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Choral Choir (SATB) - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.999346 Composed by Dennis A. Westgate. Contemporary,Musical/Show,Pop,World. Octavo. 107 pages. Tyne Music #5871343. Published by Tyne Music (A0.999346). U. F. O. : Is my newest sci-fi full length modern play in the TYNE ONSTAGE series of original musicals. I wrote this specifically for the senior students of the Performing Arts. It has many leading parts for both sexes and has a hint of the 60-70 style of writing found in those musicals of the times but modern in context. The story line includes opportunities for many individual performances covering song and dance numbers, group singing, contemporary dance, dramatic interludes and strong comedy parts. This is an original story taking a humorous look at a possible visitation from our space neighbours. The story begins with the arrival of   GS2, an ‘Interstellar Space Surveyor’ on its mission to map this part of the Universe. Whilst reporting its position to the home base ‘Niva’, the surveyor informs them that one of the planets (Earth) appears to have intelligent life forms. On receiving this information Niva decides to dispatch a party of college students to study this unique planet, much to the annoyance of GS2 who take umbridge at being appointed, what he calls a Galactic Nanny! Events take a dramatic turn when the surveyor is called away on an ‘emergency rescue mission’ so has to beam the students down to planet Earth, where during transmutation, they are warned not to integrate with the population. But ‘students being students’ the consequences are both hilarious and profound.This album includes the Piano & Vocal Score along with the full Libretto.For full information please see my website:- Owing to the high cost in orchestration The music is only available as a piano score with lyrics and chords. However this is reflected in the price. You would have to add your own instrumentation, but this would be an excellent opportunity for any up and coming senior student to take on.SONG TITLES 1)   Earthbound 2)   Hold the Front Page 3)   Sex Talk 4)   We’re In This Together 5)   The Annual Bazaar 6)   You Are Me 7)   Body Talk 8)   Bionic Love
U. F. O. A new & original 'Sci-Fi' stage musical
Chorale SATB

$70.00 67.24 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir,Choral,SATB Chorus - Level 1 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1465872 Composed by Mary Hamilton and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (altered by James F. Linzey). Arranged by James F. Linzey. Classical,Historic,Patriotic,Religious,Sacred. 4 pages. Military Bible Association #1044469. Published by Military Bible Association (A0.1465872). History of the United States Air Force and the Air Force HymnOn September 18, 1947, the National Security Act of 1947 created the National Military Establishment and the United States Air Force. The National Military Establishment later became the Department of Defense. The Air Force was part of the Army Air Corps since August 1, 1907. It had the oversight of military aviation for land-based operations. The organizational development of the Air Force is as follows: Aeronautical Division, Signal Corps (1 August 1907 – 18 July 1914), Aviation Section, Signal Corps (18 July 1914 – 20 May 1918), Division of Military Aeronautics (20 May 1918 – 24 May 1918), Air Service, U.S. Army (24 May 1918 – 2 July 1926), U.S. Army Air Corps (2 July 1926 – 20 June 1941), the U.S. Army Air Forces (20 June 1941 – 17 September 1947), and the United States Air Force, 18 September 1947 – present), and the separation of the United States Air Force Space Command as the United States Space Force  (20 December 2019 – present). The Air Force has been involved in World War 1, World War II, the Cold War and the Korean conflict, the Vietnam conflict, combat operations such as Operation Eagle Claw, the invasion of Grenada (1983), the bombing of Libya (1986), the invasion of Panama (1989), Operation Desert Storm, the Gulf War, Bosnia and Kosovo, the Global War on Terror, Operation Enduring Freedom, and Operation Iraqi Freedom.Mary Christian Dundas Hamilton (24 May 1850 - 10 June 1943) was a Scottish writer and poet. She is known for writing “A Hymn for Aviators” (1915). It was known as “Lord, Guard and Guide the Men Who Fly,” and also as the United States Air Force Hymn. It was set to Mozart's “Dona Nobis Pacem,” a waltz. Various phrases and verses were used in the United States Navy Hymn, “Eternal Father, Strong to Save,” and alluded to in the United States Space Force Hymn, “Creator of the Universe.” Former Air Force Chaplain and Officer, theologian and hymnist, Major James F. Linzey (Ret.), believed that military hymns should not be waltzes. So he converted the timing of Mozart’s piece to four-four timing, giving the Air Force Hymn traditional timing that is fit for a hymn. James Linzey is the General Editor of the New Tyndale Version (NTV) Bible translation.
Lord, Guard and Guide the Men Who Fly (The United States Air Force Hymn)
Chorale SATB

$1.99 1.91 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (Mixed) - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.999347 Composed by Dennis A. Westgate. Contemporary,Musical/Show,Pop,World. Octavo. 69 pages. Tyne Music #5871739. Published by Tyne Music (A0.999347). CLOSED CIRCUIT: A modern play in the TYNE ONSTAGE series of family orientated musicals. This 10th album in the series of book, music & lyrics and is set inside the working of a computer. The main characters are some of the common modules found in every business computer and the story follows them as they go about their individual programmes.Act 1.Begins in the ‘Mail Room’ where all of the incoming mail is scanned by grandpa Macspammer before passing the safe material to Ariel the filing clerk who’s very fond of reading the ‘love’ messages passed between two of te office workers. We’re then introduced to (Mike Rowchip) ‘Chipper’ the ‘Waste Disposal module on his daily round and always tends to spend a little more time than is necessary in the mailroom. The story developes with the computer going 'offline' for temporary repairs, allowing Ariel to take advantage of this free time by coersing Chipper to take her on a tour of the circuit board with dire consequences when a computer virus 'Medussa' breaks into the C.P.U. This album includes the Piano & Vocal Score along with the full Libretto.For full information please see my website:- Owing to the high cost in orchestration The music is only available as a piano score with lyrics and chords so you would have to add your own instrumentation However this is reflected in the price.
CLOSED CIRCUIT an original & modern 'digital' stage musical
Chorale SATB

$50.00 48.03 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (Mixed) - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.999348 Composed by Dennis A. Westgate. Children,Christmas,Contemporary,Musical/Show,World. Octavo. 75 pages. Tyne Music #5884499. Published by Tyne Music (A0.999348). PANTOMANIA: A modern pantomime in the TYNE ONSTAGE series of family orientated musicals. We’re all familiar with the U.K.s traditional pantomime. An extravaganza of costume, song and comedy acting, always presented during the autumn & winter months, especially over the Christmas holiday period. They’re extremely popular in the U.K. and draw in big family audiences, indeed the finance generated, helps most theatres over the more leaner summer months. So I thought Why not write a ‘Pantomime for Summer’ and this is it!PANTOMANIA takes you on a journey into the mystical world of fairy tale and fantasy, where words on a page become real-life characters when our heroine, Victoria falls into a wishing well and on climbing out, finds herself in the ‘Children’s  Section’ on a library bookshelf. We follow her as she moves from page to page trying to find a way back home, assisted by the ‘Scarecrow’ plus an odd assortment of picture book characters. A great fun-musical for all of the family with plenty laughs and a few screams along with foot-tapping songs. It can be performed by any mixed age group age from 12 - 60.   Perfect for seat-filling by any school, college, youth theatre or dramatic society.Note: Of course it could also be performed in the Winter and would be a great way to end the Autumn Term!This album includes the Piano & Vocal Score along with the full Libretto.For full information please see my website:- Owing to the high cost in orchestration The music is only available as a piano score with lyrics and chords. However this is reflected in the price. You would have to add your own instrumentation, but this would be an excellent opportunity for any up and coming student arranger to add to their C.V.
PANTOMANIA (an original Summer Pantomime)
Chorale SATB

$37.00 35.54 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Soloistss (SATB), mixed choir (SATB) and piano - intermediate - Digital Download SKU: S9.Q560929 Eine Lieder-Reihe für Solostimmen und Chor mit Begleitung des Pianoforte. Composed by Friedrich Gernsheim. Downloadable, Score (also performing score). Duration 42 minutes. Schott Music - Digital #Q560929. Published by Schott Music - Digital (S9.Q560929). German.Friedrich Gernsheim (1839–1916) entstammt einer angesehenen jüdischen Familie aus Worms am Rhein und war zu Lebzeiten ein äußerst erfolgreicher und hoch angesehener Komponist, dessen Musik es wiederzuentdecken gilt. Mit dem Gesangverein des Stern’sche Konservatoriums und Wilhelm Berger am Klavier wurde „Hafis – Eine Lieder-Reihe 1891 im Konzertsaal der Berliner Singakademie uraufgeführt. Die Texte der Lieder wählte Gernsheim aus einer 1846 erschienenen und von Georg Friedrich Daumer angefertigten Ãœbersetzung von mehr als 200 Gedichten des persischen Dichters Hafis (eigentlich Mohammed Schemseddin (KhÄwje Shams-od-DÄ«n Moḥammad ḤÄfeẓ-e ShÄ«rÄzÄ«), ca. 1325–1390) aus. Er vertonte 17 Texte, hauptsächlich zu den Themen Liebe, Wein und dem sich stets wandelnden, aber dennoch kreisenden Menschsein, und verteilt sie auf 13 Nummern unterschiedlicher Form und Besetzung. Ähnlich wie die Liebesliederwalzer seines guten Freundes Johannes Brahms enthält Gernsheims Zyklus einige solistische Lieder, Duette und Quartette. Der Hauptunterschied und letztlich auch das Ungewöhnliche an der Reihe ist die grundsätzliche Konzeption für (wahrscheinlich groß besetzten) Chor und Solisten, die teils getrennt, in einzelnen Nummern aber auch gemeinsam und im Wechsel auftreten. Strophenlieder sind ebenso enthalten wie durchkomponierte und offene Formen. Ein groß angelegtes Finale schließt die Liederreihe ab, die tatsächlich als zusammenhängender Zyklus konzipiert ist, was aber die Aufführung einer Auswahl an Liedern nicht grundsätzlich ausschließt. Musikalisch ist die chorische Anlage deutlich zu erkennen, was Hafis auch im Gegensatz zu den Brahms’schen Quartetten für einen Amateurchor deutlich leichter aufführbar macht und nicht zuletzt auf Gernsheims eigene Chorleitungspraxis zurückzuführen sein dürfte. Der Klavierpart hingegen zeugt von einer technisch versierten Beschäftigung mit dem Instrument und auch die Soli sind merklich anspruchsvoller angelegt. Im Gesamten stellt die Liederreihe eine äußerst gelungene und in sich schlüssige Komposition dar. Sie leistet somit ihren Beitrag zur Wiederentdeckung der (nach jahrelanger Nicht-Beachtung während und nach der NS-Zeit) bisher nur dürftig erschlossenen Chorwerke des Wormser Komponisten Friedrich Gernsheim. Die zeitgleich zur Edition erschienene CD-Einspielung des Kammerchors Vox Quadrata ermöglicht einen leichteren Zugang zur Musik Friedrich Gernsheims.
Chorale SATB

$13.99 13.44 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir,Choral (SATB) - Level 5 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1364481 Composed by Dykes, Zimmerman, Gruber, Crawford, Boskerck, Offenbach, Ward. Arranged by James Hoffmann. A Cappella,Historic,Patriotic. 19 pages. James Hoffmann #948004. Published by James Hoffmann (A0.1364481). O Trinity of love and power . . .   This 4th verse of the beloved hymn  Eternal Father Strong to Save opens the work, followed by a spirited and fresh treatment of the songs of the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, and Marines, and concludes with the refrain of America the Beautiful.  Scored for a cappella SATB chorus, the piece opens with a TTBB solo quartet.  Challenges in rhythm, fast articulations, and expanded ranges will keep advanced singers engaged. And for the music history and literature aficionados, Anchors Aweigh features an accompanying figure from Schubert's Trout.
The United States Armed Forces Medley
Chorale SATB

$2.25 2.16 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

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