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Choral Choir (SATB) - Level 3 - Digital Download

SKU: A0.872680

Composed by Philip Orem. Contemporary,Jewish,Sacred. Octavo. 78 pages. Philip Orem #3684821. Published by Philip Orem (A0.872680).

Ashira is a Shabbat evening service with 19 prayers. This is perfect for choirs that don't have lots of rehearsal time. The choir parts are entirely unison with the more challenging parts being for the cantor and pianist. Introducing each new piece to your congregation as it is learned over a period of time can build up to the entire service and your congregation joining in! The Oseh Shalom is included in Transcontinental Music Publications' Shabbat Anthology VIII.

Here is a youtube link for the first performance with Cantor Vicky Glikin and myself at the piano.

We're on the honor system here, please buy as many copies as you have performers. Printing more copies than you purchase is a violation of the copyright.

Ashira - A Musical Service for Cantor and Choir Chorale SATB

$25.00 23.67 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (SATB) - Level 4 - Digital Download

SKU: A0.861905

Composed by Mark O'Connor. 20th Century,Contemporary,Folk. Octavo. 38 pages. Mark O'Connor Musik International #6206201. Published by Mark O'Connor Musik International (A0.861905).

Let Us Move (score - vocal choir and violin solo) MO144A

Vocal Choir (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Baritone, Bass with violin obligato). Violin part available

Music by Mark O’Connor

34 pages - 15:00 minutes in length


Let Us Move (for vocal chorus and violin solo) composed by Mark O'Connor was written in early 2000. This choral work was commissioned by the superb Gloriea Dei Cantores choir from Cape Cod, Massachusetts. After finding the text from an old hymn, Hail The Day That Sees Him Rise, O'Connor finished the choral piece to include unusual singing techniques with no other accompaniment except a violin obbligato weaving in and out of the choral textures for a unique combination of sound. The performance length is sixteen minutes.

In the recording's liner notes, Mr. O'Connor writes: on a cold February morning I walked into their church, their house of worship and community. I experienced an inspirational devotion to music I'd never known. Under the leadership of Mother Betty, Gloria Dei Cantores voices sounded like angels descending from Heaven, delivering and rendering my music in a way that seemed to shake the rafters and elevate the spirit. It was a magnificent sound borne of discipline and motivation, faithful love for craft and result. A glorious celebration... a joyous melding of mission and gift. For this experience I am truly grateful. Praise God and Let Us Move!.


Original music printed from the composer’s manuscripts.

Music editing, copying and engraving by Mark O’Connor

using Finale on Apple Macintosh 2000


Composed by Mark O’Connor

Text is Public Domain (Hail The Day That Sees Him Rise)

Commissioned by Gloriae Dei Cantores


Can be heard on Folk Mass by Gloriae Dei Cantores and Mark O’Connor, OMAC Records


Catalogue Number MO144A

Copyright © 2000 by Mark O’Connor Music International


For more information on violinist and composer Mark O'Connor, O’Connor String Camps, Touring Ensembles, Discography, Bio, Repertoire and more, please visit


For information on the O’Connor Method – instructional book series for violin, viola, cello and school string orchestra programs:

Let Us Move (score - vocal choir and violin solo)
Chorale SATB

$30.00 28.4 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (SATB) - Digital Download

SKU: A0.828730

Composed by Giuseppe Dogliani. Arranged by Guido Menestrina. Romantic Period,Sacred. Octavo. 6 pages. Guido Menestrina #1986533. Published by Guido Menestrina (A0.828730).

SATB + Piano solo Musica dal dramma (su libretto di Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne) Cristoforo Colombo, 1896. Qui di seguito info sul compositore. n. a Costigliole di Saluzzo (Cuneo-Italia) il 13 maggio 1849; prof. a Lanzo il 23 settemre 1870; m. a Torino il 22 ottobre 1934. Fu accolto da don Bosco nel suo Oratorio di Valdocco (Torino) nel 1864, a 14 anni di età, come allievo falegname. Egli però, già cantore del duomo di Saluzzo, aveva una spiccata inclinazione alla musica, e trovò in don Bosco chi lo comprese e l'assecondò. Sotto la guida del M. De Vecchi poté studiare musica strumentale, armonia e composizione. I suoi progressi furono così rapidi che, fattosi salesiano, divenne il più attivo collaboratore del M. Cagliero, e, allorché questi partì per l'Argentina a capo della prima spedizione di missionari salesiani (1875), a lui fu affidata la direzione della Schola cantorum,e nel 1889 anche della banda musicale dell'Oratorio. Maestro impareggiabile - come attesta un suo ex-allievo, don Alberto Caviglia - trasformò la scuola di canto col suo metodo d'insegnamento, sia nella preparazione della lettura, sia nell'educazione delle voci bianche e nell'addestramento delle masse corali, che giunsero fino a quattrocento voci. Con mezzi così poderosi il M. Dogliani ricondusse in chiesa la musica classica, e la Basilica di Maria Ausiliatrice fu rinomata per le grandiose esecuzioni inappuntabili degli spartiti di Rossini, Cherubini, Haydn, Gounod, Sgambati, Bossi, Tebaldini, Pagella, Perosi, Bottazzo, Ravanello, Mattioli, Donini, giungendo perfino a eseguire la Missa Papae Marcelli del Palestrina, senza accompagnamento (1876), e le classiche composizioni di Vittoria, Lolli, Gabrielli, Orlando di Lasso. La presenza della sua Schola cantorum e della sua banda strumentale fu spesso ambita e richiesta in altre città d'Italia in solenni circostanze, meritando elogi e premi, e perfino a Marsiglia per le feste centenarie di santa Giovanna d'Arco e l'inaugurazione della nuova cattedrale (1894). Il Cagliero - di cui ridusse a stile liturgico le più solenni composizioni - lo invitò in Argentina per portarvi la sua esperienza pratica d'insegnamento, che poi concretò nel celebre Metodo di canto corale, edito varie volte e su cui si formarono generazioni di Pueri cantores. Fu pure compositore di musica sacra e inni d'occasione di ottimo effetto: notevole l'antifona Corona aurea, composta per l'incoronazione dell'effige di Maria Ausiliatrice nel suo santuario (1903). Ma soprattutto egli - seguendo il metodo educativo di don Bosco - seppe fare della scuola di canto e di banda validi strumenti di formazione interiore, educando soprattutto con l'esempio di perfetto religioso, sicché i suoi allievi, per la sua abituale compostezza e inalterabile pazienza, lo tenevano in concetto di santo. Tra essi vi fu pure il celebre tenore Francesco Tamagno; altro suo discepolo affezionatissimo fu Federico Caudana, poi maestro di cappella a Cremona e buon compositore di musica. È da notare che il M. Dogliani, col suo insegnamento e col suo esempio, precorse di un trentennio la riforma della musica sacra fatta da san Pio X col Motu proprio del 1903. (da ) follow the score online on youtube:

Giuseppe Dogliani - Salve o Regina (1896)
Chorale SATB

$1.99 1.88 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (SATB) - Level 4 - Digital Download

SKU: A0.861906

Composed by Mark O'Connor. 20th Century,Contemporary,Folk. Octavo. 10 pages. Mark O'Connor Musik International #6206203. Published by Mark O'Connor Musik International (A0.861906).

Let Us Move (violin part - vocal choir and violin solo) MO144B

Violin Obligato Part (vocal choir score available)

Music by Mark O’Connor

6 pages - 15:00 minutes in length


Let Us Move (for vocal chorus and violin solo) composed by Mark O'Connor was written in early 2000. This choral work was commissioned by the superb Gloriea Dei Cantores choir from Cape Cod, Massachusetts. After finding the text from an old hymn, Hail The Day That Sees Him Rise, O'Connor finished the choral piece to include unusual singing techniques with no other accompaniment except a violin obbligato weaving in and out of the choral textures for a unique combination of sound. The performance length is sixteen minutes.

In the recording's liner notes, Mr. O'Connor writes: on a cold February morning I walked into their church, their house of worship and community. I experienced an inspirational devotion to music I'd never known. Under the leadership of Mother Betty, Gloria Dei Cantores voices sounded like angels descending from Heaven, delivering and rendering my music in a way that seemed to shake the rafters and elevate the spirit. It was a magnificent sound borne of discipline and motivation, faithful love for craft and result. A glorious celebration... a joyous melding of mission and gift. For this experience I am truly grateful. Praise God and Let Us Move!.


Original music printed from the composer’s manuscripts.

Music editing, copying and engraving by Mark O’Connor

using Finale on Apple Macintosh 2000


Composed by Mark O’Connor

Text is Public Domain (Hail The Day That Sees Him Rise)

Commissioned by Gloriae Dei Cantores


Can be heard on Folk Mass by Gloriae Dei Cantores and Mark O’Connor, OMAC Records


Catalogue Number MO144B

Copyright © 2000 by Mark O’Connor Music International


For more information on violinist and composer Mark O'Connor, O’Connor String Camps, Touring Ensembles, Discography, Bio, Repertoire and more, please visit


For information on the O’Connor Method – instructional book series for violin, viola, cello and school string orchestra programs:

Let Us Move (violin part - vocal choir and violin solo)
Chorale SATB

$6.00 5.68 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (SATB) - Level 3 - Digital Download

SKU: A0.889697

Composed by William Hawley. Contemporary,Sacred. Octavo. 1 pages. William Hawley #3519379. Published by William Hawley (A0.889697).

William Hawley's Preces for Cantor and SATB Choir (or Officiant and Congregation), composed in 2010, is here presented on a single page for distribution and use in liturgical performance. This work sets the standard text from the Book of Common Prayer of the Anglican Communion, as follows:

Cantor: O Lord, open thou our lips.
Choir: And our mouth shall show forth thy praise.
Cantor: O God, make speed to save us.
Choir: O Lord, make haste to help us.
Cantor: Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost;
Choir: As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Cantor: Praise ye the Lord.
Choir: The Lord's Name be praised.

The audio clip is of the full work in the composer's virtual instruments demo. 

The download includes permission to photocopy the score multiple times, as necessary and  without limit, for distribution to the Music Director, Cantor, Priest, Choir, and Congregation for liturgical performance. Duration 2 minutes. ASCAP

Chorale SATB

$4.95 4.69 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (SATB) - Level 4 - Digital Download

SKU: A0.1271766

Composed by Rudesindo Soutelo. Arranged by Choir & Piano. 20th Century,A Cappella,Classical,Contemporary. Octavo. 30 pages. Publisher by Rudesindo Soutelo #864117. Published by Publisher by Rudesindo Soutelo (A0.1271766).

À memoria da actriz Cruz Comesanha

Lábios de sabor a mar (Derradeira epístola) / Sea flavour lips (Last epistle) for Choir and Piano [ca. 7' 34]

Première: 27-V-2023. Igreja de Santo António, Lisboa. Int.: Coro da Academia Nacional Superior de Orquestra (ANSO). Dir: Rafael Araújo.

The origin of this work is the emotional emptiness I felt when I received the news of the death of a close friend in an unfortunate accident at home. The text was constructed with ideas and phrases taken from the poetic correspondence we had exchanged in the previous months. A few years later, I plucked up the courage to write the music, firstly for Choir a Cappella, followed by a version for Brass Quintet and another for Voice and Piano. This new edition for Choir has been revised in its entirety and includes, as an option, the Piano.
The English translation of the text at the end of the score is not intended to be sung. It is only inserted to help singers who do not understand Portuguese to comprehend the message.
The complexes that organise the harmonic and melodic structure are [6, 2, 5, 1, 3], [10, 9, 2, 8] and [4, 8, 9, 7].


A origem desta obra está no vazio emocional que me produziu a notícia da morte de uma íntima amiga, num infortunado acidente caseiro. O texto foi construido com ideias e frases retiradas da correspondência poética que trocáramos nos meses anteriores. Alguns anos depois, ganhei coragem para escrever a música, primeiramente para Coro a Cappella, seguindo-se uma versão para Quinteto de Metais e outra para Voz e Piano. Esta nova edição para Coro foi revista na sua totalidade e inclui, como opção, o Piano.
A tradução inglesa do texto, no final da partitura, não é para ser cantada. Só se insere para ajudar na compreensão da mensagem, aos cantores que não percebam português. 
Os complexos que organizam a estrutura harmónica e melódica são [6, 2, 5, 1, 3], [10, 9, 2, 8] e [4, 8, 9, 7].

ISWC: T-041.574.843-4
ISMN: 979-0-707704-16-5.

Lábios de sabor a mar / Sea flavour lips (Choir+Piano)
Chorale SATB

$3.00 2.84 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Congregation, SATB choir, and organ, with optional brass quartet and timpani - Moderately Easy - Digital Download

SKU: MQ.60-6114-E

Composed by James Biery. Epiphany, Reformation. 20 pages. MorningStar Music Publishers - Digital Sheet Music #60-6114-E. Published by MorningStar Music Publishers - Digital Sheet Music (MQ.60-6114-E).


From the mysterious to the glorious, Biery perfectly captures the wide-ranging moods of this text, set to the enduring tune EBENEZER. This hymn concertato was written for the Schola Cantorum of Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana in observance of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. So, it's no surprise that the setting has considerable sweep and gravitas, with some fresh harmonic twists. A beautiful choir-only section spans stanzas three and four in major tonalities that nicely complement the staid minor of the rest of the hymn. The sixth and final stanza is unison with descant and concludes with a choir Alleluia and Amen. Stirring and majestic. Duration 4:00.

Thy Strong Word Did Cleave the Darkness (Downloadable Choral Score)
Chorale SATB

$3.15 2.98 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (SATB) - Level 4 - Digital Download

SKU: A0.1090171

Composed by Clifford W. King. 20th Century,A Cappella,Contemporary,Contest,Festival,Sacred. Octavo. 14 pages. Clifford W. King #694349. Published by Clifford W. King (A0.1090171).

( s a t b ) a cappella.

mvt. ii of Missa Brevis


Glory be to God on high, and on earth peace, good will towards men. We praise thee, we bless thee, we worship thee, we glorify thee, we give thanks to thee for thy great glory. For thou only art holy; thou only art the Lord; thou only, O Christ, with the Holy Ghost, art most high in the glory of God the Father. Amen.

Duration: 4'10

Clifford W. King is an award-winning Salt Lake City-based composer, teacher and singer. Recent commissions include the Salt Lake Choral Artists, Cantorum Chamber Choir and Wasatch Chorale. His recording credits include the soundtrack to various video games and television programs. His teachers and mentors include Brady Allred, Clayton Furch, Mark Henderson, Evelyn Harris, Miguel Chuaqui, and Igor Iacimciuc among many others His music is published by Carus-Verlag and Hinshaw Music. He is the composer for the popular YouTube series and Podcast Profiling Evil. Cliff loves slightly out-of-tune pianos, bighorn sheep, and rooibos tea.

Gloria (from "Missa Brevis") ( s a t b )
Chorale SATB

$1.99 1.88 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

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