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Baritone Horn TC,Vocal Solo,Voice - Level 5 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1489086 By Stanley M Hoffman. By Stanley M Hoffman. Arranged by Stanley M Hoffman. 21st Century,Classical. 20 pages. #1065932. Published by (A0.1489086). 1. Pears: Words by Linda Pastan.2. Her True Body: Words by Jarred Metz.Music for both songs by Stanley M. Hoffman.Synthesized performance and scrolling score seeking live performances. For a live performance by Baritone Andrew White from the Composer's Voice Series presented by Vox Novus visit: © by Linda Pastan.  All rights reserved.Used by permission of the poet.Her True Body   Words: © by Jarred Metz.  All rights reserved.Used by permission of the poet.Music for Pears and Her True Body© Copyright 2022 by Stanley M. Hoffman. www.stanleymhoffman.comAll rights reserved.  The synthesized accompaniment tracks are available for free download from the composer's website. Pears True Body
Two Songs of Passion: 1. Pears; 2. Her True Body for Baritone and Electronic Accompaniment
Voix Baryton, Piano
Stanley M Hoffman
$10.00 9.35 € Voix Baryton, Piano PDF SheetMusicPlus

Baritone Horn TC,Vocal Solo,Voice - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.533424 Composed by Ange Flégier. Concert,Halloween,Romantic Period,Standards. 15 pages. Musik Fabrik Music Publishing #2913661. Published by Musik Fabrik Music Publishing (A0.533424). A setting of a poem by René de Saint-Prest. Edited by Jared Schwartz and Mary Dibbern.Recorded on Ange Flégier: Mélodies for Baritone Voice and Piano.Toccata Classics, 2016. In d minor Duration: aprox. 5 minutes 00 secondsIl est un vieux manoir à la muraille altière,Là règne un grand seigneur à l’âme impie et fière,Que l’on redoute aux environs,Le plus cruel des hauts barons!Lorsque tombe la nuit, il quitte la tourelleEn s’écriant: amis, courons!Puis l’arme au poing, le coeur gonflé de rage,Ils s’en vont répandant l’effroi sur leur passage!Refrain:Et Satan, l’oeil en feu, palpitant de bonheur,Enfin sûr de sa proie est près du vieux seigneur!Un soir qu’il chevauchait dans la forêt prochaine,Le diable, le suivant, l’entraîna dans la plaine,Et s’élança sur lui soudainEn blasphémant saisit sa mainEt demi-mort d’effroi, tout pâle et sans défense,Le renversa sur le chemin;Puis l’entrainant, malgré sa résistance,L’emporta d’un seul bond, dans sa fournaise immense!On dit que tous les soirs, près de la tour tremblante,On entend retentir une voix languissante,Qui remplit l’air de cris affreux;Puis on croit voir briller des feux.C’est l’âme du baron qu’avec lui, sur la terre,La nuit, Satan traîne en tous lieux;Et du château les noirs oiseaux de proie,Seuls seigneurs désormais, poussent des cris de joie!
Ange Flégier: Le Manoir for baritone voice and piano
Voix Baryton, Piano

$11.95 11.17 € Voix Baryton, Piano PDF SheetMusicPlus

Baritone Horn TC,Vocal Solo,Voice - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.837499 Composed by Brett L. Wery. Concert,Contemporary,Halloween. 13 pages. Sonata Grendel Publishing #5792331. Published by Sonata Grendel Publishing (A0.837499). Letters From Cohoes was originally conceived for Baritone, flute, harp and string Quartet. The first movement is set in Eva Tanguay’s voice and works well dramatically for mezzo-soprano. Eva Tanguay (1879-1947) was born in Canada and billed herself as the girl who made vaudeville famous. She was known for her suggestive songs and extravagant costumes. She has been likened to Madonna or Lady Gaga. Her one recording was I Don’t Care in 1922. Her parents moved to Holyoke, Massachusetts in the 1880’s and she began her career as a teenager at the Cohoes Music Hall. At the age of nineteen she made her debut in New York City. Tanguay was the highest paid woman of her day but was said to have lost more than two million dollars in the Wall Street crash of 1929. Tanguay had a reputation for outlandish behavior and was once fined $50 in Louisville, Kentucky for throwing a stagehand down a flight of stairs. She died, blind and nearly destitute, at the age of 68 in Hollywood. In 1953 Mitzi Gaynor portrayed Eva Tanguay in a fictionalized version of her life in the motion picture, The I Don’t Care Girl. Her ghost is said to still haunt Cohoes Music Hall in upstate New York. Letters from Cohoes is a highly fictionalized, musical portrayal of Eva Tanguay’s ghost. In its original form it was scored for flute (doubling on alto flute, contrabass flute and piccolo), harp, string quartet and solo baritone. It is in four movements, taking the form of letters. Letter 4. October 1974, Cohoes (duration – 4:56)                  Confrontation and Finale The stage manager finally confronts the ghost residing in the hall. Your innocence was stolen but your youth was yours to lose. The croaking raven doth bellow for revenge,And so I stand for sacrifice.
October 1974, Cohoes (Confrontation and Finale)
Voix Baryton, Piano

$9.99 9.34 € Voix Baryton, Piano PDF SheetMusicPlus

Baritone Horn TC,Vocal Solo,Voice - Digital Download SKU: A0.533384 Composed by Gregory Sullivan Isaacs. Contemporary,Holiday,Love. 20 pages. Musik Fabrik Music Publishing #2803929. Published by Musik Fabrik Music Publishing (A0.533384). Whitman only published one book – Leaves of Grass – but it was always a work in progress. He added poems and revised others for each succeeding edition. Thus, the first edition (1819) was a small book with only 12 poems and the last, often refered to as the Deathbed Edition (1892), contained over 400. Some of these he wrote in “clusters†of related poems. Such is the case with the Calamus cluster. The title was chosen to alert the reader that these were poems about what he called “the love of comrades,†“manly love†or with the code word, “adhesiveness.†The concept of homosexuality, as we know it today, was very different in Whitman’s time, but violently socially taboo. Acorus calamus is a reed-like species of marsh grass. In Poetry and Prose, Whitman wrote that it s a … very large and aromatic grass, or root, spears three feet high—often called 'sweet flag'—grows all over the Northern and Middle States.†The phallic plant has always been a symbol of love and associated with the Greek myth of Kalamos, son of the river god who loved the youth Karpos. When Karpos died in a swimming accident, Kalamos transformed himself into a reed so he could always be near the spot where his beloved died, and the rustling of the reeds in the winds sounds like moans of mourning. The Calamus cluster, 39 poems in all, recount the story of a manly love found and lost from the perspective of some time later. They are bittersweet memories. I chose four poems for my own cluster. They represent the four stages of such a relationship: initial attraction, first coy interactions, full-blossomed love, and the bitterness of it’s ending. It is possible that these events actually happened or that they all occurred in the poets mind without ever revealing his thoughts to the intended. Some musical devices, such as the rustling of the leaves in the third song and the constant use of seconds as two people who are close but not yet together in the second one, are obvious. But, other than some indications of tempo, I hesitate to give out remarks about how to perform the songs, or even metronome markings, that might give the singer a preconceived notion. This situation has happened to everyone. So, I say to the singer: revive the memories of a similar event in your life: a particularly heartbreaking one is best. Bring the telling of that memory to the vivid present, and tell us that story as if it ending some time ago but the hurt remains strong, If, by some chance, the singer has not had this experience, he should wait to sing this cycle until he has. The composer
Gregory Sullivan Isaacs: Songs From Calamus for baritone voice and piano
Voix Baryton, Piano

$16.95 15.85 € Voix Baryton, Piano PDF SheetMusicPlus

High baritone voice and piano - Medium - Digital Download SKU: MQ.7.0581-4E Composed by Stephen Chatman. Secular, 21st century. 4 pages. Galaxy Music Corporation - Digital #7.0581-4E. Published by Galaxy Music Corporation - Digital (MQ.7.0581-4E). Stephen Chatmanâ??s Eight Love Songs for High Baritone Voice, Violin, Violoncello and Piano (formerly known as Love Songs) was commissioned in 2010 by MusicFestVancouver for renowned Canadian baritone, Tyler Duncan, and Australia's pre-eminent chamber music ensemble Freshwater Trio. The set of eight songs is the result of ongoing collaborations between lyricist, Tara Wohlberg, and composer, Stephen Chatman. The lyrics, full of inner rhymes and wit, explore far ranging aspects of love, such as unexpected encounters, tenderness, Schubert and his song Gretchen am Spinnrade, dreams, dating, some Hanky-panky, and the wrong and right moves of Mr. Smooth. The contrasting musical settings typify Chatman's eclectic panoply of classical and popular musical styles, from Ragtime and Tango to Neo-Romanticism.
My Love from Five Love Songs for High Baritone Voice and Piano
Voix Baryton, Piano

$4.50 4.21 € Voix Baryton, Piano PDF SheetMusicPlus

Baritone Horn TC,Vocal Solo,Voice - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.533426 Composed by Ange Flégier. Concert,Romantic Period,Standards. 12 pages. Musik Fabrik Music Publishing #2913673. Published by Musik Fabrik Music Publishing (A0.533426). A setting of a poem by Édouard Pailleron. Edited by Jared Schwartz and Mary Dibbern.Recorded on Ange Flégier: Mélodies for Bass Voice and Piano.Toccata Classics, 2016. In C major Duration: aprox. 6 minutes 30 secondsLorsque le premier homme à sa première aurore,Au sein du monde immense et vierge comme lui,Promenait vaguement, pensif et seul encore,La curiosité de son divin ennui,Les mots venaient éclore à sa lèvre étonnéeÀ chaque enchantement du spectacle infini,Comme vient la chanson éclore au bord du nid:À l’heure qu’il naissait la parole était née.Mais, lorsque s’éveillant de son autre sommeil,Il vit, plus belle encore que l’aurore première,Eve nue et debout dans la grande lumière,Comme un astre vivant, adorable et vermeil;Il étendit les bras vers sa maîtresse blonde,Et, jusqu’à son désir inclinant sa beauté,Sachant bien que l’amour lui coûterait le monde,Du remords éternel il fit la volupté;Et dans le doux transport dont l’âme était saisie,Et dans le dur sanglot qui s’y venait briser,Tu naquis à ton tour, ô jeune poésie,De la première larme et du premier baiser!
Ange Flégier: La Poésie for baritone voice and piano
Voix Baryton, Piano

$10.30 9.63 € Voix Baryton, Piano PDF SheetMusicPlus

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