Guitar,Piano,Vocal,Voice - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1006983 Composed by Johnson K. Gao. Arranged by e-Pllination Inc. Contemporary,Halloween,World. Score. 178 pages. Johnson Gao #3372607. Published by Johnson Gao (A0.1006983). The title of Miserable and Sorrow. (Pearl Harbor after attack) is a new name to the song previously called as Wondering along a Raided Harbor. Since it did not specify which harbor, you can say it is Pearl Harbor; or, any harbors or cities after bombardment in a war, such that Hiroshima, Berlin, etc. The theme of the song is to express the miserable and sorrow feeling caused by a war, and induce people to hate the war. The song was collected in Gao's Harbor Music. which contains 12 pieces of songs: Sun Rises from the Japanese Ocean (Tokyo’s Morning); Night Light Cast over the Huangpu River, Shanghai; Sea Breeze over the Harbor of Qingdao; Gulangyu (Short Version and Chinese Lyrics); Gulangyu (Long Version with more Instruments); Water Ski Show at Darling Harbor, Sydney; Blue Hong Kong Waltz Bon Voyage; Wondering along a Raided Harbor (A Waltz that Blames the War); Suzhou – The Eastern Venice (Sitting in a Boat across many Bridges); A Salute to the Cruiser Aurora on the Neva River (St. Petersburg’s Evening) and A lullaby for the Statue of liberty. Page 99 to 125 is this song with a sound track attached. Other music sheets of 11 songs are as a bonus to this current music sheet purchase. Totally 174 pages.悲慘兮憂傷(珍珠港襲擊後) 的標題是以前被稱為 沿著突襲港口的怨念 的歌曲的新名字。既然沒有指定哪個港口,可以說是珍珠港,或者在戰爭中轟炸之後的任何港口或城市,如廣島,柏林等。這首歌曲的主題是表達戰爭造成的痛苦和悲傷的感覺,並引起人們討厭戰爭。這首歌收藏在 高氏海港音樂 中。其中包含12首歌曲:太陽升起日本海洋(東京早晨); 上海黃浦江夜燈; 青島港灣海風; 鼓浪嶼(簡體中文歌詞); 鼓浪嶼(長版更多樂器); 悉尼達令港水上滑水場; 藍色香港華爾茲; 一帆風順; 惆悵於一個突襲的港口(指責戰爭華爾茲); 蘇州 - 東方的威尼斯(坐在跨越許多橋的船上); 向涅瓦河上的巡洋艦致敬(聖彼得堡夜晚)和自由女神像搖籃曲。這是一首附有聲軌的歌曲。 11首歌曲的其他樂譜作為購買當前歌譜的獎賞。共174頁。