Guitar,Piano,Vocal,Voice - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1402627 By David Warin Solomons. By David Warin Solomons. Classical,Contemporary,Singer/Songwriter. Score. 10 pages. David Warin Solomons #985851. Published by David Warin Solomons (A0.1402627). This song is based on parts of the poem by Paul Valéry Fragments du Narcisse which explains and ponders the idea of the origin of narcissism (self-love)The words are as followsMais moi, Narcisse aimé, je ne suis curieuxQue de ma seule essence ;Tout autre n’a pour moi qu’un cœur mystérieux,Tout autre n’est qu’absence.Ô mon bien souverain, cher corps, je n’ai que toi !Le plus beau des mortels ne peut chérir que soi... Douce et dorée, est-il une idole plus sainte,De toute une forêt qui se consume, ceinte,Et sise dans l’azur vivant par tant d’oiseaux ?Est-il don plus divin de la faveur des eaux,Et d’un jour qui se meurt plus adorable usageQue de rendre à mes yeux l’honneur de mon visage ?Quitte enfin le silence, ose enfin me répondre,Bel et cruel Narcisse, inaccessible enfant,Tout orné de mes biens que la nymphe défend...Formons, toi sur ma lèvre, et moi, dans mon silence,Une prière aux dieux qu’émus de tant d’amourSur sa pente de pourpre ils arrêtent le jour !...Dieux ! de l’auguste jour, le pâle et tendre resteVa des jours consumés joindre le sort funeste ;Il s’abîme aux enfers du profond souvenir !Hélas ! corps misérable, il est temps de s’unir...Penche-toi... Baise-toi. Tremble de tout ton être !L’insaisissable amour que tu me vins promettrePasse, et dans un frisson, brise Narcisse, et fuit..English translation by D W SolomonsBut I, beloved Narcissus, am curious onlyabout my very beingeverything else has nothing more than a heart of mysteryeverything else is nothing but absenceOnly what I own, my dear sovereign body, is what I haveThe most beautiful of mortals cannot cherish anything more than itselfSweet and golden, is there a more holy idolwithin an entire forest, self-consumed and heldand set in the living azure by so many birds?Is there a more divine gift than the favour of the watersand a more adorable use of the dying daythan to return to me the honour of my face?Please don't be silent, please dare to replyBeautiful and cruel Narcissus, unreachable child owning what I hold dear but guarded by the nymphLet the two of us, you on my lips and I in my silencemake a prayer to the gods that they should be moved by so much lovethat they would keep the day held in its purple sunsetGods! only the pale and tender parts remain of the august day,It joins the fate of other days that were consumedIt goes down into the hell of deep memoryAlas, miserable body, it is time to become as oneBend down - kiss yourself - tremble with all your beingThe intangible love that you promisedhas gone by, and in a shiver, shatters Narcissus and flees.