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Brass Ensemble - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1024842 Composed by Stanley P. Hung. Contemporary,Holiday. Score and parts. 18 pages. Stanley P. Hung #6497765. Published by Stanley P. Hung (A0.1024842). Inspire Infinite Potential is the first original composition of Stanley P. Hung. It was composed for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Concert Band 70th Anniversary in 2019. MIT Concert Band was founded by students in fall of 1948 and directed for 51 years by conductor John D. Corley. He directed the band from its inception in 1948 until his retirement last spring in 1999. Dr. Thomas E. Reynolds continued the job of music education at MITCB up to now about 20 years. He is the current music director and conducting the band together with co-conductor Collin Myers. (Reference:    Mr. Hung had participated in a few public performances of MIT Concert Band and played trombone. His footprints not only appeared at MIT in Cambridge, but also in New York (2013), Maine (2014), and Philadelphia (2019) during spring tours. To come up with an idea by our originality then take it into practice was the spirit inspired by such ingenuity group. Therefore, Stanley tried to add this spirit into the music work Inspire Infinite Potential at creation stage. Its U.S. premiere was conducted by Dr. Reynolds and performed by the MIT Concert Band in campus (2019.12.10). The second edition is mostly based on the previous version. Some of notes, chords, articulations, and rhythms have been updated.
Inspire Infinite Potential ( Brass Quintet )
Quintette de Cuivres: 2 trompettes, Cor, trombone, tuba

$9.99 9.6 € Quintette de Cuivres: 2 trompettes, Cor, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Quintet Horn,Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 1 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1195453 Composed by S. Rachmaninov. Arranged by Alessandro Macrì. 19th Century,Chamber,Classical,Film/TV. 11 pages. Music Macri Editions #794622. Published by Music Macri Editions (A0.1195453). Il Concerto per pianoforte e orchestra n. 2 in do minore, Op. 18 è il più popolare ed eseguito dei quattro concerti per pianoforte del compositore russo Sergej Vasil'eviÄ Rachmaninov, nonché uno dei concerti per pianoforte più famosi di tutti i tempi. Fu composto tra il 1900 ed il 1901.Il terzo movimento riprende il tono marziale del primo movimento, ma con un'atmosfera più ironica. Il primo tema ha un carattere guizzante, saltellante; dopo una sua elaborazione, si arriva al secondo tema, dolcemente cantabile, presentato dalle viole e dall'oboe e ripreso dal pianoforte, tema che indubbiamente può essere considerato tra i più belli e i più celebri fra tutti quelli composti da Rachmaninov. Lo sviluppo centrale si basa sul primo tema, che viene spezzettato ed alternato fra il solista e vari strumenti, con un accenno di un passo fugato. Questo sviluppo si salda praticamente con la ripresa, che si afferma con il ritorno, adesso con i violini, del secondo tema. Da qui deriva una nuova elaborazione prevalentemente mossa che porta, con il cambio della tonalità in do maggiore, alla trionfale affermazione del secondo tema (che quindi è il vero protagonista del finale) a piena orchestra. Segue una breve coda nuovamente mossa che in un clima ora festoso e trascinante porta alla conclusione. Terminano il brano tre accordi ripetuti che rappresentano la firma ritmica del compositore: ta- tatata (Rach - maninov).Esiste una leggenda riguardo al famosissimo secondo tema di questo movimento. A detta del critico Leonid Sabaneev tale tema non sarebbe di Rachmaninov, ma di un suo amico, Nikita Morozov. Ascoltando un brano di Morozov, Rachmaninov avrebbe detto: Oh, ma è una melodia che avrei potuto comporre io. Ebbene, perché non te la prendi?, avrebbe risposto Morozov, e Rachmaninov non si sarebbe fatto pregare.
Piano Concerto n. 2 Third Movement
Quintette de Cuivres: 2 trompettes, Cor, trombone, tuba

$8.00 7.68 € Quintette de Cuivres: 2 trompettes, Cor, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Quintet Horn,Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 1 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1389750 By Alessandro Macrì. By G. Mameli and M. Novaro. Arranged by Alessandro Macrì. Film/TV,Historic,March,Patriotic. 11 pages. Music Macri Editions #973346. Published by Music Macri Editions (A0.1389750). Il Canto degli Italiani, conosciuto anche come Fratelli d'Italia, Inno di Mameli, Canto nazionale o Inno d'Italia, è un canto risorgimentale scritto da Goffredo Mameli e musicato da Michele Novaro nel 1847, inno nazionale della Repubblica Italiana. Il testo si compone di sei strofe e un ritornello, che si alterna alle stesse; l'inno è musicato in tempo di 4/4 nella tonalità di si bemolle maggiore. La sesta strofa riprende, con poche variazioni, il testo della prima.Il canto fu molto popolare durante il Risorgimento e nei decenni seguenti, sebbene dopo l'unità d'Italia (1861) come inno del Regno d'Italia fosse stata scelta la Marcia reale, brano ufficiale di Casa Savoia. Il Canto degli Italiani era infatti considerato inadatto alla situazione politica dell'epoca: Fratelli d'Italia, di chiara connotazione repubblicana e giacobina, mal si conciliava con l'esito del Risorgimento, che fu di stampo monarchico.Dopo la seconda guerra mondiale l'Italia diventò una repubblica e il Canto degli Italiani fu scelto, il 12 ottobre 1946, come inno nazionale provvisorio, ruolo che ha conservato anche in seguito rimanendo inno de facto della Repubblica Italiana. Nei decenni si sono susseguite varie iniziative parlamentari per renderlo inno nazionale ufficiale, fino a giungere alla legge nº 181 del 4 dicembre 2017, che ha dato al Canto degli Italiani lo status di inno nazionale de iure.
Il Canto degli Italiani - Inno di Mameli
Quintette de Cuivres: 2 trompettes, Cor, trombone, tuba
Alessandro Macrì
$9.00 8.64 € Quintette de Cuivres: 2 trompettes, Cor, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Ensemble,Brass Quintet Horn,Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1206941 By The Champs. By Chuck Rio. Arranged by Alessandro Macrì. Broadway,Contest,Festival,Film/TV,Hip-Hop,Musical/Show,Pop,R & B. Score and Parts. 26 pages. Music Macri Editions #805124. Published by Music Macri Editions (A0.1206941). Tequila è un celebre brano latin rock eseguito da The Champs nel 1958, reinterpretato in seguito da molti altri artisti.Il brano è stato scritto dal sassofonista Danny Flores, accreditato con il suo nome d'arte, Chuck Rio, perché in quel periodo egli era sotto contratto con un'altra etichetta discografica. Tequila è basata su un ritmo cubano mambo beat. La parola tequila viene gridata tre volte durante il brano.La versione originale del brano, incisa da The Champs il 23 dicembre 1957, è stata pubblicata il 15 gennaio del 1958 dalla Challenge Records come retro del singolo su 7 Train to Nowhere/Tequila. In seguito è stata inclusa nell'EP 7 Go, Champs, Go! e nell'LP avente lo stesso titolo, entrambi pubblicati nel 1958.La canzone raggiunse il primo posto nelle classifiche pop e R&B, e continuerà a essere un importante riferimento della cultura pop fino ai nostri giorni.Successivamente The Champs proporranno variazioni e riarrangiamenti di questo brano negli album Great Dance Hits e Spotlight On The Champs & The Fabulous Cyclones, entrambi del 1962, con i titoli Tequila Twist e Too Much Tequila. Nel primo caso su ritmo twist, nel secondo in versione calypso.
Quintette de Cuivres: 2 trompettes, Cor, trombone, tuba
The Champs
$18.00 17.29 € Quintette de Cuivres: 2 trompettes, Cor, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Quintet Euphonium,Flugelhorn,Piccolo Trumpet,Trombone,Tuba - Level 5 - Digital Download SKU: A0.817139 Composed by George Frideric Handel. Arranged by Charles Decker. Baroque,Christmas,Easter,Holiday,Praise & Worship. 48 pages. Charles Decker Music Press #3898203. Published by Charles Decker Music Press (A0.817139). This spectacular tour de force for brass quintet and organ of Handel's famous chorus from his beloved Messiah oratorio is guaranteed to excite audiences and the performers. Set in the original key, it features the first trumpet on piccolo B-flat trumpet with alternative piccolo trumpet parts in A and C, the second trumpet on D trumpet with an alternate part in C., a flugelhorn/trumpet substitute part is included for horn, trombone in bass clef, tuba, and organ. The audio file is an actual brass quintet and organ performance of the entire arrangement and not a computer playback of the score. Use this link to see all the Charles Decker Music Press Christmas holiday music for mixed brass and homogeneous groups.  Use this link to Kendor Music for my original composition for brass quintet with narrator of the holiday classic story ’Twas the Night Before Christmas.See more than 70 mixed brass ensemble publications with Charles Decker Music Press at Sheet Music Plus for inexperienced to advanced musicians with music ranging from the Renaissance to contemporary new works for trios, quartets, quintets, brass choir and brass band. Many of the mixed brass ensemble editions include alternate and substitute parts being alternate C trumpet parts for B-flat trumpet parts, flugelhorn/trumpet substitute for horn, horn substitute for trombone and treble clef euphonium substitute for trombone. See also 50+ homogeneous brass group editions with Charles Decker Music Press at Sheet Music Plus for horn, trumpet and trombone ensembles. Check out the Music of Black Composers Series with Charles Decker Music Press at Sheet Music Plus with 25 arrangements for mixed brass ensembles ranging from early jazz to symphonic works with composers Samuel Coleridge-Taylor, R. Nathaniel Dett, William Grant Still, Will Marion Cook, James Reese Europe, James Johnson and others.  All ensemble publications include recordings of the entire edition.  For more Charles Decker brass quintet editions use these links to Kendor Music and Cherry Classics Music for listings of my arrangements of music by J.S. Bach, H.L. Clarke, Debussy, Dukas, Elgar, Falla, Holst, Ives, Nestico, Rachmaninoff, Satie, and Tchaikovsky.
For Unto Us a Child Is Born from Messiah for Brass Quintet and Organ
Quintette de Cuivres: 2 trompettes, Cor, trombone, tuba

$16.95 16.28 € Quintette de Cuivres: 2 trompettes, Cor, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Quintet Euphonium,Horn,Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.817109 Composed by Ferruccio Busoni. Arranged by Charles Decker. 20th Century,Baroque,Chamber,Historic,Multicultural,World. 22 pages. Charles Decker Music Press #3540269. Published by Charles Decker Music Press (A0.817109). For ambitious brass quintets seeking innovative programming here is the second fugue from Italian composer and pianist Ferrucio Busoni's 1912 magnum opus treatise, Fantasia Contrappuntistica, that pays homage to J.S. Bach's Art of the Fugue of which Busoni modifies the baroque master's fugues with inventive new counterpoint and harmonies. It is arranged for a brass quintet of two B-flat trumpets with alternate C trumpet parts, horn in F, trombone and tuba. The audio file is an actual brass quintet performance of the entire work and not a computer playback of the score. See more than 70 mixed brass ensemble publications with Charles Decker Music Press at Sheet Music Plus for inexperienced to advanced musicians of mixed brass ensembles with music ranging from the Renaissance to contemporary new works for trios, quartets, quintets, brass choir and brass band. Many of the mixed brass ensemble editions include alternate and substitute parts being alternate C trumpet parts for B-flat trumpet parts, flugelhorn/trumpet substitute for horn, horn substitute for trombone and treble clef euphonium substitute for trombone. See also 50+ homogeneous brass group editions with Charles Decker Music Press at Sheet Music Plus for horn, trumpet and trombone ensembles.  Check out the Music of Black Composers Series wiht Charles Decker Music Press at Sheet Music Plus with 25 arrangements for mixed brass ensembles ranging from early jazz to symphonic works with composers Samuel Coleridge-Taylor, R. Nathaniel Dett, William Grant Still, Will Marion Cook, James Reese Europe, James Johnson and others. All ensemble publications include recordings of the entire edition.  For more Charles Decker brass quintet editions use these links to Kendor Music and Cherry Classics Music for listings of my arrangements of music by J.S. Bach, H.L. Clarke, Debussy, Dukas, Elgar, Falla, Holst, Ives, Nestico, Rachmaninoff, Satie, and Tchaikovsky.
Fugue #2 from Fantasia Contrappuntistica for Brass Quintet
Quintette de Cuivres: 2 trompettes, Cor, trombone, tuba

$9.95 9.56 € Quintette de Cuivres: 2 trompettes, Cor, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Ensemble Euphonium,Horn,Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Digital Download SKU: A0.802701 Composed by Josef Weinberger. Arranged by arr. R Woschnjak & Peet du Toit. Contemporary. Score and parts. 13 pages. Peet du Toit #6859613. Published by Peet du Toit (A0.802701). Josef Weinberger has been synonymous with popular musical theater for over 125 years. Weinberger was born the son of a goldsmith in Lipto St. Miklo in Hungary but his family moved to Vienna in 1865. In 1885 Josef Weinberger and Carl Hofbauer started an art and music store in Vienna, but the partnership ended when both partners set up on their own, Weinberger in 1890 and Hofbauer in 1892. Weinberger saw the potential, in publishing and licensing, of the craze for operetta, and made a connection with Johann Strauss II. Within a few years all the great operetta composers were his clients: Strauss, Millöcker, Zeller, Kálmán, Oscar Straus, Stolz, and Fall. He even provided licensing services for the last great Viennese operetta composer, Franz Lehár, who from the 1920s published through his own company, Glocken-Verlag.The firm expanded quickly, opening branches in Paris (1885) and Leipzig (1889) where they worked with Friedrich Hofmeister. One of the most remarkable aspects of the developing Weinberger catalogue was the commitment to Czech music, and from April 1893 to August 1894 the Hofmeister entries were almost all by Smetana (various publications of Dalibor and HubiÄka as well as overtures) and Vilém Blodek (V studni); later additions included Tajemstvi (1895) and  LibuÅ¡e (1897). Otherwise most of the repertoire was of popular music for various combinations, not least military bands, with von Suppé figuring prominently from 1895 onwards.The mid 1890s also saw significant enlargements of the Weinberger catalogue through the acquisition of other publisher's lists: in 1894 the ancient firm of Artaria, then in 1895 items from the Kratochwill catalogue and over 1,500 works from the Kratz catalogue of theatrical works. This latter acquisition included a number of works with international performing rights, which encouraged Weinberger to open a Parisian branch in 1896, but it also reflected a shift in Weinberger's publishing interests towards theatrical music generally. Another major step in that direction was taken in 1897, when the entire theatrical catalogue of Gustav Lewy â€“ which included the stage works of Johann Strauss the younger and Millöcker – were taken over (with the Strauss performing rights following in 1899).Weinberger was active in three other fields apart from popular music. Firstly, he was Gustav Mahler's third publisher, issuing the Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen in 1897, and distributing Symphonies nos 1-3, Das klagende Lied and Lieder aus des Knaben Wunderhorn (1900) on behalf of the owner of the publishing rights, the Erste Wiener Zeitungsgesellschaft. Secondly, he took an active part in setting up a trade association, AKM (Gesellschaft der Autoren, Komponisten und Musikverleger or society of authors, composers and publishers) to collect the performance fees due for non-theatrical musical works, in 1897. Finally, Weinberger was the driving force behind the founding of Universal Edition in Vienna in 1901, and not only served as its managing director until 1906 (when he was replaced by Arthur Fadüm), but also provided the new company with space in his own firm's premises until 1908.This orchestration is for a brass quintet. The French Horn acts as a substitute or support for Trumpet 2.
Hermine - Josef Weinberger arr. R Woschnjak (Brass Sextet)
Quintette de Cuivres: 2 trompettes, Cor, trombone, tuba

$14.00 13.45 € Quintette de Cuivres: 2 trompettes, Cor, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Band Horn,Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 1 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1306519 Composed by Michael Praetorius. Arranged by Alessandro Macrì. Early Music,Film/TV,Renaissance. Score and Parts. 54 pages. Music Macri Editions #895872. Published by Music Macri Editions (A0.1306519). Puer Natus In Bethlehem (Ein Kind geborn zu Bethlehem)from Polyhymnia Caduceatrix et Panegyrica, 1619for Brass Choir (2 brass quartets & brass quintet).Within a relatively short publishing career, from 1605 to his death in 1621, Praetorius disseminated through print an astonishingly rich array of music for Lutheran liturgical use, focusing particularly on settings of traditional melodies (especially chorales). Writing for double choir predominates in the early volumes of his monumental series Musæ Sioniæ, which includes (in the second volume, 1607) the settings of In dulci jubilo and Puer natus in Bethlehem. Both represent the prominence of macaronic texts—mixing elements in Latin and the vernacular—in the Christmas repertory of the middle ages and beyond, and more generally the juxtaposition of Latin and German which was quite common practice in Lutheran churches. In Puer natus in Bethlehem the first verse of the medieval Latin hymn is then repeated in German translation (‘Ein Kind geborn zu Bethlehem’), whereafter the Christmas scene is presented in German, with a return to a mixture of Latin and German stanzas for the concluding offering of praise. This particular German translation of the Latin hymn, and the associated melody, date from the mid sixteenth century. In this lengthy work Praetorius keeps the listeners’ attention partly through the varied and witty manner in which he treats the ‘alleluia’ which ends every verse, and also through switches between triple and duple metre.
Puer Natus In Bethlehem (Ein Kind geborn zu Bethlehem)
Quintette de Cuivres: 2 trompettes, Cor, trombone, tuba

$20.00 19.21 € Quintette de Cuivres: 2 trompettes, Cor, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Quintet Horn,Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1258610 Composed by Leon Bolleman. Arranged by Trevor Wharton. 19th Century,Chamber,Wedding. 25 pages. Bumpmusic Editions #851869. Published by Bumpmusic Editions (A0.1258610). The 'Minuet Gothique' is the second movement from Leon Boellman's 'Suite Gothique' Opus 25 composed in 1895 for the Organ.The Minuet opens quietly stating the main themes which it develops through dynamically contrasting sections becoming increasingly modal in its feel. The middle section has a rising broken chord theme which is developed through new keys. Gradually ideas from the opening minuet are quietly introduced into the music like distant echos. Eventually the opening Minuet return in all its stately elegance to close the movement.This music needs good focus on dynamic control and articulation both in the ensemble sections and the solo portions. The quiet 'echo' sections need to keep the same energy in their forward movement without diminishing the tempo or relaxing the musical style.
Minuet Gothique
Quintette de Cuivres: 2 trompettes, Cor, trombone, tuba

$19.75 18.97 € Quintette de Cuivres: 2 trompettes, Cor, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Quintet Euphonium,Horn,Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 5 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1453216 Composed by John Philip Sousa. Arranged by Matthew Nunes. Chamber,Classical,Historic,March,Patriotic. 17 pages. Matthew Nunes Music #1032444. Published by Matthew Nunes Music (A0.1453216). Written for the Sousa Band’s second year at the Steel Pier in Atlantic City, New Jersey, and probably inspired by what would later be known as the Miss America Pageant. This Brass Quintet arrangement was made using “The President’s Own” United States Marine Band’s The Complete Marches of John Philip Sousa score as found at The Atlantic City Pageant was composed in 1927, and the referenced edition was made Public Domain in 2020. The piece is catalogued as Volume 6, No. 107.Section titles (such as “First Strain” and “Trio”) follow the measure numbers provided by that edition. Each instrument follows its full-band part as often as possible, the only exception being Trombone covering the Euphonium/Baritone part. Because of this, Euphonium/Baritone would make a suitable substitute.
The Atlantic City Pageant
Quintette de Cuivres: 2 trompettes, Cor, trombone, tuba

$1.99 1.91 € Quintette de Cuivres: 2 trompettes, Cor, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Quintet Euphonium,Horn,Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 5 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1345881 Composed by John Philip Sousa. Arranged by Matthew Nunes. Chamber,Classical,Historic,March,Patriotic. 24 pages. Matthew Nunes Music #930764. Published by Matthew Nunes Music (A0.1345881). Woodrow Wilson’s speech at the 25th anniversary of the Daughters of the American Revolution provided the inspiration and title. The march contains original material as well as fragments of Dixie, Maryland, My Maryland, We’re Off to Philadelphia in the Morning, and Yankee Doodle.Sousa wrote two uncharacteristic moments here: giving the Horns the melody in the Trio’s second half, as well as the tuba feature in the interlude.This Brass Quintet arrangement was made using “The President’s Own†United States Marine Band’s The Complete Marches of John Philip Sousa score as found at America First was composed in 1916, and the referenced edition was made Public Domain in 2018. The piece is catalogued as Volume 4, No. 74.
America First
Quintette de Cuivres: 2 trompettes, Cor, trombone, tuba

$1.99 1.91 € Quintette de Cuivres: 2 trompettes, Cor, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Quintet Euphonium,Horn,Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 5 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1346956 Composed by John Philip Sousa. Arranged by Matthew Nunes. Chamber,Classical,Historic,March,Patriotic. 26 pages. Matthew Nunes Music #931746. Published by Matthew Nunes Music (A0.1346956). Written for the organization of the same name, Sousa said the march “…absolutely breathes the boy; it visualizes the supple step of the boy marching, and not the heavy tread of the man.†The unique Second Strain, to be whistled along with the melody, highlights this inspiration. This Brass Quintet arrangement was made using “The President’s Own†United States Marine Band’s The Complete Marches of John Philip Sousa score as found at The Boy Scouts of America was composed in 1916, and the referenced edition was made Public Domain in 2018. The piece is catalogued as Volume 4, No. 75.
The Boy Scouts of America
Quintette de Cuivres: 2 trompettes, Cor, trombone, tuba

$1.99 1.91 € Quintette de Cuivres: 2 trompettes, Cor, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

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