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Guitar - Advanced - Digital Download SKU: ZZ.DZ-4244 Composed by Konstantin Bliokh. Score. 13 pages. Les Productions d'OZ - Digital #DZ 4244. Published by Les Productions d'OZ - Digital (ZZ.DZ-4244). La Sonate n° 6 Kharkiv pour guitare solo a Ă©tĂ© composĂ©e en 2021, Ă  la fin du confinement liĂ© au COVID-19. Ă? ce moment-lĂ , ma famille et moi Ă©tions restĂ©s dans notre ville natale de Kharkiv (Ă©galement connue sous le nom de Kharkov), en Ukraine, pendant près de deux ans. Nous considĂ©rions cette pĂ©riode de pandĂ©mie comme un dĂ©sastre, mais nous avons rĂ©alisĂ© plus tard que c'Ă©tait en fait un moment plutĂ´t heureux, car la guerre est arrivĂ©e dans notre pays quelques mois plus tard. Depuis 2022, une fraction considĂ©rable des 1,5 million de citoyens de Kharkiv ont quittĂ© leur foyer, ceux qui sont restĂ©s vivent sous des attaques incessantes de missiles, et beaucoup ont Ă©tĂ© tuĂ©s. Je voudrais dĂ©dier cette Sonate Ă  la ville frontalière de Kharkiv et, surtout, Ă  ses citoyens souffrant de la guerre.Pourtant, la musique de la Sonate n'a aucun programme spĂ©cifique. Ici, je donnerai un bref aperçu de ses principaux Ă©lĂ©ments de composition pour faciliter les interprĂ©tations futures.Les premier et quatrième mouvements de cette Sonate sont basĂ©s sur l'interaction entre le principe dodĂ©caphonique et le centre tonal de sol majeur, naturel pour la guitare. En particulier, le premier mouvement est basĂ© sur l'interaction de la triade de sol majeur Solâ??Siâ??RĂ© des cordes de guitare Ă  vide 2â??3â??4, le motif ascendant 1 impliquant les notes Miâ??Fa#â??Laâ??Do# (Ă  l'origine sur la première corde), et le motif descendant 2 utilisant les notes Miâ??Doâ??Sibâ??La (Ă  l'origine sur la corde de basse 6). Ces Ă©lĂ©ments se complètent presque pour former douze tons (Ă  l'exception du Fa manquant), et les motifs alternent avec des fragments ostinato oĂą chaque note de la triade de sol majeur est dĂ©placĂ©e pas Ă  pas d'un demi-ton vers le haut ou vers le bas.Le deuxième mouvement est un Scherzo impliquant de nombreux demi-tons dans des accords accentuĂ©s et des passages rapides, ainsi qu'un mouvement mĂ©lodique chromatique dans la voix de basse. Il est presque atonal dans certains fragments, mais a un centre tonal global de la mineur.Le troisième mouvement est un Adagio mĂ©ditatif basĂ© sur un thème composĂ© dans l'Ă©chelle hexatonique RĂ©â??Miâ??Faâ??Sol#â??Laâ??Si et des accords ostinato impliquant les cordes de basse Ă  vide Miâ??Laâ??RĂ© et le demi-ton Siâ??Do.Enfin, le quatrième mouvement est basĂ© sur le thème dodĂ©caphonique complet composĂ© de deux phrases comprenant les motifs 1 et 2 du premier mouvement : Solâ??Faâ??Sibâ??Labâ??Doâ??Mibâ??RĂ© et Miâ??Siâ??Do#â??Laâ??Fa#. Ce thème est prĂ©sentĂ© dans ses formes prime et rĂ©trograde. Il y a des dialogues entre la première corde, les basses et les cordes mĂ©dianes Ă  vide, similaires au premier mouvement. Ă? son apogĂ©e, le thème dodĂ©caphonique est interprĂ©tĂ© en utilisant le mouvement parallèle de l'accord de sol majeur standard de la guitare avec les cordes mĂ©dianes Ă  vide sur douze positions.La Sonate a Ă©tĂ© crĂ©Ă©e en première et enregistrĂ©e (CD Naxos No. 8.574630) par le cĂ©lèbre guitariste ukrainien Marko Topchii, qui a Ă©galement vĂ©cu et Ă©tudiĂ© Ă  Kharkiv. Je lui suis extrĂŞmement reconnaissant pour l'interprĂ©tation brillante de cette pièce.Je suis très redevable envers Productions d'Oz d'avoir conservĂ© mes notations originales lĂ  oĂą celles-ci ne correspondent pas au style de l'Ă©diteur.Sonata No. 6 Kharkiv for guitar solo was composed in 2021, in the end of the COVID-19 lockdown. At that time my family and I were staying in our home city of Kharkiv (also known as Kharkov), Ukraine for almost two years. We considered that pandemic period as a disaster, but later have realized that it actually was a rather happy time, because a war came to our homeland just a few months later. Since 2022 a considerable fraction of the 1.5 millions of Kharkiv citizens have left their homes, those who stayed have been living under ceaseless missile attacks, and many have been killed. I would like to dedicate this Sonata to the frontier city of Kharkiv and, most of all, to its citizens suffering from the war.Yet, the music of the Sonata does not have any specific program. Here I will give a brief overview of its main composition elements to facilitate future interpretations.The first and fourth movements of this Sonata are based on the interplay between the twelve-tone principle and the G-major tonal center, natural for the guitar. Namely, the first movement is based on the interaction of the G-major triad Gâ??Bâ??D of the open guitar strings 2â??3â??4, ascending motif 1 involving the notes Eâ??F#â??Aâ??C# (originally on the first string), and descending motif 2 using the notes E-â??Câ??Bbâ??A- (originally, on the bass string 6). These elements supplement each other to almost make up twelve tones (apart from the missing F), and the motifs alternate with ostinato fragments where each note in the G major triad is step-by-step moved by a semitone up or down.The second movement is a Scherzo involving numerous semitones in accented chords and fast passages, as well as chromatic melodic motion in the bass voice. It is almost atonal in some fragments, but has an overall tonal center of A-minor.The third movement is a meditative Adagio based on a theme composed within hexatonic scale Dâ??Eâ??Fâ??G#â??Aâ??B and ostinato chords involving open bass strings Eâ??Aâ??D and semitone Bâ??C.Finally, the fourth movement is based on the complete twelve-tone theme consisting of two phrases including motifs 1 and 2 from the first movement: Gâ??Fâ??Bbâ??Abâ??Câ??Ebâ??D and Eâ??Bâ??C#â??Aâ??F#. This theme is presented in its prime and retrograde forms. There are dialogues between the first string, basses and open middle strings, similar to the first movement. In the culmination, the twelve-tone theme is performed using the parallel motion of the standard guitar G-major chord with open middle strings across twelve positions.The Sonata was premiered and recorded (CD Naxos No. 8.574630) by the prominent Ukrainian guitarist Marko Topchii who has also lived and studied in Kharkiv. I am extremely grateful to him for the brilliant performance of this piece.I am greatly indebted to Productions dâ??Oz for keeping my original notations in places where these do not conform to the publisherâ??s style.
Sonata No. 6 "Kharkiv", Op. 48

$7.95 7.72 € Guitare PDF SheetMusicPlus

Solo Guitar - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1032084 Composed by Edwin Culver. 20th Century,Contemporary. Individual part. 4 pages. Edwin Culver #4347575. Published by Edwin Culver (A0.1032084). Classical Guitar Solo - IntermediateComposed by Edwin Culver (1992-) 4 Pages.  Duration 7'30Composer's note: Have you ever felt stuck? Trapped by something you can’t fully understand no matter how hard you try?  Perhaps it’s something from our past that we never invited...or something we’ve missed in our closest relationships, maybe it’s just the dread we’ve felt waking up early in the morning to repeat the daily grind.  We work hard to try and propel ourselves out of this nightmare, but we never seem to get totally free, in fact sometimes it feels like we’re just making ourselves feel worse by failing to overcome it yet again. This piece, ...a bridge a-way, exits within, represents that feedback loop, that stuckness.    The piece came to me when I felt stuck in life by several things - old scars, old habits, crippling emotions.  I had been wanting to write something in a minimalist style for the guitar for quite some time and the repetition found in so much minimalist music seemed like the obvious way for expressing this stuckness.  There’s constant motion in the piece, just like when we try to take constant action in our lives to improve our circumstances. But all this motion never seems to get us anywhere new. We’re spinning our wheels…But one of the interesting things about great minimalist music is that it’s not merely about repetition.  I don’t believe the greatest minimalists were concerned with having less stuff in their music for the sake of having less.  Instead, what I think they more often aimed for was producing the biggest emotional impact that they could through the tiniest of changes.  And if in your mind’s eye you zoom out from one of these minimalist masterworks and perceive it on a grand scale, you realize that despite all the seemingly redundant repetition in the moment the piece actually covers a huge distance because all those tiny changes add up.Likewise, in ...a bridge a-way, exits within, it seems like the performer can’t free himself from the territory of the first position on the guitar for the longest time.  Even when he does venture higher up the instrument he’s always inextricably pulled back to the starting point. But small changes can have a profound impact.It doesn’t feel like we’re making headway whenever we’re having to crawl out of our skin - until, suddenly, when it’s all over.  And you hear this towards the end of the piece, when there’s a sudden magnetic force that pulls the music from a low A to a high E-natural.  From A to E, a bridge to exits eternal. The bridge has been found within, in the One I’ve put my trust in, because I can’t reach my eternal destiny on my own.   This is ...a bridge a-way, exits within.
Edwin Culver: a bridge a-way, exits within (for solo guitar)

$11.99 11.64 € Guitare PDF SheetMusicPlus

Solo Guitar - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.985306 By Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee. By Erika Ender, Luis Fonsi, and Ramon Ayala. Arranged by Jaan Varts. Latin. Individual part. 16 pages. Jaan Varts #5719577. Published by Jaan Varts (A0.985306). Despacito by Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee arranged for 3 guitars (rhythm, melody & bass).This one came out a little trickier than I first expected, so there´s something to learn regardless of your playing level. This song is a good introduction to caribbean feel and groov.If you´re a beginner then the key to playing this arrangement is simplification - skip the small details and focus on the most essential stuff. The more advanced level = more details. I´ll cover it below for every part.Bass (the easiest part)The harmony of the song is Bm-G-A-D, one chord per bar. The bass is playing mostly rhythmic variations on the chord triads. If the main part is too difficult, then focus on just the first notes of the bars. Also take one groov at a time - you can use one groov throughout the song. When you feel confident with the one groov then take another one.If you want to see only the bass part, then click here: (intermediate)The rhythm part features the same four chords - Bm-G-A-D on different positions and with different grooves. If you need to simplify then use open position chords and use one groove at a time.If you want to see only the rhythm part, then click here: (advanced)The melody features lots of triplets and syncopations. When you´re a beginner, then just try to imitate the rhythm - you don´t have to play all the notes & rhythms. The same goes to all the legatos, slides and other embellishments.If you want to see only the melody part, then click here:
Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee
$4.99 4.85 € Guitare PDF SheetMusicPlus

Guitar - Advanced - Digital Download SKU: ZZ.DZ-4300 Composed by Celil Refik Kaya. Score. 30 pages. Les Productions d'OZ - Digital #DZ 4300. Published by Les Productions d'OZ - Digital (ZZ.DZ-4300). Sonata No. 2, commissioned by Bokyung Byun and composed in 2024, represents the most extensive solo guitar sonata I have created to date, comprising four movements. This sonata is characterized by its flashy, mysterious, dark, and highly virtuosic nature, making it an ideal piece for both competitions and concert performances. While the Scherzo and Finale can be performed independently, or the first, third, and fourth movements can be paired for time-constrained concerts, it is advisable to perform all movements together due to their interconnectedness.«La Sonate n°2, commandée par Bokyung Byun et composée en 2024, représente la plus vaste sonate pour guitare solo que j'ai créée ŕ ce jour, comprenant quatre mouvements. Cette sonate se caractérise par sa nature flashy, mystérieuse, sombre et hautement virtuose, ce qui la rend c'est une pičce idéale pour les concours et les concerts. Bien que le Scherzo et le Finale puissent ętre interprétés indépendamment, ou que les premier, troisičme et quatričme mouvements puissent ętre associés pour des concerts limités dans le temps, il est conseillé d'exécuter tous les mouvements ensemble en raison de leur caractčre. interconnectivité. ».
Sonata No. 2

$11.95 11.6 € Guitare PDF SheetMusicPlus

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