Guitar,Instrumental Duet,Viola - Level 3 - Digital Download
SKU: A0.1507276
Composed by David Warin Solomons. 21st Century,Contemporary. 15 pages. David Warin Solomons #1082676. Published by David Warin Solomons (A0.1507276).
Duo for viola and guitar originally inspired by the words and rhythms of Lamartine's famous poem Le Lac.
The original poem begins as follows
Ainsi, toujours poussés vers de nouveaux rivages,
Dans la nuit éternelle emportés sans retour,
Ne pourrons-nous jamais sur l'océan des âges
Jeter l'ancre un seul jour?
Ô lac ! l'année à peine a fini sa carrière,
Et près des flots chéris qu'elle devait revoir,
Regarde ! je viens seul m'asseoir sur cette pierre
Où tu la vis s'asseoir !
[So driven onward to new shores forever,
Into the night eternal swept away,
Upon the sea of time can we not ever
Drop anchor for one day?
O Lake! Scarce has a single year coursed past.
To waves that she was meant to see again,
I come alone to sit upon this stone
You saw her sit on then.].