Flute,Oboe,Piano,Soprano Saxophone,Tenor Saxophone,Violin - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.513302 By Ellie Goulding. By Ali Payami, Ilya, Max Martin, Savan Kotecha, and Tove Lo. Arranged by Dico. Film/TV,Pop,Wedding. Score and parts. 28 pages. Dico Ferreira #124067. Published by Dico Ferreira (A0.513302). WEDDING SERIES - a set of popular songs and wedding standards that I have arranged for years. The formations are varied, from duos to orchestras with choir. The majority are mixed/flexible sextets in which some instruments can be replaced and the ensembles can be totally changed. Some arrangements have shortened versions. These options are provided in my catalogue.LOVE ME LIKE YOU DO - main theme from 'Fifty Shades of Grey' movie soundtrack for flexible sextet.- Part 1: Flute (Oboe | Clarinet | Sop sax | Violin)- Part 2: Trumpet (Flugelhorn | Alto sax | Tenor sax)- Drum Set- Piano- Violin- Cello
Love Me Like You Do
Ellie Goulding
$20.00 19.11 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Easy Piano - Level 1 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1321655 Composed by Traditional Christmas Carols. Arranged by SilverTonalities. Children,Christian,Christmas,Instructional. Score. 56 pages. SilverTonalities #910120. Published by SilverTonalities (A0.1321655). Silent Night and the Carols of Christmas for Beginner Piano Traditional Christmas Carols for Beginner Pianists by SilverTonalities!Including fingering tips and the letter names embedded into each notehead. This makes reading music a breeze, especially for beginners and allows you to quickly associate the correct notes and effortlessly recognize the pitch.ANGELS SINGING CHURCH BELLS RINGING, is a traditional Children’s Carol, written by Claudia Frances Hernaman, pages 1-3AWAY IN A MANGER, celebrates the birth of Jesus surrounded by gentle animals and adoring angels,  pages 4-6BLASTS OF CHILL DECEMBER, is an English Carol composed in 1894 by Reverend R.F. Smith, with lyrics by Norval Clyne, pages 7-9CAROL OF THE BELLS, with its origins deeply rooted in the Ukraine, this instrumental Carol was composed by Mykola Leontovych in 1916, pages 10-12DECK THE HALL, is a Welsh Carol dating back to the 16th Century, representing a joyous celebration of the season, pages 13-15GOD REST YE MERRY GENTLEMEN, is a traditional English Carol, possibly dating back to as early as the 1650’s, pages 16-17GOOD KING WENCESLAS, is set to the melody of the 13th Century Spring Carol, “Tempus adest floridumâ€, pages 18-19HERE WE COME A WASSAILING, is a 17th Century Carol, also known as “The Wassail Songâ€, and/or “Here We Come a Caroling, pages 20-22IN BETHLEHEM CITY ON CHRISTMAS DAY MORN, is an old Worcestershire Carol, in the 7th or “Locriaen†mode, pages 23-24JINGLE BELLS, the iconic Carol written by James Lord Pierpont in 1857 and published under the title of “One Horse Open Sleigh†in 1857, pages 25-27JOLLY OLD ST. NICHOLAS, is a Children’s Christmas song, originating from a poem by Emily Huntington Miller in 1865, pages 28-30LO HOW A ROSE EVER BLOOMING, or “Es ist a Ros Entsprungen†is a German Carol, with the lyric “Rose†referring to the Virgin Mary, pages 31-32O COME LITTLE CHILDREN, “Ihr Kinderlein kommetâ€, also a German Carol composed in 1840 by Johann Abraham Peter Schulz, pages 33-34O HOLY NIGHT, or “Cantique de Noel†is a French Carol written by Adolphe C. Adam in 1843, pages 35-38PARADE OF THE WOODEN SOLDIERS, is a popular Character Piece, written by the German Composer, Leon Jessel in 1897, pages 39-43RING OUT SWEET BELLS, written by the English Composer and Organist, William Joseph Westbrook, pages 44-45SILENT NIGHT, this classic Austrian Carol was composed in 1818 by Franz Xaver Gruber, capturing the spirit of peace and harmony, pages 46-47SLOWLY FALL THE SNOWFLAKES, is a tradtional English Carol by the hymnist, William Henry Borrow, pages 48-49STAR OF THE EAST, composed by Amanda Kennedy in 1890, was inspired by the biblical story of the Star of Bethlehem leading the Wise Men to Jesus, pages 50-52WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS, a popular 18th Century English Carol, based on the tradition of giving treats to carolers, pages 53-54
Silent Night and the Carols of Christmas for Beginner Piano
Easy Piano

$9.99 9.55 € Easy Piano PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano Solo - Digital Download SKU: A0.1012706 Composed by Monica Bergo. Contemporary. Score. 7 pages. Moni Bergo #5742963. Published by Moni Bergo (A0.1012706). Music and song composed by me                                             IL TEATRO   Se vuoi trasformare la tua realtà Se vuoi un’altra vita Il teatro è qua Scegli il personaggio Che interpreterai Segui il tuo copione  e non sbaglierai   Un sipario blu Le luci van giù E inizia la musica Un occhio di bue Che si accenderà La scena si illumina   Dietro le quinte io Aspetto il turno mio Le gambe tremano Aumenta il battito   La gente in platea Silenziosa sta E attende di vivere La storia che tu gli racconterai E tutto è possibile   Afferro l’attimo Mi impegno al  massimo C’è ritmo , c’è energia C’è grinta, c’è allegria   Qui tutto è finto ma c’è verità Ed il destino qui, nulla potrà Perché la storia ha già la sua trama ed il suo finale Noi incarneremo qui Vizi e virtù Nella commedia tu ti perderai Respirerai con noi La magia che c’è qui stasera Vivi in quest’atmosfera Trash e un po’ surreale Ti coinvolgerà   Con i suoi alberi di cartone, palazzi di tela Cieli di cartapesta ,laghi di stagnola Lacrime disegnate su guance rosso sangue Lune imperfette e sole che non splende   È tutto un teatro questa vita mia Recito più ruoli In prosa o in poesia Siamo tutti attori In questa realtà Sfoglia il tuo copione Ti sorprenderà   Finito lo show L’inchino per voi Gli applausi e la musica Un attimo e già ritrovo il mio io La solita   Monica Mi sento un po’ un Pierrot Tra gioia e lacrime Ma è andata bene e poi domani replica   Viver  più vite per non morire mai Dolce illusione che mi cullerà E mi accompagnerà Anche fuori da questa scena Se recito bene tu  conoscerai Insospettabili lati di me Sarò simpatica O arrogante e cattiva Una strega o una diva Eroina di un tempo andato Chi mai sarò?   e come scrisse  Pirandello Sono nessuno e centomila Interpreto me stessa E non è mai buona la prima Non sono convincente nei miei panni malandati E cambio le battute Dei miei giorni un po’ sbandati teatro dell'assurdo si trasforma in un film muto e grido senza voce nel mio palco desolato...   Se sei alla ricerca di un'identità di un'interruzione della realtà scrivi il tuo copione o improvviserai sali su quel palco e sarai ciò che vuoi...                                                                               Monica Bergo
Piano solo

$5.00 4.78 € Piano solo PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano,Vocal,Voice - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1493833 Composed by Thomas Oboe Lee. 20th Century,21st Century,Chamber,Classical. Score. 63 pages. Thomas Oboe Lee #1070490. Published by Thomas Oboe Lee (A0.1493833). Full score.Program note.  While looking for more poems to set in Italian, I thought maybe Italo Calvino had written some. Unfortunately he did not, but in the process of my research I stumbled upon Cesare Pavese, 1908-1950. To know a bit more about this person, I contacted my Italian colleague, Giorgio Rimondi, who is a professor in Ferrara, Italy. Giorgio gave me a nice summary of Pavese's life and work. So I went on Amazon and bought a bilingual book of his poems: Disaffections. The poems that intrigued me the most were the ones he wrote for his paramour, the American model and actress, Constance Dowling. The last poem he wrote before he committed suicide at the age of 41 was dedicated to her: Death will come and will have your eyes. I chose that poem as the anchor of a set of eight poems for the song cycle. 1. Ancora tu sei l'amore 2. To C. from C.*** 3. In the morning you always come back 4. Verrà la morta e avrà i tuoi occhi 5. Passerò per Piazza di Spagna 6. The night you slept 7. I gatti lo sapranno 8. Last blues, to be read some day*** NB: Two of the poems with *** are originally in English. I thought an English setting within a song cycle that is Italian would be a bit jarring. So I asked my friend Giorgio if he could make me an Italian version of the poems. He instead informed me that Italo Calvino had already made a literal translation of those two English poems. Thanks, Giorgio and Italo.
A C. da C. (2024)
Piano, Voice

$9.99 9.55 € Piano, Voice PDF SheetMusicPlus

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