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Choral Choir (SATB divisi) - Level 3 - Digital Download

SKU: A0.1100378

Composed by Sarum chant. Arranged by Sara Garrard. Christmas,Holiday,Medieval,Religious,Sacred. Octavo. 7 pages. Sara Garrard #704207. Published by Sara Garrard (A0.1100378).

The words and melody of 'Christe redemptor omnium' are hundreds of years old. Here is an arrangement of the Christmas plainchant hymn for SATB choir divisi, the effect warm and full, building over the sevenfold structure of the piece.

1. Christe, redemptor omnium,
ex Patre, Patris unice,
solus ante principium
natus ineffabiliter,

2. Tu lumen, tu splendor Patris,
tu spes perennis omnium,
intende quas fundunt preces
tui per orbem servuli.

3. Salutis auctor, recole
quod nostri quondam corporis,
ex illibata Virgine
nascendo, formam sumpseris.

4. Hic praesens testatur dies,
currens per anni circulum,
quod a solus sede Patris
mundi salus adveneris;

5. Hunc caelum, terra, hunc mare,
hunc omne quod in eis est,
auctorem adventus tui
laudat exsultans cantico.

6. Nos quoque, qui sancto tuo
redempti sumus sanguine,
ob diem natalis tui
hymnum novum concinimus.

7. Jesu, tibi sit gloria,
qui natus es de Virgine,
cum Patre et almo Spiritu,
in sempiterna saecula. Amen.

Rhymed English translation by John Mason Neale (1818-1866)

1. O Christ, the Father's only Son,
whose death for all redemption won,
before the worlds, of God most high,
begotten all ineffably.

2. The Father's Light and Splendour Thou
their endless Hope to Thee that bow:
accept the prayers and praise today
that through the world Thy servants pay.

3. Salvation's author, call to mind
how, taking the form of humankind,
born of a Virgin undefiled,
Thou in man's flesh becamest a Child.

4. Thus testifies the present day
Through every year in long array,
that Thou, salvation's source alone
proceedest from the Father's Throne.

5. Whence sky, and stars, and sea's abyss,
and earth, and all that therein is,
shall still, with laud and carol meet,
the Author of thine Advent greet.

6. And we who, by Thy precious Blood
from sin redeemed, are marked for God,
on this, the day that saw Thy Birth,
sing the new song of ransomed earth.

7. All honour, laud, and glory be,
O Iesu, Virgin-born, to Thee;
whom with the Father we adore,
and Holy Ghost forevermore. Amen.

Christe Redemptor Omnium (SATB)
Chorale SATB

$4.50 4.03 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir,Choral (SATB) - Level 2 - Digital Download

SKU: A0.1372415

Composed by Anon. Arranged by Marilena Zlatanou. Christmas. 30 pages. Marilena Zlatanou #956714. Published by Marilena Zlatanou (A0.1372415).

A Selection of Christmas Songs from PIAE CANTIONES for SATB choir
PIAE CANTIONES is a Swedish-Finnish manuscript, the earliest collection of songs from Scandinavia (1580). In this selection of 14 Christmas-songs from this manuscript, the arrangements are presented as found in the original, with very few and simple additions, in an effort to preserve the authenticity of the period-sound. The order of the songs, the choice of number of verses, the voice-part distribution, the noted tempi and dynamics are my own suggestions - choices intent to hopefully be in accordance to what is known on musical practices during the Medieval and Renaissance periods in Scandinavia, and indeed all-over Northern Europe. The original manuscript contained only the vocal parts and may therefore be performed a cappella, or separately, but I dare suggest that all the songs will benefit greatly and work beautifully accompanied by an early music instrumental ensemble, (ex.: lute and fidle), or an organ, to double the voice parts and improvise bridges between the songs. Marked in the score are the places for instrumental improvisations suggested, the length of which is open for the players and the conductor to decide on. 
Duration ca 30’
The mp3 file provided is exported from the sibelius file.
For more information on the arranger, (member of TONO, the Norwegian copyright org.), please visit website

A Christmas Song Selection from PIAE CANTIONES Chorale SATB

$50.00 44.81 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (SATB) - Digital Download

SKU: A0.828730

Composed by Giuseppe Dogliani. Arranged by Guido Menestrina. Romantic Period,Sacred. Octavo. 6 pages. Guido Menestrina #1986533. Published by Guido Menestrina (A0.828730).

SATB + Piano solo Musica dal dramma (su libretto di Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne) Cristoforo Colombo, 1896. Qui di seguito info sul compositore. n. a Costigliole di Saluzzo (Cuneo-Italia) il 13 maggio 1849; prof. a Lanzo il 23 settemre 1870; m. a Torino il 22 ottobre 1934. Fu accolto da don Bosco nel suo Oratorio di Valdocco (Torino) nel 1864, a 14 anni di età, come allievo falegname. Egli però, già cantore del duomo di Saluzzo, aveva una spiccata inclinazione alla musica, e trovò in don Bosco chi lo comprese e l'assecondò. Sotto la guida del M. De Vecchi poté studiare musica strumentale, armonia e composizione. I suoi progressi furono così rapidi che, fattosi salesiano, divenne il più attivo collaboratore del M. Cagliero, e, allorché questi partì per l'Argentina a capo della prima spedizione di missionari salesiani (1875), a lui fu affidata la direzione della Schola cantorum,e nel 1889 anche della banda musicale dell'Oratorio. Maestro impareggiabile - come attesta un suo ex-allievo, don Alberto Caviglia - trasformò la scuola di canto col suo metodo d'insegnamento, sia nella preparazione della lettura, sia nell'educazione delle voci bianche e nell'addestramento delle masse corali, che giunsero fino a quattrocento voci. Con mezzi così poderosi il M. Dogliani ricondusse in chiesa la musica classica, e la Basilica di Maria Ausiliatrice fu rinomata per le grandiose esecuzioni inappuntabili degli spartiti di Rossini, Cherubini, Haydn, Gounod, Sgambati, Bossi, Tebaldini, Pagella, Perosi, Bottazzo, Ravanello, Mattioli, Donini, giungendo perfino a eseguire la Missa Papae Marcelli del Palestrina, senza accompagnamento (1876), e le classiche composizioni di Vittoria, Lolli, Gabrielli, Orlando di Lasso. La presenza della sua Schola cantorum e della sua banda strumentale fu spesso ambita e richiesta in altre città d'Italia in solenni circostanze, meritando elogi e premi, e perfino a Marsiglia per le feste centenarie di santa Giovanna d'Arco e l'inaugurazione della nuova cattedrale (1894). Il Cagliero - di cui ridusse a stile liturgico le più solenni composizioni - lo invitò in Argentina per portarvi la sua esperienza pratica d'insegnamento, che poi concretò nel celebre Metodo di canto corale, edito varie volte e su cui si formarono generazioni di Pueri cantores. Fu pure compositore di musica sacra e inni d'occasione di ottimo effetto: notevole l'antifona Corona aurea, composta per l'incoronazione dell'effige di Maria Ausiliatrice nel suo santuario (1903). Ma soprattutto egli - seguendo il metodo educativo di don Bosco - seppe fare della scuola di canto e di banda validi strumenti di formazione interiore, educando soprattutto con l'esempio di perfetto religioso, sicché i suoi allievi, per la sua abituale compostezza e inalterabile pazienza, lo tenevano in concetto di santo. Tra essi vi fu pure il celebre tenore Francesco Tamagno; altro suo discepolo affezionatissimo fu Federico Caudana, poi maestro di cappella a Cremona e buon compositore di musica. È da notare che il M. Dogliani, col suo insegnamento e col suo esempio, precorse di un trentennio la riforma della musica sacra fatta da san Pio X col Motu proprio del 1903. (da ) follow the score online on youtube:

Giuseppe Dogliani - Salve o Regina (1896)
Chorale SATB

$1.99 1.78 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (SATB) - Level 4 - Digital Download

SKU: A0.953869

Composed by Francis Osentowski. Arranged by Lyrics, Edward Garcia. Contemporary. Octavo. 7 pages. Francis Osentowski #6328761. Published by Francis Osentowski (A0.953869).

Dreams of Winter, SATB and Keyboard  is a setting of a delicate  poem by Edward Garcia. It was published by Hal Leonard Co. and sold several thousand copies world wide. My arrangement moves the pitch up a step and fills out the piano part with thicker updated harmonies. Ranges are limited with C for basses and E for sopranos. . The poetic text is a description of a Silent Snowfall and is perfect for public school and any winter concert performance. Ex. Day dreams of snowfall on this silver day. Tumbling down in their snow soft way. Listen! Listen sounds of the silent snow...
Dreams Of Winter
Chorale SATB

$1.99 1.78 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (SATB) - Level 5 - Digital Download

SKU: A0.1277132

Composed by Adrian Gagiu. 21st Century,Christian,Classical,Latin. Octavo. 128 pages. Adrian Gagiu #868444. Published by Adrian Gagiu (A0.1277132).

Missa Solemnis in B major, op. 27, vocal score and piano part (for rehearsal purposes only).
Based on its Neo-classical style, this setting of the Roman Catholic mass text could possibly work as a festive mass (missa solemnis) with trumpets and timpani, and its duration would fit such a solemn service. However, its intense and sometimes dramatic treatment and universal addressability due to its well-known and rather concentrated text, yet also due to eliminating the „Filioque†(which would still fit the rhythm of the repeated „qui ex Patreâ€, should any Catholics ever wish to perform this as a mass) make it rather a „liturgical oratorio for all nationsâ€, more appropriate in the concert hall. 

The work has had a long gestation: imagined in 1984 after the composer’s first contact with Beethoven’s masterpiece, then sketched first in 1987-1989, and many of its themes date back from those years. Its working out is quite polyphonic, discretely modal and cyclical, and also full of centuries-old musical symbols traditionally associated with the setting of the mass text: e.g. unisons for the more dogmatical parts, Baroque dotted rhythms at the Nativity (the first coming of the  King of Kings), „rex caelestis†and also at his Passion (whose setting is discretely inspired by folkloric Romanian laments), the „anabasis†gesture at „Gloria in excelsis Deoâ€, „et ascendit in caelisâ€, „in remissionem peccatorum†and the resurrection, a flute trill standing for the Holy Spirit who has come ’like a dove’ at „et incarnatus estâ€, a cross-shaped texture at „crucifixusâ€, and some word-painting (hushed sonorities at „et invisibiliumâ€, anticipations between orchestra and chorus at „et exspecto†etc.). Moreover, certain symbolic roles are assigned to the instrumental groups when alone (the organ represents God the Father and transcendence, the winds and/or solo voices represent God the Son and humanity, and the strings represent the Holy Spirit). 

„Kyrie†is restrained and soft, besides the powerful chords opening the respective sections of its tripartite, simple structure, and it leans towards Palestrina’s serene modality and counterpoint. „Gloria†begins with a colorful orchestral introduction depicting discretely the shepherds who kept watch over their flocks right before the Nativity, and then gradually the bright revelation. „Credo†has an orchestral introduction as well, but powerful, recurring and based on the beginning of the plainchant hymn „Pange linguaâ€, made famous by Mozart’s last symphony and by other Classical composers. Both „Gloria†and „Credo†end with extended, powerful and elaborate fugues („in gloria Dei Patris†and „et vitam venturi saeculiâ€, respectively) with dramatic modulations and sometimes with enthusiastic syncopations at odds with the words’ accents, a la Stravinsky. The same sections plus „Agnus Dei†end with soft quartal harmonies suggesting transcendent appeasement (similar harmonies appear powerfully at the beginning of „Sanctusâ€). „Judicare†quotes the beginning of the well-known „Dies irae†plainchant tune, and the Consecration between the „Sanctus†and „Benedictus†sections is represented by a contemplative prelude for solo organ, quoting Lutheran chorales, too. Another long orchestral introduction, suggesting the Last Judgment and based on traditional Byzantine hymns, opens „Agnus Deiâ€, which includes another quotation (the famous ’Dresden Amen’ at „qui tollis peccata mundi†and „dona nobis pacemâ€). In the final section, with its refined simplicity, the choral voices enter in descending order, and the „Kyrie eleison†theme is briefly remembered, then it ends softly and peacefully. 

Total duration: 50 min. Performing Rights Organization: SOCAN. The mp3 audio clip is Kyrie.

Missa Solemnis, op. 27 (vocal score)
Chorale SATB

$87.99 78.86 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (SATB) - Digital Download

SKU: A0.943851

By Little Mix. By Camille Purcell, Edvard Erfjord, Henrik Michelsen, Iain James, Jade Thirlwall, Jessica Nelson, Leigh-Anne Pinnock, and Perrie Edwards. Arranged by Evan Ramos. A Cappella. Octavo. 11 pages. Evan Ramos #4580219. Published by Evan Ramos (A0.943851).

Shout Out To My Ex is a tense, high-energy arrangement for SATB a cappella groups with a female soloist. The arrangement includes some body percussion, but a solid vocal percussionist is also recommended.

Quick and easy to learn, this piece is fantastic for high school or college a cappella groups. It could be used as a strong opener for an a cappella competition set, or a high point in a pop show!

Composer/Arranger website coming soon! Stay tuned!
Check out my YouTube channel:

Shout Out To My Ex
Chorale SATB
Little Mix
$4.99 4.47 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (SATB) - Level 2 - Digital Download

SKU: A0.934267

Composed by Nicola Vaccaj. Arranged by Antonio Cericola. Instructional,Opera,Standards. Octavo. 200 pages. Antonio Cericola #6328707. Published by Antonio Cericola (A0.934267).

La nuovissima edizione di questo metodo storico include i componimenti scritti per tutte le estensioni vocali in tre tonalità diverse. Questa comodità sarà senz’altro utile non solo ai pianisti accompagnatori (che avranno a portata di mano la stessa aria già trasposta), ma anche agli insegnanti. Gli allievi, inoltre, potrebbero esercitare la stessa lezione in tonalità diverse per fini didattici e musicali. Ogni arietta è corredata da note storiche, da consigli interpretativi e da note autografe (ove presenti indicate in corsivo) del Vaccaj stesso. Al fine di suggerire ai cantori la giusta dizione italiana, tutti versi del Metastasio sono stati riscritti con gli accenti ortoepici correttamente segnati su tutte le parole di dubbia pronuncia italiana. Sono altresì indicati i raddoppiamenti fonosintattici. Una legenda ortoepica precede il metodo. Nell’appendice sono incluse sia le note storiche dettagliate di ciascuna opera da cui sono tratti i versi, sia la serie degli intervalli da cantare che il Vaccaj scrisse per le storiche edizioni. Di questi solfeggi cantati è stato realizzato anche il basso continuo per agevolarne l’esecuzione ai giovani pianisti. Questa nuova edizione completa dell’opera, curata nella veste grafica ed impaginata ex novo per una lettura più agevole e chiara, è arricchita ulteriormente dalla preziosa presentazione del M°Antonio Juvarra.

This new edition of this historical method includes compositions written for all vocal extensions in three different keys.
This convenience will certainly be useful not only to accompanying pianists, but also to teachers. Pupils also could practice the same lesson in different keys for educational and musical purposes. Each arietta is accompanied by historical notes, interpretative advice and handwritten notes (where present indicate in italics) by Vaccaj himself. All the verses of Metastasio have been rewritten with the orthoepic accents correctly marked on all words of dubious Italian pronunciation. The phonosyntactic doublings are also indicated. An orthoepic legend precedes the method. The appendix includes both the detailed historical notes of each work from which the verses are taken, and the series of intervals to be sung that Vaccaj wrote for the historical editions. The basso continuo has also been made of these sung solfeggios to facilitate their performance by young pianists. This new complete edition of the work, edited in the graphics and paginated from scratch for easier and clearer reading, is further enriched by the precious presentation of Maestro Antonio Juvarra.

VACCAJ - Metodo pratico di canto: Edizione completa di tutte le estensioni vocali con note storiche
Chorale SATB

$14.99 13.43 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir,Choral (SATB) - Level 3 - Digital Download

SKU: A0.918908

By Jubal's Lyre Music. By Anonymous. Arranged by Martin Dicke. A Cappella,Advent,Christian,Christmas,Holiday. 18 pages. Jubal's Lyre Music Publishers #6623465. Published by Jubal's Lyre Music Publishers (A0.918908).

Your choir will enjoy this inventive and stirring setting of the great Latin Advent/Christmas hymn Veni, Veni Emmanuel (O Come, O Come Emmanuel). The complete Latin text is set to music. Besides the choral score, notes and a separate keyboard part are included. An English edition is also available. Composed in a Neo-Renaissance style, it sets all seven verses modulating into four keys while passing the melody from voice to voice before concluding with sudden and surprising key changes that lead to a powerful cadence on the altered note of the Picardy third. It may be performed acapella, with keyboard, or with instruments. The instrumental parts are published separately as Fantasia on O Come, O Come Emmanuel in the following editions: String Quartet, String Ensemble, and Woodwind Quintet. This motet is the first of Three Motets on Latin Christmas Hymns. The other two motets are Of the Father’s Love Begotten (CORDE NATUS EX PARENTIS) and O Come, All Ye Faithful (ADESTE FIDELIS), both available in English or Latin. For more music and information visit

Veni, Veni Emmanuel (SATBdiv) Chorale SATB
Jubal's Lyre Music
$2.00 1.79 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir,Choral (SATB) - Level 3 - Digital Download

SKU: A0.918907

By Jubal's Lyre Music. By Anonymous. Arranged by Martin Dicke. A Cappella,Advent,Christian,Christmas,Holiday. 18 pages. Jubal's Lyre Music Publishers #6623403. Published by Jubal's Lyre Music Publishers (A0.918907).

Your choir will enjoy this inventive and stirring setting of the great Advent/Christmas hymn O Come, O Come Emmanuel (VENI EMMANUEL). Besides the choral score, notes and a separate keyboard part are included. A Latin edition is also available. Composed in a Neo-Renaissance style, it sets all seven verses modulating into four keys while passing the melody from voice to voice before concluding with sudden and surprising key changes that lead to a powerful cadence on the altered note of the Picardy third. It may be performed acapella, with keyboard, or with instruments. The instrumental parts are published separately as Fantasia on O Come, O Come Emmanuel in the following editions: String Quartet, String Ensemble, and Woodwind Quintet. This motet is the first of Three Motets on Latin Christmas Hymns. The other two motets are Of the Father’s Love Begotten (CORDE NATUS EX PARENTIS) and O Come, All Ye Faithful (ADESTE FIDELIS), both available in English or Latin. For more music and information visit

O Come, O Come Emmanuel (SATBdiv) Chorale SATB
Jubal's Lyre Music
$2.00 1.79 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir,Choral,SATB Chorus - Level 4 - Digital Download

SKU: A0.1414570

By Craig David. By Benj Pasek and Justin Paul. Arranged by Ben Pritchard. 21st Century,Broadway,Film/TV,Musical/Show,Pop,Rock. 81 pages. Benjamin Pritchard #996349. Published by Benjamin Pritchard (A0.1414570).

What a closer! Not just for choir though! This involves everyone in the music department. Strings, Choir, Band & Full scores included. Lots of percussion parts to keep them active! Electric guitar, bass & keyboard parts included. Can be done without strings. Cues are included (mostly in electric keyboard part).
9x12 full score
8.5 x 11 choir scores
8.5 x 11 all parts
This song, and many others, are available for purchase at and Custom arrangements and engraving available. Email if additional parts are needed (ex. TC Baritone).
Clarinet 1
Clarinet 2
Bass Clarinet
Alto Sax 1
Alto Sax 2
Tenor Sax
Bari Sax
Trumpet 1
Trumpet 2
Trumpet 3
Trombone 1
Trombone 2
Drum Set
Percussion 1
Percussion 2
Percussion 3
Electrric Keyboard
Electric Guitar
Electric Bass
Violin 1
Violin 2

Come Alive
Chorale SATB
Craig David
$9.99 8.95 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

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