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Choral Choir,Choral,SATB Chorus - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1491004 Composed by C. G. Mhle. Arranged by L. Mller. 19th Century,Christian,Classical,Religious,Sacred. 3 pages. Mller Publishing company #1067771. Published by Mller Publishing company (A0.1491004). Das Gebet des Herrn (The Lord's Prayer)Composed by C.G. Mhle (1792-1847)Edited by L. MllerImmerse yourself in the profound beauty of Das Gebet des Herrn (The Lord's Prayer) by the 19th-century composer Carl Gottlieb Mhle. Known for his devotional and sacred compositions, Mhles work reflects the spiritual depth of his time, focusing on purity of melody and the contemplative power of the Christian faith.This edition, carefully preserved by L. Mller, presents Das Gebet des Herrn in its original form. The text is a German setting of The Lord's Prayer, one of the most central prayers in Christianity. Its solemn and reverent tone captures the essence of devotion, prayer, and supplication to God.The melody follows the prayer, highlighting each phrase of the text with sensitivity and grace. From Unser Vater, der du bist im Himmel (Our Father, who art in heaven) to the majestic conclusion of Denn dein ist die Kraft und dein ist das Reich und dein die Herrlichkeit in Ewigkeit (For thine is the power, and the kingdom, and the glory forever), Mhle's composition elevates the sacred text to new heights, perfect for performances in religious services or concerts seeking a deep spiritual experience.This digital sheet music offers high-resolution quality and an accessible format for rehearsals and performances. Whether you are seeking a piece for a sacred concert, church performance, or personal reflection, Das Gebet des Herrn will resonate deeply with both performers and audiences alike.*************Das Gebet des Herrn (Das Vaterunser)Komponiert von C.G. Mhle (1792-1847)Herausgegeben von L. MllerTauchen Sie ein in die tiefe Schnheit von Das Gebet des Herrn (Das Vaterunser), komponiert von dem Komponisten Carl Gottlieb Mhle aus dem 19. Jahrhundert. Mhle, bekannt fr seine religisen und sakralen Werke, spiegelt in seinen Kompositionen die spirituelle Tiefe seiner Zeit wider und konzentriert sich auf die Reinheit der Melodie und die nachdenkliche Kraft des christlichen Glaubens.Diese Ausgabe, sorgfltig bewahrt von L. Mller, prsentiert Das Gebet des Herrn in seiner ursprnglichen Form. Der Text ist eine deutsche Vertonung des Vaterunsers, einem der zentralsten Gebete im Christentum. Der feierliche und ehrfrchtige Ton fngt die Essenz der Hingabe, des Gebets und der Bitte an Gott ein.Die Melodie folgt dem Gebet und unterstreicht sensibel und anmutig jede Phrase des Textes. Vom Unser Vater, der du bist im Himmel bis zum majesttischen Abschluss Denn dein ist die Kraft und dein ist das Reich und die Herrlichkeit in Ewigkeit erhebt Mhles Komposition den heiligen Text zu neuen Hhen, ideal fr Auffhrungen in Gottesdiensten oder Konzerten, die eine tiefe spirituelle Erfahrung suchen.Diese digitale Partitur bietet eine hochauflsende Qualitt und ein leicht zugngliches Format fr Proben und Auffhrungen. Ob Sie ein Werk fr ein sakrales Konzert, eine kirchliche Darbietung oder zur persnlichen Besinnung suchen, Das Gebet des Herrn wird sowohl bei den Auffhrenden als auch beim Publikum tiefe Resonanz finden.
Das Gebet des Herrn (The Lord's Prayer) - C. G. Mühle
Chorale SATB

$2.99 2.87 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir,Choral (SATB) - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1394475 Composed by Kevin G. Pace (ASCAP), Mary Ann W. Snowball. Christian,Praise & Worship,Religious,Sacred,Spiritual. 10 pages. Kevin G. Pace #977960. Published by Kevin G. Pace (A0.1394475). A powerful choral composition.  Music by Kevin G. Pace.  Text by Mary Ann W. Snowball.  Inspired by the words in Matthew: . . . forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. (Matthew 6:12).Text:When you feel resentment, jealousy, or strife,Take the time to ponder motives in your life.You will be astonished as you pray to God . . .How He helps to cleanse ideas you once thought.When injustice enters quickly in your soul,When hostility and hatred take ahold,Know that God can change your views from dark to light.As your heart is softened, He will give new sight.When it’s difficult to reconcile a hurt,And it’s hard to love when others have been curt,See the Savior as your guide. . . He lends His grace.As you pardon others, you can see His face.Chorus:Oh, forgive and you will be forgiv’n.You can gain a cherished place in heav’n.As an heir of Father, you will have a part . . .He will give to you a purified, new heart.
A New Heart, sacred music for SATB choir
Chorale SATB

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Choral Choir,Choral (SATB) - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1329875 Composed by Kevin G. Pace (ASCAP), Mary Ann W. Snowball. Christian,Christmas,Praise & Worship,Religious,Sacred. 12 pages. Kevin G. Pace #917864. Published by Kevin G. Pace (A0.1329875). A magnificently beautiful choral composition.  Music composed by Kevin G. Pace. Text by Mary Ann W. Snowball.Text: Remember Compassion“ . . . wherefore, I will have compassion upon you.” (Doctrine and Covenants 64:2)Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed,My lasting compassion will I always prove.Unlike sheep without shepherds who lose track on their way,My voice will be heard whenever you pray.Chorus:Remember compassion; remember I’m here.I will be near you; oh, please do not fear!Remember compassion when others you see.Proffer as I would, then come unto Me.When all evil is tempting and the sun bears its heat,My springs of cool water will be at your feet.I will comfort my people through my cov’nant of care,Through hunger or thirst, my cup’s never bare.Through each trouble and heartache; through each burden so great,Through each lone transgression will I share the weight.I will ease all your suff’ring as you search for my face.My presence is near; I’ll give you my grace. 
Remember Compassion, sacred music for SATB choir
Chorale SATB

$1.99 1.91 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (SATB) - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.915680 Composed by Richard Joseph Barber. Classical,Contemporary,Sacred. Octavo. 4 pages. Barber Music Company #3023247. Published by Barber Music Company (A0.915680). Words by St. Ambrose of Milan (c340–397), tr. by John Henry Newman.Set to music and arranged by Richard Joseph Barber for Rev. Jason Parker, High Country Baptist Church in Colorado Springs, CO.Composer's note:This is a joyous call to prayer (especially morning prayer). The music reminds me of little children skipping with glee under a bright blue morning sky. It needs to be sung with joy in the Lord, Who hears us when we call, forgives our sins, and gives us grace to love Him, keep his commands and do those things that are pleasing in His sight. It should be a wonder morning service anthem, but why not try it in the evening, too, in anticipation of meeting God at the beginning of the next day.  The key to the style of this piece is rhythmic vitality.  The 6/8 meter should be conducted in two, but singers (and the conductor) must feel the eighth note division of the beat as the composition's energizing rhythmic subtext. After the choir has learned the words, pitches and rhythms of the piece, have them let the text go for awhile, and replace it with the syllable doo for every eighth note value. That is, for every eighth note sing 'doo once; for every quarter note sing it twice; for every dotted quarter note sing it three times, and so on. You will hear some giggling from your singers. That is okay.  They will have some fun, and you will hear definite improvement. RJB (
Now That the Son is Beaming Bright
Chorale SATB

$3.00 2.88 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (SATB) - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1211642 Composed by Kevin G. Pace (ASCAP), Mary Ann W. Snowball. Christian,Praise & Worship,Religious,Sacred,Spiritual. Octavo. 8 pages. Kevin G. Pace #809256. Published by Kevin G. Pace (A0.1211642). A beautiful, sacred choral composition with music by Kevin G. Pace and text by Mary Ann W. Snowball.Text:No other gift than Christ’s perfect love; no other gift came down from above.No other gift gives guidance with grace. No other gift lends God’s pure embrace.No other gift, no other vowed gift guides all to Him and saves us from sin.No other gift than Jesus’ blessed course rescues a soul from cripp’ling remorse.No other life, no, no other man suffered to give us God’s perfect plan.No other eyes viewed what He foresaw. No other life can heal ev’ry flaw.No other life redeems all who fall; no other life was given for all.No other life can cure ev’ry pain. No other life has suffered for gain.No other gift, no, no other gift proves his great love; He came from above.No other gift can save us today; He is the One who’s shown us the way.All for our sakes He came from above, bearing great love. He gives us his love.No other gift, there’s no greater gift than Jesus Christ, our Savior . . . the Christ.
No Other Gift, sacred music for SATB choir
Chorale SATB

$1.99 1.91 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir,Choral,SATB Chorus - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1416395 Composed by Kevin G. Pace (ASCAP), Mary Ann W. Snowball. Christian,Praise & Worship,Religious,Sacred,Spiritual. 9 pages. Kevin G. Pace #998076. Published by Kevin G. Pace (A0.1416395). An epically beautiful choral composition.  Music by Kevin G. Pace.  Text by Mary Ann W. Snowball.Text:Although I bestow all my goods to feed the poor and lone, Without the gift of charity, I will never own the right of oneness to be sealed to Father up above, And with my Savior, Jesus Christ, unite in perfect love.Until God distills purity, giv'n through the Holy Ghost, I'll pray with all my energy for this inner Host. Then to this Spirit I will cleave so God can live in me, And so be clothed with purest love... beloved charity. My holy conferral to love each fellowman I see comes as a gift from God above, for He first loved me. And now I'm filled with pain and more, with sorrow and with tears, All for the welfare of lost souls. I feel my Savior near.Sweet oneness within fills my heart; I feel my flesh consumed. An entity has swelled my soul and entered to bloom. For others, now, true charity can manifest my love, All given from the grace of Christ, and Father up above. bove.Chorus:Charity for humankind is my gift with love divine. One in love and one in grace promises Christ's sacred face.
One in Charity, sacred music for SATB choir
Chorale SATB

$1.99 1.91 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano and voice (solo and SATB chorus) - Digital Download SKU: LV.4216 Composed by Eastburn. Angels, Churches, Stairs & stairways, Vases, Flowers, Clouds, Heaven. Lester S. Levy Collection. 4 pages. Published by Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries (LV.4216). The Gates For Ever Open. Song & Chorus. Response to How the Gates Came Ajar. By Eastburn. Published 1873 by S. Brainard's Sons in Clevelan. Composition of strophic with chorus with piano and voice (solo and satb chorus) instrumentation. Subject headings for this piece include Angels, Churches, Stairs & stairways, Vases, Flowers, Clouds, Heaven. First line reads At midnight the summons awoke us, our dear little Grace must go.. About The Lester S. Levy CollectionThe Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music consists of over 29,000 pieces of American popular music. Donated to Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries, the collection's strength is its thorough documentation of nineteenth-century American through popular music. This sheet music has been provided by Project Gado, a San Francisco Bay Area startup whose mission is to digitize and share the world's visual history.WARNING: These titles are provided as historical documents. Language and concepts within reflect the opinions and values of the time and may be offensive to some.
The Gates For Ever Open. Song & Chorus. Response to How the Gates Came Ajar
Chorale SATB
Eastburn Published 1873 by S
$5.99 5.75 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (Mixed) - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.933469 Composed by Mark Kline. Christian,Contemporary,Easter,Holiday,Sacred. Octavo. 8 pages. Mark Kline #2332297. Published by Mark Kline (A0.933469). One of the most ancient, beloved, and enduring prayers of the Christian Faith is the Kyrie. In the language of the New Testament, Koine Greek, the simple phrase Kyrie Eleison, Christe Eleison means Lord, have mercy; Christ have mercy. By utilizing close harmonies and a fluid increase of intensity, Mark Kline’s composition is meant to suggest the heavenl-like sounds of grace in the hearts of penitents. At two minutes in length, this Kyrie works well in both church and concert settings, engaging a listening audience or aiding in reflective prayer and meditation. In the context of the Mass, the liturgical form used is three Kyrie’s, three Christe’s, and three Kyrie’s. This arrangement can also function in the Mass as a song of thanksgiving after Communion or as an opening or closing piece. Mark Kline's Kyrie is written in ten indispensable parts, and can benefit greatly from multiple singers on each part (especially the men’s continuo with its close harmonies).
Kyrie for Ten Voices
Chorale SATB
utilizing close harmonies and a fluid increase of intensity, Mark Kline’s composition is meant to suggest the heavenl-like sounds of grace in the hearts of penitents

At two minutes in length, this Kyrie works well in both church and concert settings, engaging a listening audience or aiding in reflective prayer and meditation
$5.95 5.72 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano and voice (solo and SATB chorus) - Digital Download SKU: LV.4511 Composed by H. H. Throop. Courtship, Love. Lester S. Levy Collection. 4 pages. Published by Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries (LV.4511). She's the Prettiest Girl in Town. Words & Music by H.H. Throop. Published 1872 by John Church & co., 56 West 4th St. in Cincinnati. Composition of strophic with chorus with piano and voice (solo and satb chorus) instrumentation. Subject headings for this piece include Courtship, Love. First line reads You've often met and admired the grace of the prettiest girl in town.. About The Lester S. Levy CollectionThe Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music consists of over 29,000 pieces of American popular music. Donated to Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries, the collection's strength is its thorough documentation of nineteenth-century American through popular music. This sheet music has been provided by Project Gado, a San Francisco Bay Area startup whose mission is to digitize and share the world's visual history.WARNING: These titles are provided as historical documents. Language and concepts within reflect the opinions and values of the time and may be offensive to some.
She's the Prettiest Girl in Town
Chorale SATB

$5.99 5.75 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir,Choral,SATB Chorus - Level 1 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1446385 By Paul Lorenz & Friends. By Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Arranged by Paul Lorenz. Christian,Classical,Praise & Worship,Religious. 13 pages. Paul Lorenz #1026192. Published by Paul Lorenz (A0.1446385). Discover the Timeless Elegance of Mozarts Ave Verum Corpus Included: Score, Choral Score, Instrumental Parts, Choral Parts Elevate Your Musical Journey with Ave Verum Corpus Mozart Sheet Music Imagine holding in your hands the transcendent beauty of Mozart Ave Verum Corpus sheet music. Paul Lorenz Music brings you this exquisite piece, meticulously crafted for modern musicians while preserving the timeless essence that has captivated audiences for centuries. Our Ave Verum Corpus Mozart PDF is designed for easy access, providing you with the convenience and quality you need to perform this masterpiece flawlessly. The Perfect Score for Every Ensemble: Ave Verum Corpus SATB PDF Whether you are a part of a choir, ensemble, or a solo performer, the Ave Verum Corpus score from Paul Lorenz Music is your key to delivering an unforgettable performance. Our Ave Verum Corpus SATB PDF ensures that each part of your group shines, bringing Mozart's vision to life with precision and grace. Each note is a testament to our commitment to quality and excellence in classical music. Why Choose Paul Lorenz Music? Unmatched Quality and Innovation At Paul Lorenz Music, we pride ourselves on our dedication to quality, innovation, and connection. This ensures that every piece we offer is of the highest standard, resonating with the beautiful melodies that make Mozart's works universally beloved. Tailored for Every Musician Our Ave Verum Corpus PDF is designed to meet the diverse needs of musicians, ensembles, orchestras, and choirs. With Paul Lorenz Music, you are not just purchasing sheet music; you are investing in a rich musical experience that bridges the gap between classical and contemporary audiences. Our scores are accessible, engaging, and perfect for both seasoned professionals and budding musicians. A Legacy of Excellence Paul Lorenz Music stands out in the classical music industry due to our strong industry connections, top-trained talent, and commitment to innovation. Our Ave Verum Corpus Mozart sheet music is no exception. We believe in preserving the legacy of classical music while also revitalizing it for new generations to enjoy. This is reflected in every score we produce, including our highly sought-after Ave Verum Corpus sheet music. Bring Mozart's Vision to Life Experience the Magic of Ave Verum Corpus Score When you choose Paul Lorenz Music, you are choosing a partner dedicated to enhancing your musical journey. Our Ave Verum Corpus score is more than just sheet music; it's a gateway to exploring the profound beauty of Mozart's compositions. Each page of our Ave Verum Corpus Mozart PDF is crafted with precision, ensuring that your performance captures the spirit and emotion of the original work. Accessible and Convenient With our Ave Verum Corpus SATB PDF, you have the flexibility to practice and perform anywhere. Whether you are preparing for a concert, a recording session, or a personal practice, our digital sheet music provides the convenience you need without compromising on quality. Our PDFs are easy to download, print, and share, making them a perfect addition to your musical library. Join the Paul Lorenz Music Community Be Part of Something Extraordinary By choosing Paul Lorenz Music, you become part of a community that values the rich traditions of classical music while embracing modern innovation. Our Ave Verum Corpus sheet music is a testament to our mission of making classical music accessible and beloved by people from all walks of life. Join us in celebrating the beauty of Mozart's Ave Verum Corpus and take your musical journey to new heights.
Ave Verum Corpus
Chorale SATB
Paul Lorenz & Friends
$4.99 4.79 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir,Choral (SATB divisi) - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1291842 By King Cole Trio. By Mel Torme and Robert Wells. Arranged by Alexander L'Estrange. 20th Century,A Cappella,Christmas,Holiday,Jazz. 14 pages. Alexander L'Estrange #881878. Published by Alexander L'Estrange (A0.1291842). “Alexander L’Estrange is a great and innovative arranger, surely one of the best we have around.” — Music Teacher Magazine “Alexander L’Estrange’s delicious arrangements go naughtily off-piste and the King’s Singers Great American Songbook CD is superb.” — The TimesAlexander L’Estrange and Joanna Forbes L’Estrange are prolific composers and arrangers of choral music, both individually and as a partnership. Receiving commissions from choral societies, schools, chamber choirs, church choirs and a cappella groups, their music is sung and enjoyed throughout the world. Alexander is regularly commissioned to write arrangements for world-class vocal groups including Voces8, The Queen’s Six, Amarcord and The King’s Singers, for whom he wrote and produced the Great American Songbook album. Joanna began writing music and lyrics during her tenure as soprano and Musical Director of the five-time Grammy® Award-winning vocal group The Swingles. All of Alexander and Joanna’s compositions and arrangements come with excellent learning resources for choirs including part-learning tracks and backing tracks, professionally recorded by the couple in their home studio #OldStableStudios. They also offer expert coaching for choirs, both in person and online. Their popular workshop You can sing…but can you swing?! gives choirs the tools to perform pop and jazz arrangements with greater style and confidence.CONTACTWebsite www.lestrangemusic.comEnquiries info@lestrangemusic.comTo be the first to hear news from L’Estrange Music, follow them on facebook, twitter and instagram This Swingle Singers arrangement by Alexander L'Estrange features classy but accessible a cappella writing with a bossa nova twist and will suit many a cappella, chamber choirs, school and high school groups, with an 8-part SSAATTBB scoring. This classic Christmas/holiday song, one of the stand-outs on the Swingle Singers' release Unwrapped, is now available for you to sing. It would work well on mic, or with step-out solos, and there is room for some fun with vocal percussion...!N.B. Also from this same Swingles album, you can find and buy Joanna's Walking in the air arrangement as well as her beautiful 4-part SSAA Amazing Grace.
The Christmas Song (chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire)
Chorale SATB
King Cole Trio
$4.99 4.79 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (SATB) - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1129659 Composed by Kevin G. Pace (ASCAP), Kathryn W. Hales. 20th Century,Blues,Jazz,Religious,Spiritual. Octavo. 14 pages. Kevin G. Pace #730069. Published by Kevin G. Pace (A0.1129659). A fun, jazzy, energetic choral composition telling the story of Ebed-Melech and how he saved the prophet Jeremiah. Music by Kevin G. Pace. Text by Kathryn W. Hales. Text: The Good Book says that Moses Was buried by the hand of God; And those bitten by fiery serpents Were healed by lookin’ at a rod. Elijah was taken up to heaven By a chariot of fire, But the prophet Jeremiah Was cast into a pit of mire. “Can’t you hear me, Lord?” Jeremiah is a’cryin’, “Wilt Thou deliver me? For I am surely dyin’.” The Lord touched the heart On one Ethiopian And says to Ebed-Melech, “Go and save my son.” That black man, he did hearken And went straight up to the king, “What you’ve done to Jeremiah Is a very wicked thing.” “Can’t you see his misery? Can’t you hear him cryin’? Let me deliver him, O King, For he is surely dyin’.” Then Zedekiah repented, Said, “Go get Jeremiah Out of that old dungeon Out of the pit of mire. Take thirty strong men with you Do not delay or wait, Bring the prophet up again Before it is too late.” Ebed went to the pit, Called down into the dark, “I’s a comin’ to save you, Now, oh man, take heart. The king has relented, But before we start, Put old rags beneath your arms, So the ropes won’t leave a mark. Poor Jeremiah was so weak, He’d almost lost all hope, The men did gently lift him up ‘Cause he couldn’t climb the rope. He was kept in prison, But now he had some food, Until the Babylonians came To seize the multitude. ‘Twas an Ethiopian that saved him, A servant to Judah’s King, Blessed be the name of Ebed-Melek For doin’ such brave things. The Lord uses many people From every tribe and race To be an instrument in His hands, An implement of His grace. “Repent all House of Judah,” Jeremiah kept on a’cryin’, “Turn unto the Lord again, Otherwise you’all be dyin’. His words come down through the years To the people of today, “Repent and turn back to the Lord, And walk His chosen Way.”.
Savin' Jeremiah - SATB Choir
Chorale SATB
a chariot of fire, But the prophet Jeremiah Was cast into a pit of mire “Can’t you hear me, Lord?” Jeremiah is a’cryin’, “Wilt Thou deliver me? For I am surely dyin’
$1.99 1.91 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

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