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Brass Quartet - Grade 2.5 - Digital Download SKU: DX.145421 Composed by William P. Mackay. Traditional. Sacred instrumental music. Score and parts. 16 pages. David E. Smith - Digital Sheet Music #145421. Published by David E. Smith - Digital Sheet Music (DX.145421). An accompanied brass quartet comprised of two trumpets and two trombones, with optional horn and baritone TC parts. Beginning with an active introduction the bottom line presents the tune with gentle shadings from the other parts. Then the lines become more active with some antiphonal effects. All of a sudden the meter changes and the moods is smooth and solemn. After a short statement, the meter shifts back to the beginning style and shape- being more active, then moving to more solemnity. A new key takes place and the ensemble shifts to just a solo trumpet. Then, one by one, the other parts add in with more activity in counterpoint. The, the composition slows down and because more stately right to the end.Key of Eb, F.
Revive Us Again
Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba

$8.00 7.71 € Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Ensemble Horn,Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.527653 Composed by C. Franck. Arranged by Diego Marani. Classical,Instructional,Romantic Period,Sacred,Standards. Score and parts. 12 pages. Diego Marani #3064429. Published by Diego Marani (A0.527653). Panis angelicus (Latin for Bread of Angels or Angelic Bread) is the penultimate strophe of the hymn Sacris solemniis written by Saint Thomas Aquinas for the Feast of Corpus Christi as part of a complete liturgy of the feast, including prayers for the Mass and the Liturgy of the Hours.The strophe of Sacris solemniis that begins with the words Panis angelicus (bread of angels) has often been set to music separately from the rest of the hymn. Most famously, in 1872 César Franck set this strophe for tenor voice, harp, cello, and organ, and incorporated it into his Messe à trois voix, Op. 12.This arrangement for brass quartet includes the following parts: Bb Trumpet 1, Bb Trumpet 2, F Horn, Trombone, Tuba.
Panis Angelicus for Brass Quintet
Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba

$18.90 18.21 € Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Ensemble Horn,Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.527652 Composed by C. Franck. Arranged by Diego Marani. Classical,Instructional,Romantic Period,Sacred,Standards. Score and parts. 10 pages. Diego Marani #3062943. Published by Diego Marani (A0.527652). Panis angelicus (Latin for Bread of Angels or Angelic Bread) is the penultimate strophe of the hymn Sacris solemniis written by Saint Thomas Aquinas for the Feast of Corpus Christi as part of a complete liturgy of the feast, including prayers for the Mass and the Liturgy of the Hours.The strophe of Sacris solemniis that begins with the words Panis angelicus (bread of angels) has often been set to music separately from the rest of the hymn. Most famously, in 1872 César Franck set this strophe for tenor voice, harp, cello, and organ, and incorporated it into his Messe à trois voix, Op. 12.This arrangement for brass quartet includes the following parts: Bb Trumpet 1, Bb Trumpet 2, Trombone or F Horn, Tuba.
Panis Angelicus for Brass Quartet
Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba

$14.90 14.36 € Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Ensemble Horn,Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.931214 Composed by Richard Wagner. Arranged by Alessandro Macrì. Concert,Film/TV,Opera,Video Game. Score and parts. 55 pages. Music Macri Editions #5311013. Published by Music Macri Editions (A0.931214). Parsifal Ã¨ l'ultimo dramma musicale di Richard Wagner, andato in scena il 26 luglio 1882 al Festival di Bayreuth diretto da Hermann Levi, ma rappresentato per la prima volta nei teatri europei solo a partire dal 1º gennaio 1914 con la prima a Bologna con Giuseppe Borgatti.Dopo una gestazione lunga alcuni decenni, l'opera fu composta tra il 1877 e il 1882 e segna il ritorno al tema del Graal, già affrontato molti anni prima in Lohengrin. Il preludio dell'opera è stato oggetto di citazione nel film Baci e abbracci (1998), ed usato come colonna sonora nel film Excalibur (1981).L'arrangiamento è diviso in tre parti:1. PreludioL'introduzione sinfonica espone con straordinaria ampiezza il motivo dell'Ultima Cena, articolato col tema della Fede in un discorso interrotto da lunghi silenzi. L'atmosfera di altissima sacralità si rivela fin dalle prime battute del preludio, collegandosi direttamente alla scena del primo atto. In una radura boscosa nei pressi del monastero, i cavalieri si destano al sorgere del sole; tra di loro è l'anziano Gurnemanz, il più saggio custode della virtù e della storia del Santo Graal. Giunge al galoppo la selvaggia Kundry, che appare nelle sincere vesti di amica dei cavalieri. La donna ha con sé un'erba medicamentosa proveniente dall'Arabia, pensando che possa servire per lenire la piaga di Amfortas. Dopo un accenno alla profezia del Salvatore, Amfortas viene condotto sul lago per l'abluzione giornaliera, mentre la natura sorride al sole del mattino.2. Ingresso nel Castello del Santo GraalI temi di Klingsor e della Magia commentano il breve preludio orchestrale, mentre la scena rivela l'interno di un favoloso palazzo arabo: Klingsor, guardando nel suo specchio magico, osserva Parsifal venire verso il castello. Solo il nemico del Graal riconosce il puro folle che potrebbe redimere i cavalieri, e lo attira dunque nell'abbraccio mortale di Kundry. L'evocazione della donna ne rivela il passato reincarnato: non fu già l'Erodiade che rise in faccia al Battista? Così Klingsor la chiama e la obbliga ad adempiere al proprio castigo. Ma pur preda di terribili sofferenze, Kundry ride in faccia anche a lui, beffeggiando la castità che lo accomuna ai cavalieri del Graal.3. Incantesimo del Venerdì Santo Questa scena è un altro punto chiave dell’opera, senza dubbio uno dei momenti musicali più ispirati di Wagner, che illustra come la natura che circonda i personaggi riflette la santità del giorno, rivelandosi in tutto il proprio splendore.
PARSIFAL by Richard Wagner
Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba

$19.00 18.31 € Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Quartet - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1261597 Composed by Ludwig van Beethoven. Arranged by Ander. 19th Century,Classical,Romantic Period. 13 pages. Woods Only, Arrangements #854676. Published by Woods Only, Arrangements (A0.1261597). This adaptation was intended for a small group of brass quartet, where the original essence of the piece was kept, however, with a reduction in the duration, where only the main themes of the opening were extracted. As it is simplified, it is intended for beginner students of instrumental music who want to enter orchestral music, even in a simplified and reduced form, and can be used by music teachers with their students in ensemble practice in situations such as academic recitals, didactic concerts, or assessment tests. The Symphony No. 5 in C minor, Op. 67, known as the Symphony of Destiny, by Ludwig van Beethoven, written between 1804 and 1808, is one of the most popular and best known compositions in the entire repertoire of European music. The four movements are characterized by orchestral homogeneity, being, at the same time, an example of alternation: the first movement, revealing great tension, denounced by the strings and raised to an extreme drama; the second movement reveals solemnity, in a funeral march that rises by its emotion and beauty; the third movement, a crispness; the fourth movement expresses triumph and magnificence.
Symphony No. 5 by Beethoven for Brass Quartet
Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba

$7.99 7.7 € Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Ensemble Horn,Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.527741 Composed by Giuseppe Verdi. Arranged by Diego Marani. Classical,Instructional,Opera,Romantic Period,Standards. Score and parts. 11 pages. Diego Marani #3364581. Published by Diego Marani (A0.527741). Va, pensiero, also known in English as the Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves, is a chorus from the third act of the opera Nabucco (1842) by Giuseppe Verdi, with a libretto by Temistocle Solera, inspired by Psalm 137. The opera with its powerful chorus established Verdi as a major composer in 19th-century Italy. The full incipit is Va, pensiero, sull'ali dorate, meaning Go, thought, on golden wings.This arrangement for brass quartet includes the following parts: Bb Trumpet 1, Bb Trumpet 2, F Horn or Trombone, Tuba.
Choir of the Jewish Slaves for Brass Quartet
Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba

$14.99 14.45 € Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Ensemble Horn,Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.931249 Composed by Giuseppe Verdi. Arranged by Alessandro Macrì. A Cappella,Concert,Film/TV,Romantic Period,Sacred. Score and parts. 20 pages. Music Macri Editions #5771023. Published by Music Macri Editions (A0.931249). La Messa da Requiem di Giuseppe Verdi è un'opera certamente religiosa, ma in un modo tutto suo, scritta cioè da un uomo che non era propriamente praticante: composta ed eseguita (su un precedente progetto per Rossini) nel 1874 per commemorare Alessandro Manzoni a un anno dalla scomparsa, è un lavoro che unisce, alla devozione quasi filiale per i due Grandi, una sensibilità operistica tutta verdiana. E in verità, i cantanti solisti che Verdi aveva in mente nello scrivere la partitura erano certamente voci d’opera.La prima nella chiesa di San Marco a Milano ebbe un tale successo che si tennero altre tre esecuzioni al Teatro alla Scala. Francis Tovey scrive: La Messa era arrivata nella sua vera casa (...) dove il pubblico, che non doveva badare alle convenzioni ecclesiastiche, poté dare sfogo al proprio entusiasmo, con esuberanza tipicamente italiana. Verdi non aveva intenzione di riservare la partitura a rare, solenni commemorazioni. La qualità drammatica e operistica del Requiem mal si adatta all’uso di un servizio regolare in chiesa, né il compositore voleva che funzionasse come liturgia. Fin dall'inizio, Verdi ha concepito il suo Requiem per l’esecuzione, non per la devozione; voleva che il suo lavoro fosse complementare alla popolarità di Manzoni per mostrare al mondo la cultura italiana, tanto che lo portò personalmente in tournée a Parigi, New York, Londra e Vienna.Il Requiem di Verdi, come Ein deutsches Requiem di Johannes Brahms, è l’affermazione di un dolore personale che si serve di un testo preso in prestito dalla liturgia sacra.Neanche Brahms, come Verdi, era particolarmente devoto. Per entrambi, le parole della messa da requiem per i defunti rappresentano il bisogno universale di esprimere le emozioni che ci assalgono quando una persona amata muore: dolore, perdita, tristezza, rabbia, paura del giudizio divino e speranza di pace sia per i defunti che per coloro che sono in lutto.Verdi inizia con i versi Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine che il coro e l'orchestra intonano in fasi sommesse e raccolte. I quattro solisti si uniscono al coro e all'orchestra per uno stentoreo Kyrie eleison. Il tonitruante boato orchestrale e corale del Dies irae che segue immediatamente il Kyrie Ã¨ il momento più atteso e memorabile del Requiem. Qui i musicisti, i coristi e i cantanti devono produrre esplosioni sonore continue e inarrestabili. Gli ottoni, le percussioni, i legni e il coro sono tirati al massimo, mentre le voci gridano sgomento e dolore, e gli archi crescono di intensità e impeto. Del resto, il materiale musicale del pauroso Dies irae ritorna di continuo lungo tutta la Messa, dipingendo un quadro da Giorno del Giudizio: non a caso l’opera è stata equiparata all’affresco michelangiolesco della Cappella Sistina. Un lavoro cupamente drammatico, con intermittenti, brevi, violenti lampi di luce.Di volta in volta, Verdi ci fa vivere il terrore dell'inferno (timbri e registri bassi) e la luminosa speranza di salvezza, preparandoci alla gioia del Sanctus, con la tromba che annuncia Santo, santo, santo, Signore degli eserciti! Il cielo e la terra sono pieni della tua gloria!Verdi conclude il suo Requiem con un soprano che intona i primi versi di Libera me (Liberami, o Signore, dalla morte eterna in quel terribile giorno). Tutto il dramma, il terrore, l’angoscia delle sezioni precedenti ritorna, come se il compositore intendesse lasciarci con un senso di incertezza: saremo, alla fine, riscattati? Verdi riprende qui la musica del Dies irae, ma alla fine, il coro e il soprano finiscono in un sussurro quasi impercettibile, con Libera me. Libera me: una speranza, una preghiera, un gemito sommesso.
DIES IRAE from REQUIEM by G. Verdi
Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba

$9.00 8.67 € Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Quartet - Grade 2.5 - Digital Download SKU: DX.145402 Composed by Robert Robinson. Arranged by Monty J. Budahl. Traditional. Key of Eb. Sacred Instrumental Music. Score and Parts. 10 pages. David E. Smith - Digital Sheet Music #145402. Published by David E. Smith - Digital Sheet Music (DX.145402). A brass quartet for two trumpets and two trombones with opt. Fr. Horn and Baritone Treble Clef. It begins in unison and then breaks into four part harmony- all in a majestic style, continuing in that manner throughout the first verse. The second verse is a duet between the first trumpet and trombone. The next statement passes the tune around the various parts gaining in excitement. The final section is more solemn and then enhanced with bell-tone figures. The Coda is in a majestic conclusion.
Come Thou Fount
Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba

$7.00 6.75 € Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Ensemble Horn,Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.813763 Composed by Gustav Holst. Arranged by Regis Bookshar. 20th Century,Contemporary,Sacred,Standards,Wedding. Score and parts. 9 pages. Regis Bookshar #6476665. Published by Regis Bookshar (A0.813763). Thaxted (Bb) (Brass Quintet) - Intermediate - Digital Download. This marvelous arrangement of Thaxted, a hymn tune based on the Andante Maestoso section from Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity from Gustav Holst's The Planets, would be a fabulous addition to any music library and could be performed for church services, especially Weddings and Funerals, but would be appropriate any time during the church year. However, if you are looking to perform this selection for concerts or recitals, I would suggest you look for the arrangement of Jupiter (Andante Maestoso from Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity from The Planets), also by Regis Bookshar. These arrangements are suitable for high school and college students but professional musicians would also enjoy playing these selections as well. Included are a score and a complete set of parts (9 pages). This selection is one of the many arrangements from The Regis Bookshar Trumpet Ensemble's extensive music library which are being made available for the first time. We have performed the Trumpet Quintet version of this composition quite often for numerous weddings and other special occasions.The Planets, written between 1914 and 1917 by the English composer Gustav Holst, premiered at the Queen's Hall in London, on September 29, 1918 for an invited audience of about 250 people. In the fourth movement, Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity, Holst portrays Jupiter's supposedly characteristic abundance of life and vitality. Nobility and generosity are allegedly characteristics of those born under Jupiter, and in the slower, middle section marked Andante Maestoso, perhaps the most well-known theme from The Planets (and the theme on which this arrangement is based), Holst provides a broad tune embodying these traits. In 1921, Holst adapted the theme to fit the patriotic poem I Vow to Thee, My Country by Cecil Spring Rice, and was written as a unison song with orchestra. It did not appear as the hymn tune until 1926, when Holst harmonized this melody, named Thaxted, named after the English village where he had lived for many years. Holst's friend Ralph Vaughan Williams included it in Songs of Praise. It has since been performed at numerous occasions, most notably for the wedding of Prince Charles and Diana, Princess of Wales in 1981, and also at the funerals of Princess Diana in 1997, Margaret Thatcher in 2013 and Senator John McCain where it was performed at the Washington National Cathedral on September 1, 2018. In addition to being used as the melody for the solemn, patriotic hymn I Vow to Thee, My Country, other settings of this hymn tune also include O God, Beyond All Praising, by Michael Perry in 1982, O Spirit All Embracing by Delores Dufner in 1995 and We Praise You and Acknowledge You, O God, a paraphrase of the Te Deum Laudemus by Stephen P. Starke in 1999.Regis Bookshar thought that it would be wonderful if other instrumentalists could have the opportunity to play this beautiful melody, so, in addition to the Trumpet Quintet version and this version for a Brass Quintet, consisting of 2 Trumpets, 1 French Horn (which has the lead), 1 Trombone and 1 Tuba, he has made quite a few other arrangements of this selection. There are Quintets readily available for a wide variety of instrumental ensembles. Please take the time to look for other versions of this composition. You may find something else that may also suit your needs. I would also encourage you to search for other arrangements by Regis Bookshar, as well, as there are numerous arrangements in a variety of styles, also available for purchase. You may find something else which might interest you. Please continue to check periodically because new arrangements are added as often as possible. I'm certain that this beautiful arrangement of Thaxted based on the Andante Maestoso section from Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity from Gustav Holst's The Planets, will con.
Thaxted (hymn tune based on excerpt from "Jupiter" from The Planets) (Bb) (Brass Quintet - 2 Trp, 1
Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba

$10.00 9.64 € Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Ensemble Horn,Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.802564 Composed by Sergei Rachmaninoff. Arranged by Peet du Toit. Contemporary. Score and parts. 17 pages. Peet du Toit #5793495. Published by Peet du Toit (A0.802564). Sergei Rachmaninoff's Prelude in C-sharp minor, Op. 3, No. 2, is one of the composer's most famous compositions. Part of a set of five piano pieces entitled Morceaux de fantaisie, it is a 62-bar prelude in ternary (ABA) form. It is also known as The Bells of Moscow since the introduction seems to reproduce the Kremlin's most solemn carillon chimes.Its first performance was by the composer on 26 September 1892, at a festival called the Moscow Electrical Exhibition. After this première, a review of the concert singled out the Prelude, noting that it had aroused enthusiasm. From this point on, its popularity grew.This work was one of the first the 19‑year‑old Rachmaninoff composed as a Free Artist, after he graduated from the Moscow Conservatory on 29 May 1892. He performed this new work for the first time at one of the concerts of the Moscow Electrical Exhibition on 26 September 1892. It was printed the following year as the second of five Morceaux de fantaisie (Op. 3), all dedicated to Anton Arensky, his harmony teacher at the Conservatory. Because at the time Russia was not party to the 1886 Berne Convention, Russian publishers did not pay royalties, so the only financial return he ever received for this piece was a 40 ruble (about two months' wage of a factory worker) publishing fee.The prelude has been arranged for orchestra in several versions. It has been used in many films, and many songs have sampled it. I thought it would sound great on brass instruments if played well. Well, here it is for you to play well. Enjoy!
Prelude in c#, Op.3, no.2 - S Rachmaninoff (Brass Quintet)
Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba

$15.50 14.94 € Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Ensemble Horn,Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.813733 Composed by Gustav Holst. Arranged by Regis Bookshar. 20th Century,Contemporary,Sacred,Standards,Wedding. Score and parts. 9 pages. Regis Bookshar #6474753. Published by Regis Bookshar (A0.813733). O God, Beyond All Praising (Thaxted) (Bb) (Brass Quintet) - Intermediate - Digital Download. This marvelous arrangement of O God, Beyond All Praising, a hymn tune based on the Andante Maestoso section from Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity from Gustav Holst's The Planets, would be a fabulous addition to any music library and could be performed for church services, especially Weddings and Funerals, but would be appropriate any time during the church year. However, if you are looking to perform this selection for concerts or recitals, I would suggest you look for the arrangement of Jupiter (Andante Maestoso from Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity from The Planets), also by Regis Bookshar. These arrangements are suitable for high school and college students but professional musicians would also enjoy playing these selections as well. Included are a score and a complete set of parts (9 pages). This selection is one of the many arrangements from The Regis Bookshar Trumpet Ensemble's extensive music library which are being made available for the first time. We have performed the Trumpet Quintet version of this composition quite often for numerous weddings and other special occasions.The Planets, written between 1914 and 1917 by the English composer Gustav Holst, premiered at the Queen's Hall in London, on September 29, 1918 for an invited audience of about 250 people. In the fourth movement, Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity, Holst portrays Jupiter's supposedly characteristic abundance of life and vitality. Nobility and generosity are allegedly characteristics of those born under Jupiter, and in the slower, middle section marked Andante Maestoso, perhaps the most well-known theme from The Planets (and the theme on which this arrangement is based), Holst provides a broad tune embodying these traits. In 1921, Holst adapted the theme to fit the patriotic poem I Vow to Thee, My Country by Cecil Spring Rice, and was written as a unison song with orchestra. It did not appear as the hymn tune until 1926, when Holst harmonized this melody, named Thaxted, named after the English village where he had lived for many years. Holst's friend Ralph Vaughan Williams included it in Songs of Praise. It has since been performed at numerous occasions, most notably for the wedding of Prince Charles and Diana, Princess of Wales in 1981, and also at the funerals of Princess Diana in 1997, Margaret Thatcher in 2013 and Senator John McCain where it was performed at the Washington National Cathedral on September 1, 2018. In addition to being used as the melody for the solemn, patriotic hymn I Vow to Thee, My Country, other settings of this hymn tune also include O God, Beyond All Praising, by Michael Perry in 1982, O Spirit All Embracing by Delores Dufner in 1995 and We Praise You and Acknowledge You, O God, a paraphrase of the Te Deum Laudemus by Stephen P. Starke in 1999.Regis Bookshar thought that it would be wonderful if other instrumentalists could have the opportunity to play this beautiful melody, so, in addition to the Trumpet Quintet version and this version for a Brass Quintet, consisting of 2 Trumpets, 1 French Horn (which has the lead), 1 Trombone and 1 Tuba, he has made quite a few other arrangements of this selection. There are Quintets readily available for a wide variety of instrumental ensembles. Please take the time to look for other versions of this composition. You may find something else that may also suit your needs. I would also encourage you to search for other arrangements by Regis Bookshar, as well, as there are numerous arrangements in a variety of styles, also available for purchase. You may find something else which might interest you. Please continue to check periodically because new arrangements are added as often as possible. I'm certain that this beautiful arrangement of O God, Beyond All Praising based on the Andante Maestoso section from Jupiter, the B.
O God, Beyond All Praising (Thaxted) (Bb) (Brass Quintet - 2 Trp, 1 Hrn, 1 Trb, 1 Tuba) (French Horn
Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba

$10.00 9.64 € Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Ensemble Horn,Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.813735 Composed by Gustav Holst. Arranged by Regis Bookshar. 20th Century,Contemporary,Sacred,Standards,Wedding. Score and parts. 9 pages. Regis Bookshar #6474757. Published by Regis Bookshar (A0.813735). O God, Beyond All Praising (Thaxted) (Bb) (Brass Quintet) - Intermediate - Digital Download. This marvelous arrangement of O God, Beyond All Praising, a hymn tune based on the Andante Maestoso section from Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity from Gustav Holst's The Planets, would be a fabulous addition to any music library and could be performed for church services, especially Weddings and Funerals, but would be appropriate any time during the church year. However, if you are looking to perform this selection for concerts or recitals, I would suggest you look for the arrangement of Jupiter (Andante Maestoso from Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity from The Planets), also by Regis Bookshar. These arrangements are suitable for high school and college students but professional musicians would also enjoy playing these selections as well. Included are a score and a complete set of parts (9 pages). This selection is one of the many arrangements from The Regis Bookshar Trumpet Ensemble's extensive music library which are being made available for the first time. We have performed the Trumpet Quintet version of this composition quite often for numerous weddings and other special occasions.The Planets, written between 1914 and 1917 by the English composer Gustav Holst, premiered at the Queen's Hall in London, on September 29, 1918 for an invited audience of about 250 people. In the fourth movement, Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity, Holst portrays Jupiter's supposedly characteristic abundance of life and vitality. Nobility and generosity are allegedly characteristics of those born under Jupiter, and in the slower, middle section marked Andante Maestoso, perhaps the most well-known theme from The Planets (and the theme on which this arrangement is based), Holst provides a broad tune embodying these traits. In 1921, Holst adapted the theme to fit the patriotic poem I Vow to Thee, My Country by Cecil Spring Rice, and was written as a unison song with orchestra. It did not appear as the hymn tune until 1926, when Holst harmonized this melody, named Thaxted, named after the English village where he had lived for many years. Holst's friend Ralph Vaughan Williams included it in Songs of Praise. It has since been performed at numerous occasions, most notably for the wedding of Prince Charles and Diana, Princess of Wales in 1981, and also at the funerals of Princess Diana in 1997, Margaret Thatcher in 2013 and Senator John McCain where it was performed at the Washington National Cathedral on September 1, 2018. In addition to being used as the melody for the solemn, patriotic hymn I Vow to Thee, My Country, other settings of this hymn tune also include O God, Beyond All Praising, by Michael Perry in 1982, O Spirit All Embracing by Delores Dufner in 1995 and We Praise You and Acknowledge You, O God, a paraphrase of the Te Deum Laudemus by Stephen P. Starke in 1999.Regis Bookshar thought that it would be wonderful if other instrumentalists could have the opportunity to play this beautiful melody, so, in addition to the Trumpet Quintet version and this version for a Brass Quintet, consisting of 2 Trumpets (one of which has the lead), 1 French Horn, 1 Trombone and 1 Tuba, he has made quite a few other arrangements of this selection. There are Quintets readily available for a wide variety of instrumental ensembles. Please take the time to look for other versions of this composition. You may find something else that may also suit your needs. I would also encourage you to search for other arrangements by Regis Bookshar, as well, as there are numerous arrangements in a variety of styles, also available for purchase. You may find something else which might interest you. Please continue to check periodically because new arrangements are added as often as possible. I'm certain that this beautiful arrangement of O God, Beyond All Praising based on the Andante Maestoso section from Jupiter.
O God, Beyond All Praising (Thaxted) (Bb) (Brass Quintet - 2 Trp, 1 Hrn, 1 Trb, 1 Tuba) (Trumpet lea
Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba

$10.00 9.64 € Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Ensemble Horn,Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1038764 Composed by Edward Elgar. Arranged by James Symington. 20th Century,Classical,Film/TV,Patriotic,Romantic Period. Score and parts. 9 pages. James Edward Ernest Symington #643742. Published by James Edward Ernest Symington (A0.1038764). The name of the variation refers to Augustus J. Jaeger, who was employed as music editor by the London publisher Novello & Co. He was a close friend of Elgar's, giving him useful advice but also severe criticism, something Elgar greatly appreciated. Elgar later related how Jaeger had encouraged him as an artist and had stimulated him to continue composing despite setbacks. Nimrod is described in the Old Testament as a mighty hunter before the Lord, Jäger being German for hunter. In 1904 Elgar told Dora Penny (Dorabella) that this variation is not really a portrait, but the story of something that happened. Once, when Elgar had been very depressed and was about to give it all up and write no more music, Jaeger had visited him and encouraged him to continue composing. He referred to Ludwig van Beethoven, who had a lot of worries, but wrote more and more beautiful music. And that is what you must do, Jaeger said, and he sang the theme of the second movement of Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 8 Pathétique. Elgar disclosed to Dora that the opening bars of Nimrod were made to suggest that theme. Can't you hear it at the beginning? Only a hint, not a quotation. This variation has become popular in its own right and is sometimes used at British funerals, memorial services, and other solemn occasions. It is always played at the Cenotaph, Whitehall in London at the National Service of Remembrance. A version was also played during the Hong Kong handover ceremony in 1997 and at the opening ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games. The “Nimrod†variation was the final orchestral composition (before the national anthem) played by the Greek National Orchestra in a televised June 2013 concert, before the 75-year-old Athenian ensemble was dissolved in the wake of severe government cutbacks. An adaptation of the piece appears at the ending of the 2017 film Dunkirk in the score by Hans Zimmer. This arrangement for Brass Quintet has been adapted to suit the instrumentalists. The key has changed and this makes it much more playable and more secure.
Nimrod for Brass Quintet
Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba

$12.99 12.52 € Quatuor de Cuivres : 2 trompettes, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

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