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Solo Guitar - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.594506 Composed by Traditional. Arranged by Richard Hirsch. Folk,Instructional,Multicultural,Traditional,World. Individual part. 5 pages. Richard Hirsch #203776. Published by Richard Hirsch (A0.594506). An arrangement of the Flamenco Soleares style (palo) for the dance (baile). The musical material for the arrangement is taken from standard traditional themes for the Soleares style of Flamenco. The arrangement is meant for guitarists and students of guitar that are new to Flamenco and want to learn the basics for one of the most important palos in Flamenco. The arrangement can be used to accompany a solo dance, customary in serious (jondo) Flamenco, often performed by a woman dancer. The Soleares rhythm consists of a repetition of a twelve beat phrase the Flamencos refer to as a compás where accents fall on the third, sixth, eight, tenth, and twelfth beats of the phrase (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12). I notate the compás as a series of five measures that comprises two 3/4 measures followed by three 2/4 measures. Throughout the notation there is, therefore, a fluctuating between two measures in 3/4 and three measures in 2/4 time. The first beat of the compás falls on the second beat of the first 3/4 measure in the series and the first accented beat falls on the first beat of the second 3/4 measure. The sixth, eight, and tenth accented beats fall on the first beats of the 2/4 measures in the series. The twelfth beat falls on the first beat of the next series beginning with a 3/4 measure. Notating the compás in this manner allows the guitarist a total grasp of the underlying structure of the music, something that is often lost in other notations I have studied for Soleares. A command of the compás is essential for the guitarist to be able to work with Flamenco singers and dancers. The Soleares is a stately dance that moves at a moderate pace, but often ends in a finale (macho por Bulerías) that is more than twice as fast as the first sections of the dance. The finale also contains a key change from the Phrygian mode of the llamadas and corridas to the key of E major. The arrangement contains essential basic techniques for Flamenco guitar, the rasqueado, the legato with hammering on, the four finger tremolo that rips at the strings before a full chord with the thumb, alzapúa where the thumb strikes in triplets down, up, down in rapid succession, etc. Students should dedicate themselves to a close and careful study of the notation to gain full mastery of these techniques. The arrangement consists of several sections, the llamadas which are calls to the dancer to take the stage, corridas where the dancer moves in a circle executing various heel and toe steps together with hand, arm, and body gestures, and the macho where the dance ends in a storm of stamping and a fit of wild abandon. The corrida sections consist of melodies Flamencos call “falsetasâ€. One of these is simply a series of broken chords while another is a melody taken from a song called “Caña†that is a member of the Soleares family. The notation ends, as is prescribed for the dance, on the tenth beat of the last compás (the first beat of the last 2/4 measure in the last five measure series). The Soleares was the first palo my maestro Juan González “Triguito†introduced me to in my studies with him in Madrid in the late 1960’s and is considered to be the “mother†of true forms of Flamenco. The title of the arrangement is in celebration of the beautiful patios of Córdoba, home of the Flamenco palo Soleares.
Patios de Córdoba

$3.99 3.81 € Guitare PDF SheetMusicPlus

Solo Guitar - Level 1 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1171119 Composed by Scott Joplin. Arranged by Brian Streckfus. 20th Century,Barbershop,Blues,Folk,Ragtime. Individual part. 2 pages. Brian Streckfus #771449. Published by Brian Streckfus (A0.1171119). 1. 2 page arrangement for guitar. I'm sorry to say this is not the full version, but a 16 page version is long winded for my purposes.2. Guitar Tab added. 3. Slurs and slides added. 4. Re-harmonized to be idiomatic for guitar, be less cliche,  and to emphasize the main melody more. 5. Some composers indications added when really necessary.  6. Left hand fingerings added.7. Chord nomenclature added.8. Overly excessive ties removed.9. Some octaves changes to better suit guitar.Tips:1. Be very careful of the difference between slurs and ties! Sometimes I don't show slurs on the tab, but this time I had to.2. The rests are real and they are suggested because they lead to a jazzier rag time sound. I feel like it goes without saying that sustain is ultimately up to the performer, which is why I removed a lot of pedantic ties; they seem to add confusion half the time. 3. The D7 is a slight key change because it has an F# in the chord. It's a secodary dominace chord, V7/V, and often a vii7b5 can replace it. In other words, the F# goes gravitates into the next chord, a G Major chord.4. G6 is really just the 3 thinnest strings of the guitar open. It's a great transition chord.5. The D# is part of the C major blues scale.6. Adding more 7th chords than originally there is almost always an interesting pursuit. Going from G to G7 can certainly aid in helping things sound more goofy.
The Entertainer (Excerpt)

$1.99 1.9 € Guitare PDF SheetMusicPlus

This fourth booklet is dedicated to ensemble playing through five trios and three quartets of various styles (tango, ballad, rock, etc.) appropriate for the end of primary school with a few years of experience and the beginning of secondary school. Some pieces are written in a homorhythmic manner and can constitute an introduction to ensemble music, while others are rather polyrhythmic. They can constitute a first contact with the following techniques and effects: staccato, pizzicato, accent, louré, natural harmonic, percussion or crossed strings. This volume is therefore intended for guitarists who already know the notes in first position. Two pieces include a more advanced part with an introduction to playing in 5th position. These are short pieces that do not present technical challenges other than those allowing you to achieve the effects and play expressively.You will find in the scores indications of nuances, timbre, attack and fingerings which constitute suggestions for work and not prescriptions. Teachers and students are therefore invited to make interpretation choices different from those proposed or to try to convincingly render those already written.The pieces were composed or arranged by UQAM music education students as part of a course aimed at equipping musicians for teaching guitar in the school system. Many of them are musicians from different backgrounds (composition, performance, world music, etc.), which explains the creativity found in the pieces. All the pieces have been the subject of an audio recording available on the Productions d’Oz website and on YouTube. Search for À vos guitares, prêt, joue! Vol. 4.Isabelle Héroux, editor, professor, Department of Music, UQAM.Louis-Edouard Thouin-Poppe, assistant editor, arranger and engraver.Ce quatrième cahier est consacré au jeu en ensemble grâce à cinq trios et trois quatuors de styles variés (tango, ballade, rock…) appropriés pour la fin du primaire avec quelques années d’expérience et le début du secondaire. Certaines pièces sont écrites de manière homorythmique et peuvent constituer une initiation à la musique d’ensemble, alors que d’autres sont plutôt polyrythmiques. Elles peuvent constituer un premier contact avec les techniques et effets suivants : staccato, pizzicato, accent, louré, harmonique naturelle, percussion ou cordes croisées. Ce volume s’adresse donc aux guitaristes qui connaissent déjà les notes en première position. Deux pièces comportent une partie plus avancée avec une initiation au jeu en Ve position. Ce sont des pièces courtes qui ne présentent pas de défis techniques outre ceux permettant de réaliser les effets et de jouer de manière expressive. Vous trouverez dans les partitions des indications de nuances, de timbre, d’attaque et de doigtés qui constituent des suggestions de travail et non des prescriptions. Ainsi, les enseignants et les élèves sont invités à faire des choix d’interprétation différents de ceux qui sont proposés ou à tenter de rendre de manière convaincante ceux déjà écrits.Les pièces ont été composées ou arrangées par des étudiants en enseignement de la musique de l’UQAM dans le cadre d’un cours qui vise à outiller les musiciens pour l’enseignement de la guitare dans le système scolaire. Beaucoup d’entre eux sont des musiciens provenant d’horizons différents (composition, interprétation, musique du monde, etc.) ce qui explique la créativité que l’on retrouve dans les pièces. Toutes les pièces ont fait l’objet d’un enregistrement audio disponible sur le site des Productions d’Oz et sur YouTube. Recherchez À vos guitares, prêts, jouez! Vol. 4.Isabelle Héroux, éditrice, professeure, Département de musique, UQAM.Louis-Edouard Thouin-Poppe, assistant éditeur, arrangeur et graveur
À vos guitares, prêts, jouez! Vol. 4

$9.95 9.5 € Guitare PDF SheetMusicPlus

Solo Guitar - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1453811 Composed by Jan Antonin de Logy (1650-1721). Arranged by Socrates Arvanitakis. Baroque. Individual part. 34 pages. Socrates Arvanitakis #1033060. Published by Socrates Arvanitakis (A0.1453811). Jan Antonin de Logy, count of Rosinthal (1650-1721) was an aristocrat of Bohemia and official of the Austrian empire. As a musician he was a lute player of professional level and seems to have been a refined and prolific composer of single pieces and suites in the French style for his instrument. His compositions are becoming known to us today through important academic research but a lot more work has to be made in this field. The present suite in Em has the following eight movements:1 Allemande2 Courante3 Sarabande La Favorita4 Double5 Gavotte I6 Gavotte II & (Gavotte I da capo)7 Menuett8 GigueNone of these dance movements is too difficult to play, but they are all musically rewarding and the compositional standard is kept high in all of them maintaining a two-part contrapuntal writing throughout the suite.In these editions I prefer not to add any fingerings because I consider that they obscure the optical result rather than clarifying any particular way of playing the music. Especially if tablatures are provided as is the case with this volume the suggested left hand fingerings become quite clear, but  Instrumentalists can disregard these suggestions and provide their own fingering and choice of positions.Interactive thematic index has been provided for easy navigation to individual movements either in decorated or in tablature pages and back to the index.If a printed copy is desired, blank pages have been provided for insertion at will and for correct order of left and right side pages.MP3 of the music has been created using the Note Performer playback engine.
Suite for guitar in E minor by J. A. de Logy

$8.00 7.64 € Guitare PDF SheetMusicPlus

Solo Guitar - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1315103 Composed by Rudesindo Soutelo. Arranged by Guitar. 21st Century,Children,Classical,Contemporary. Individual part. 17 pages. Publisher by Rudesindo Soutelo #903830. Published by Publisher by Rudesindo Soutelo (A0.1315103). A André Vidal CapomRudesindo SouteloAndré - 5 peças para uma criança / 5 pieces for a child. (Guitar, ca. 14'40)  1. (A) Prelúdio da manhã / Morning prelude  2. (n) Alvorecer na janela / Dawn in the window  3. (d) Valsa dos soldadinhos de chumbo / Little lead soldiers’ waltz  4. (r) A catedral imergente / The immersing cathedral  5. (é) Marcha da formiga atónita / March of the astonished antISWC: T-045.522.026-4ISMN: 979-0-707704-19-6This work was written as a birthday present for André, a very restless and impulsive 8-year-old, but with great emotional capacity and original thoughts.The “Morning prelude†is the restless awakening; the “Dawn in the window†is the light of the new day enlightening the spirit. Creative imagination manifests itself in the “Little lead soldiers’ waltzâ€, who turn rifles into pairs to dance with. From the hill where he lives, the boy contemplates the city crowned by “The immersing cathedralâ€, which was once a spiritual fortress and now the bells echo its inexorable decline, diluting into the surrounding criminal urbanism. The “March of the astonished ant†is about the adventures of an ant who wanders off the path and meets a playful child who likes to put so many obstacles in her way that she is astonished; however, she doesn’t give up her endeavour, takes a deep breath, gains courage and, although exhausted, manages to free herself.The complexes that organise the work are [5, 5, 5, 8] and [9, 7].The original version is for piano. See obra foi composta como prenda de anos para André, uma criança de 8 anos muito inquieta e impulsiva, mas com grande capacidade emocional e reflexões originais. O “Prelúdio da manhã†é o acordar buliçoso; o “Alvorecer na janela†é a luz do novo dia a esclarecer o espírito. A imaginação criativa manifesta-se na “Valsa dos soldadinhos de chumbo†que transformam as espingardas em pares com quem dançar.Desde a colina onde mora, o menino contempla a cidade coroada por “A catedral imergente†que outrora foi fortaleza espiritual e, agora, os sinos ecoam seu inexorável declínio, diluindo-se no criminoso urbanismo circundante. A “Marcha da formiga atónita†são as peripécias duma formiga que se desvia do carreiro e encontra uma criança brincalhona que gosta de lhe pôr tantos obstáculos no caminho que ela fica atónita; no entanto, não desiste do seu empenho, respira fundo, ganha coragem e, ainda que exhausta, consegue libertar-se.Os complexos que organizam a obra são [5, 5, 5, 8] e [9, 7].A versão original é para Piano. Consulte
André (Guitar)

$8.00 7.64 € Guitare PDF SheetMusicPlus

Solo Guitar - Level 5 - Digital Download SKU: A0.979661 Composed by Roger Aldridge. Blues,Contemporary,Folk,Jazz,World. Individual part. 6 pages. Roger Aldridge #484355. Published by Roger Aldridge (A0.979661). Donut Music is an extended piece for solo guitar. It was commissioned by Keith Calmes and is on his CD All We Know is Now. The music was inspired by a line in a story written by my granddaughter Eillonwy (then 8 years old): Sitting in a dark room, eating a chocolate donut. The music represents a stream of memories, images, and thoughts as one’s life is contemplated over a donut. The composition is in 9 movements...or bites. The movements have varied lengths, from miniatures to developed pieces, and draw upon various roots-based musical styles including blues, Appalachian, tango, jazz, and samba. Miniature compositions have been an interest to me for many years. Donut Music's imagery gave me an opportunity to have several miniature compositions along with the longer movements. Above all, this piece is meant to be fun and playful -- especially, in how old and new styles are juxtaposed. CONTACT: PRO: BMI VIDEO: WEBSITE: DURATION: around 8:00 to 10:00. YEAR OF RELEASE: 2012 PERFORMANCE: The lead sheet format enables performers have the freedom to shape this music to their vision and personal style. The score has optional improvisation in movements 2 (blues), 7 (tango), and 9 (samba). In addition, Donut Music can be performed as a complete composition or by using individual movements.
Donut Music

$5.00 4.77 € Guitare PDF SheetMusicPlus

Guitar (flatpicking) - Beginning; Intermediate; Advanced - Digital Download SKU: M0.94794EB Composed by William Bay. Rock & Blues. E-book. Mel Bay Publications - Digital Sheet Music #94794EB. Published by Mel Bay Publications - Digital Sheet Music (M0.94794EB). ISBN 9781609741907. 8.75x11.75 inches.Here’s a quick reference guide to essential guitar chord forms. Every chord is spelled out in notation indicating each note’s position or function within the chord (Root, 3rd, 5th, 7th, etc.). The three most popular forms of each particular chord are shown in three different locations on the guitar fretboard. A diagram of the entire fretboard reveals the location of every tonic or root tone for each chord. In addition, handy side tabs help you locate the exact chord form needed in seconds. This book is available in full-size (94794) or reduced case-size (94824) editions. From each tonic note, the following chords are presented in multiple forms: Major, Minor, Dominant 7th, Diminished, Augmented, Minor Seventh, Sixth, 7#5, 7b5, Major 7th, Major 7b3, Minor 7b5, 7sus4, Minor 6th, 9th, Major 9th, 9#5, 9b5, 7b9, 7#9, 6 add 9, 7#9, 11th, Augmented 11th, 13th, 13 b9, 13 b9 b5. That’s some 324 chords in all. Just imagine what you might do with them!
Instant Guitar Chord Finder

$12.99 12.4 € Guitare PDF SheetMusicPlus

Solo Guitar - Level 5 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1113241 By Apostolos Paraskevas. By Apostolos Paraskevas. 20th Century,Classical,Contemporary,New Age. Individual part. 7 pages. Silver Sickle Publications #715190. Published by Silver Sickle Publications (A0.1113241). The Chase Dance was commissioned by David Starobin for his Grammy nominated recording Newdance (Bridge 9084). The material of the work derives from a combination of cultural influences (Balkan music) and contemporary techniques that in a combination of the old and the new approaches create a new type of exciting dance. Alternating 5/8, 6/8 and 9/8 meters increase the tension of the piece as well the nerves of the performer as the end approaches. The work ends almost abruptly as chases usually do. It has been recorded by the composer as well in Visions of Azure and by Zoran Dukic in Balkan Muses. Duration 2 minutes and 15 seconds.
Chase Dance
Apostolos Paraskevas
$10.99 10.49 € Guitare PDF SheetMusicPlus

Solo Guitar - Level 5 - Digital Download SKU: A0.912064 By Masakazu YAMAMOTO. By Masakazu YAMAMOTO. Contemporary,Contest,Festival,Film/TV,Holiday,Multicultural,World. Individual part. 6 pages. Motch Music #517992. Published by Motch Music (A0.912064). Original work by Masakazu Yamamoto.Work for guitar solo. Composed for guitarist Tatsuya Aikawa. Premiered at his solo concert on November 7, 2021. Various passage like muttering and rhythm appears whimsically, and music leads you gradually enters the delusional world. Fragments of improvised phrases are lined up in a guitar-specific playing style, as if to mutter a sudden idea.Duration : 8 minutes around ----------------------------------------------------- Motch Music All Sheet Music (Sheet Music Plus / Sheet Music Direct)I have a wide selection of sheet music for various instruments such as piano, ensemble, and concert band. From light and enjoyable pieces to concert-level compositions, we cover a wide range of repertoire. I also provide a rich collection of audio preview.In addition to original compositions and unique arrangements, a lot of text on music analysis is well-received. Please take a look below for more information!Motch Music Web Page
Whimsical monologue [Guitar Solo]
$20.00 19.09 € Guitare PDF SheetMusicPlus

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