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Mixed choir (SATB) a cappella - intermediate - Digital Download SKU: S9.Q19092 Homenaje al Papa Francisco. Composed by Alwin Michael Schronen. This edition: choral score. Schott Choral Music. Downloadable, Choral score. Duration 12 minutes, 30 seconds. Schott Music - Digital #Q19092. Published by Schott Music - Digital (S9.Q19092). Latin.The work interprets in a sensitive way the effect Pope Frances, who was elected in March 2013, has on people. Based on three Argentine folk songs, the mass with its powerful and quiet parts arouses feelings of exaltation. The awakening and the joy caused by Pope Francis since his election is represented in the 'Gloria'. A varied, yet reverent work which spreads this tribute to a great man all over the world.Das Werk deutet auf einfühlsame Art und Weise die Wirkung Papst Franziskus‘ auf die Menschen. Basierend auf drei argentinischen Volksliedern sorgt es mit eindringlichen und stillen Teilen für erhebende Gefühle. Ein abwechslungsreiches Werk und eine große Hommage.
Missa Argentina
Chorale SATB

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Choral Choir,Choral (SATB) - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1384124 Composed by Julio R. Gonzales, O.g. Enius, Rodney Terence Argent, and Tony Gonzalez. Arranged by Elise Letourneau. Contemporary,Jazz,Pop,Rock. 9 pages. Elise Letourneau #968487. Published by Elise Letourneau (A0.1384124). As sung by The Capital Voices. Jazz-infused SATB arrangement of the rock tune by The Zombies. Arrangement includes a short scat break for the soprano part. Four-stave vocal system plus rhythm section line with chord symbols. 9 pages. Duration about 4:41.Elise Letourneau is a multiple award-winning composer, and an accomplished songwriter, multi-instrumentalist performer, arranger, producer, choir director, and educator. Her compositions and arrangements have been performed around the globe.
Time Of Season/what's Your Name
Chorale SATB

$2.00 1.83 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir,Choral (SATB) - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.596519 Composed by Juan María Solare. 20th Century,A Cappella,Contemporary,Latin,Multicultural,World. 14 pages. Juan Maria Solare #3485699. Published by Juan Maria Solare (A0.596519). Juan María Solare Lorem ipsum for choir a cappella SATB Audio: Video: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, incididunt ut labore et dolore magna umbra. Nulla sed leo. Nullam sed purus. Nulla vitae diam sapien. Nulla gravida pretium magna. Tellus, ventus et ignis. Verbum sapientes defendit.     The Lorem ipsum is a text in pseudo-Latin, loosely inspired in a writing of Cicero[1] and that since the XVI century is used in publishing as filler text. Today it is used with a similar function, in electronic documents or web design. There are several versions of this text (of variable length), all them used to begin in the same way (Lorem ipsum … elit) but goon in different fashions. Therefore, I also invented part of the text, taking care of the metric, structural parallelisms and some hidden allusion to popular music (Tellus, ventus et ignis is Earth, Wind and Fire). The last sentence has even some sense: Verbum sapientes defendit means that the word defends to those who know. In the coda, since it is vocally much more practical to finish in m than in t, I changed the last word: dolor sit ipsum, what carries the existentialist message that pain is oneself.   Musically, the form is a rondo, with an obsessive refrain (based on the sentence we are commenting) which reappears without modifications.   This piece was composed in Bremen (Germany) on 18, 19 and 20 May 2015 (as if from a handbook: one day the text, the following day the music and on the third one big adjustements and the definitive precisions). Lorem ipsum is dedicated to Gonzalo Martín Saldívar. Premiere by the chamber choir Northern Spirit, conducted by Jaret Choolun, tenth year anniversary concert1 (19th November 2016) at the kleiner Saal of Die Glocke, Bremen, Germany. ( performance in Latin America: Coro Estable Municipal de Tandil, conducted by Annele Moroder, during the opening concert of the Third Argentine Choral Congress and the First Latin American Choral Congress (Choral Art and Identity) on May 24, 2018 (at 8:15 PM) at the Tandil Museum of Fine Arts, Argentina ( Juan María Solare [1] de Finnibus Bonorum et Malorum (On the Ends of Good and Evil), sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33, written in the year 45 before Christ. This book -a treatise on ethic theory- was very popular during the Renaissance.
Lorem Ipsum [mixed choir]
Chorale SATB

$5.00 4.58 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (SATB divisi) - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.486749 By Stan Getz & Astrud Gilberto. By Antonio Carlos Jobim, Norman Gimbel, and Vinicius De Moraes. Arranged by Steve Sargent. A Cappella,Contemporary,Jazz,Latin,Standards. Octavo. 10 pages. Steve Sargent #104853. Published by Steve Sargent (A0.486749). Other arrangements of this wonderfully harmonic and emotional song are either too complex for an amateur choir, or are so simple that the magic is lost. This SAATB arrangement, aimed at high-standard amateur choirs, retains all the original harmony and, for good measure, includes a very singable (written-out) jazz solo in the middle. A suitably moody ending will ensure that (to misquote the lyric) each one who hears it goes ...Ahhh! Great fun to learn and to sing, and a sure winner in any concert.
The Girl From Ipanema (garôta De Ipanema)
Chorale SATB
Stan Getz & Astrud Gilberto
$2.49 2.28 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (SATB divisi) - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1263441 Composed by Juan Carlos Guerra González. 21st Century,A Cappella. Octavo. 42 pages. Juan Carlos Guerra Gonzalez #856403. Published by Juan Carlos Guerra Gonzalez (A0.1263441). Versos was written as a graduation gift to my dear friend Gabriela Fernández, who premiered the piece in Argentina while doing her graduation recital in Choral and Orchestral Conducting in 2023. I had the great privilege of using a poem by Salvadoran poet Andrea Montano, who is also living in Argentina. In the poem, Andrea explores the idea of the quest of every artist for creativity and ideas that sparks the imagination. As a composer, the words resonated in my mind, and I immediately had ideas for the music.The music reflects the journey of every artist through the waters of inspiration using a series of textures created by the voices that are gradually evolving and contracting. The piece is very challenging and demanding for the performers and the conductor. The main musical lines will flourish in between the textures created by the other voices. ___The work might be described as impressionistic in its character. The piece might be very demanding for the singers, but they will for sure enjoy performing it.
Chorale SATB

$3.99 3.66 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (SATB) - Digital Download SKU: A0.828730 Composed by Giuseppe Dogliani. Arranged by Guido Menestrina. Romantic Period,Sacred. Octavo. 6 pages. Guido Menestrina #1986533. Published by Guido Menestrina (A0.828730). SATB + Piano solo Musica dal dramma (su libretto di Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne) Cristoforo Colombo, 1896. Qui di seguito info sul compositore. n. a Costigliole di Saluzzo (Cuneo-Italia) il 13 maggio 1849; prof. a Lanzo il 23 settemre 1870; m. a Torino il 22 ottobre 1934. Fu accolto da don Bosco nel suo Oratorio di Valdocco (Torino) nel 1864, a 14 anni di età, come allievo falegname. Egli però, già cantore del duomo di Saluzzo, aveva una spiccata inclinazione alla musica, e trovò in don Bosco chi lo comprese e l'assecondò. Sotto la guida del M. De Vecchi poté studiare musica strumentale, armonia e composizione. I suoi progressi furono così rapidi che, fattosi salesiano, divenne il più attivo collaboratore del M. Cagliero, e, allorché questi partì per l'Argentina a capo della prima spedizione di missionari salesiani (1875), a lui fu affidata la direzione della Schola cantorum,e nel 1889 anche della banda musicale dell'Oratorio. Maestro impareggiabile - come attesta un suo ex-allievo, don Alberto Caviglia - trasformò la scuola di canto col suo metodo d'insegnamento, sia nella preparazione della lettura, sia nell'educazione delle voci bianche e nell'addestramento delle masse corali, che giunsero fino a quattrocento voci. Con mezzi così poderosi il M. Dogliani ricondusse in chiesa la musica classica, e la Basilica di Maria Ausiliatrice fu rinomata per le grandiose esecuzioni inappuntabili degli spartiti di Rossini, Cherubini, Haydn, Gounod, Sgambati, Bossi, Tebaldini, Pagella, Perosi, Bottazzo, Ravanello, Mattioli, Donini, giungendo perfino a eseguire la Missa Papae Marcelli del Palestrina, senza accompagnamento (1876), e le classiche composizioni di Vittoria, Lolli, Gabrielli, Orlando di Lasso. La presenza della sua Schola cantorum e della sua banda strumentale fu spesso ambita e richiesta in altre città d'Italia in solenni circostanze, meritando elogi e premi, e perfino a Marsiglia per le feste centenarie di santa Giovanna d'Arco e l'inaugurazione della nuova cattedrale (1894). Il Cagliero - di cui ridusse a stile liturgico le più solenni composizioni - lo invitò in Argentina per portarvi la sua esperienza pratica d'insegnamento, che poi concretò nel celebre Metodo di canto corale, edito varie volte e su cui si formarono generazioni di Pueri cantores. Fu pure compositore di musica sacra e inni d'occasione di ottimo effetto: notevole l'antifona Corona aurea, composta per l'incoronazione dell'effige di Maria Ausiliatrice nel suo santuario (1903). Ma soprattutto egli - seguendo il metodo educativo di don Bosco - seppe fare della scuola di canto e di banda validi strumenti di formazione interiore, educando soprattutto con l'esempio di perfetto religioso, sicché i suoi allievi, per la sua abituale compostezza e inalterabile pazienza, lo tenevano in concetto di santo. Tra essi vi fu pure il celebre tenore Francesco Tamagno; altro suo discepolo affezionatissimo fu Federico Caudana, poi maestro di cappella a Cremona e buon compositore di musica. È da notare che il M. Dogliani, col suo insegnamento e col suo esempio, precorse di un trentennio la riforma della musica sacra fatta da san Pio X col Motu proprio del 1903. (da ) follow the score online on youtube:
Giuseppe Dogliani - Salve o Regina (1896)
Chorale SATB

$1.99 1.82 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (SATB) - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.900395 Composed by Traditional. Arranged by Gustavo Fuentes. A Cappella,Celtic,Folk,World. Octavo. 4 pages. Gustavo Fuentes #3532713. Published by Gustavo Fuentes (A0.900395). Agora non (Not Now) is a traditional lullaby from Asturias (Spain), arranged for Mixed Choir (SATB) a capella with chords for piano or guitar. His folkloric lyrics talk about adulterous relationships, surprising in a lullaby. This arrangement belongs to the repertory of Avalon Choir (Coro Avalon) of Buenos Aires, Argentina, of which I am its director and arranger. The audio is from a live concert. Agora non (Ahora no) es una canción de cuna tradicional de Asturias (España), arreglada para Coro Mixto (SATB) a capella, con acordes para piano o guitarra. Su letra folklórica habla sobre las relaciones adúlteras, algo sorprendente en una canción de cuna. Este arreglo forma parte del repertorio del Coro Avalon de Buenos Aires, Argentina, del cual soy el director y arreglador. El audio es de un concierto en vivo.
Agora Non, lullaby of Asturias (Spain) for Mixed Choir
Chorale SATB

$2.00 1.83 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (SATB) - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.900396 Composed by Traditional. Arranged by Gustavo Fuentes. A Cappella,Celtic,Folk,World. Octavo. 4 pages. Gustavo Fuentes #3532735. Published by Gustavo Fuentes (A0.900396). ¿Dónde vas por agua? and El agua del río (Where are you going for water? and The water of the river) they are traditional songs from Asturias (Spain), arranged for Mixed Choir (SATB) a capella with chords for piano or guitar. His folkloric lyrics talk about the divinatory power of water. This arrangement belongs to the repertory of Avalon Choir (Coro Avalon) of Buenos Aires, Argentina, of which I am its director and arranger. The audio is from our CD Celtic Journey that you can listen to on Spotify. ¿Dónde vas por agua? y El agua del río son canciones tradicionales de Asturias (España), arregladas para Coro Mixto (SATB) a capella, con acordes para piano o guitarra. Su letra folklórica habla sobre el poder adivinatorio del agua. Este arreglo forma parte del repertorio del Coro Avalon de Buenos Aires, Argentina, del cual soy el director y arreglador. El audio es de nuestro CD Celtic Journey que puedes escuchar completo en Spotify.
¿Donde vas por agua? y Por el agua del río, traditional songs of Asturias (Spain) for Mixed Choir
Chorale SATB

$2.00 1.83 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

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