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Choral Choir (SATB) - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.940840 Composed by Georg Neumark. Arranged by Michael D. McClish. Christian,Contemporary,Holiday,Sacred. Octavo. 12 pages. Michael D. McClish #6702049. Published by Michael D. McClish (A0.940840). This is a more contemporary choral arrangement of the familiar hymn, with a new melody that ties the arrangement together.  It progresses from traditional harmony to more a more contemporary choral treatment, while still retaining the original feel of the hymn.  This would be for a intermediate level church choir, and could be ready for a service in one rehearsal.  The solo instrument could be solo violin or Bb clarinet, both fit the melody beautifully.  This is one of a series of hymn arrangements I am writing that follow the church year, this one would be a New Year's hymn, but of course could be sung anytime.  It is around three minutes, perfect for a typical service.
If We But Suffer God To Guide Us(Wer nur den lieben Gott)
Chorale SATB

$2.00 1.91 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Soloistss (SATB), mixed choir (SATB) and piano - intermediate - Digital Download SKU: S9.Q560929 Eine Lieder-Reihe für Solostimmen und Chor mit Begleitung des Pianoforte. Composed by Friedrich Gernsheim. Downloadable, Score (also performing score). Duration 42 minutes. Schott Music - Digital #Q560929. Published by Schott Music - Digital (S9.Q560929). German.Friedrich Gernsheim (1839–1916) entstammt einer angesehenen jüdischen Familie aus Worms am Rhein und war zu Lebzeiten ein äußerst erfolgreicher und hoch angesehener Komponist, dessen Musik es wiederzuentdecken gilt. Mit dem Gesangverein des Stern’sche Konservatoriums und Wilhelm Berger am Klavier wurde „Hafis – Eine Lieder-Reihe 1891 im Konzertsaal der Berliner Singakademie uraufgeführt. Die Texte der Lieder wählte Gernsheim aus einer 1846 erschienenen und von Georg Friedrich Daumer angefertigten Übersetzung von mehr als 200 Gedichten des persischen Dichters Hafis (eigentlich Mohammed Schemseddin (Khāwje Shams-od-Dīn Moḥammad Ḥāfeẓ-e Shīrāzī), ca. 1325–1390) aus. Er vertonte 17 Texte, hauptsächlich zu den Themen Liebe, Wein und dem sich stets wandelnden, aber dennoch kreisenden Menschsein, und verteilt sie auf 13 Nummern unterschiedlicher Form und Besetzung. Ähnlich wie die Liebesliederwalzer seines guten Freundes Johannes Brahms enthält Gernsheims Zyklus einige solistische Lieder, Duette und Quartette. Der Hauptunterschied und letztlich auch das Ungewöhnliche an der Reihe ist die grundsätzliche Konzeption für (wahrscheinlich groß besetzten) Chor und Solisten, die teils getrennt, in einzelnen Nummern aber auch gemeinsam und im Wechsel auftreten. Strophenlieder sind ebenso enthalten wie durchkomponierte und offene Formen. Ein groß angelegtes Finale schließt die Liederreihe ab, die tatsächlich als zusammenhängender Zyklus konzipiert ist, was aber die Aufführung einer Auswahl an Liedern nicht grundsätzlich ausschließt. Musikalisch ist die chorische Anlage deutlich zu erkennen, was Hafis auch im Gegensatz zu den Brahms’schen Quartetten für einen Amateurchor deutlich leichter aufführbar macht und nicht zuletzt auf Gernsheims eigene Chorleitungspraxis zurückzuführen sein dürfte. Der Klavierpart hingegen zeugt von einer technisch versierten Beschäftigung mit dem Instrument und auch die Soli sind merklich anspruchsvoller angelegt. Im Gesamten stellt die Liederreihe eine äußerst gelungene und in sich schlüssige Komposition dar. Sie leistet somit ihren Beitrag zur Wiederentdeckung der (nach jahrelanger Nicht-Beachtung während und nach der NS-Zeit) bisher nur dürftig erschlossenen Chorwerke des Wormser Komponisten Friedrich Gernsheim. Die zeitgleich zur Edition erschienene CD-Einspielung des Kammerchors Vox Quadrata ermöglicht einen leichteren Zugang zur Musik Friedrich Gernsheims.
Chorale SATB

$13.99 13.37 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (SATB) - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1171401 Composed by Roger Quilter. 20th Century,Classical. Octavo. 24 pages. Forsyth Brothers Ltd #771738. Published by Forsyth Brothers Ltd (A0.1171401). A delightful early opus from one of the most individual English songwriters of the Twentieth Century, Roger Quilter (1877-1953). The texts are taken from the works of Seventeenth Century English poet Robert Herrick (ca 1591-1674) whose lyrics Quilter also set to music in his Opus 8 song-cycle To Julia (1905). The Opus 7 settings are dedicated to Quilter's friend Percy Grainger.FIVE LYRICS OF ROBERT HERRICK (SATB & Piano): Cupid A Dirge Morning Song To Electra To Violets  CupidLove, like a beggar came to meWith hose and doublet torn;His shirt bedangling from his knee,With hat and shoes outworn. He asked an alms; I gave him bread,And meat too for his need,Of which, when he had fully fed,He wished me all good speed.Away he went, but as he turned,In faith I know not how,He touched me so, as that I burnedAnd am tormented now. Love’s silent flames and fires obscureThen crept into my heart;And though I saw no bow, I’m sureHis finger was the dart. A DirgeHere she lies, in bed of spice,Fair as Eve in ParadiseFor her beauty was suchPoets could not praise too much.Virgins come, and in a ringHer supremest requiem sing.Then depart but see ye treadLightly, lightly o’er the dead.Morning Song Let's now take our time,While we're in our prime,And old, old age is afar off:For the evil, evil daysWill come on apace,Before we can be aware of. To ElectraI dare not ask a kiss;I dare not beg a smile;Lest, having that or this,I might grow proud the while. No, no, the utmost shareOf my desire shall beOnly to kiss the airThat lately kissèd thee. To VioletsWelcome, maids of honour!You do bringIn the SpringAnd wait upon her She has virgins manyFresh and fair;Yet you areMore sweet than anyY'are the maiden posiesAnd so graced,To be placed'Fore damask roses.Yet though thus respectedBy and byYe do lie,Poor girls, neglected.
Five Lyrics of Robert Herrick - Roger Quilter
Chorale SATB
and by

Ye do lie,

Poor girls, neglected

$9.99 9.55 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Mixed choir (SATB) and orchestra - Digital Download SKU: S9.Q3162 Für gemischten Chor und Orchester. Composed by Hans Werner Henze. This edition: study score. Music Of Our Time. Downloadable, Study score. Duration 55 minutes. Schott Music - Digital #Q3162. Published by Schott Music - Digital (S9.Q3162). German.The theme of Henze’s Ninth Symphony is his German homeland as he remembers it during the days of his youth and during the war years. He has written this work in homage to all the people who fought back against the oppression of the Third Reich and sacrificed their lives for freedom of thought. Hans-Ulrich Treichel adapted the text from a poem by Anna Seghers. Henze has called the symphony ‘an apotheosis of the terrible and the painful’. The pinnacle of his prolific and varied œuvre, it is worlds apart from ‘Freude schöner Götterfunken’.My Ninth Symphony deals with my German homeland – as it appeared to me when I was a young man, during the war, and even earlier. Instead of hymning joy, the beautiful divine spark, the men and women of my Ninth Symphony spend the evening conjuring up a world of horror and persecution that is still with us today and that continues to cast its shadows over us. Hans Werner Henze3 (2. auch Picc., 3. auch Picc. u. Altfl.) · 3 (2. auch Ob. d'am., 3. auch Engl. Hr.) · Heckelphon · 3 (2. auch Kb.-Klar., 3. auch Bassklar.) · 3 (3. auch Kfg.) - 6 · 4 · 5 (1. Alt-, 2. u. 3. Tenor-, 4. Bass-, 5. Kb.-Pos.) · 1 (im 6. Satz Kb.-Tb.) - P. S. (3 hg. Beck. [h./m./t.] · Beckenpaar · 3 Tamt. [h./m./t.] · 3 Tomt. [h./m./t.] · 3 Bong. [h./m./t.] · Tamb. · kl. Tr. · gr. Tr. [mit und ohne Beck.] · Woodbl. · Metallbl. · hg. Glasplättchen · Kast. · Mar. · Guiros [normal und sehr groß] · Ratsche · Peitsche · Amboss · Donnerblech · Bronzeplatte · Polizeipf. [Trillerpf.] · Sir. · 3 Flex. [verschiedene Tonhöhen] · Tempelbl. · Crot. · Röhrengl. · chin. Gongs · Glsp. · Vibr. · Marimba) (7 Spieler) - Hfe. · Cel. · Klav. · Org. (nur im 6. Satz) - Str.
Sinfonia N. 9
Chorale SATB

$55.99 53.5 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir,Choral (SATB divisi) - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1388554 Composed by Stanley M Hoffman. 21st Century,Classical. 24 pages. #972055. Published by (A0.1388554). Program Notes: The fact that the text for this work even exists is a miracle. It was written by Abraham (Abramek) Koplowicz, a Jewish boy who was exterminated by the Nazis during the Holocaust. Abramek was born in 1930 in Lodz, Poland, and died 1944 in that country's infamous concentration camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau. He wrote this poem during the time that his family was trapped in the Lodz ghetto. This poem was not found until 1983 when Eliezer (Lolek) Grynfeld, the poet's half-brother, discovered it among their late father's belongings. Choristers who sing this work will be transported on a magical flight around the world through time and space along with their audiences. —A Dream (Marzenie)When I am twenty years of age,I will burst forth from this cageAnd begin to see our splendid EarthFor the first time since my birth!In my motorized bird I’ll soar so highAbove the world, up in the sky,Over rivers and the seas, With such stupefying ease,With my brother wind and sister cloud, I’llMarvel at the Euphrates and the Nile;The goddess Isis ruled the land that linksThe Pyramids and the massive Sphynx.I will glide above Niagara Falls,And sunbathe where the Sahara calls;If I want to escape the scorching heat,I will fly up north to an Arctic retreat.I will top the cloudy peaks of Tibetan fameAnd survey the fabled land whence the Magi came.From the Island of KangaroosI’ll take my time and cruiseTo the ruins of Pompeii          At the edge of Naples Bay,I’ll continue to the Holy Land, then seekThe home of Homer, the celebrated Greek.More and more astonished will I growAt the beauty of the Earth below.In all my travelling I’ll be twinnedWith my siblings, cloud and wind.—Abraham (“Abramek”) Koplowicz (b. 1930, Lodz, Poland, d. 1944, Auschwitz-Birkenau)Translation by Sarah Lawson and Małgorzata Koraszewska© Copyright 1993 by Eliezer Grynfeld. All rights reserved.Used by permission of Eliezer Grynfeld.—Music: © Copyright 2024 by Stanley M. Hoffman.www.stanleymhoffman.comAll rights reserved.
A DREAM (SATB Chorus [divisi] and Piano or Orchestra) - Piano/Choral Score
Chorale SATB

$5.00 4.78 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (SATB) - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.976710 Composed by Robert Myers. Christian,Concert,Contemporary,Easter,Sacred. Octavo. 10 pages. WheatMyer Music #4767525. Published by WheatMyer Music (A0.976710). It Is Not Death to Die is a new setting of French poet Henri Abraham César Malan's Non, ce n'est pas mourir as translated by George Washington Bethune and adapted for this work. Why this text? It first came to my notice shortly after the passing of Billy Graham, who was known to paraphrase D. L. Moody,   Someday you will read or hear that Billy Graham is dead. Don’t you believe a word of it. I shall be more alive than I   am now. I will just have changed my address. I will have gone into the presence of God.Graham's bold proclamation and Malan's poetry motivated me to focus anew on the resurrection, re-remembering it as the pivotal element of the Christian faith. For if there is no resurrection, Paul says in 1 Cor 15, our faith is useless. But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead! Unfortunately, singing about heaven has, perhaps, been neglected of recent decades. We seem to have focused more on the already to the detriment of the not yet. But it is important to remember that this life is not all there is! Quoting Paul again, the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us (Rom 8:18). Yet, if Christ delays, the grim inevitability of our transition into eternity is a certain experience we all face. Malan's poetry so poignantly and eloquently captures this tension that it compelled me to compose a fresh musical setting that attempts to captures the mixture of dread and hope borne out in the acclamation that death is swallowed up in victory! I pray that this setting aids the Church to remember the great hope and promise Christ has granted us:   O Death, where is your victory?    O Death, where is your sting?_______________________________________________________________________________________________The music opens with a C# diminished chord in a very still and somber texture reflective of grief. The text is introduced with the first of two main motives, a rising 4-note outline of B minor in a triple repetition of It Is Not Death. As each stanza proceeds the music concludes on the second motive, a 5-note descending span of a minor 7th in Bb Lydian. The energy and mood of the music gradually shift over the five stanzas, as the focus moves from this life to the next; the texture thickens, the harmony expands, and the dynamic grows into the music’s pinnacle on reign with You on high! The music closes on a reprise of the opening section, simultaneously mindful of our mortality and our eternity.
It Is Not Death to Die
Chorale SATB

$2.25 2.15 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

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