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Brass Ensemble Horn,Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.767361 Composed by Claudio Monteverdi. Arranged by Mike Lyons. Baroque,Renaissance. Score and parts. 28 pages. Lyons Music Services #3544647. Published by Lyons Music Services (A0.767361). At long last I have nearly finished the 7th book. This book has posed some issues as it is such complex music it is almost impossible to cut it down to 5 parts while maintaining its integrity. As a result, some songs will be in 6 or more parts. Ai lume delle stelle is a song of loss. By the light of the stars, Tirsi bemoans the loss of his beloved whose eyes were like flickering stars or torches flickering in the night. This setting is for an expanded ensemble of 8 players as follows: Part 1 in Bb - Trumpet/Cornet 1 Part 2 in Bb - Trumpet/Cornet 2 Part 3 in F/C/Bb/Eb - Horn/Euphonium/Trombone/Baritone Part 4 in C/Eb/Bb - Euphonium/Baritone/Trombone/Tuba/Eb Bass Part 5 in Bb - Trumpet/Cornet 3 Part 6 in Bb/F/Eb - Trumpet/Cornet/Horn Part 7 in C/F/Bb - Trombone/Horn/Euphonium Part 8 in C/Eb - Tuba/Eb Bass The seventh book is quite a change from the earlier ones. Monteverdi seems to be concentrating on developing solos and duets, trios and small accompanied ensembles. The accompaniments are often written out with more than just long note chords. The intricate instrumental parts are more than just filling in the harmony (hence the difficulty in paring them down.) Once again, these songs are exquisitely crafted and travel well onto brass.
Monteverdi - The Seventh Book of Madrigals (1619) - 23. Al lume delle stelle
Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba
the light of the stars, Tirsi bemoans the loss of his beloved whose eyes were like flickering stars or torches flickering in the night

This setting is for an expanded ensemble of 8 players as follows:

Part 1 in Bb - Trumpet/Cornet 1

Part 2 in Bb - Trumpet/Cornet 2

Part 3 in F/C/Bb/Eb - Horn/Euphonium/Trombone/Baritone

Part 4 in C/Eb/Bb - Euphonium/Baritone/Trombone/Tuba/Eb Bass

Part 5 in Bb - Trumpet/Cornet 3

Part 6 in Bb/F/Eb - Trumpet/Cornet/Horn

Part 7 in C/F/Bb - Trombone/Horn/Euphonium

Part 8 in C/Eb - Tuba/Eb Bass

The seventh book is quite a change from the earlier ones
$5.99 5.74 € Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Ensemble Horn,Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.789759 Composed by Sir Arthur Seymour Sullivan. Arranged by Matt Smith. Romantic Period. Score and parts. 18 pages. Matt Smith #2931059. Published by Matt Smith (A0.789759). The Lost Chord is a song composed by Arthur Sullivan in 1877 at the bedside of his brother Fred during Fred's last illness. The manuscript is dated 13 January 1877; Fred Sullivan died five days later. The lyric was written as a poem by Adelaide Anne Procter called A Lost Chord, published in 1858 in The English Woman's Journal.This arrangement for Brass Quintet is a great addition to any concert. It gives the chance to show off the lyrical qualities of the brass family, as well as having a powerful and emotional ending which will satisfy any audience.Duration: About 5 minutesYouTube demo video: for more!Also available for Trombone Quartet:
The Lost Chord by Arthur Sullivan - BRASS QUINTET
Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba

$29.99 28.74 € Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Ensemble Horn,Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.931249 Composed by Giuseppe Verdi. Arranged by Alessandro Macrì. A Cappella,Concert,Film/TV,Romantic Period,Sacred. Score and parts. 20 pages. Music Macri Editions #5771023. Published by Music Macri Editions (A0.931249). La Messa da Requiem di Giuseppe Verdi è un'opera certamente religiosa, ma in un modo tutto suo, scritta cioè da un uomo che non era propriamente praticante: composta ed eseguita (su un precedente progetto per Rossini) nel 1874 per commemorare Alessandro Manzoni a un anno dalla scomparsa, è un lavoro che unisce, alla devozione quasi filiale per i due Grandi, una sensibilità operistica tutta verdiana. E in verità, i cantanti solisti che Verdi aveva in mente nello scrivere la partitura erano certamente voci d’opera.La prima nella chiesa di San Marco a Milano ebbe un tale successo che si tennero altre tre esecuzioni al Teatro alla Scala. Francis Tovey scrive: La Messa era arrivata nella sua vera casa (...) dove il pubblico, che non doveva badare alle convenzioni ecclesiastiche, poté dare sfogo al proprio entusiasmo, con esuberanza tipicamente italiana. Verdi non aveva intenzione di riservare la partitura a rare, solenni commemorazioni. La qualità drammatica e operistica del Requiem mal si adatta all’uso di un servizio regolare in chiesa, né il compositore voleva che funzionasse come liturgia. Fin dall'inizio, Verdi ha concepito il suo Requiem per l’esecuzione, non per la devozione; voleva che il suo lavoro fosse complementare alla popolarità di Manzoni per mostrare al mondo la cultura italiana, tanto che lo portò personalmente in tournée a Parigi, New York, Londra e Vienna.Il Requiem di Verdi, come Ein deutsches Requiem di Johannes Brahms, è l’affermazione di un dolore personale che si serve di un testo preso in prestito dalla liturgia sacra.Neanche Brahms, come Verdi, era particolarmente devoto. Per entrambi, le parole della messa da requiem per i defunti rappresentano il bisogno universale di esprimere le emozioni che ci assalgono quando una persona amata muore: dolore, perdita, tristezza, rabbia, paura del giudizio divino e speranza di pace sia per i defunti che per coloro che sono in lutto.Verdi inizia con i versi Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine che il coro e l'orchestra intonano in fasi sommesse e raccolte. I quattro solisti si uniscono al coro e all'orchestra per uno stentoreo Kyrie eleison. Il tonitruante boato orchestrale e corale del Dies irae che segue immediatamente il Kyrie Ã¨ il momento più atteso e memorabile del Requiem. Qui i musicisti, i coristi e i cantanti devono produrre esplosioni sonore continue e inarrestabili. Gli ottoni, le percussioni, i legni e il coro sono tirati al massimo, mentre le voci gridano sgomento e dolore, e gli archi crescono di intensità e impeto. Del resto, il materiale musicale del pauroso Dies irae ritorna di continuo lungo tutta la Messa, dipingendo un quadro da Giorno del Giudizio: non a caso l’opera è stata equiparata all’affresco michelangiolesco della Cappella Sistina. Un lavoro cupamente drammatico, con intermittenti, brevi, violenti lampi di luce.Di volta in volta, Verdi ci fa vivere il terrore dell'inferno (timbri e registri bassi) e la luminosa speranza di salvezza, preparandoci alla gioia del Sanctus, con la tromba che annuncia Santo, santo, santo, Signore degli eserciti! Il cielo e la terra sono pieni della tua gloria!Verdi conclude il suo Requiem con un soprano che intona i primi versi di Libera me (Liberami, o Signore, dalla morte eterna in quel terribile giorno). Tutto il dramma, il terrore, l’angoscia delle sezioni precedenti ritorna, come se il compositore intendesse lasciarci con un senso di incertezza: saremo, alla fine, riscattati? Verdi riprende qui la musica del Dies irae, ma alla fine, il coro e il soprano finiscono in un sussurro quasi impercettibile, con Libera me. Libera me: una speranza, una preghiera, un gemito sommesso.
DIES IRAE from REQUIEM by G. Verdi
Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba

$9.00 8.63 € Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Ensemble Horn,Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.931272 Composed by Johann Strauss Jr. Arranged by Alessandro Macrì. Christmas,Concert,Film/TV,Holiday,Romantic Period. Score and parts. 47 pages. Music Macri Editions #6076475. Published by Music Macri Editions (A0.931272). Rosen aus dem Süden (Rose del Sud) op. 388, è un valzer di Johann Strauss (figlio).«È stata una serata movimentata, la sala era gremita e tutti erano in attesa di poter ascoltare il nuovo lavoro del nostro Strauss, che oggi può godere del raro titolo di nostro, il massimo superlativo per un artista!»(Fremdenblatt)Così scrisse il giornale Fremdenblatt (3 ottobre) in sede di riesame del grande successo alla prima dell'operetta di Johann Strauss Das Spitzentuch der Königin (Il fazzoletto di pizzo della regina), che ebbe la sua prima al Theater an der Wien di Vienna il 1º ottobre 1880.Il compositore stesso, nonostante il favore con il quale la sua operetta venne accolta da pubblico e critica, era convinto che non avrebbe goduto di un successo duraturo. Ma Strauss non aveva alcun dubbio al riguardo del valzer, Rosen aus dem Süden, che aveva frettolosamente assemblato da motivi dell'operetta. L'edizione per pianoforte venne pubblicata dal suo editore, Cranz, appena quattro giorni dopo la prima del lavoro.L'onore di condurre la prima rappresentazione di Rosen aus dem Süden toccò al fratello Johann, Eduard Strauss, ancora impegnato in un tour di concerti in Germania quando vi fu la prima dell'operetta, che il 7 novembre lo eseguì durante uno dei concerti della domenica pomeriggio diretti da Eduard al Musikverein.Il valzer racchiude al suo interno alcune delle più belle arie dell'operetta, due arie che già avevano ricevuto la lode alla prima rappresentazione furono quella del re nel primo atto Stets kommt mir wieder in den Sinn (il ritornello che Strauss sostenne di aver dovuto riscrivere per ben 12 volte) e la romanza di Cervantes del secondo atto Wo die Wilde erblht Rose.
Rosen aus dem Süden op. 388 waltz
Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba

$17.00 16.29 € Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Ensemble Horn,Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.931214 Composed by Richard Wagner. Arranged by Alessandro Macrì. Concert,Film/TV,Opera,Video Game. Score and parts. 55 pages. Music Macri Editions #5311013. Published by Music Macri Editions (A0.931214). Parsifal Ã¨ l'ultimo dramma musicale di Richard Wagner, andato in scena il 26 luglio 1882 al Festival di Bayreuth diretto da Hermann Levi, ma rappresentato per la prima volta nei teatri europei solo a partire dal 1º gennaio 1914 con la prima a Bologna con Giuseppe Borgatti.Dopo una gestazione lunga alcuni decenni, l'opera fu composta tra il 1877 e il 1882 e segna il ritorno al tema del Graal, già affrontato molti anni prima in Lohengrin. Il preludio dell'opera è stato oggetto di citazione nel film Baci e abbracci (1998), ed usato come colonna sonora nel film Excalibur (1981).L'arrangiamento è diviso in tre parti:1. PreludioL'introduzione sinfonica espone con straordinaria ampiezza il motivo dell'Ultima Cena, articolato col tema della Fede in un discorso interrotto da lunghi silenzi. L'atmosfera di altissima sacralità si rivela fin dalle prime battute del preludio, collegandosi direttamente alla scena del primo atto. In una radura boscosa nei pressi del monastero, i cavalieri si destano al sorgere del sole; tra di loro è l'anziano Gurnemanz, il più saggio custode della virtù e della storia del Santo Graal. Giunge al galoppo la selvaggia Kundry, che appare nelle sincere vesti di amica dei cavalieri. La donna ha con sé un'erba medicamentosa proveniente dall'Arabia, pensando che possa servire per lenire la piaga di Amfortas. Dopo un accenno alla profezia del Salvatore, Amfortas viene condotto sul lago per l'abluzione giornaliera, mentre la natura sorride al sole del mattino.2. Ingresso nel Castello del Santo GraalI temi di Klingsor e della Magia commentano il breve preludio orchestrale, mentre la scena rivela l'interno di un favoloso palazzo arabo: Klingsor, guardando nel suo specchio magico, osserva Parsifal venire verso il castello. Solo il nemico del Graal riconosce il puro folle che potrebbe redimere i cavalieri, e lo attira dunque nell'abbraccio mortale di Kundry. L'evocazione della donna ne rivela il passato reincarnato: non fu già l'Erodiade che rise in faccia al Battista? Così Klingsor la chiama e la obbliga ad adempiere al proprio castigo. Ma pur preda di terribili sofferenze, Kundry ride in faccia anche a lui, beffeggiando la castità che lo accomuna ai cavalieri del Graal.3. Incantesimo del Venerdì Santo Questa scena è un altro punto chiave dell’opera, senza dubbio uno dei momenti musicali più ispirati di Wagner, che illustra come la natura che circonda i personaggi riflette la santità del giorno, rivelandosi in tutto il proprio splendore.
PARSIFAL by Richard Wagner
Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba

$19.00 18.21 € Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Ensemble Horn,Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.813172 Composed by George Frideric Handel. Arranged by Regis Bookshar. Baroque,Christmas,Instructional,Standards. Score and parts. 20 pages. Regis Bookshar #6130545. Published by Regis Bookshar (A0.813172). Brass Quintet - Advanced/Intermediate - Digital Download. This selection, And the Glory of the Lord, from George Frideric Handel's world-famous oratorio, Messiah, would be an excellent addition to any music library. Originally written for a four-part chorus accompanied by a small orchestra, this selection has been arranged for a Brass Quintet, consisting of 2 Trumpets, 1 French Horn, 1 Trombone and 1 Tuba, by Regis Bookshar, without losing any of the vitality of the original version. I'm certain that this exciting arrangement will entertain both performers and audiences alike for years to come. It is perfect for Christmas concerts and church services, is suitable for high school, college and professional performers and is one of my all-time favorite arrangements. Included are a score and a complete set of parts (20 pages). Handel's original version is written in the key of Concert G, as is this version, but other versions are also available for a variety of instrumental ensembles, both in the key of Concert G and also in the key of Concert F, to make it a little easier for some younger performers. However, this arrangement may still prove to be a challenge for some players. If you are considering having an organist or other keyboard player perform with this selection, I would suggest that you purchase this version in Concert G rather than the one in Concert F. Other selections from Handel's Messiah are also available, as are numerous other arrangements in a variety of styles. I would encourage you to search for other arrangements by Regis Bookshar. You may find something else which might interest you as well. I'm certain that students and audiences will definitely enjoy this arrangement.
And the Glory of the Lord (from "Messiah") (G) (Brass Quintet - 2 Trp, 1 Hrn, 1 Trb, 1 Tuba)
Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba

$24.00 23 € Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Ensemble Horn,Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.813153 Composed by George Frideric Handel. Arranged by Regis Bookshar. Baroque,Christmas,Instructional,Sacred,Standards. Score and parts. 20 pages. Regis Bookshar #6130457. Published by Regis Bookshar (A0.813153). Brass Quintet - Advanced/Intermediate - Digital Download. This selection, And the Glory of the Lord, from George Frideric Handel's world-famous oratorio, Messiah, would be an excellent addition to any music library. Originally written for a four-part chorus accompanied by a small orchestra, this selection has been arranged for a Brass Quintet, consisting of 2 Trumpets, 1 French Horn, 1 Trombone and 1 Tuba, by Regis Bookshar, without losing any of the vitality of the original version. I'm certain that this exciting arrangement will entertain both performers and audiences alike for years to come. It is perfect for Christmas concerts and church services, is suitable for high school, college and professional performers and is one of my all-time favorite arrangements. Included are a score and a complete set of parts (20 pages). Handel's original version is written in the key of Concert G but this version is written in the key of Concert F, to make it a little easier for some younger performers. However, this arrangement may still prove to be a challenge for some players. Other versions of this selection, in both the keys of Concert F and the original key of Concert G, are available for a variety of instrumental ensembles. If you are considering having an organist or other keyboard player perform with this selection, I would suggest that you purchase the version in Concert G rather than the one in Concert F. Other selections from Handel's Messiah are also available, as are numerous other arrangements in a variety of styles. I would encourage you to search for other arrangements by Regis Bookshar. You may find something else which might interest you as well. I'm certain that students and audiences will definitely enjoy this arrangement.
And the Glory of the Lord (from "Messiah") (F) (Brass Quintet - 2 Trp, 1 Hrn, 1 Trb, 1 Tuba)
Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba

$24.00 23 € Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Ensemble Horn,Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.813136 Composed by George Frideric Handel. Arranged by Regis Bookshar. Baroque,Christmas,Instructional,Sacred,Standards. Score and parts. 32 pages. Regis Bookshar #6117885. Published by Regis Bookshar (A0.813136). Brass Quintet - Advanced/Intermediate - Digital Download. This selection, For Unto Us a Child is Born, from George Frideric Handel's world-famous oratorio, Messiah, would be an excellent addition to any music library. Originally written for a four-part chorus accompanied by a small orchestra, this selection has been arranged for a Brass Quintet, consisting of 2 Trumpets, 1 French Horn, 1 Trombone and 1 Tuba, by Regis Bookshar, without losing any of the vitality of the original version. I'm certain that this exciting arrangement will entertain both performers and audiences alike for years to come. It is perfect for Christmas concerts and church services, is suitable for high school, college and professional performers and is one of my all-time favorite arrangements. Included are a score and a complete set of parts (32 pages). Handel's original version is written in the key of Concert G, as is this version, but other versions are also available for a variety of instrumental ensembles, both in the original key of Concert G and also in the key of Concert F, to make it a little easier for some younger performers. This arrangement will prove to be a challenge for many players, especially during long passages played using one breath. If you are considering having an organist or other keyboard player perform with this selection, I would suggest that you purchase the version in Concert G rather than the one in Concert F. Also available are numerous other arrangements in a variety of styles. I would encourage you to search for other arrangements by Regis Bookshar. You may find something else which might interest you as well. I'm certain that this arrangement will please students and audiences alike.
For Unto Us a Child is Born (from "Messiah") (G) (Brass Quintet - 2 Trp, 1 Hrn, 1 Trb, 1 Tuba)
Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba

$35.00 33.54 € Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Ensemble Horn,Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.813118 Composed by George Frideric Handel. Arranged by Regis Bookshar. Baroque,Christmas,Instructional,Sacred,Standards. Score and parts. 32 pages. Regis Bookshar #6117623. Published by Regis Bookshar (A0.813118). Brass Quintet - Advanced/Intermediate - Digital Download. This selection, For Unto Us a Child is Born, from George Frideric Handel's world-famous oratorio, Messiah, would be an excellent addition to any music library. Originally written for a four-part chorus accompanied by a small orchestra, this selection has been arranged for a Brass Quintet, consisting of 2 Trumpets, 1 French Horn, 1 Trombone and 1 Tuba, by Regis Bookshar, without losing any of the vitality of the original version. I'm certain that this exciting arrangement will entertain both performers and audiences alike for years to come. It is perfect for Christmas concerts and church services, is suitable for high school, college and professional performers and is one of my all-time favorite arrangements. Included are a score and a complete set of parts (32 pages). Handel's original version is written in the key of Concert G. This version is written in the key of Concert F, to make it a little easier for some younger performers. This arrangement will prove to be a challenge for many players, especially during long passages played using one breath. Other versions of this selection, in both the keys of Concert F and the original key of Concert G, are available for a variety of instrumental ensembles. If you are considering having an organist or other keyboard player perform with this selection, I would suggest that you purchase the version in Concert G rather than the one in Concert F. Also available are numerous other arrangements in a variety of styles. I would encourage you to search for other arrangements by Regis Bookshar. You may find something else which might interest you as well. I'm certain that this arrangement will please students and audiences alike.
For Unto Us a Child is Born (from "Messiah") (F) (Brass Quintet - 2 Trp, 1 Hrn, 1 Trb, 1 Tuba)
Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba

$35.00 33.54 € Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Ensemble Horn,Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Digital Download SKU: A0.944201 Composed by Frederic Chopin. Arranged by Ryan Putt. Romantic Period. Score and parts. 17 pages. Brasswood Publishing, LLC #5306183. Published by Brasswood Publishing, LLC (A0.944201). This arrangement of one of Chopin's piano preludes, subtitled Raindrop, is an ideal addition to any concert program. Best suited to an advanced ensemble, the melody is passed around the quintet allowing each member to highlight their expressiveness. Hauntingly beautiful, this piece showcases the ability of the brass quintet to be at once delicate and powerful. The arrangement opens with the trumpets passing the melody to each other with the horn acting as an acommpaniment. The trombone begins with the driving eighth notes prevalent throughout the entire piece. The middle section features the trombone and tuba in a strong, driving melody which recedes into a restatement of the opening material to close out the work. The short horn solo at the end brings the piece to a peaceful close, resolving the tension of the middle section. This piece offers a great challenge to the ensemble and would be a wonderful addition to any recital or concert performance.
Prelude, Op. 28, No. 15 - "Raindrop"
Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba

$19.99 19.16 € Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

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