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Brass Quartet Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 1 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1492141 Composed by Johann Sebastian Bach. Arranged by Iury Cardoso. Baroque,Chamber,Christian,Classical,Wedding. 8 pages. Iury Cardoso #1068815. Published by Iury Cardoso (A0.1492141). Beautiful Easy BRASS QUARTET arrangement of the piece: Air (from Orchestral Suite No.3 in D major, BWV 1068) by Johann Sebastian Bach  (Score and parts: 8 pages)     This arrangement of Bach's Aria transforms the original piece into a easy version for BRASS QUARTET and features easy writing. This arrangement can be played by beginners or professionals, due to the characteristics and tempo of the piece.  The chord symbols are present in the sheet music, allowing the ensemble to be accompanied by another harmonic instrument, or even for a better understanding of the harmonic structure of the piece.  This music is ideal for recitals, rehearsals, concerts, weddings and also suitable for musical moments during Christmas, Easter and various holidays. Get Bach's Aria sheet music now and play this masterpiece that captivates the soul with its timeless beauty.    Other features of this sheet music:  - Easy arrangement: made for beginner, intermediate or professionals level musicians.  - Chord symbols included: but, if you prefer, there is also a version of this same arrangement without the chord symbols on this website.  - Version with the piano available: On this site, there is also a version of this same arrangement with the piano.  - BRASS QUINTET version available: On this site, there is also a version of this same arrangement for BRASS QUINTET (with or without piano accompaniment).  - SOLO version available: On this site, there are also easy SOLO VERSIONS of this arrangement for all BRASS instruments (with or without piano accompaniment).    See more arrangements by Iury Cardoso, thank you so much!    air bach for brass quartet  Orchestral Suite No.3 in D major, BWV 1068  air bach sheet music   air on the G string for brass quartet  air bach brass quartet sheet music   air bach easy brass quartet  air on the G string for beginners   easy brass quartet chamber music   air bach but on brass quartet  air on the G string bach brass quartet version   air on the G string bach easy brass quartet arrangement   air bach brass quartet best arrangement   easy brass quartet baroque sheet music   air bach for brass quartet brass quartet easy sheet music air bach easier version   air on the G string brass quartet sheet music   air bach best arrangement for brass quartet  air on the G string arrangement for brass quartet  air bach for easy brass quartet  easy baroque sheet music for brass quartet  easy air on the G string Orchestral Suite No.3 in D major, BWV 1068 for brass quartet  easy air bach sheet music   easy version of Air on the G string for brass quartet  easy air bach brass quartet sheet music   bach easy brass quartet  air for brass quartet beginners   bach for brass students   air bach best easy arrangement for brass quartet air bach easy version for brass quartet  easy trumpeteasy tromboneeasy tubabach easy sheet music for brass quartet  bach best easy arrangement for brass quartet  bach arrangement for quartet   bach for brass quartet.
"Air - on the G string" (Bach) - Beautiful EASY version for BRASS QUARTET (chord symbols).
Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba

$7.99 7.67 € Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Quartet Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 1 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1492143 Composed by Johann Sebastian Bach. Arranged by Iury Cardoso. Baroque,Chamber,Christian,Classical,Wedding. 7 pages. Iury Cardoso #1068817. Published by Iury Cardoso (A0.1492143). Beautiful Easy BRASS QUARTET arrangement of the piece: Air (from Orchestral Suite No.3 in D major, BWV 1068) by Johann Sebastian Bach  (Score and parts: 7 pages)     This arrangement of Bach's Aria transforms the original piece into a easy version for BRASS QUARTET and features easy writing. This arrangement can be played by beginners or professionals, due to the characteristics and tempo of the piece. This music is ideal for recitals, rehearsals, concerts, weddings and also suitable for musical moments during Christmas, Easter and various holidays. Get Bach's Aria sheet music now and play this masterpiece that captivates the soul with its timeless beauty.    Other features of this sheet music:  - Easy arrangement: made for beginner, intermediate or professionals level musicians.  - Chord symbols not included: but, if you prefer, there is also a version of this same arrangement with the chord symbols on this website.  - Version with the piano available: On this site, there is also a version of this same arrangement with the piano.  - BRASS QUINTET version available: On this site, there is also a version of this same arrangement for BRASS QUINTET (with or without piano accompaniment).  - SOLO version available: On this site, there are also easy SOLO VERSIONS of this arrangement for all BRASS instruments (with or without piano accompaniment).    See more arrangements by Iury Cardoso, thank you so much!    air bach for brass quartet  Orchestral Suite No.3 in D major, BWV 1068  air bach sheet music   air on the G string for brass quartet  air bach brass quartet sheet music   air bach easy brass quartet  air on the G string for beginners   easy brass quartet chamber music   air bach but on brass quartet  air on the G string bach brass quartet version   air on the G string bach easy brass quartet arrangement   air bach brass quartet best arrangement   easy brass quartet baroque sheet music   air bach for brass quartet brass quartet easy sheet music air bach easier version   air on the G string brass quartet sheet music   air bach best arrangement for brass quartet  air on the G string arrangement for brass quartet  air bach for easy brass quartet  easy baroque sheet music for brass quartet  easy air on the G string Orchestral Suite No.3 in D major, BWV 1068 for brass quartet  easy air bach sheet music   easy version of Air on the G string for brass quartet  easy air bach brass quartet sheet music   bach easy brass quartet  air for brass quartet beginners   bach for brass students   air bach best easy arrangement for brass quartet air bach easy version for brass quartet  easy trumpeteasy tromboneeasy tubabach easy sheet music for brass quartet  bach best easy arrangement for brass quartet  bach arrangement for quartet   bach for brass quartet.
"Air - on the G string" (Bach) - Beautiful EASY version for BRASS QUARTET.
Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba

$7.99 7.67 € Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Ensemble Horn,Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.931249 Composed by Giuseppe Verdi. Arranged by Alessandro Macrì. A Cappella,Concert,Film/TV,Romantic Period,Sacred. Score and parts. 20 pages. Music Macri Editions #5771023. Published by Music Macri Editions (A0.931249). La Messa da Requiem di Giuseppe Verdi è un'opera certamente religiosa, ma in un modo tutto suo, scritta cioè da un uomo che non era propriamente praticante: composta ed eseguita (su un precedente progetto per Rossini) nel 1874 per commemorare Alessandro Manzoni a un anno dalla scomparsa, è un lavoro che unisce, alla devozione quasi filiale per i due Grandi, una sensibilità operistica tutta verdiana. E in verità, i cantanti solisti che Verdi aveva in mente nello scrivere la partitura erano certamente voci d’opera.La prima nella chiesa di San Marco a Milano ebbe un tale successo che si tennero altre tre esecuzioni al Teatro alla Scala. Francis Tovey scrive: La Messa era arrivata nella sua vera casa (...) dove il pubblico, che non doveva badare alle convenzioni ecclesiastiche, poté dare sfogo al proprio entusiasmo, con esuberanza tipicamente italiana. Verdi non aveva intenzione di riservare la partitura a rare, solenni commemorazioni. La qualità drammatica e operistica del Requiem mal si adatta all’uso di un servizio regolare in chiesa, né il compositore voleva che funzionasse come liturgia. Fin dall'inizio, Verdi ha concepito il suo Requiem per l’esecuzione, non per la devozione; voleva che il suo lavoro fosse complementare alla popolarità di Manzoni per mostrare al mondo la cultura italiana, tanto che lo portò personalmente in tournée a Parigi, New York, Londra e Vienna.Il Requiem di Verdi, come Ein deutsches Requiem di Johannes Brahms, è l’affermazione di un dolore personale che si serve di un testo preso in prestito dalla liturgia sacra.Neanche Brahms, come Verdi, era particolarmente devoto. Per entrambi, le parole della messa da requiem per i defunti rappresentano il bisogno universale di esprimere le emozioni che ci assalgono quando una persona amata muore: dolore, perdita, tristezza, rabbia, paura del giudizio divino e speranza di pace sia per i defunti che per coloro che sono in lutto.Verdi inizia con i versi Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine che il coro e l'orchestra intonano in fasi sommesse e raccolte. I quattro solisti si uniscono al coro e all'orchestra per uno stentoreo Kyrie eleison. Il tonitruante boato orchestrale e corale del Dies irae che segue immediatamente il Kyrie Ã¨ il momento più atteso e memorabile del Requiem. Qui i musicisti, i coristi e i cantanti devono produrre esplosioni sonore continue e inarrestabili. Gli ottoni, le percussioni, i legni e il coro sono tirati al massimo, mentre le voci gridano sgomento e dolore, e gli archi crescono di intensità e impeto. Del resto, il materiale musicale del pauroso Dies irae ritorna di continuo lungo tutta la Messa, dipingendo un quadro da Giorno del Giudizio: non a caso l’opera è stata equiparata all’affresco michelangiolesco della Cappella Sistina. Un lavoro cupamente drammatico, con intermittenti, brevi, violenti lampi di luce.Di volta in volta, Verdi ci fa vivere il terrore dell'inferno (timbri e registri bassi) e la luminosa speranza di salvezza, preparandoci alla gioia del Sanctus, con la tromba che annuncia Santo, santo, santo, Signore degli eserciti! Il cielo e la terra sono pieni della tua gloria!Verdi conclude il suo Requiem con un soprano che intona i primi versi di Libera me (Liberami, o Signore, dalla morte eterna in quel terribile giorno). Tutto il dramma, il terrore, l’angoscia delle sezioni precedenti ritorna, come se il compositore intendesse lasciarci con un senso di incertezza: saremo, alla fine, riscattati? Verdi riprende qui la musica del Dies irae, ma alla fine, il coro e il soprano finiscono in un sussurro quasi impercettibile, con Libera me. Libera me: una speranza, una preghiera, un gemito sommesso.
DIES IRAE from REQUIEM by G. Verdi
Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba

$9.00 8.64 € Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Ensemble Horn,Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 5 - Digital Download SKU: A0.813393 Composed by Johann Sebastian Bach. Arranged by Regis Bookshar. Baroque,Instructional,Multicultural,Standards,World. Score and parts. 41 pages. Regis Bookshar #6209793. Published by Regis Bookshar (A0.813393). Brass Quintet - Advanced - Digital Download. This must-have arrangement would be a fabulous addition to any music library and could be performed for concerts and recitals and could also be performed for church services. This brilliant work by Johann Sebastian Bach is an adaptation of Antonio Vivaldi's Concerto for Four Violins and String Orchestra in B minor. Bach had gotten to know Vivaldi's concertos while he was an organist at Weimar, where he transcribed ten of them for solo harpsichord and six of them for organ. Originally written in B minor, Bach transposed it to A minor and, while preserving the melodic outline as conceived by Vivaldi for four violins, this later adaptation, from around 1730, for four harpsichords and string orchestra, is far more ambitious. In it, Bach has both tightened and expanded Vivaldi's counterpoint, enriched it with lusher harmonies and expanded the solo parts with greater complexity and greater clarity. The result is a composition that actually improves on the original work. Written in the standard three-movement concerto form of the Baroque period, Bach's Concerto for Four Claviers in A minor is a virtuoso piece for the soloists. Regis Bookshar has now rearranged the first movement of this concerto, marked Allegro, for a Brass Quintet, consisting of 2 Trumpets, 1 French Horn, 1 Trombone and 1 Tuba, while maintaining the energy and virtuosity of Bach's original work. This arrangement is intended to be performed by accomplished players. It may prove to be a huge challenge for many players, but, I think, it will be worth the effort. Included are a score and a complete set of parts (41 pages). In addition to this version for a Brass Quintet, other arrangements of this selection are also available for a variety of Instrumental Quintets, some of which are in the original key of Concert A minor and some have been transposed to Concert G minor, making it a little easier for some performers, as well as numerous other arrangements in a wide variety of styles. I would encourage you to search for other arrangements by Regis Bookshar. You may find something else which might interest you as well. I'm certain that this exciting arrangement will be a challenge to many performers but will continue to entertain both performers and audiences alike for years to come. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I have enjoyed working on it.
Allegro (from "Concerto for Four Claviers") (G min) (Brass Quintet - 2 Trp, 1 Hrn, 1 Trb, 1 Tuba)
Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba

$35.00 33.62 € Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Quartet - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1225575 Composed by Johann Sebastian Bach. Arranged by César Madeira. Baroque,Chamber,Early Music,Film/TV,Multicultural,World. 3 pages. Sheet Music To Play Editions #821647. Published by Sheet Music To Play Editions (A0.1225575). Air on the G String from Orchestral Suite No.3 (BWV1068). Arrangement for Brass Quartet - Bb Trumpet 1, 2, French Horn and Trombone. With Full Score. Enjoy it!This file DOES NOT contain Individual Parts. Full Score only.Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750) was a German composer and musician of the Baroque period. He is known for instrumental compositions such as the Brandenburg Concertos and the Goldberg Variations, and for vocal music such as the St Matthew Passion and the Mass in B minor. Since the 19th-century Bach Revival, he has been generally regarded as one of the greatest composers of all time.For Tutorials, Play Alongs or request New Arrangements, visit my YouTube Channel: Sheet Music To Play
Air on G String - Brass Quartet (Full Score) - Score Only
Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba

$7.99 7.67 € Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Ensemble Horn,Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 5 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1349582 By Johann Sebastian Bach. By Johann Sebastian Bach. Arranged by Bob Affonso. Baroque,Chamber,Classical,Historic,Traditional. 18 pages. Celebratory Music #934344. Published by Celebratory Music (A0.1349582). This classic selection by Johann Sebastian Bach was originally written for the organ but has been re-scored for an 8-piece brass ensemble. Very difficult but extremely rewarding when performed. The original spirit and energy of the piece is retained in this well-arranged version. It sounds great and lively for any occasion!
Little Fugue in G Minor
Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba
Johann Sebastian Bach
$29.99 28.81 € Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Ensemble Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1182991 Composed by Christian Petzold. Arranged by Alex Nunes Rodrigues. Classical. Score and parts. 6 pages. Alex Rodrigues #782737. Published by Alex Rodrigues (A0.1182991). The Minuet in G Major, BWV Anh. 114 is an amazing classical piece that will surprise you with its simplicity and elegance. Although there is some controversy over who composed it, many believe it was created by Johann Sebastian Bach. If you're looking for an easy and beautiful piece of music to play, this minuet is perfect for you. Whether you're new to the world of music or already have some experience, you'll love playing the Minuet in G Major, BWV Anh. 114. Enjoy playing one of the coolest classical pieces of all time with the sheet music for this piece.
Minuet In G Major (with chords)
Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba

$1.99 1.91 € Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Ensemble Horn,Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1183559 Composed by Christian Petzold. Arranged by Alex Nunes Rodrigues. Classical. Score and parts. 8 pages. Alex Rodrigues #783232. Published by Alex Rodrigues (A0.1183559). The Minuet in G Major, BWV Anh. 114 is an amazing classical piece that will surprise you with its simplicity and elegance. Although there is some controversy over who composed it, many believe it was created by Johann Sebastian Bach. If you're looking for an easy and beautiful piece of music to play, this minuet is perfect for you. Whether you're new to the world of music or already have some experience, you'll love playing the Minuet in G Major, BWV Anh. 114. Enjoy playing one of the coolest classical pieces of all time with the sheet music for this piece.
Minuet In G Major (with piano and chords)
Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba

$1.99 1.91 € Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Ensemble Horn,Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1183561 Composed by Christian Petzold. Arranged by Alex Nunes Rodrigues. Classical. Score and parts. 7 pages. Alex Rodrigues #783234. Published by Alex Rodrigues (A0.1183561). The Minuet in G Major, BWV Anh. 114 is an amazing classical piece that will surprise you with its simplicity and elegance. Although there is some controversy over who composed it, many believe it was created by Johann Sebastian Bach. If you're looking for an easy and beautiful piece of music to play, this minuet is perfect for you. Whether you're new to the world of music or already have some experience, you'll love playing the Minuet in G Major, BWV Anh. 114. Enjoy playing one of the coolest classical pieces of all time with the sheet music for this piece.
Minuet In G Major (with chords)
Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba

$1.99 1.91 € Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Ensemble Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1182988 Composed by Christian Petzold. Arranged by Alex Nunes Rodrigues. Classical. Score and parts. 7 pages. Alex Rodrigues #782733. Published by Alex Rodrigues (A0.1182988). The Minuet in G Major, BWV Anh. 114 is an amazing classical piece that will surprise you with its simplicity and elegance. Although there is some controversy over who composed it, many believe it was created by Johann Sebastian Bach. If you're looking for an easy and beautiful piece of music to play, this minuet is perfect for you. Whether you're new to the world of music or already have some experience, you'll love playing the Minuet in G Major, BWV Anh. 114. Enjoy playing one of the coolest classical pieces of all time with the sheet music for this piece.
Minuet In G Major (with piano and chords)
Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba

$1.99 1.91 € Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Quartet Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1402245 Composed by Johann Sebastian Bach. Arranged by Gildson Cerqueira. Baroque,Chamber,Classical,Early Music,Wedding. 7 pages. Gildson Cerqueira #985452. Published by Gildson Cerqueira (A0.1402245). * PARTS INCLUDED! *Experience the timeless elegance of Bach's 'Minuet in G' like never before with our exclusive sheet music arrangement. Immerse yourself in the intricate harmonies and graceful melodies of this classic piece, expertly crafted to showcase its beauty and charm. Whether you're a seasoned musician or an aspiring virtuoso, our meticulously notated arrangement will inspire and delight. Elevate your repertoire today with our unique interpretation of Bach's beloved 'Minuet in G'. Purchase your copy now and let the music speak for itself.[VERSIONS WITH OR WITHOUT CHORDS AVAILABLE!][VERSIONS WITH OR WITHOUT PIANO AVAILABLE!].
Minuet in G
Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba

$9.99 9.6 € Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Ensemble Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1182989 Composed by Christian Petzold. Arranged by Alex Nunes Rodrigues. Classical. Score and parts. 7 pages. Alex Rodrigues #782735. Published by Alex Rodrigues (A0.1182989). The Minuet in G Major, BWV Anh. 114 is an amazing classical piece that will surprise you with its simplicity and elegance. Although there is some controversy over who composed it, many believe it was created by Johann Sebastian Bach. If you're looking for an easy and beautiful piece of music to play, this minuet is perfect for you. Whether you're new to the world of music or already have some experience, you'll love playing the Minuet in G Major, BWV Anh. 114. Enjoy playing one of the coolest classical pieces of all time with the sheet music for this piece.
Minuet In G Major (with piano)
Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba

$1.99 1.91 € Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Ensemble Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1182992 Composed by Christian Petzold. Arranged by Alex Nunes Rodrigues. Classical. Score and parts. 2 pages. Alex Rodrigues #782738. Published by Alex Rodrigues (A0.1182992). The Minuet in G Major, BWV Anh. 114 is an amazing classical piece that will surprise you with its simplicity and elegance. Although there is some controversy over who composed it, many believe it was created by Johann Sebastian Bach. If you're looking for an easy and beautiful piece of music to play, this minuet is perfect for you. Whether you're new to the world of music or already have some experience, you'll love playing the Minuet in G Major, BWV Anh. 114. Enjoy playing one of the coolest classical pieces of all time with the sheet music for this piece.
Minuet In G Major
Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba

$1.99 1.91 € Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Ensemble Horn,Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1183562 Composed by Christian Petzold. Arranged by Alex Nunes Rodrigues. Classical. Score and parts. 7 pages. Alex Rodrigues #783235. Published by Alex Rodrigues (A0.1183562). The Minuet in G Major, BWV Anh. 114 is an amazing classical piece that will surprise you with its simplicity and elegance. Although there is some controversy over who composed it, many believe it was created by Johann Sebastian Bach. If you're looking for an easy and beautiful piece of music to play, this minuet is perfect for you. Whether you're new to the world of music or already have some experience, you'll love playing the Minuet in G Major, BWV Anh. 114. Enjoy playing one of the coolest classical pieces of all time with the sheet music for this piece.
Minuet In G Major
Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba

$1.99 1.91 € Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Ensemble Horn,Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1183560 Composed by Christian Petzold. Arranged by Alex Nunes Rodrigues. Classical. Score and parts. 8 pages. Alex Rodrigues #783233. Published by Alex Rodrigues (A0.1183560). The Minuet in G Major, BWV Anh. 114 is an amazing classical piece that will surprise you with its simplicity and elegance. Although there is some controversy over who composed it, many believe it was created by Johann Sebastian Bach. If you're looking for an easy and beautiful piece of music to play, this minuet is perfect for you. Whether you're new to the world of music or already have some experience, you'll love playing the Minuet in G Major, BWV Anh. 114. Enjoy playing one of the coolest classical pieces of all time with the sheet music for this piece.
Minuet In G Major (with piano)
Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba

$1.99 1.91 € Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

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