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Mixed choir (SATB) and organ (2. organ ad libitum) - intermediate - Digital Download SKU: S9.Q21719 Psalm 122. Composed by Naji Hakim. This edition: score. Downloadable, Score. Schott Music - Digital #Q21719. Published by Schott Music - Digital (S9.Q21719). Latin.In gleich zwei Fassungen hat der renommierte libanesisch-französische Komponist Naji Hakim seine Komposition Laetatus sum für gemischten Chor (SATB) und Orgel (2. Orgel ad lib.) vorgelegt, die hier in nur einer Notenausgabe vereint sind. Neben einer vollständigen Vertonung des 122. Psalms, die für feierliche Introitus und Prozessionen sowie festliche Pontifikal-Vespern und Konzerte gleichermaßen gut geeignet ist, findet sich auch eine gekürzte Fassung dieses Psalms Davids. Sie ist hervorragend als feierliches Introitus (oder Offertorium) an Sonntagen im Jahreskreis zu verwenden. Das bis zu achtstimmige Werk entstand als Auftragskomposition zum 150-jährigen Bestehen des Knabenchors am Kölner Dom und wurde in einer „Orgelfeierstunde des Kölner Doms 2015 uraufgeführt. In der Tat lässt sich Hakims besondere Affinität zur Orgel auch hier nicht leugnen. Der mit zahlreichen Orgel- und Kompositionspreisen dekorierte Langlais-Schüler sieht für die höchst anspruchsvolle und umfangreiche Orgelpartie dieses lateinischsprachigen Chorwerks gleich zwei Orgeln vor. Da sie aber nicht gleichzeitig, sondern stets im Wechsel zum Einsatz kommen, kann der gesamte Part auch auf nur einer Orgel gespielt werden. Beide Versionen dieses mit Taktwechseln nur so gespickten Psalms setzen bei Chor wie Organist(en) ein hohes Maß an musikalischem Können voraus.
Laetatus sum
Chorale SATB

$15.99 14.69 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Mixed choir (SATB) and organ (2. organ ad libitum) - intermediate - Digital Download SKU: S9.Q21632 Psalm 122. Composed by Naji Hakim. This edition: choral score. Downloadable, Choral score. Schott Music - Digital #Q21632. Published by Schott Music - Digital (S9.Q21632). Latin.In gleich zwei Fassungen hat der renommierte libanesisch-französische Komponist Naji Hakim seine Komposition Laetatus sum für gemischten Chor (SATB) und Orgel (2. Orgel ad lib.) vorgelegt, die hier in nur einer Notenausgabe vereint sind. Neben einer vollständigen Vertonung des 122. Psalms, die für feierliche Introitus und Prozessionen sowie festliche Pontifikal-Vespern und Konzerte gleichermaßen gut geeignet ist, findet sich auch eine gekürzte Fassung dieses Psalms Davids. Sie ist hervorragend als feierliches Introitus (oder Offertorium) an Sonntagen im Jahreskreis zu verwenden. Das bis zu achtstimmige Werk entstand als Auftragskomposition zum 150-jährigen Bestehen des Knabenchors am Kölner Dom und wurde in einer „Orgelfeierstunde des Kölner Doms 2015 uraufgeführt. In der Tat lässt sich Hakims besondere Affinität zur Orgel auch hier nicht leugnen. Der mit zahlreichen Orgel- und Kompositionspreisen dekorierte Langlais-Schüler sieht für die höchst anspruchsvolle und umfangreiche Orgelpartie dieses lateinischsprachigen Chorwerks gleich zwei Orgeln vor. Da sie aber nicht gleichzeitig, sondern stets im Wechsel zum Einsatz kommen, kann der gesamte Part auch auf nur einer Orgel gespielt werden. Beide Versionen dieses mit Taktwechseln nur so gespickten Psalms setzen bei Chor wie Organist(en) ein hohes Maß an musikalischem Können voraus.
Laetatus sum
Chorale SATB

$4.99 4.58 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Mixed choir (SSAATTBB) - advanced - Digital Download SKU: S9.Q46153 Composed by Naji Hakim. This edition: choral score. Schott Choral Music. Downloadable, Choral score. Duration 4' 15. Schott Music - Digital #Q46153. Published by Schott Music - Digital (S9.Q46153). Latin.The fact that Naji Hakim's compositional oeuvre is, by his own account, deeply rooted in his personal faith and dedicated to the glory of God and the joy of mankind is evident not only in the text of the sacred choral piece Exultate Deo for eight-part mixed a cappella choir (SSAATTBB). Hakim also manages to capture the textual content of the Latin verses from Psalm 81 by means of musical imagery with various madrigalisms, e.g. with extended melismatic melody lines and distinctive rhythms. This technically demanding sacred choral work was inspired by the Basque folk song Adieu fillette de Bayonne which the Lebanon-born composer already used in the first movement of his concerto for txistu (= Basque wooden flute) and orchestra.Naji Hakim's compositional oeuvre is deeply rooted in his personal faith. This is evident not only in the text of the sacred choral piece Exultate Deo for eight-part mixed a cappella choir (SSAATTBB). Hakim also manages to capture the textual content of the Latin verses from Psalm 81 by means of musical imagery with various madrigalisms, e.g. with extended melismatic melody lines and distinctive rhythms. A technically demanding sacred choral work.
Exultate Deo

$5.99 5.5 € Chorale SSAATTBB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Violin and organ - intermediate - Digital Download SKU: S9.Q18882 Composed by Naji Hakim. This edition: Sheet music. Violin Library. 'Salve Regina', a paraphrase of the Gregorian chant, was created in June 2004. Downloadable. Duration 5:30. Schott Music - Digital #Q18882. Published by Schott Music - Digital (S9.Q18882). Naji Hakim, born in Beirut in 1955, is counted among the most important of present-day organists and organ composers. He studied organ with Jean Langlais at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique in Paris, was organist at Sacré-Cœur in Paris from 1985-93 and then succeeded Olivier Messiaen as organist at the Église de la Trinité. He gives concerts throughout the world, works as a professor at the Conservatoire de Musique in Boulogne, and holds a visiting professorship at the RoyalAcademy in London.In his organ works, Naji Hakim often draws his thematic material from the Gregorian chant, thesaurus of the Roman Catholic Church, which is regarded as essential part of the liturgy even by Vatican II. This paraphrase of the antiphon to the virgin, 'Salve Regina', is based on the plainsong theme (solemn tone). The Gregorian line is unchanged; it evolves slowly above an expressive harmony. The text of the prayer is underlined by the meditative, soft and peaceful character.
Salve Regina
Violon, Orgue

$13.99 12.85 € Violon, Orgue PDF SheetMusicPlus

Organ - intermediate - Digital Download SKU: S9.Q22734 Composed by Naji Hakim. This edition: Sheet music. 'Salve Regina', a paraphrase of the Gregorian chant, was created in June 2004. Downloadable. Schott Music - Digital #Q22734. Published by Schott Music - Digital (S9.Q22734). Naji Hakim, born in Beirut in 1955, is counted among the most important of present-day organists and organ composers. He studied organ with Jean Langlais at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique in Paris, was organist at Sacré-Cœur in Paris from 1985-93 and then succeeded Olivier Messiaen as organist at the Église de la Trinité. He gives concerts throughout the world, works as a professor at the Conservatoire de Musique in Boulogne, and holds a visiting professorship at the RoyalAcademy in London.In his organ works, Naji Hakim often draws his thematic material from the Gregorian chant, thesaurus of the Roman Catholic Church, which is regarded as essential part of the liturgy even by Vatican II. This paraphrase of the antiphon to the virgin, 'Salve Regina', is based on the plainsong theme (solemn tone). The Gregorian line is unchanged; it evolves slowly above an expressive harmony. The text of the prayer is underlined by the meditative, soft and peaceful character.
Salve Regina

$11.99 11.01 € Orgue PDF SheetMusicPlus

Female choir or 3 solo parts (SSA) and organ - intermediate - Digital Download SKU: S9.Q6909 Composed by Naji Hakim. This edition: choral score. Downloadable, Choral score. Schott Music - Digital #Q6909. Published by Schott Music - Digital (S9.Q6909). Latin.After 'Nunc dimittis' (ED 20242) and 'Magnificat' (ED 20150), Naji Hakim now presents 'Verbum caro factum est' (And the word became flesh), his third sacred work for three high voices and organ. The melodious and swaying 'Verbum caro' is followed by a powerful and optimistic 'Gloriam quasi unigeniti' before the introductory text leads to the hymnal ending. The effective setting of the text from St. John's Gospel used as closing gospel in the Catholic Mass can be performed either with women's choir or with three solo voices (2 sopranos, alto).Mit Verbum caro factum est (Und das Wort ist Fleisch geworden) hat Naji Hakim ein drittes geistliches Werk fĂĽr drei hohe Stimmen und Orgel vorgelegt. Die effektvolle Vertonung des in der katholischen Messe als Schluss-Evangelium verwendeten Textes aus dem Johannes-Evangelium kann entweder mit Frauenchor oder drei Solostimmen (2 Soprane, Alt) musiziert werden.
Verbum caro factum est

$11.99 11.01 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Violin solo - advanced - Digital Download SKU: S9.Q11337 On a painting by Edvard Munch (Young people on the beach). Composed by Naji Hakim. This edition: Sheet music. Violin Library. Downloadable. Duration 4 minutes. Schott Music - Digital #Q11337. Published by Schott Music - Digital (S9.Q11337). Lebanon-born composer Naji Hakim, one of the most important organ composers of today, wrote this piece for solo violin under the spell of a painting. 'Edvard Munch's painting Unge mennesker på stranden (Young people on the beach) depicts a peaceful melancholy evening with pensive young people on the beach. A redhead wearing a white dress and a jolly red hat sits near a pram in the center of the picture; to the left, the calm sea in cold bluish colors and to the right, green and lively colours. The atmosphere of this picture inspired me to write a nostalgic fantasy for the violin.' (Hakim) 'The melodic development with its contrasted characters reveals allusions to the Danish and Norwegian folk melodies Det var en lørdag aften and Per spelmann. The closing bars quote Maurice Ravel’s ostinato motif from Prélude à la Nuit.

$9.99 9.18 € Violon PDF SheetMusicPlus

Mixed choir and organ - intermediate - Digital Download SKU: S9.Q18114 5 Choralvariationen for mixed Choir and Organ. Composed by Naji Hakim. This edition: choral score. Downloadable, Choral score. Duration 11 minutes. Schott Music - Digital #Q18114. Published by Schott Music - Digital (S9.Q18114). German.'Valet will ich dir geben – Du arge, falsche Welt…' Based on the sacred poem of Valerius Herberger and written in the style of Melchior Teschner's chorale melody, the French composer Naji Hakim (*1955) wrote a moving work for choir and organ. The five chorale variations lead from heavenly joy in the choral parts to a charming setting for solo organ; then Hakim moves on to a setting for a cappella choir and a canon for soprano and alto with organ accompaniment. The expressive work ends with a lively toccata which is complemented by an expressive adagio in the middle.
Valet will ich dir geben
Chorale SATB

$5.99 5.5 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Mixed choir a cappella - intermediate - Digital Download SKU: S9.Q7195 Words from: Song of Solomon 8:6. Composed by Naji Hakim. This edition: choral score. Schott Choral Music. Downloadable, Choral score. Duration 2:30. Schott Music - Digital #Q7195. Published by Schott Music - Digital (S9.Q7195). English • Danish.Naji Hakim, born in Beirut in 1955, is one of the most important organists and organ composers of today. He studied with Jean Langlais as well as at the Paris Conservatoire, was organist at Sacré-Coeur in Paris from 1985-93 and later succeeded Messiaen as organist at the Église de la Sainte Trinité. He gives concerts all over the world, is professor at the Conservatoire of Boulogne and visiting professor at the Royal Academy in London. 'Set me as a seal upon your heart' sets one of the best-known texts from King Solomon's Song to music. The expressive vocal setting for mixed a-cappella choir is suitable for sacred and secular concerts. Of the same piece, Hakim also composed a version for solo soprano and organ (ED 20808).
Set me as a seal upon your heart
Chorale SATB

$2.99 2.75 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Soprano and organ (piano) - intermediate - Digital Download SKU: S9.Q7194 Words from: Song of Solomon 8:6. Composed by Naji Hakim. This edition: Sheet music. Downloadable. Duration 2:30. Schott Music - Digital #Q7194. Published by Schott Music - Digital (S9.Q7194). English • Danish.Naji Hakim, born in Beirut in 1955, is one of the most important organists and organ composers of today. He studied with Jean Langlais as well as at the Paris Conservatoire and was organist at Sacré-Coeur in Paris from 1985-93 and later succeeded Messiaen as organist at the Église de la Sainte Trinité. He gives concerts all over the world, is professor at the Conservatoire of Boulogne and visiting professor at the Royal Academy in London. 'Set me as a seal upon your heart' sets one of the best-known texts from King Solomon's Song to music. The expressive aria for soprano and organ is suitable for sacred and secular concerts. Of the same piece, Hakim also composed a version for mixed a-cappella choir (C 53747).
Set me as a seal upon your heart

$9.99 9.18 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Mixed choir and organ - intermediate - Digital Download SKU: S9.Q18119 5 Variations for Choir and Organ on a Choral by Melchior Teschner. Composed by Naji Hakim. This edition: score. Downloadable, Score. Duration 11 minutes. Schott Music - Digital #Q18119. Published by Schott Music - Digital (S9.Q18119). German.'Valet will ich dir geben – Du arge, falsche Welt…' Based on the sacred poem of Valerius Herberger and written in the style of Melchior Teschner's chorale melody, the French composer Naji Hakim (*1955) wrote a moving work for choir and organ. The five chorale variations lead from heavenly joy in the choral parts to a charming setting for solo organ; then Hakim moves on to a setting for a cappella choir and a canon for soprano and alto with organ accompaniment. The expressive work ends with a lively toccata which is complemented by an expressive adagio in the middle.
Valet will ich dir geben
Chorale SATB

$13.99 12.85 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Soprano and organ - intermediate - Digital Download SKU: S9.Q7204 Variations on an English Hymn. Composed by Naji Hakim. This edition: Sheet music. Downloadable. Duration 6 minutes. Schott Music - Digital #Q7204. Published by Schott Music - Digital (S9.Q7204). Naji Hakim, geboren 1955 in Beirut, gehört zu den bedeutendsten Organisten und Orgelkomponisten der Gegenwart. Er studierte bei Jean Langlais am Conservatoire in Paris und war von 1985-93 Organist an Sacré-Coeur in Paris, anschließend als Nachfolger Messiaens an der Basilika SteTrinité. Er konzertiert weltweit, wirkt als Professor am Conservatoire in Boulogne und hat eine Gastprofessur an der Royal Academy in London. Der Variationszyklus Amazing Grace verwendet als Thema den traditionellen englischen Song New Britain, dem ein christlicher Text des englischen Dichters John Newton (1725-1807) zugrunde liegt. Dieser war zeit seines Lebens als Sklavenhändler tätig, wurde aber gegen Ende seines Lebens bekehrt, kämpfte gegen den Sklavenhandel und wirkte als Prediger für die englische Kirche. In seinem Lied Amazing Grace (Erstaunliche Gnade) dankt er für die wundersame Bekehrung und beschreibt sie als Gnade Gottes. Hakim komponierte die Variationen für Orgel solo (ED 20862) und für Sopran und Orgel (ED 20831).
Amazing Grace

$17.99 16.53 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Organ - intermediate to advanced - Digital Download SKU: S9.Q16993 Composed by Naji Hakim. This edition: Sheet music. Downloadable. Duration 6 minutes. Schott Music - Digital #Q16993. Published by Schott Music - Digital (S9.Q16993). In commissioning this work, Hans-Georg Vleugels invited me to pay tribute to history's legendary churches, such as the Hagia Sofia of Istanbul and the Schlosskirche of Chemnitz. The Schlosskirche, a former Benedictine abbey, was the catalyst for the foundation of the city of Chemnitz. The composition, Hagia Sofia (Holy Wisdom), is based on the medieval antiphon Crucem sanctam subiit, which was suggested by my son Jean-Paul due to its likely links with the Templar Knights, who had a very active role in defending Christianity in the Middle East. It is articulated in four harmonic and ornamental variations (Maestoso, Andante, Maestoso, Allegro) and is framed by a solemn organum setting of the medieval theme. (Naji Hakim).
Hagia Sofia

$12.99 11.93 € Orgue PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano - intermediate - Digital Download SKU: S9.Q18657 Sur Auprès de ma blonde. Composed by Naji Hakim. This edition: Sheet music. Downloadable. Duration 10 minutes. Schott Music - Digital #Q18657. Published by Schott Music - Digital (S9.Q18657). Naji Hakim (*1955), French composer of Lebanese descent, not only writes pieces for his principal instrument, the organ; even his piano works are characterized by many different sources, his major source of inspiration often being folk songs such as 'Auprès de ma blonde' whose melody dates back to the 16th century. The theme, which is introduced with a typical march rhythm, is developed in seven entertaining variations. One of the most popular French folk songs, interpreted by Elvis Presley and Doris Day among others, still is sung and played today. The present arrangement is an effective addition to the repertoire of every pianist.
Piano seul

$13.99 12.85 € Piano seul PDF SheetMusicPlus

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