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Choral Choir (SATB) - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.904849 Composed by Giorgia Todrani, Maurizio Fabrizio. Arranged by Marco Borsoi. Jazz,Pop,World. Octavo. 21 pages. Marco Borsoi #3512071. Published by Marco Borsoi (A0.904849). Strano il mio destino è un brano musicale della cantautrice italiana Giorgia, 3º classificato al Festival di Sanremo 1996. Il pezzo è contenuto nell'album Strano il mio destino (Live & studio 95/96). Autori del brano sono Giorgia e Maurizio Fabrizio. Questa armonizzazione originale per coro misto SATB e pianoforte, esalta ancor più le caratteristiche melodiche e armoniche del brano, rendendolo ancora più unico e magico. Il brano parla di una donna che riflette su una storia passata. Una storia che lei stessa ha voluto o dovuto chiudere, ma non certo senza rimpianti; Che donna sarò, se non sei con me e se ti amerò ancora e di più …. E pensa: Strano il mio destino che mi porta qui … ; un destino che la costringe, per qualche motivo, a riflettere sul suo passato, riportandola al momento in cui ha deciso di andarsene via in silenzio. Un destino che, ancora oggi, la sorprende a ripensare a quell’amore ma senza indicarle una nuova strada dove poter andare, perché, anche se tutto quell’amore, io l’ho spazzato via…, fa male non pensare a te. Nel ritornello, emerge una speranza (sottolineata dall’apertura della melodia): Io non ti perderò, oltre il tempo e le distanze andrò…; speranza che viene confermata nell’ultima strofa: È chiaro il mio destino … io ti raggiungerò, quando la ragazza capisce anche che non tutto dipende da lei: proverò a gridare e forse sentirai, la mia voce che ti chiama, se vuoi.. E la speranza, divenuta certezza, ritorna con la ripetizione, enfatizzata dallo slancio melodico, della frase conclusiva … per non lasciati più. --------------- Strano il mio Destino is a piece of music by the Italian singer-songwriter Giorgia, 3rd at the Sanremo Festival 1996. The piece is on the album Strano il mio destino (Live & studio 95/96). Authors of the song are Giorgia and Maurizio Fabrizio.This original harmonization for mixed SATB choir and piano, enhances even more the melodic and harmonic characteristics of the piece, making it even more unique and magical. The song is about a woman who reflects on a past story. A story that she herself wanted or had to close, but certainly not without regrets; What a woman I will be, if you are not with me and if I will love you more and more.... And she thinks: Strange is my fate, that brings me here…; a fate that compels her, for some reason, to reflect on her past, bringing her back to the moment in which she decided to leave away in silence. A destiny that, even today, surprises her to rethink about that love but without indicating a new way to go, because, even if all that love, I have swept it away ..., it hurts not to think about you. In the refrain, a hope emerges (underlined by the opening of the melody): I will not lose you, beyond time and distance I will go ...; hope that is confirmed in the last stanza: It is clear my destiny ... I will reach you, when the girl also understands that not everything depends on her: I will try to shout and maybe you will hear, my voice calling you, if you want . And hope, become certainty, returns with the repetition, emphasized by the melodic impetus, of the concluding sentence ... not to leave you, anymore.
Strano il mio Destino for SATB + Piano (complete score + piano acc. + piano rehearsal + text and tra
Chorale SATB

$9.99 9.6 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir,Choral (SATB divisi) - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1291842 By King Cole Trio. By Mel Torme and Robert Wells. Arranged by Alexander L'Estrange. 20th Century,A Cappella,Christmas,Holiday,Jazz. 14 pages. Alexander L'Estrange #881878. Published by Alexander L'Estrange (A0.1291842). “Alexander L’Estrange is a great and innovative arranger, surely one of the best we have around.” — Music Teacher Magazine “Alexander L’Estrange’s delicious arrangements go naughtily off-piste and the King’s Singers Great American Songbook CD is superb.” — The TimesAlexander L’Estrange and Joanna Forbes L’Estrange are prolific composers and arrangers of choral music, both individually and as a partnership. Receiving commissions from choral societies, schools, chamber choirs, church choirs and a cappella groups, their music is sung and enjoyed throughout the world. Alexander is regularly commissioned to write arrangements for world-class vocal groups including Voces8, The Queen’s Six, Amarcord and The King’s Singers, for whom he wrote and produced the Great American Songbook album. Joanna began writing music and lyrics during her tenure as soprano and Musical Director of the five-time Grammy® Award-winning vocal group The Swingles. All of Alexander and Joanna’s compositions and arrangements come with excellent learning resources for choirs including part-learning tracks and backing tracks, professionally recorded by the couple in their home studio #OldStableStudios. They also offer expert coaching for choirs, both in person and online. Their popular workshop You can sing…but can you swing?! gives choirs the tools to perform pop and jazz arrangements with greater style and confidence.CONTACTWebsite www.lestrangemusic.comEnquiries info@lestrangemusic.comTo be the first to hear news from L’Estrange Music, follow them on facebook, twitter and instagram This Swingle Singers arrangement by Alexander L'Estrange features classy but accessible a cappella writing with a bossa nova twist and will suit many a cappella, chamber choirs, school and high school groups, with an 8-part SSAATTBB scoring. This classic Christmas/holiday song, one of the stand-outs on the Swingle Singers' release Unwrapped, is now available for you to sing. It would work well on mic, or with step-out solos, and there is room for some fun with vocal percussion...!N.B. Also from this same Swingles album, you can find and buy Joanna's Walking in the air arrangement as well as her beautiful 4-part SSAA Amazing Grace.
The Christmas Song (chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire)
Chorale SATB
King Cole Trio
$4.99 4.79 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (SATB) - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.934267 Composed by Nicola Vaccaj. Arranged by Antonio Cericola. Instructional,Opera,Standards. Octavo. 200 pages. Antonio Cericola #6328707. Published by Antonio Cericola (A0.934267). La nuovissima edizione di questo metodo storico include i componimenti scritti per tutte le estensioni vocali in tre tonalità diverse. Questa comodità sarà senz’altro utile non solo ai pianisti accompagnatori (che avranno a portata di mano la stessa aria già trasposta), ma anche agli insegnanti. Gli allievi, inoltre, potrebbero esercitare la stessa lezione in tonalità diverse per fini didattici e musicali. Ogni arietta è corredata da note storiche, da consigli interpretativi e da note autografe (ove presenti indicate in corsivo) del Vaccaj stesso. Al fine di suggerire ai cantori la giusta dizione italiana, tutti versi del Metastasio sono stati riscritti con gli accenti ortoepici correttamente segnati su tutte le parole di dubbia pronuncia italiana. Sono altresì indicati i raddoppiamenti fonosintattici. Una legenda ortoepica precede il metodo. Nell’appendice sono incluse sia le note storiche dettagliate di ciascuna opera da cui sono tratti i versi, sia la serie degli intervalli da cantare che il Vaccaj scrisse per le storiche edizioni. Di questi solfeggi cantati è stato realizzato anche il basso continuo per agevolarne l’esecuzione ai giovani pianisti. Questa nuova edizione completa dell’opera, curata nella veste grafica ed impaginata ex novo per una lettura più agevole e chiara, è arricchita ulteriormente dalla preziosa presentazione del M°Antonio Juvarra.This new edition of this historical method includes compositions written for all vocal extensions in three different keys.This convenience will certainly be useful not only to accompanying pianists, but also to teachers. Pupils also could practice the same lesson in different keys for educational and musical purposes. Each arietta is accompanied by historical notes, interpretative advice and handwritten notes (where present indicate in italics) by Vaccaj himself. All the verses of Metastasio have been rewritten with the orthoepic accents correctly marked on all words of dubious Italian pronunciation. The phonosyntactic doublings are also indicated. An orthoepic legend precedes the method. The appendix includes both the detailed historical notes of each work from which the verses are taken, and the series of intervals to be sung that Vaccaj wrote for the historical editions. The basso continuo has also been made of these sung solfeggios to facilitate their performance by young pianists. This new complete edition of the work, edited in the graphics and paginated from scratch for easier and clearer reading, is further enriched by the precious presentation of Maestro Antonio Juvarra.
VACCAJ - Metodo pratico di canto: Edizione completa di tutte le estensioni vocali con note storiche
Chorale SATB

$14.99 14.4 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (Mixed) - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.958765 Composed by Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Arranged by Juan Carlos Cortés A. Instructional,Romantic Period,World. Octavo. 234 pages. Juan Carlos Cortés Aguirre #6473855. Published by Juan Carlos Cortés Aguirre (A0.958765). Traducción al idioma Español (Castellano) de la obra pedagógica musical Guía práctica para el estudio de la armonía por Piotr Ilich Tchaikovsky (Vótkinsk, 7 de mayo de 1840 - San Petersburgo, 6 de noviembre de 1893), compositor ruso del Siglo XIX basado en la versión rusa, luego traducida a los idiomas Alemán e Inglés. Obra amparada por el © Copyright como Derecho Conexo que otorga protección a quienes, sin ser autores, contribuyen con creatividad, técnica u organización, en el proceso de poner a disposición del público una obra.VÍDEOS:VIMEO:Перевод на испанский (кастильский) язык музыкально-педагогического сочинения «Практическое пособие по изучению гармонии Петра Ильича Чайковского (Воткинск, 7 мая 1840 г. - Санкт-Петербург, 6 ноября 1893 г.), русского композитора XIX века. Русская версия, затем переведенная на немецкий и английский языки. Работа защищена авторским правом © как смежное право, которое обеспечивает защиту тем, кто, не являясь авторами, вносит свой творческий вклад, используя технику или организацию, в процессе предоставления общественности Работа.Übersetzung in die spanische Sprache (Kastilisch) des musikpädagogischen Werks Praktischer Leitfaden für das Studium der Harmonielehre von Pjotr ​​Iljitsch Tschaikowsky (Vótkinsk, 7. Mai 1840 - Sankt Petersburg, 6. November 1893), russischer Komponist des 19. Russische Version, dann in die deutsche und englische Sprache übersetzt.. Werk geschützt durch © Copyright als verwandtes Recht, das denjenigen Schutz gewährt, die, ohne Autoren zu sein, mit Kreativität, Technik oder Organisation einen Beitrag zur öffentlichen Zugänglichmachung leisten a Arbeit.Translation into Spanish language (Castilian) of the musical pedagogical work Practical guide for the study of harmony by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (Vótkinsk, May 7, 1840 - Saint Petersburg, November 6, 1893), Russian composer of the XIX century based in the Russian version, later translated into the German and English languages. Work protected by © Copyright as a Related Right that grants protection to those who, without being authors, contribute with creativity, technique or organization, in the process of making available to the public a work.Traduzione in lingua spagnola (castigliano) dell'opera di pedagogia musicale Guida pratica per lo studio dell'armonia di Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (Vótkinsk, 7 maggio 1840 - San Pietroburgo, 6 novembre 1893), compositore russo del XIX secolo con sede nel Versione russa, poi tradotta in lingua tedesca e inglese Opera protetta da © Copyright as a Related Right che garantisce protezione a coloro che, senza essere autori, contribuiscono con creatività, tecnica o organizzazione, nel processo di messa a disposizione del pubblico di un lavoro. Traduction en espagnol (castillan) de l'ouvrage de pédagogie musicale Guide pratique pour l'étude de l'harmonie de Piotr Ilich Tchaïkovski (Votkinsk, 7 mai 1840 - Saint-Pétersbourg, 6 novembre 1893), compositeur russe du XIXe siècle, basée sur la version russe, traduite ultérieurement en allemand et en anglais. L'œuvre est couverte par le © Copyright en tant que droit voisin qui accorde une protection à ceux qui, sans être des auteurs, contribuent de manière créative, technique ou organisationnelle au processus de mise à disposition d'une œuvre au public.
Guía práctica para el estudio de la armonía - Piotr Ilich Tchaikovsky
Chorale SATB

$39.99 38.41 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

SATB chorus - Digital Download SKU: C7.CGA1532 Composed by David Rasbach. General, Lent. Sacred Anthem. Octavo. 12 pages. Chorister's Guild - Digital #CGA1532. Published by Chorister's Guild - Digital (C7.CGA1532). An outstanding arrangement of this beloved spiritual from the pen of Brian L. Hanson. Hanson's choral writing uses unison lines in an intentional way, prompting an earnest response from the optional cello part. The delicate piano accompaniment seems to mark the passage of time as The Three Days unfold. A tonal change and dense piano chords signal the resurrection, and the climax, before the piece ends in hushed awe. A unique feature of this arrangement is the optional ending for Holy Week. This flexible anthem is a must-have for your choral library!
A Resting Place
Chorale SATB

$2.45 2.35 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano and voice (solo and SATB chorus) - Digital Download SKU: LV.3797 Composed by D. B. Worley. Wealth, Symbols. Lester S. Levy Collection. 5 pages. Published by Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries (LV.3797). The Brightest Jewels. Arranged and Composed as Song and Quartette With Piano Accompaniment By D.B. Worley. Published 1866 by H.L. Story in Burlington, VT. Composition of strophic with chorus with piano and voice (solo and satb chorus) instrumentation. Subject headings for this piece include Wealth, Symbols. First line reads Buried 'neath the waves of ocean, gems are hidden rich and grand.. About The Lester S. Levy CollectionThe Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music consists of over 29,000 pieces of American popular music. Donated to Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries, the collection's strength is its thorough documentation of nineteenth-century American through popular music. This sheet music has been provided by Project Gado, a San Francisco Bay Area startup whose mission is to digitize and share the world's visual history.WARNING: These titles are provided as historical documents. Language and concepts within reflect the opinions and values of the time and may be offensive to some.
The Brightest Jewels
Chorale SATB
$5.99 5.75 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano and voice (SATB chorus) - Digital Download SKU: LV.14717 Composed by L.V.H. Crosby. Sleeping, Dreams, Courtship & love. Lester S. Levy Collection. 4 pages. Published by Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries (LV.14717). Melodies of the Harmoneons. O! Lady, Sweetest Lady. A Serenade. Words by J.S. Davis. Music by L.V.H. Crosby. Published 1846 by C. Bradlee & Co., 184 Washington St. in Boston. Composition of strophic with piano and voice (satb chorus) instrumentation. Subject headings for this piece include Sleeping, Dreams, Courtship & love. First line reads O! lady sweetest lady, Soft slumbers round thee twine.. About The Lester S. Levy CollectionThe Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music consists of over 29,000 pieces of American popular music. Donated to Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries, the collection's strength is its thorough documentation of nineteenth-century American through popular music. This sheet music has been provided by Project Gado, a San Francisco Bay Area startup whose mission is to digitize and share the world's visual history.WARNING: These titles are provided as historical documents. Language and concepts within reflect the opinions and values of the time and may be offensive to some.
Melodies of the Harmoneons. O! Lady, Sweetest Lady. A Serenade
Chorale SATB

$5.99 5.75 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir,Choral (SATB) - Level 1 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1399734 By French. By Dan Bradley. Christian,Easter,Praise & Worship,Religious,Spiritual. 8 pages. Mare Dan Music #983007. Published by Mare Dan Music (A0.1399734). En Francais Gloire Alléluia, Il Est Vivant! available also in Spanish: Gloria Aleluya, ¡Está Vivo! and in English: Glory Hallelujah He is Alive. Also available as solo, two parts, SAB and SATB. He Is Alive is perfect for Easter and Easter Season tells the story of the Women at the Tomb, The Road to Emmaus, Doubting Thomas. They all come to one conclusion: He Is Alive! The music has a Hebrew modality and uses rhythms like a hora. Fun and dramatic to sing and based on solid scriptures. Can provide many wonderful lessons in Faith.Il Est Vivant est parfait pour la période de Pâques et raconte l'histoire des femmes au tombeau, du chemin d'Emmaüs et de Thomas le Douteux. Une seule conclusion s'impose : Il est vivant ! Cette chanson est également disponible en Solo, Two Part, SAB et SATB, ainsi qu'en espagnol : Gloria Aleluya, Esta Vivo ! et en français : Gloire Alléluia, Il Est Vivant.La musique a une modalité hébraïque et utilise des rythmes comme la hora. Le chant est amusant et dramatique et repose sur des écritures solides. Elle peut offrir de merveilleuses leçons de foi.
Gloire Alléluia, Il Est Vivant!
Chorale SATB
$2.49 2.39 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (SATB) - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.828749 Composed by Niccolò Jommelli. Arranged by Guido Menestrina. Baroque,Sacred. Octavo. 21 pages. Guido Menestrina #2869081. Published by Guido Menestrina (A0.828749). ​Salmo Beatus Vir a 4 (SATB) concertato, espressamente composto per la Basilica Vaticana da Niccolò Jommelli (1714-1774).Allievo di Francesco Durante e di Leonardo Leo, si dice che all'inizio degli anni '40, come molti musicisti, compreso il Leo, si fosse recato a Bologna per apprendere da padre Martini; -Chi siete voi?, chiese Martini, volete burlarvi di me? Sono io che voglio apprendere da voi!Dal '48 al '54 fu maestro di cappella in S.Pietro a Roma, ed è a questo periodo che deve ascriversi il brano che proponiamo in trascrizione.Gli ultimi vent'anni di vita li passò in Germania, maestro di cappella dei Württemberg a Stoccarda; qui si imbastardì il suo bel barocco, napoletano-romano, appesantendosi (almeno secondo i contemporanei in patria) di ornamenti inopportuni.Trascrizione a cura di Guido Menestrina.L'acquisto è riferito all'autorizzazione alla stampa di 5 copie (una per voce + l'accompagnamento di basso)The purchase gives the right to print 5 copies (one for each voice and basso continuo).Clefs are original: soprano, alto, tenor, bass, bass.Include in 21 pagine i seguenti movimenti:Primo movimento - Coro SATBSecondo Movimento - Tenore SoloTerzo Movimento - Coro SATBQuarto Movimento - Basso SoloQuinto e Sesto Movimento - Coro SATBTratti dal salmo 111.TestoBeatus vir qui timet Dominum,In mandatis ejus volet nimis.Potens in terra erit semen ejus,Generatio rectorum benedicetur.Gloria et divitiae in domo ejus,Et justitia ejus manetIn saeculum saeculi.Exortum est in tenebris lumen rectis,Misericors et miserator et justus.Jucundus homo,Qui miseretur et commodat,Disponet sermones suos in judicio.Quia in aeternum non commovebitur.In memoria aeterna erit justus,Ab auditione mala non timebit.Paratum cor ejus sperare in Domino.Confirmatum est cor ejus;Non commovebiturDonec despiciat inimicos suos.Dispersit, dedit pauperibus,Justitia ejus manetIn saeculum saeculi.Cornu ejus exaltabitur in gloria.Peccator videbit et irascetur,Dentibus suis fremet et tabescet;Desiderium peccatorum peribit.
Niccolò Jommelli - Beatus vir a 4
Chorale SATB

$34.99 33.61 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

SATB choir a cappella - Medium - Digital Download SKU: MQ.50-0099-E Composed by David L. Ball and Sebastián de Vivanco. All Saints/All Souls. 12 pages. MorningStar Music Publishers - Digital Sheet Music #50-0099-E. Published by MorningStar Music Publishers - Digital Sheet Music (MQ.50-0099-E). English, Latin.This jewel of late-Renaissance polyphony for unaccompanied SATB voices was written by Spanish composer and priest Sebastián de Vivanco. Its subject is the commemoration of a martyr, making it appropriate for martyr's feast days and for All Saints. Editor David Ball provides a modern edition with both the original Latin and a singing English translation. Other edits to barlines, clefs, and key signature, in addition to a keyboard reduction, will contribute to a successful performance.
Here lies a true martyr: Hic est vere martyr (Downloadable)
Chorale SATB

$2.65 2.55 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano and voice (solo and SATB chorus) - Digital Download SKU: LV.4593 Composed by C.F. Shattuck. Love, Death, Grief, Graves. Lester S. Levy Collection. 4 pages. Published by Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries (LV.4593). They Have Laid Her To Rest 'Neath the Willow. Song and Chorus. Words by S.N. Mitchell. Music by C.F. Shattuck. Published 1870 by J.L. Peters in New York. Composition of strophic with chorus with piano and voice (solo and satb chorus) instrumentation. Subject headings for this piece include Love, Death, Grief, Graves. First line reads They have laid her to rest 'neath the willow, my darling so loving and mild.. About The Lester S. Levy CollectionThe Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music consists of over 29,000 pieces of American popular music. Donated to Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries, the collection's strength is its thorough documentation of nineteenth-century American through popular music. This sheet music has been provided by Project Gado, a San Francisco Bay Area startup whose mission is to digitize and share the world's visual history.WARNING: These titles are provided as historical documents. Language and concepts within reflect the opinions and values of the time and may be offensive to some.
They Have Laid Her To Rest 'Neath the Willow. Song and Chorus
Chorale SATB

$5.99 5.75 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano and voice (solo and SATB chorus) - Digital Download SKU: LV.4320 Composed by S. Wesley Martin. Cemeteries, Tombs & sepulchral monuments, Trees, Seasons, Spring. Lester S. Levy Collection. 5 pages. Published by Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries (LV.4320). Let the Dead and the Beautiful Rest. A Beautiful Song and Chorus. Words by C.C. Butler. Music by S. Wesley Martin. Published 1870 by John L. Peters, 599 Broadway in New York. Composition of strophic with chorus with piano and voice (solo and satb chorus) instrumentation. Subject headings for this piece include Cemetaries, Tombs & sepulchral monuments, Trees, Seasons, Spring. First line reads let the dead and the beautiful rest, make her grave 'neath the willow by the stream.. About The Lester S. Levy CollectionThe Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music consists of over 29,000 pieces of American popular music. Donated to Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries, the collection's strength is its thorough documentation of nineteenth-century American through popular music. This sheet music has been provided by Project Gado, a San Francisco Bay Area startup whose mission is to digitize and share the world's visual history.WARNING: These titles are provided as historical documents. Language and concepts within reflect the opinions and values of the time and may be offensive to some.
let the Dead and the Beautiful Rest. A Beautiful Song and Chorus
Chorale SATB

$5.99 5.75 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

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