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Choral Choir (SATB) - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.916562 Composed by Deborah Park. Christian,World. Octavo. 7 pages. Deborah Park #4633875. Published by Deborah Park (A0.916562). Anmerkung der Komponistin      Das Vaterunser (Global Version) ist eine zeitgenössische Fassung des Vaterunsers, in der pentatonische Tonleitern und Kombinationen aus traditionellen und nicht-traditionellen Harmonien und Rhythmen verwendet werden. Das Gebet selbst ist ein Plädoyer dafür, dass Gottes Wille in jedem von uns getan wird. Infolgedessen sollte während der gesamten Arbeit eine aufrichtige und ernsthafte Stimmung im Vordergrund stehen. Die meisten Christen kennen das Gebet auswendig in ihrer eigenen Sprache und es wird heute von jeder christlichen Tradition verwendet. Ich habe die globale Version für drei verschiedene Sprachen geschrieben: Englisch, Deutsch und Koreanisch.      Diese Hymne ist im Stil des Responsorial-Gesangs gehalten: Ein Solist singt eine Linie, der der Chor oder die Klavierbegleitung folgen. Jede Passage wird auf ihre eigene Weise entwickelt, aber die übliche Technik, die in dieser Arbeit verwendet wird, ist die systematische Verwendung von Wiederholungen, die dem Vorhandenen neue Texturschichten hinzufügen (z. B. mm.11–18 und mm. 19–33). Diese Technik beginnt mit einer einfachen Figur, die einige Male mit leichten Abweichungen wiederholt wird. Das Klavier mit einer einfachen viertaktigen Passage führt in den neuen Abschnitt und die neue Zeit ein. Dann treten Chor, Solist und Klavier im leicht modifizierten Call-and-Response Stil auf. Die verwendeten Rhythmen in mm. 27–31 sind eine Variation von Gutgeori jang dan, einem der traditionellen koreanischen Rhythmen, die diese globale Version einzigartig machen.      Der letzte Abschnitt, der Gott Ehre macht, ist die Doxologie, in der vertraute Akkorde und Kadenzen plötzlich zu ungewohnter Harmonie führe, um die Ehrfurcht und das Staunen widerzuspiegeln, die zum Ende von „Amen in D-Dur führen. Wenn es richtig ausbalanciert und gemischt ist, schimmert das Lied mit einer Brillanz, die die Ehrfurcht und das Wunder widerspiegelt, das es erschaffen sollte.
Das Vaterunser (Globale Version)
Chorale SATB

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Choral Choir,Choral,SATB Chorus - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1465877 Composed by Music by John B. Dykes and Words by William Whiting and Mary Hamilton. Arranged by James F. Linzey. Chamber,Classical,Patriotic,Religious,Sacred. 4 pages. Military Bible Association #1044474. Published by Military Bible Association (A0.1465877). History of the United States Navy and the Navy HymnOn August 26, 1775, the General Assembly of Rhode Island passed a resolution to create the Continental Fleet, to be funded by the Continental Congress in Philadelphia. But on October 3, 1775, Congress rejected it. On October 13, 1775, the Continental Congress changed courses and established the Continental Navy. This was the birth of the United States Navy.The Continental Navy obtained and armed two civilian vessels, the Andrew Doria and the Cabot. The first United States Navy ship was the USS Alfred, which was commissioned by Captain Dudley Saltonstall on December 3, 1775. John Adams served as the first Chairman of the Naval Committee, but in 1776 the Continental Congress appointed Commodore Esek Hopkins to be the Navys first Commander. After the Revolutionary War, the government abolished the Continental Navy. But 11 years later, Congress passed the Naval Act of 1794, which created the United States Navy.The Navy was involved in the Revolutionary War (1775 1776), the War of 1812 (1812 1815), the Civil World (1861 1865), the Mexican-American War (1846 1848), the Spanish-American War (1898), World War I (1914 1918), World War II (1939 1945), the Korean conflict, the Vietnam conflict (1964 1975), the war on terrorism through various military operations around the world (1987 2021) ), Operation Earnest Will (1987 1988), Operation Praying Mantis in the Persian Gulf (1988), Operation Urgent Fury at the invasion of Grenada (1983), Operation Desert Shield (1990 1991) and Operation Desert Storm (1991) which comprised the Gulf War, Operation Deliberate Force which was the invasion of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1995), Operation Allied Force which was the attack on Yugoslavia (1999), Operation Desert Fox which was the bombing of Iraq (1998), Operation Southern Watch which was the aerial patrolling of Iraq (1992 2003), Operation Enduring Freedom at the invasion of Afghanistan (2001 2021), and Operation Iraqi Freedom at the invasion of Iraq (2003 2011). The Navy emerged from World War II as the most powerful Navy in the world.In 1860, William Whiting of Winchester, England, wrote a poem titled Eternal Father, Strong to Save for one of his students, who was preparing to sail for the United States. The poem alludes to Psalm 107 and is a prayer for Gods protection from seafaring danger.In 1861, Rev. John Bacchus Dykes, an Anglican clergyman, composed the tune Melita, in 88 88 88 iambic meter, to accompany the hymn. Melita is the archaic name of Malta, which is an ancient seafaring nation. It was the site of the shipwreck that involved the Apostle Paul, as described in the Acts of the Apostles, chapters 2728. In 1814, Malta became the Crown Colony of the United Kingdom, but in 1964 it gained independence and joined the British Commonwealth. The hymn has long been used by Navy and civilian chaplains during chapel services at sea, in navy and civilian maritime contexts. The Royal Navy, navies of the British Commonwealth, and the United States Navy adopted the hymn in the late 19th century as The Navy Hymn.Many verses have been written to Melita. James F. Linzey selected the four verses by Whiting (verses 1-3) and Hamilton (verse 4), which are the verses traditionally used in the Armed Forces Hymnal. James Linzey is the General Editor of the New Tyndale Version (NTV) Bible translation.
Eternal Father, Strong to Save (The United States Navy Hymn)
Chorale SATB

$1.99 1.91 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir,Choral,SATB Chorus - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1452810 By Korea, Canada. By Korea and Canada Anthem. Arranged by Han-Ki Kim. Classical,Patriotic,Singer/Songwriter,Standards,Traditional. 2 pages. Han-Ki Kim #1032090. Published by Han-Ki Kim (A0.1452810). The year 2023 marks the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between South Korea and Canada, and the 70th anniversary of the armistice. It is the only Korean association in Canada that commemorates the Battle of Gapyeong every year at the Korean Association level. To commemorate the heroic victory of the Canadian Forces during the Korean War. Princess Patricia, the Canadian Light Infantry Regiment, veterans and widows are invited. The Gapyeong Battle Victory monument Unveiling Ceremony is held every year. This music (For SATB) is composed for this event.
We are One (For SATB)
Chorale SATB
Korea, Canada
$1.99 1.91 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir,Choral,SATB Chorus - Level 1 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1465872 Composed by Mary Hamilton and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (altered by James F. Linzey). Arranged by James F. Linzey. Classical,Historic,Patriotic,Religious,Sacred. 4 pages. Military Bible Association #1044469. Published by Military Bible Association (A0.1465872). History of the United States Air Force and the Air Force HymnOn September 18, 1947, the National Security Act of 1947 created the National Military Establishment and the United States Air Force. The National Military Establishment later became the Department of Defense. The Air Force was part of the Army Air Corps since August 1, 1907. It had the oversight of military aviation for land-based operations.The organizational development of the Air Force is as follows: Aeronautical Division, Signal Corps (1 August 1907 18 July 1914), Aviation Section, Signal Corps (18 July 1914 20 May 1918), Division of Military Aeronautics (20 May 1918 24 May 1918), Air Service, U.S. Army (24 May 1918 2 July 1926), U.S. Army Air Corps (2 July 1926 20 June 1941), the U.S. Army Air Forces (20 June 1941 17 September 1947), and the United States Air Force, 18 September 1947 present), and the separation of the United States Air Force Space Command as the United States Space Force (20 December 2019 present).The Air Force has been involved in World War 1, World War II, the Cold War and the Korean conflict, the Vietnam conflict, combat operations such as Operation Eagle Claw, the invasion of Grenada (1983), the bombing of Libya (1986), the invasion of Panama (1989), Operation Desert Storm, the Gulf War, Bosnia and Kosovo, the Global War on Terror, Operation Enduring Freedom, and Operation Iraqi Freedom.Mary Christian Dundas Hamilton (24 May 1850 - 10 June 1943) was a Scottish writer and poet. She is known for writing A Hymn for Aviators (1915). It was known as Lord, Guard and Guide the Men Who Fly, and also as the United States Air Force Hymn. It was set to Mozart's Dona Nobis Pacem, a waltz. Various phrases and verses were used in the United States Navy Hymn, Eternal Father, Strong to Save, and alluded to in the United States Space Force Hymn, Creator of the Universe.Former Air Force Chaplain and Officer, theologian and hymnist, Major James F. Linzey (Ret.), believed that military hymns should not be waltzes. So he converted the timing of Mozarts piece to four-four timing, giving the Air Force Hymn traditional timing that is fit for a hymn. James Linzey is the General Editor of the New Tyndale Version (NTV) Bible translation.
Lord, Guard and Guide the Men Who Fly (The United States Air Force Hymn)
Chorale SATB

$1.99 1.91 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir,Choral (SATB) - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1298331 By Matthew pyeon. By nan pa Hong. Arranged by Matthew pyeon. Singer/Songwriter,Standards,Traditional. 7 pages. Sungil (Matthew) Pyeon #888316. Published by sungil (Matthew) Pyeon (A0.1298331). 고향의 봄 Hometown Spring. One most well-know korean song.#Music, #Orchestra, #Sheetmusic This channel is all about sheet music. Music composed and Arranged by Sungil (Matthew) Pyeon. If you want to sheet music arranged by any orchestra instruments, ensemble, Quartet, Duo, Solo send me an email, My work of music are available at, musicnotes, sheetmusicdirect 이 채널은 음악악보에 관한 곳입니다. 작곡과 편곡은 모두 편성일님이 하십니다. 오케스트라, 다양한 악기편곡과 원하는 난위도로 작곡과 편곡이 가능합니다. 이메일 주소는 악보 구입은 에서 matthew pyeon 을 쓰시면 모든 악보를 볼수 있습니다. 아래 링크로 들어가시면 악보를 찾을 수 있습니다. Link
고향의 봄 Hometown Spring
Chorale SATB
Matthew pyeon
$4.99 4.79 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

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