Instrumental Duet,Violin - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.913113 Composed by Andrei-Lucian Dragoi. 20th Century,Contemporary,Standards. 9 pages. Andrei-Lucian Dragoi #6442545. Published by Andrei-Lucian Dragoi (A0.913113). - miniatură inspirată de poezia Elegie* scrisă de Marin Sorescu -(miniature inspired by the poem Elegie* written by the Romanian poet Marin Sorescu)- aranjament pentru duet vioara-pian in Si minor (arrangement for violin-piano duo in Bm) -Part of my audio album called My Chamber Music - Volume III (The Botanical Garden) (as the 6th track): Andrei-Lucian Drăgoi (,,,,, LYRICS IN ROMANIAN: Elegie de Marin Sorescu Mamă, întâia zăpadă, ÃŽncepe deasupră-Å£i să-Å£i cadă, AsculÅ£i înspicarea de vânt, Ascunsă-ntr-un singur cuvânt. Pământul întreg se destramă El trece ÅŸi dincolo, mamă? Materia unde se duce Din locul c-o floare de cruce? Urmează mai greu după greu? Se moare ÅŸi-acolo mereu? Åži cine plânge aceste Noi morÅ£i fără boli, fără veste? Tu toate voiai să le ÅŸtii, Izvor pentru verbul a fi, Tu care născut-ai în chin, Această ninsoare Å£i-o-nchin, SfinÅ£ind cu prohod de nămeÅ£i, Prea multele tale peceÅ£i. LYRICS IN ENGLISH (a gross translation): Elegy by Marin Sorescu Mom, the first snow, It's starting to fall on you, You listen to the gust of wind, Hidden in one word. The whole earth is falling apart, but does it go Beyond, mother? Where does the matter go From the place of a flower-like cross? Does harder follow after just hard? Do people also die in their after-life world? And who cries about these new sudden deaths without any disease? You wanted to know everything, As you are the Source for the verb „to beâ€, You who gave birth in torment, I homage you with this snow, Sanctifying with a sacred chant of mud, The too-many of your seals. This piece is part of my 3rd officially released audio album called My Chamber Music - vol. 3 (The Botanical Garden) ( which is entirely composed by me and interpreted by Note Performer 3 (the only Artificial Intelligence-based playback engine for musical notation worldwide). Have a nice, inspired audition!