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Solo Guitar - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.899127 Composed by Richard Strauss. Arranged by Rod Whittle. 20th Century. Individual part. 4 pages. Maggie Creek Music #3037161. Published by Maggie Creek Music (A0.899127). Transcription for solo classical guitar. 4 pages. Richard Strauss (1864 -1949) Strauss's music amounts to a huge body of symphonic and operatic work written over 60 years. Full of vitality, endlessly melodic, brilliantly orchestrated, it begins and ends in the romantic tradition, but for the most part expresses something more modern and individualistic, not without controversy in its time. Variation of style and structure is drawn from the descriptive (literary) nature of compositions, and an extraordinary inventiveness enlivens the scenes, moods and situations. Strauss said once that he produced music the way cows give milk, and indeed his music rarely seems contrived. The opera Strauss wrote 15 operas on a variety of subjects and across the whole spectrum of drama. He acknowledged being enchanted by the soprano voice, and his writing for it highlights many of the works, including Adriane auf Naxos (composed in 1912). The opera has been described as 'sparkling', which sums it up well, and passages influenced by Bach, Mozart, Puccini, and Wagner add to the interest. The storyline is a play within a play, the second part being the mythological 'Opera' staged in the story. The three pieces transcribed* are from this Opera. The guitar arrangements All classical guitar pieces are compromises. The instrument has only six strings, the left hand four fingers able to be used, and with the right hand its rare to use more than three fingers and the thumb. So, despite the amount of noise possible, it's inevitable that passages occur where either harmony, bass or fragments of counterpoint that would be beneficial are left out. In particular, the higher up the neck music is played the simpler it tends to be, if harder to play, and unless the low bass is an open string there wont be any. So I think the main part of attaining a fair transcription (better to be called an arrangement if the original musical structure is not strictly followed, as in this case) is determining how a good compromise can be reached. Melody, counterpoint, bass and main harmonies demand inclusion, and register is important. One may generally assume the original score can't be improved on. However, if the music may sound well on guitar, and the above elements can be incorporated without the playing becoming very difficult, something enjoyable to play and worthwhile listening to should be able to be achieved. Overture; 'A golden time …' Here the Mozart influence, better, inspiration, is wonderfully evident. A gentle waltz time (only the first section of the overture is transcribed) carries the colourful harmonies, strong melodic threads and connecting flourishes that stamp both pieces. The aria is alluded to in the Overture several times, which as you would expect, is intricately woven with the hints themes later to be established in the Opera. It has a kind of 'jazzy' freedom, and it's always miraculous to me that composition so involved can retain its musical line, here done in Strauss's inimitable way. The aria, sung not far into the Opera, has the perfect inevitability of Mozart, but again it is Strauss. As explained, keys have been changed to suit the guitar. Chorus and Aria This selection from the finale has features well worth trying to translate. The device of having a strong chorus, in the style of a Bach chorale, stated and then counterpointed by a solo voice in a restatement, is potent, and that in the opera the chorus (of the three nymphs) isn't immediately followed by the accompanying aria (of Ariadne) means the latter comes as a moment of surprising beauty. Neither parts are complicated, and lovely arpeggios, a feature Strauss's music, often impart the assured progressions. A problem was to capture the distinct register of the soprano voices, som.
Excerpt from the Last Part of Ariadne Auf Naxos

$7.00 6.72 € Guitare PDF SheetMusicPlus

Solo Guitar - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1305660 By Tony Bennett. By Bart Howard. Arranged by FERNANDO LUIZ NEVES. 20th Century,Contemporary,Film/TV,Jazz,Pop. Individual part. 3 pages. Fernando Neves #895115. Published by Fernando Neves (A0.1305660). “Fly Me to the Moonâ€, originally titled “In Other Wordsâ€, is a timeless classic that has captured the hearts of many music lovers. The song was written in 1954 by the talented American composer Bart Howard. The first recording of the song was made in the same year by Kaye Ballard. However, it was Frank Sinatra’s 1964 version that became closely associated with the Apollo missions to the Moon. Sinatra’s rendition elevated the song to new heights and it has since been covered by numerous artists including Tony Bennett, Ella Fitzgerald, Diana Krall, and Astrud Gilberto.Now, imagine this enchanting melody being interpreted through fingerstyle guitar. The intricate fingerpicking technique could beautifully express the nuances of this timeless tune.Whether you’re a seasoned musician or a beginner, playing “Fly Me to the Moon†on these instruments would be a delightful experience. Enjoy your musical journey! PDF file contains score with and without tablature and also includes chords and fingering. 3 pages.
Fly Me To The Moon (in Other Words)
Tony Bennett
$19.97 19.18 € Guitare PDF SheetMusicPlus

Easy Guitar (no TAB) - Level 1 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1044225 By Randy Newman And Lyle Lovett. By Randy Newman. Arranged by Toni Lindgren. Broadway,Children,Film/TV,Musical/Show. Score. 5 pages. Toni Lindgren #648968. Published by Toni Lindgren (A0.1044225). This is a simplified arrangement of the chords to Disney's Toy Story theme by Randy Newman. It's intended for players who are still in the earlier stages of rhythm technique development and are currently focusing on expanding their knowledge of basic open chords. There are no barre chords (with the exception of a small one string barre for the basic F chord) and all the extended voicings of the original song have been removed, but these chords will still function over the original song melody. The score includes these basic open chords, their relevant diagrams, the song lyrics, and notation of the melody, which can be sung over the guitar or played by another instrument.
You've Got A Friend In Me
Randy Newman And Lyle Lovett
$4.99 4.79 € Guitare PDF SheetMusicPlus

Solo Guitar - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.876582 Composed by Daniel Cueto. 20th Century,Contemporary,Latin,World. Individual part. 8 pages. Daniel Cueto #6119401. Published by Daniel Cueto (A0.876582). To write Tiento para un pensador, I found inspiration in an experience that I had many years ago, when I was a student in Dusseldorf, Germany. I was spending time one night with my friend Rafael Aguirre, a virtuoso classical guitarist, as he was casually playing through some of his repertoire. He asked me if I thought that it was possible to play a Baroque fugue - one of the most complex of musical genres - on the guitar. Before I had time to think about the question, he started playing his own arrangement of a fugue by J.S. Bach, talking me through it as the fugue theme appeared in different registers and the counterpoint got more and more intricate.The effectiveness and beauty of the contrapuntal sounds I experienced that night stayed with me. So in 2020, when I was invited to attend the Twisted Spruce Symposium and had a chance to compose my first piece for the guitar, I quickly decided that I would take up the challenge of writing my own fugue for the instrument. Looking to find a more specific context for the new work, I discovered the early Spanish genre of the tiento, essentially an early Hispanic form of the fugue. I came up with a melody which, I sensed, featured elements of that early style combined with a touch of Andean melancholy. As I composed, I strived to follow this basic affect throughout, letting the lines evolve organically as the piece seemed to engage in a long, continued search for its cultural and temporal identity.Para un pensador means for a thinker in Spanish. It is my homage to the intellectual guitarist, to the reflective and discerning performer of intricate contrapuntal music.I would like to extend special thanks to Nathan Fischer for producing this valuable edition of Tiento para un pensador.

$9.99 9.6 € Guitare PDF SheetMusicPlus

Guitar - Intermediate - Digital Download SKU: ZY.DO-1522 Composed by Francis Bebey. Arranged by Ingrid Riollot. Score. 5 pages. Les Editions Doberman-Yppan (digital) #DO 1522. Published by Les Editions Doberman-Yppan (digital) (ZY.DO-1522). Francis Bebey est né à Douala en juillet 1929, dans une grande famille où son père, pasteur, luttait pour nourrir ses enfants. Mais Francis a eu l'opportunité d'aller à l'école. Admirant son frère aîné, Marcel Eyidi Bebey, il s'est éduqué, s'est distingué, et a finalement reçu une bourse pour passer son baccalauréat en France.Nous approchions de la fin des années 1950 lorsqu'il est arrivé à La Rochelle. Plus que jamais, dans cette France où les Africains étaient regardés avec curiosité, condescendance ou dédain, Francis s'appuyait sur ses ressources intellectuelles. Travailleur assidu, il a obtenu son baccalauréat, puis s'est installé à Paris où il a commencé des études d'anglais à la Sorbonne. Un jour, il a su ce qui l'attirait vraiment : il voulait faire de la radio. Francis a appris son métier en France et aux Ã?tats-Unis.Après avoir travaillé quelques années comme reporter, il a été embauché en 1961 en tant que fonctionnaire international au Département de l'information de l'UNESCO.Parallèlement, Francis a toujours été attiré par la création musicale. Son activité diurne très sérieuse ne l'empêchait pas de fréquenter les clubs de jazz le soir. Ã? Paris, le jazz, la musique à la mode à cette époque, mais aussi la rumba et la salsa l'attiraient. Il collectionnait les disques et assistait à de nombreux concerts. Avec son complice Manu Dibango, Francis montait sur scène et jouait de la musique.Francis aimait la musique classique depuis son enfance. Il avait grandi en écoutant les cantates et les oratorios de Bach ou Handel que son père chantait au temple. Il s'est passionné pour la guitare, impressionné par les maîtres espagnols et sud-américains, et a décidé d'apprendre à jouer de l'instrument lui-même.Il a commencé à composer des pièces pour guitare, mêlant les diverses influences qui le traversaient avec la musique traditionnelle africaine qu'il portait en lui depuis son enfance. Son approche a captivé le directeur du Centre culturel américain (alors situé dans le quartier de Saint-Germain à Paris), qui lui a offert l'opportunité de se produire devant un public. Francis y a donné son premier récital de guitare (1963) devant un public hypnotisé. Son premier album solo est sorti peu de temps après.Progressivement, Francis est devenu reconnu comme musicien et compositeur. Plusieurs albums de l'ambassadeur africain de la guitare, comme le décrivait la presse, sont sortis. Il a également écrit des livres, au point que sa carrière artistique est devenue difficile à concilier avec sa carrière de fonctionnaire. En 1974, même s'il était devenu le directeur général chargé de la musique à l'UNESCO, il a fait le saut audacieux et a démissionné de cette prestigieuse institution pour se consacrer aux trois activités qui l'intéressaient : la musique, la littérature et le journalisme.Il a exploré le patrimoine musical traditionnel du continent africain, notamment à travers le piano à pouce sanza et la musique polyphonique des pygmées d'Afrique centrale, ou en chantant dans sa langue maternelle et en composant des chansons humoristiques en français !Le succès a suivi. Francis Bebey a parcouru le monde : de la France au Brésil, du Cameroun à la Suède, de l'Allemagne aux Caraïbes, ou du Maroc au Japon... la liste des pays où il a été invité à se produire, à donner des conférences ou à rencontrer des lecteurs est très longue. En plus de la reconnaissance publique, il bénéficiait de la reconnaissance de ses collègues musiciens, tels que le guitariste John Williams ou le Vénézuélien Antonio Lauro, qui l'ont invité à faire partie du jury d'un concours de guitare classique à Caracas.Sa vie était le voyage d'un pionnier africain, un homme enraciné dans son patrimoine culturel et portant un message de partage et d'espoir pour le monde. Son originalité continue de résonner dans le monde entier depuis son décès à la fin du mois de mai 2001.Francis Bebey was born in Douala in July 1929, into a large family where his father, a pastor, struggled to feed his children. But Francis had the opportunity to go to school. Admiring his elder brother, Marcel Eyidi Bebey, he educated himself, distinguished himself, and eventually received a scholarship to go and take his baccalaureate in France.We approached the end of the 1950s when he arrived in La Rochelle. More than ever, in this France where Africans were looked at with curiosity, condescension, or disdain, Francis relied on his intellectual resources. A diligent worker, he obtained his Baccalaureate, then moved to Paris where he started English studies at the Sorbonne. One day, he knew what truly attracted him: he wanted to do radio. Francis learned his craft in France and in the USA.After working for a few years as a reporter, he was hired in 1961 as an international civil servant in the UNESCO Information Department.In parallel, Francis had always been drawn to musical creation. His very serious daytime activity didnâ??t prevent him from frequenting jazz clubs in the evenings. In Paris, the Jazz, the trendy music of that time, but also rumba and salsa attracted him. He collected records and attended numerous concerts. With his accomplice Manu Dibango, Francis took the stage and played music.Francis liked classical music since his childhood. He grew up listening to the cantatas and oratorios of Bach or Handel that his father had sung in the temple. He became passionate about the guitar, impressed by the Spanish and South American masters, and decided to learn to strum the instrument himself.He started composing guitar pieces, blending the various influences that flow through him with the traditional African music he had carried within since childhood. His approach captivated the director of the American Cultural Center (then located in the Saint-Germain neighborhood of Paris), who offered him the opportunity to perform in front of an audience. Francis gave his first guitar recital there (1963) in front of a mesmerized audience. His first solo album was released shortly thereafter.Gradually, Francis became recognized as a musician and composer. Several albums of the African guitar ambassador, as described by the press, were released. He also wrote books, to the point that his artistic career became challenging to reconcile with his career as a civil servant. In 1974, even though he had become the General Manager in charge of music at UNESCO, he took the bold leap and resigned from this prestigious institution to dedicated himself to the three activities that interested him: music, literature, and journalism. He explored the traditional musical heritage of the African continent, notably through the thumb piano sanza, and the polyphonic music of the Central African pygmies, or singing in his native language and composing humoristic songs in French!Success followed. Francis Bebey traveled the world: from France to Brazil, Cameroon to Sweden, Germany to the Carribean, or Morocco to Japan... the list of countries where he was invited to perform, gives lectures, or meets readers is very long. In addition to public recognition, he enjoyed the recognition of his fellow musicians, such as guitarist John Williams or Venezuelan Antonio Lauro, who invited him to be a part of the jury for a classical guitar competition in Caracas.His life was the journey of an African pioneer, a man rooted in his cultural heritage and carrying a message of sharing and hope for the world. His originality continues to vibrate around the world since his passing at the end of May 2001.

$3.95 3.79 € Guitare PDF SheetMusicPlus

Solo Guitar - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.914747 Composed by Benjamin Godard (1849-1895). Arranged by Eric J Roth. Romantic Period. Individual part. 14 pages. Eric J Roth #5867073. Published by Eric J Roth (A0.914747). Benjamin Godard (1849-1895) was a French  violinist and composer of Jewish heritage. He wrote hundreds of works, including  symphonies, operas, concertos, chamber and solo pieces, and songs. Today he is  most remembered for his five symphonies and the Berceuse from his opera,  Jocelyn. In style, Godard's music is reminiscent of the early Romantic  period rather than the more grandiose style of Wagner. Godard wrote two sonatas for solo violin. The first dates from the 1870s. The  second was composed in the 1890s and published after his death. Both sonatas contain four movements and employ baroque dance forms. The Deuxiéme (second) Sonata,  arranged here for guitar solo, opens with a Sarabande in A minor, marked molto  moderato e pompasamente (very moderately and pompously). The following Rigodon in C major is quick and convivial, although a contrasting section in C  minor tempers the mood. The third movement, Adagio non ma troppo, begins in a  tranquil F major. The texture soon thickens and makes striking use of the  instrument’s lower register. A sudden modulation to F minor provides the  sonata's most introspective moment. The piece returns to A minor and ends in a dramatic  cliffhanger on the dominant. The rhythmic Bourrée serves as a true  finale and includes a frenetic contrapuntal section recalling the violin  sonatas of J. S. Bach.
Deuxiéme Sonata by Benjamin Godard (1849-1895)

$9.99 9.6 € Guitare PDF SheetMusicPlus

Solo Guitar - Digital Download SKU: A0.1015930 Composed by Frank A. Wallace. 20th Century,Contemporary. Individual part. 8 pages. Gyre Music #5022343. Published by Gyre Music (A0.1015930). Black Falconby Frank A. Wallaceguitar soloDuration: 9 minutes; 7 pagesSkill level: large stretches and fast scalesWritten: March, 2013, for Edel MuñozInstrumentation: classical guitar soloRecording: on Elemental CD by Frank Wallace for Gyre, 2014; and a single FLAC file also by Frank Wallace on GyreBlack Falcon is a guitar solo written for Cuban guitarist Edel Muñoz, who I first met at the 2011 St. Joseph Guitar Festival. Edel had returned to St. Joseph to perform his competition winner’s concert. We met again at Classical Minds in Houston in June 2012 at which point we got to hear each others’ concerts. Edel is one of the most suave and subtle yet powerful players I have ever heard. I was thrilled that he asked me to write a piece for him.At the time of composition I generally used various techniques for generating musical ideas developed over the previous years. But I tossed those ideas out the door and wrote from pure inspiration. The result is my first piece that uses the octatonic, or diminished scale. It alternates between dramatic chordal outbursts and flowing bass melodies. Black Falcon is in two sections: Larghissimo in 4/2 and Allegro in 12/8. This is a pattern I have used in several solo works and one duo that I call my Raptor Series.All Gyre Publications are ASCAPGyre PublicationsCopyright ©2013 Frank A. WallaceCover photography and design by Nancy KnowlesAll rights reserved.
Black Falcon

$10.95 10.52 € Guitare PDF SheetMusicPlus

Solo Guitar - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.942113 Composed by Apostolos Paraskevas. 20th Century,Contemporary,World. Individual part. 6 pages. Silver Sickle Publications #6566951. Published by Silver Sickle Publications (A0.942113). I’ve known Stephan Connor for decades and I always enjoy seeing him working on his guitars (and on mine occasionally) and I enjoy learning of what keeps him fascinated constantly with the creation of new instruments. His latest creative thinking brought life to this composition. He brings out a special life to the forest when a different voice is been created through his guitars. When he asked me to compose Steve’s Mythical Forest he described it as …a walk to a forest where one finds a guitar and then picks it up and plays a tune... So, in this mythical forest I found the sounds at the same spots where the guitar maker transforms simple elements to a ‘magical wand’. And that is only a beginning… The work describes, in very simple tonal language, a small stroll in a forest at the end of the day and at the beginning of the night where sounds melting together in loving feelings and passionate desires for life.   Apostolos Paraskevas. 2021
Steve's Mythical Forest

$7.99 7.67 € Guitare PDF SheetMusicPlus

Solo Guitar - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1032084 Composed by Edwin Culver. 20th Century,Contemporary. Individual part. 4 pages. Edwin Culver #4347575. Published by Edwin Culver (A0.1032084). Classical Guitar Solo - IntermediateComposed by Edwin Culver (1992-) 4 Pages.  Duration 7'30Composer's note: Have you ever felt stuck? Trapped by something you can’t fully understand no matter how hard you try?  Perhaps it’s something from our past that we never invited...or something we’ve missed in our closest relationships, maybe it’s just the dread we’ve felt waking up early in the morning to repeat the daily grind.  We work hard to try and propel ourselves out of this nightmare, but we never seem to get totally free, in fact sometimes it feels like we’re just making ourselves feel worse by failing to overcome it yet again. This piece, ...a bridge a-way, exits within, represents that feedback loop, that stuckness.    The piece came to me when I felt stuck in life by several things - old scars, old habits, crippling emotions.  I had been wanting to write something in a minimalist style for the guitar for quite some time and the repetition found in so much minimalist music seemed like the obvious way for expressing this stuckness.  There’s constant motion in the piece, just like when we try to take constant action in our lives to improve our circumstances. But all this motion never seems to get us anywhere new. We’re spinning our wheels…But one of the interesting things about great minimalist music is that it’s not merely about repetition.  I don’t believe the greatest minimalists were concerned with having less stuff in their music for the sake of having less.  Instead, what I think they more often aimed for was producing the biggest emotional impact that they could through the tiniest of changes.  And if in your mind’s eye you zoom out from one of these minimalist masterworks and perceive it on a grand scale, you realize that despite all the seemingly redundant repetition in the moment the piece actually covers a huge distance because all those tiny changes add up.Likewise, in ...a bridge a-way, exits within, it seems like the performer can’t free himself from the territory of the first position on the guitar for the longest time.  Even when he does venture higher up the instrument he’s always inextricably pulled back to the starting point. But small changes can have a profound impact.It doesn’t feel like we’re making headway whenever we’re having to crawl out of our skin - until, suddenly, when it’s all over.  And you hear this towards the end of the piece, when there’s a sudden magnetic force that pulls the music from a low A to a high E-natural.  From A to E, a bridge to exits eternal. The bridge has been found within, in the One I’ve put my trust in, because I can’t reach my eternal destiny on my own.   This is ...a bridge a-way, exits within.
Edwin Culver: a bridge a-way, exits within (for solo guitar)

$11.99 11.52 € Guitare PDF SheetMusicPlus

Solo Guitar - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.899111 Composed by Richard Strauss. Arranged by Rod Whittle. 20th Century. Individual part. 2 pages. Maggie Creek Music #25793. Published by Maggie Creek Music (A0.899111). 2 pages; for solo classical guitar; published by Maggie Creek MusicRichard Strauss (1864 -1949) Strauss's music amounts to a huge body of symphonic and operatic work written over 60 years. Full of vitality, endlessly melodic, brilliantly orchestrated, it begins and ends in the romantic tradition, but for the most part expresses something more modern and individualistic, not without controversy in its time. Variation of style and structure is drawn from the descriptive (literary) nature of compositions, and an extraordinary inventiveness enlivens the scenes, moods and situations. Strauss said once that he produced music the way cows give milk, and indeed his music rarely seems contrived. The opera Strauss wrote 15 operas on a variety of subjects and across the whole spectrum of drama. He acknowledged being enchanted by the soprano voice, and his writing for it highlights many of the works, including Adriane auf Naxos (composed in 1912). The opera has been described as 'sparkling', which sums it up well, and passages influenced by Bach, Mozart, Puccini, and Wagner add to the interest. The storyline is a play within a play, the second part being the mythological 'Opera' staged in the story. The three pieces transcribed* are from this Opera. The guitar arrangements All classical guitar pieces are compromises. The instrument has only six strings, the left hand four fingers able to be used, and with the right hand its rare to use more than three fingers and the thumb. So, despite the amount of noise possible, it's inevitable that passages occur where either harmony, bass or fragments of counterpoint that would be beneficial are left out. In particular, the higher up the neck music is played the simpler it tends to be, if harder to play, and unless the low bass is an open string there wont be any. So I think the main part of attaining a fair transcription (better to be called an arrangement if the original musical structure is not strictly followed, as in this case) is determining how a good compromise can be reached. Melody, counterpoint, bass and main harmonies demand inclusion, and register is important. One may generally assume the original score can't be improved on. However, if the music may sound well on guitar, and the above elements can be incorporated without the playing becoming very difficult, something enjoyable to play and worthwhile listening to should be able to be achieved. Overture; 'A golden time …'Here the Mozart influence, better, inspiration, is wonderfully evident. A gentle waltz time (only the first section of the overture is transcribed) carries the colourful harmonies, strong melodic threads and connecting flourishes that stamp both pieces. The aria is alluded to in the Overture several times, which as you would expect, is intricately woven with the hints themes later to be established in the Opera. It has a kind of 'jazzy' freedom, and it's always miraculous to me that composition so involved can retain its musical line, here done in Strauss's inimitable way. The aria, sung not far into the Opera, has the perfect inevitability of Mozart, but again it is Strauss. As explained, keys have been changed to suit the guitar. Chorus and Aria This selection from the finale has features well worth trying to translate. The device of having a strong chorus, in the style of a Bach chorale, stated and then counterpointed by a solo voice in a restatement, is potent, and that in the opera the chorus (of the three nymphs) isn't immediately followed by the accompanying aria (of Ariadne) means the latter comes as a moment of surprising beauty. Neither parts are complicated, and lovely arpeggios, a feature Strauss's music, often impart the assured progressions. A problem was to capture the distinct register of the sopr.
Overture from Ariadne auf Naxos

$7.00 6.72 € Guitare PDF SheetMusicPlus

Solo Guitar - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.899112 Composed by Richard Strauss. Arranged by Rod Whittle. 20th Century. Individual part. 2 pages. Maggie Creek Music #25789. Published by Maggie Creek Music (A0.899112). 2 pages; for solo classical guitar; published by Maggie Creek MusicRichard Strauss (1864 -1949) Strauss's music amounts to a huge body of symphonic and operatic work written over 60 years. Full of vitality, endlessly melodic, brilliantly orchestrated, it begins and ends in the romantic tradition, but for the most part expresses something more modern and individualistic, not without controversy in its time. Variation of style and structure is drawn from the descriptive (literary) nature of compositions, and an extraordinary inventiveness enlivens the scenes, moods and situations. Strauss said once that he produced music the way cows give milk, and indeed his music rarely seems contrived. The opera Strauss wrote 15 operas on a variety of subjects and across the whole spectrum of drama. He acknowledged being enchanted by the soprano voice, and his writing for it highlights many of the works, including Adriane auf Naxos (composed in 1912). The opera has been described as 'sparkling', which sums it up well, and passages influenced by Bach, Mozart, Puccini, and Wagner add to the interest. The storyline is a play within a play, the second part being the mythological 'Opera' staged in the story. The three pieces transcribed* are from this Opera. The guitar arrangements All classical guitar pieces are compromises. The instrument has only six strings, the left hand four fingers able to be used, and with the right hand its rare to use more than three fingers and the thumb. So, despite the amount of noise possible, it's inevitable that passages occur where either harmony, bass or fragments of counterpoint that would be beneficial are left out. In particular, the higher up the neck music is played the simpler it tends to be, if harder to play, and unless the low bass is an open string there wont be any. So I think the main part of attaining a fair transcription (better to be called an arrangement if the original musical structure is not strictly followed, as in this case) is determining how a good compromise can be reached. Melody, counterpoint, bass and main harmonies demand inclusion, and register is important. One may generally assume the original score can't be improved on. However, if the music may sound well on guitar, and the above elements can be incorporated without the playing becoming very difficult, something enjoyable to play and worthwhile listening to should be able to be achieved. Overture; 'A golden time …' Here the Mozart influence, better, inspiration, is wonderfully evident. A gentle waltz time (only the first section of the overture is transcribed) carries the colourful harmonies, strong melodic threads and connecting flourishes that stamp both pieces. The aria is alluded to in the Overture several times, which as you would expect, is intricately woven with the hints themes later to be established in the Opera. It has a kind of 'jazzy' freedom, and it's always miraculous to me that composition so involved can retain its musical line, here done in Strauss's inimitable way. The aria, sung not far into the Opera, has the perfect inevitability of Mozart, but again it is Strauss. As explained, keys have been changed to suit the guitar. Chorus and Aria This selection from the finale has features well worth trying to translate. The device of having a strong chorus, in the style of a Bach chorale, stated and then counterpointed by a solo voice in a restatement, is potent, and that in the opera the chorus (of the three nymphs) isn't immediately followed by the accompanying aria (of Ariadne) means the latter comes as a moment of surprising beauty. Neither parts are complicated, and lovely arpeggios, a feature Strauss's music, often impart the assured progressions. A problem was to capture the distinct register of the so.
'A golden time ...' from Ariadne auf Naxos

$7.00 6.72 € Guitare PDF SheetMusicPlus

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