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Instrumental Duet,Keyboard - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1497857 Composed by Jenni Roditi. 21st Century,Classical,Contemporary. 19 pages. Jenni Roditi #1074269. Published by Jenni Roditi (A0.1497857). Piano Duo 2 pianos/4 hands. Encircle, Between the Octaves, originally called rotate as its impetus was to generate a steadily rotating music. Encircle was later chosen as a more evocative word. The harmony surprised me as it suggested shifts and colourations that I would not have expected to conjure. Two upper rotating parts with melodic narrative are supported by bass and baritone lower parts. The final section adds a dance-like short form to end what could otherwise have run and run and run.  Names of all the movements in the suite Between the Octaves in the right order are Initiate, Surrender, Thread, Curve, Encircle, Ritualise, Ignite. The whole suite follows a long line from movement 1 to movement 7. However, individual pieces are well suited to be played alone too. Piano Duo is ideally two Steinway grands, otherwise, whatever is available. An enjoyment of the tensions and relationships generated between the two instruments: grand-upright, upright-electronic keyboard is to be explored as a positive. Each piece creates its own world in the suite and can be part of smaller subgroups taken from the suite, in any combination, but the order of the pieces needs to be maintained if more than one is played. Here is a taste of the background to the musical world of this 53 minute compositional suite. During a reflective time I read the following: The whole philosophy of dharma art (Buddhist art) is that you don't try to be artistic, but you just approach objects as they are, and the message comes through automatically. (Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, from 'True Perception The Path of Dharma Art.' Shambhala 2008, p.133.) The 'objects as they are' became the 'octaves as they are'. As the pieces were composed the octaves had a centring and clarifying role that allowed other material to circulate around or play against them. They acted as pivots, repetitions, drones, ostinati, pointillist nodes, pedals, melodic features, struts, harmonic turnpikes, breathing spaces, bass lines: musical imperatives. The octaves called the musical shots most of the time. When the music pulled a semitone up or down and away from the octaves (as it did quite often) it was especially telling in the context of the ringing spaces the octaves were creating. I became interested in the subtle dislocation that two pianos could provide. By dislocation I mean a degree of tension between the natural acoustics of the two instruments in the room and the players idiosyncrasies as musicians.  The whole point of this work was to examine the nature of my syntax, grammar, and compositional thinking. The title demanded one thing above all: what notes am I going to use between these octaves?? My choice of notes was derived in most instances from the tempo, pitch, and rhythm of the initial octaves at the beginning of each piece alongside the individual word titles that I set out to explore as musical images. The audio was developed from Sibelius software, via MIDI to Logic samples of a Steinway grand piano. 
ENCIRCLE, Between the Octaves - A Piano Duo Suite (Movement 5 of 7)
2 Pianos, 4 mains
dislocation I mean a degree of tension between the natural acoustics of the two instruments in the room and the players idiosyncrasies as musicians  The whole point of this work was to examine the nature of my syntax, grammar, and compositional thinking
$20.00 18.7 € 2 Pianos, 4 mains PDF SheetMusicPlus

Instrumental Duet Instrumental Duet,Piano - Level 5 - Digital Download SKU: A0.534483 Composed by Germaine Tailleferre. 20th Century,Concert,Standards. Score and parts. 65 pages. Musik Fabrik Music Publishing #3534799. Published by Musik Fabrik Music Publishing (A0.534483). This work was written in the first months of 1942 while Tailleferre was living in Grasse, in the socolled« Free Zone » of occupied France during the Second World War and was completed just asTailleferre was forced to flee France with her daughter. As the wife of Jean Lageat, who had been thesecretary of the French socialist Léon Blum during the « Front Populaire » period just before the Warand who was at that time in the US working against the Vichy Government, and as someone who wasnot unvocal about her political views, this could not have been a comfortable situation. Tailleferre left arecord of what she experienced during this period in an article written for the American music journal «Modern Music » which she wrote shortly after arriving in America in the Spring of 1942 :« Notwithstanding their staunch spirit of resistence, the people under German rule today areincreasingly bowed down under their burdens. By achieving the physical decline of the French, theNazis hope that spiritual collapse will ensue. However, after two years of quasi-famine, France remainspround and great, although the necessity of liberation grows daily more urgent.....For an artist to workunder these conditions is almost impossible. The mere effort of subsisting wastes time and absorbsenergy ; The means to work are also lacking.....Musical composition is made practically impossiblethrough lack of music paper. For more than a year, I sought in vain to find paper in Lyon, Marseillesand Nice on which to copy an orchestral score...Two years of experience under German rule havetaught me that all expressions of pride, dignity, spirit , aspiration of the human will can be made onlyclaudestinely. It is a historical truth that the human mind makes its greatest progress under freedom ».Under such circumstances, it is a miracle that this work exists at all. The three movement work wasdedicated to the famous Marguerite Long, for whom Tailleferre had already written several short worksfor piano solo, and François Lang, a pianist who was closely linked with the Group des Six and whohad performed in the première of the 1934 Concerto Grosso for Two Pianos, 8 Solo Voices, SaxophoneQuartet and Orchestra and for whom Tailleferre wrote two cadenzas for concerti by Mozart and Haydn.The work opens with sunny, optimistism in a mood similar to the opening movement of the ConcertoGrosso, but quickly the mood changes to more dramatic themes. The second movement seems tosubjectively express a rupture with the past and a tragic melancholy. The final third movement isextremely dramatic and almost frightening with it’s force.When Tailleferre left France in the Spring of 1942, having been warned by a neighbor that she wasgoing to be arrested if she didn’t leave immediately, she left the score in a two-piano version, probablydue to the fact that there was no music paper to be had to copy the score. When she returned to Francein 1946, she learned that François Lang had been deported to Auschwitz where he died. Musical life inFrance had been completely changed by the War years. Tailleferre put the work aside and forgot aboutit, perhaps wanting to forget the hardships that she had lived through and the loss of many of her friendsassociated with these years.Tailleferre's version for two pianos is published by Musik Fabrik and the work may be performed inthat version. It is clear however, that the work was intended to be orchestrated and the editors hope thatthe present orchestration will allow the work to finally be presented as Tailleferre conceived duringsome of the darkest years of the Twentieth century.
Germaine Tailleferre: Trois Études for two pianos
2 Pianos, 4 mains
achieving the physical decline of the French, the
Nazis hope that spiritual collapse will ensue
However, after two years of quasi-famine, France remains
pround and great, although the necessity of liberation grows daily more urgent

$32.95 30.81 € 2 Pianos, 4 mains PDF SheetMusicPlus

Instrumental Duet Instrumental Duet,Piano - Digital Download SKU: A0.869320 Composed by Thomas Oboe Lee. 20th Century,Baroque,Classical,Contemporary,Romantic Period. Score and parts. 5 pages. Thomas Oboe Lee #2032481. Published by Thomas Oboe Lee (A0.869320). YouTube link: the Reed sisters, Elizabeth & Lydia, asked me to write a new work for two pianos, I wasn't quite sure where or how to begin. Then I came upon a book on numerology by Annemarie Schimmel, The Mystery of Numbers. In it I discovered a lot of fascinating things, mystical and magical, associated with each number from one to 10,000. Since I would be writing a piece for a duo, double digits would do the trick. Number 22 stood out. It has two important associations: the Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters, and there are 22 major arcana cards or allegories of the Tarot. Perfect! I could write 22 pieces, each a musical rendering of a card.  And, coincidentally, this work will opus 66.For pictorial inspiration, I bought a Pierpont Morgan Library copy of the Visconti-Sforza Tarot Cards from 15th century Italy. For musical inspiration, I listened to the wonderful salon music of the Polish composer Frederic Chopin, the American composer Louis Moreau Gottschalk, and the Brazilian composer Ernesto Nazareth.The 22 pieces in the Visconti-Sforza Tarot Cards are: Zero Il Matto The Fool entertains the gathered guests with a tarantella. I. Il Saltimbanco The Mountebank shuffles his cards and does a samba. II. La Papessa The High Priestess concocts a magic potion. III. L'Imperatrice The Empress dances all night. IV. L'Imperatore The Emperor promenades into the Great Hall and inspects the courtiers. V. Il Papa The Pope makes a proclamation that all sinners will be pardoned. VI. L'Amore Love in a tropical paradise. VII. Il Carro Triumphant in battle, the gladiators ride into town on chariots. VIII. La Giustizia Justice is swift and unrelenting. IX. Il Vecchio The Old Man reminisces. X. La Ruota della Fortuna Fortunes rise and fall unpredictably. XI. La Fortezza Strength and fortitude will prevail. XII. Il Penduto Lamentation for the Hanged Man. XIII. Il Morte Death lurks around the corner. XIV. La Temperanza Temperance in A major. XV. Il Diavolo The Devil seduces with his charm and wit. XVI. La Torre The tower topples and crashes onto the populace gathered below. XVII. La Stella Twinkle, twinkle, little star ... XVIII. La Luna Minuet for moonstruck lovers. XIX Il Sole Sunshine, margaritas and salsa cubana. XX Il Giudizio On the Day of Judgment, the angels blow their trumpets ... XXI. Il Mondo The world would be a happier place if we all dance together. Performance option: Shuffle the 22 allegory cards from the Tarot deck to determine the order of performance.
Visconti Sforza Tarot Cards, opus 66 ... Twenty Two Salon Pieces For Two Pianos (1996) 09 La Giustiz
2 Pianos, 4 mains

$9.99 9.34 € 2 Pianos, 4 mains PDF SheetMusicPlus

Instrumental Duet Instrumental Duet,Piano - Digital Download SKU: A0.869317 Composed by Thomas Oboe Lee. 20th Century,Baroque,Classical,Contemporary,Romantic Period. Score and parts. 2 pages. Thomas Oboe Lee #2032477. Published by Thomas Oboe Lee (A0.869317). YouTube link: the Reed sisters, Elizabeth & Lydia, asked me to write a new work for two pianos, I wasn't quite sure where or how to begin. Then I came upon a book on numerology by Annemarie Schimmel, The Mystery of Numbers. In it I discovered a lot of fascinating things, mystical and magical, associated with each number from one to 10,000. Since I would be writing a piece for a duo, double digits would do the trick. Number 22 stood out. It has two important associations: the Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters, and there are 22 major arcana cards or allegories of the Tarot. Perfect! I could write 22 pieces, each a musical rendering of a card.  And, coincidentally, this work will opus 66.For pictorial inspiration, I bought a Pierpont Morgan Library copy of the Visconti-Sforza Tarot Cards from 15th century Italy. For musical inspiration, I listened to the wonderful salon music of the Polish composer Frederic Chopin, the American composer Louis Moreau Gottschalk, and the Brazilian composer Ernesto Nazareth.The 22 pieces in the Visconti-Sforza Tarot Cards are: Zero Il Matto The Fool entertains the gathered guests with a tarantella. I. Il Saltimbanco The Mountebank shuffles his cards and does a samba. II. La Papessa The High Priestess concocts a magic potion. III. L'Imperatrice The Empress dances all night. IV. L'Imperatore The Emperor promenades into the Great Hall and inspects the courtiers. V. Il Papa The Pope makes a proclamation that all sinners will be pardoned. VI. L'Amore Love in a tropical paradise. VII. Il Carro Triumphant in battle, the gladiators ride into town on chariots. VIII. La Giustizia Justice is swift and unrelenting. IX. Il Vecchio The Old Man reminisces. X. La Ruota della Fortuna Fortunes rise and fall unpredictably. XI. La Fortezza Strength and fortitude will prevail. XII. Il Penduto Lamentation for the Hanged Man. XIII. Il Morte Death lurks around the corner. XIV. La Temperanza Temperance in A major. XV. Il Diavolo The Devil seduces with his charm and wit. XVI. La Torre The tower topples and crashes onto the populace gathered below. XVII. La Stella Twinkle, twinkle, little star ... XVIII. La Luna Minuet for moonstruck lovers. XIX Il Sole Sunshine, margaritas and salsa cubana. XX Il Giudizio On the Day of Judgment, the angels blow their trumpets ... XXI. Il Mondo The world would be a happier place if we all dance together. Performance option: Shuffle the 22 allegory cards from the Tarot deck to determine the order of performance.
Visconti Sforza Tarot Cards, opus 66 ... Twenty Two Salon Pieces For Two Pianos (1996) 06 Il Papa
2 Pianos, 4 mains

$9.99 9.34 € 2 Pianos, 4 mains PDF SheetMusicPlus

Instrumental Duet Instrumental Duet,Piano - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.869427 Composed by Thomas Oboe Lee. 20th Century,Classical,Contemporary,Latin,Romantic Period. Score and parts. 7 pages. Thomas Oboe Lee #2071127. Published by Thomas Oboe Lee (A0.869427). YouTube link: the Reed sisters, Elizabeth & Lydia, asked me to write a new work for two pianos, I wasn't quite sure where or how to begin. Then I came upon a book on numerology by Annemarie Schimmel, The Mystery of Numbers. In it I discovered a lot of fascinating things, mystical and magical, associated with each number from one to 10,000. Since I would be writing a piece for a duo, double digits would do the trick. Number 22 stood out. It has two important associations: the Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters, and there are 22 major arcana cards or allegories of the Tarot. Perfect! I could write 22 pieces, each a musical rendering of a card.  And, coincidentally, this work will opus 66.For pictorial inspiration, I bought a Pierpont Morgan Library copy of the Visconti-Sforza Tarot Cards from 15th century Italy. For musical inspiration, I listened to the wonderful salon music of the Polish composer Frederic Chopin, the American composer Louis Moreau Gottschalk, and the Brazilian composer Ernesto Nazareth.The 22 pieces in the Visconti-Sforza Tarot Cards are: Zero Il Matto The Fool entertains the gathered guests with a tarantella. I. Il Saltimbanco The Mountebank shuffles his cards and does a samba. II. La Papessa The High Priestess concocts a magic potion. III. L'Imperatrice The Empress dances all night. IV. L'Imperatore The Emperor promenades into the Great Hall and inspects the courtiers. V. Il Papa The Pope makes a proclamation that all sinners will be pardoned. VI. L'Amore Love in a tropical paradise. VII. Il Carro Triumphant in battle, the gladiators ride into town on chariots. VIII. La Giustizia Justice is swift and unrelenting. IX. Il Vecchio The Old Man reminisces. X. La Ruota della Fortuna Fortunes rise and fall unpredictably. XI. La Fortezza Strength and fortitude will prevail. XII. Il Penduto Lamentation for the Hanged Man. XIII. Il Morte Death lurks around the corner. XIV. La Temperanza Temperance in A major. XV. Il Diavolo The Devil seduces with his charm and wit. XVI. La Torre The tower topples and crashes onto the populace gathered below. XVII. La Stella Twinkle, twinkle, little star ... XVIII. La Luna Minuet for moonstruck lovers. XIX Il Sole Sunshine, margaritas and salsa cubana. XX Il Giudizio On the Day of Judgment, the angels blow their trumpets ... XXI. Il Mondo The world would be a happier place if we all dance together. Performance option: Shuffle the 22 allegory cards from the Tarot deck to determine the order of performance.
Visconti Sforza Tarot Cards, opus 66 ... Twenty Two Salon Pieces For Two Pianos (1996) 02 Il Saltimb
2 Pianos, 4 mains

$9.99 9.34 € 2 Pianos, 4 mains PDF SheetMusicPlus

Instrumental Duet Instrumental Duet,Piano - Digital Download SKU: A0.869314 Composed by Thomas Oboe Lee. 20th Century,Baroque,Classical,Contemporary,Romantic Period. Score and parts. 5 pages. Thomas Oboe Lee #2032469. Published by Thomas Oboe Lee (A0.869314). When the Reed sisters, Elizabeth & Lydia, asked me to write a new work for two pianos, I wasn't quite sure where or how to begin. Then I came upon a book on numerology by Annemarie Schimmel, The Mystery of Numbers. In it I discovered a lot of fascinating things, mystical and magical, associated with each number from one to 10,000. Since I would be writing a piece for a duo, double digits would do the trick. Number 22 stood out. It has two important associations: the Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters, and there are 22 major arcana cards or allegories of the Tarot. Perfect! I could write 22 pieces, each a musical rendering of a card.  And, coincidentally, this work will opus 66.For pictorial inspiration, I bought a Pierpont Morgan Library copy of the Visconti-Sforza Tarot Cards from 15th century Italy. For musical inspiration, I listened to the wonderful salon music of the Polish composer Frederic Chopin, the American composer Louis Moreau Gottschalk, and the Brazilian composer Ernesto Nazareth.The 22 pieces in the Visconti-Sforza Tarot Cards are: Zero Il Matto The Fool entertains the gathered guests with a tarantella. I. Il Saltimbanco The Mountebank shuffles his cards and does a samba. II. La Papessa The High Priestess concocts a magic potion. III. L'Imperatrice The Empress dances all night. IV. L'Imperatore The Emperor promenades into the Great Hall and inspects the courtiers. V. Il Papa The Pope makes a proclamation that all sinners will be pardoned. VI. L'Amore Love in a tropical paradise. VII. Il Carro Triumphant in battle, the gladiators ride into town on chariots. VIII. La Giustizia Justice is swift and unrelenting. IX. Il Vecchio The Old Man reminisces. X. La Ruota della Fortuna Fortunes rise and fall unpredictably. XI. La Fortezza Strength and fortitude will prevail. XII. Il Penduto Lamentation for the Hanged Man. XIII. Il Morte Death lurks around the corner. XIV. La Temperanza Temperance in A major. XV. Il Diavolo The Devil seduces with his charm and wit. XVI. La Torre The tower topples and crashes onto the populace gathered below. XVII. La Stella Twinkle, twinkle, little star ... XVIII. La Luna Minuet for moonstruck lovers. XIX Il Sole Sunshine, margaritas and salsa cubana. XX Il Giudizio On the Day of Judgment, the angels blow their trumpets ... XXI. Il Mondo The world would be a happier place if we all dance together. Performance option: Shuffle the 22 allegory cards from the Tarot deck to determine the order of performance.
Visconti Sforza Tarot Cards, opus 66 ... Twenty Two Salon Pieces For Two Pianos (1996) 03 La Papessa
2 Pianos, 4 mains

$9.99 9.34 € 2 Pianos, 4 mains PDF SheetMusicPlus

Instrumental Duet Instrumental Duet,Piano - Digital Download SKU: A0.869319 Composed by Thomas Oboe Lee. 20th Century,Baroque,Classical,Contemporary,Romantic Period. Score and parts. 5 pages. Thomas Oboe Lee #2032489. Published by Thomas Oboe Lee (A0.869319). YouTube link: the Reed sisters, Elizabeth & Lydia, asked me to write a new work for two pianos, I wasn't quite sure where or how to begin. Then I came upon a book on numerology by Annemarie Schimmel, The Mystery of Numbers. In it I discovered a lot of fascinating things, mystical and magical, associated with each number from one to 10,000. Since I would be writing a piece for a duo, double digits would do the trick. Number 22 stood out. It has two important associations: the Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters, and there are 22 major arcana cards or allegories of the Tarot. Perfect! I could write 22 pieces, each a musical rendering of a card.  And, coincidentally, this work will opus 66.For pictorial inspiration, I bought a Pierpont Morgan Library copy of the Visconti-Sforza Tarot Cards from 15th century Italy. For musical inspiration, I listened to the wonderful salon music of the Polish composer Frederic Chopin, the American composer Louis Moreau Gottschalk, and the Brazilian composer Ernesto Nazareth.The 22 pieces in the Visconti-Sforza Tarot Cards are: Zero Il Matto The Fool entertains the gathered guests with a tarantella. I. Il Saltimbanco The Mountebank shuffles his cards and does a samba. II. La Papessa The High Priestess concocts a magic potion. III. L'Imperatrice The Empress dances all night. IV. L'Imperatore The Emperor promenades into the Great Hall and inspects the courtiers. V. Il Papa The Pope makes a proclamation that all sinners will be pardoned. VI. L'Amore Love in a tropical paradise. VII. Il Carro Triumphant in battle, the gladiators ride into town on chariots. VIII. La Giustizia Justice is swift and unrelenting. IX. Il Vecchio The Old Man reminisces. X. La Ruota della Fortuna Fortunes rise and fall unpredictably. XI. La Fortezza Strength and fortitude will prevail. XII. Il Penduto Lamentation for the Hanged Man. XIII. Il Morte Death lurks around the corner. XIV. La Temperanza Temperance in A major. XV. Il Diavolo The Devil seduces with his charm and wit. XVI. La Torre The tower topples and crashes onto the populace gathered below. XVII. La Stella Twinkle, twinkle, little star ... XVIII. La Luna Minuet for moonstruck lovers. XIX Il Sole Sunshine, margaritas and salsa cubana. XX Il Giudizio On the Day of Judgment, the angels blow their trumpets ... XXI. Il Mondo The world would be a happier place if we all dance together. Performance option: Shuffle the 22 allegory cards from the Tarot deck to determine the order of performance.
Visconti Sforza Tarot Cards, opus 66 ... Twenty Two Salon Pieces For Two Pianos (1996) 08 Il Carro
2 Pianos, 4 mains

$9.99 9.34 € 2 Pianos, 4 mains PDF SheetMusicPlus

Instrumental Duet Instrumental Duet,Piano - Digital Download SKU: A0.869316 Composed by Thomas Oboe Lee. 20th Century,Baroque,Classical,Contemporary,Romantic Period. Score and parts. 4 pages. Thomas Oboe Lee #2032479. Published by Thomas Oboe Lee (A0.869316). YouTube link: the Reed sisters, Elizabeth & Lydia, asked me to write a new work for two pianos, I wasn't quite sure where or how to begin. Then I came upon a book on numerology by Annemarie Schimmel, The Mystery of Numbers. In it I discovered a lot of fascinating things, mystical and magical, associated with each number from one to 10,000. Since I would be writing a piece for a duo, double digits would do the trick. Number 22 stood out. It has two important associations: the Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters, and there are 22 major arcana cards or allegories of the Tarot. Perfect! I could write 22 pieces, each a musical rendering of a card.  And, coincidentally, this work will opus 66.For pictorial inspiration, I bought a Pierpont Morgan Library copy of the Visconti-Sforza Tarot Cards from 15th century Italy. For musical inspiration, I listened to the wonderful salon music of the Polish composer Frederic Chopin, the American composer Louis Moreau Gottschalk, and the Brazilian composer Ernesto Nazareth.The 22 pieces in the Visconti-Sforza Tarot Cards are: Zero Il Matto The Fool entertains the gathered guests with a tarantella. I. Il Saltimbanco The Mountebank shuffles his cards and does a samba. II. La Papessa The High Priestess concocts a magic potion. III. L'Imperatrice The Empress dances all night. IV. L'Imperatore The Emperor promenades into the Great Hall and inspects the courtiers. V. Il Papa The Pope makes a proclamation that all sinners will be pardoned. VI. L'Amore Love in a tropical paradise. VII. Il Carro Triumphant in battle, the gladiators ride into town on chariots. VIII. La Giustizia Justice is swift and unrelenting. IX. Il Vecchio The Old Man reminisces. X. La Ruota della Fortuna Fortunes rise and fall unpredictably. XI. La Fortezza Strength and fortitude will prevail. XII. Il Penduto Lamentation for the Hanged Man. XIII. Il Morte Death lurks around the corner. XIV. La Temperanza Temperance in A major. XV. Il Diavolo The Devil seduces with his charm and wit. XVI. La Torre The tower topples and crashes onto the populace gathered below. XVII. La Stella Twinkle, twinkle, little star ... XVIII. La Luna Minuet for moonstruck lovers. XIX Il Sole Sunshine, margaritas and salsa cubana. XX Il Giudizio On the Day of Judgment, the angels blow their trumpets ... XXI. Il Mondo The world would be a happier place if we all dance together. Performance option: Shuffle the 22 allegory cards from the Tarot deck to determine the order of performance.
Visconti Sforza Tarot Cards, opus 66 ... Twenty Two Salon Pieces For Two Pianos (1996) 07 L'Amore
2 Pianos, 4 mains

$9.99 9.34 € 2 Pianos, 4 mains PDF SheetMusicPlus

Instrumental Duet Instrumental Duet,Piano - Digital Download SKU: A0.869327 Composed by Thomas Oboe Lee. 20th Century,Classical,Contemporary,Latin,Romantic Period. Score and parts. 7 pages. Thomas Oboe Lee #2032505. Published by Thomas Oboe Lee (A0.869327). YouTube link: the Reed sisters, Elizabeth & Lydia, asked me to write a new work for two pianos, I wasn't quite sure where or how to begin. Then I came upon a book on numerology by Annemarie Schimmel, The Mystery of Numbers. In it I discovered a lot of fascinating things, mystical and magical, associated with each number from one to 10,000. Since I would be writing a piece for a duo, double digits would do the trick. Number 22 stood out. It has two important associations: the Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters, and there are 22 major arcana cards or allegories of the Tarot. Perfect! I could write 22 pieces, each a musical rendering of a card.  And, coincidentally, this work will opus 66.For pictorial inspiration, I bought a Pierpont Morgan Library copy of the Visconti-Sforza Tarot Cards from 15th century Italy. For musical inspiration, I listened to the wonderful salon music of the Polish composer Frederic Chopin, the American composer Louis Moreau Gottschalk, and the Brazilian composer Ernesto Nazareth.The 22 pieces in the Visconti-Sforza Tarot Cards are: Zero Il Matto The Fool entertains the gathered guests with a tarantella. I. Il Saltimbanco The Mountebank shuffles his cards and does a samba. II. La Papessa The High Priestess concocts a magic potion. III. L'Imperatrice The Empress dances all night. IV. L'Imperatore The Emperor promenades into the Great Hall and inspects the courtiers. V. Il Papa The Pope makes a proclamation that all sinners will be pardoned. VI. L'Amore Love in a tropical paradise. VII. Il Carro Triumphant in battle, the gladiators ride into town on chariots. VIII. La Giustizia Justice is swift and unrelenting. IX. Il Vecchio The Old Man reminisces. X. La Ruota della Fortuna Fortunes rise and fall unpredictably. XI. La Fortezza Strength and fortitude will prevail. XII. Il Penduto Lamentation for the Hanged Man. XIII. Il Morte Death lurks around the corner. XIV. La Temperanza Temperance in A major. XV. Il Diavolo The Devil seduces with his charm and wit. XVI. La Torre The tower topples and crashes onto the populace gathered below. XVII. La Stella Twinkle, twinkle, little star ... XVIII. La Luna Minuet for moonstruck lovers. XIX Il Sole Sunshine, margaritas and salsa cubana. XX Il Giudizio On the Day of Judgment, the angels blow their trumpets ... XXI. Il Mondo The world would be a happier place if we all dance together. Performance option: Shuffle the 22 allegory cards from the Tarot deck to determine the order of performance.
Visconti Sforza Tarot Cards, opus 66 ... Twenty Two Salon Pieces For Two Pianos (1996) 20 Il Sole
2 Pianos, 4 mains

$9.99 9.34 € 2 Pianos, 4 mains PDF SheetMusicPlus

Instrumental Duet Instrumental Duet,Piano - Digital Download SKU: A0.869313 Composed by Thomas Oboe Lee. 20th Century,Baroque,Classical,Contemporary,Romantic Period. Score and parts. 5 pages. Thomas Oboe Lee #2032467. Published by Thomas Oboe Lee (A0.869313). When the Reed sisters, Elizabeth & Lydia, asked me to write a new work for two pianos, I wasn't quite sure where or how to begin. Then I came upon a book on numerology by Annemarie Schimmel, The Mystery of Numbers. In it I discovered a lot of fascinating things, mystical and magical, associated with each number from one to 10,000. Since I would be writing a piece for a duo, double digits would do the trick. Number 22 stood out. It has two important associations: the Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters, and there are 22 major arcana cards or allegories of the Tarot. Perfect! I could write 22 pieces, each a musical rendering of a card.  And, coincidentally, this work will opus 66.For pictorial inspiration, I bought a Pierpont Morgan Library copy of the Visconti-Sforza Tarot Cards from 15th century Italy. For musical inspiration, I listened to the wonderful salon music of the Polish composer Frederic Chopin, the American composer Louis Moreau Gottschalk, and the Brazilian composer Ernesto Nazareth.The 22 pieces in the Visconti-Sforza Tarot Cards are: Zero Il Matto The Fool entertains the gathered guests with a tarantella. I. Il Saltimbanco The Mountebank shuffles his cards and does a samba. II. La Papessa The High Priestess concocts a magic potion. III. L'Imperatrice The Empress dances all night. IV. L'Imperatore The Emperor promenades into the Great Hall and inspects the courtiers. V. Il Papa The Pope makes a proclamation that all sinners will be pardoned. VI. L'Amore Love in a tropical paradise. VII. Il Carro Triumphant in battle, the gladiators ride into town on chariots. VIII. La Giustizia Justice is swift and unrelenting. IX. Il Vecchio The Old Man reminisces. X. La Ruota della Fortuna Fortunes rise and fall unpredictably. XI. La Fortezza Strength and fortitude will prevail. XII. Il Penduto Lamentation for the Hanged Man. XIII. Il Morte Death lurks around the corner. XIV. La Temperanza Temperance in A major. XV. Il Diavolo The Devil seduces with his charm and wit. XVI. La Torre The tower topples and crashes onto the populace gathered below. XVII. La Stella Twinkle, twinkle, little star ... XVIII. La Luna Minuet for moonstruck lovers. XIX Il Sole Sunshine, margaritas and salsa cubana. XX Il Giudizio On the Day of Judgment, the angels blow their trumpets ... XXI. Il Mondo The world would be a happier place if we all dance together. Performance option: Shuffle the 22 allegory cards from the Tarot deck to determine the order of performance.
Visconti Sforza Tarot Cards, opus 66 ... Twenty Two Salon Pieces For Two Pianos (1996) 01 Il Matto
2 Pianos, 4 mains

$9.99 9.34 € 2 Pianos, 4 mains PDF SheetMusicPlus

Instrumental Duet Instrumental Duet,Piano - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.869426 Composed by Thomas Oboe Lee. 20th Century,Classical,Contemporary,Latin,Romantic Period. Score and parts. 4 pages. Thomas Oboe Lee #2071133. Published by Thomas Oboe Lee (A0.869426). YouTube link: the Reed sisters, Elizabeth & Lydia, asked me to write a new work for two pianos, I wasn't quite sure where or how to begin. Then I came upon a book on numerology by Annemarie Schimmel, The Mystery of Numbers. In it I discovered a lot of fascinating things, mystical and magical, associated with each number from one to 10,000. Since I would be writing a piece for a duo, double digits would do the trick. Number 22 stood out. It has two important associations: the Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters, and there are 22 major arcana cards or allegories of the Tarot. Perfect! I could write 22 pieces, each a musical rendering of a card.  And, coincidentally, this work will opus 66.For pictorial inspiration, I bought a Pierpont Morgan Library copy of the Visconti-Sforza Tarot Cards from 15th century Italy. For musical inspiration, I listened to the wonderful salon music of the Polish composer Frederic Chopin, the American composer Louis Moreau Gottschalk, and the Brazilian composer Ernesto Nazareth.The 22 pieces in the Visconti-Sforza Tarot Cards are: Zero Il Matto The Fool entertains the gathered guests with a tarantella. I. Il Saltimbanco The Mountebank shuffles his cards and does a samba. II. La Papessa The High Priestess concocts a magic potion. III. L'Imperatrice The Empress dances all night. IV. L'Imperatore The Emperor promenades into the Great Hall and inspects the courtiers. V. Il Papa The Pope makes a proclamation that all sinners will be pardoned. VI. L'Amore Love in a tropical paradise. VII. Il Carro Triumphant in battle, the gladiators ride into town on chariots. VIII. La Giustizia Justice is swift and unrelenting. IX. Il Vecchio The Old Man reminisces. X. La Ruota della Fortuna Fortunes rise and fall unpredictably. XI. La Fortezza Strength and fortitude will prevail. XII. Il Penduto Lamentation for the Hanged Man. XIII. Il Morte Death lurks around the corner. XIV. La Temperanza Temperance in A major. XV. Il Diavolo The Devil seduces with his charm and wit. XVI. La Torre The tower topples and crashes onto the populace gathered below. XVII. La Stella Twinkle, twinkle, little star ... XVIII. La Luna Minuet for moonstruck lovers. XIX Il Sole Sunshine, margaritas and salsa cubana. XX Il Giudizio On the Day of Judgment, the angels blow their trumpets ... XXI. Il Mondo The world would be a happier place if we all dance together. Performance option: Shuffle the 22 allegory cards from the Tarot deck to determine the order of performance.
Visconti Sforza Tarot Cards, opus 66 ... Twenty Two Salon Pieces For Two Pianos (1996) 18 La Stella
2 Pianos, 4 mains

$9.99 9.34 € 2 Pianos, 4 mains PDF SheetMusicPlus

Instrumental Duet Instrumental Duet,Piano - Digital Download SKU: A0.869323 Composed by Thomas Oboe Lee. 20th Century,Baroque,Classical,Contemporary,Romantic Period. Score and parts. 8 pages. Thomas Oboe Lee #2032483. Published by Thomas Oboe Lee (A0.869323). YouTube link: the Reed sisters, Elizabeth & Lydia, asked me to write a new work for two pianos, I wasn't quite sure where or how to begin. Then I came upon a book on numerology by Annemarie Schimmel, The Mystery of Numbers. In it I discovered a lot of fascinating things, mystical and magical, associated with each number from one to 10,000. Since I would be writing a piece for a duo, double digits would do the trick. Number 22 stood out. It has two important associations: the Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters, and there are 22 major arcana cards or allegories of the Tarot. Perfect! I could write 22 pieces, each a musical rendering of a card.  And, coincidentally, this work will opus 66.For pictorial inspiration, I bought a Pierpont Morgan Library copy of the Visconti-Sforza Tarot Cards from 15th century Italy. For musical inspiration, I listened to the wonderful salon music of the Polish composer Frederic Chopin, the American composer Louis Moreau Gottschalk, and the Brazilian composer Ernesto Nazareth.The 22 pieces in the Visconti-Sforza Tarot Cards are: Zero Il Matto The Fool entertains the gathered guests with a tarantella. I. Il Saltimbanco The Mountebank shuffles his cards and does a samba. II. La Papessa The High Priestess concocts a magic potion. III. L'Imperatrice The Empress dances all night. IV. L'Imperatore The Emperor promenades into the Great Hall and inspects the courtiers. V. Il Papa The Pope makes a proclamation that all sinners will be pardoned. VI. L'Amore Love in a tropical paradise. VII. Il Carro Triumphant in battle, the gladiators ride into town on chariots. VIII. La Giustizia Justice is swift and unrelenting. IX. Il Vecchio The Old Man reminisces. X. La Ruota della Fortuna Fortunes rise and fall unpredictably. XI. La Fortezza Strength and fortitude will prevail. XII. Il Penduto Lamentation for the Hanged Man. XIII. Il Morte Death lurks around the corner. XIV. La Temperanza Temperance in A major. XV. Il Diavolo The Devil seduces with his charm and wit. XVI. La Torre The tower topples and crashes onto the populace gathered below. XVII. La Stella Twinkle, twinkle, little star ... XVIII. La Luna Minuet for moonstruck lovers. XIX Il Sole Sunshine, margaritas and salsa cubana. XX Il Giudizio On the Day of Judgment, the angels blow their trumpets ... XXI. Il Mondo The world would be a happier place if we all dance together. Performance option: Shuffle the 22 allegory cards from the Tarot deck to determine the order of performance.
Visconti Sforza Tarot Cards, opus 66 ... Twenty Two Salon Pieces For Two Pianos (1996) 11 La Ruota d
2 Pianos, 4 mains

$9.99 9.34 € 2 Pianos, 4 mains PDF SheetMusicPlus

Instrumental Duet Instrumental Duet,Piano - Digital Download SKU: A0.869325 Composed by Thomas Oboe Lee. 20th Century,Baroque,Classical,Contemporary,Romantic Period. Score and parts. 3 pages. Thomas Oboe Lee #2032491. Published by Thomas Oboe Lee (A0.869325). YouTube link: the Reed sisters, Elizabeth & Lydia, asked me to write a new work for two pianos, I wasn't quite sure where or how to begin. Then I came upon a book on numerology by Annemarie Schimmel, The Mystery of Numbers. In it I discovered a lot of fascinating things, mystical and magical, associated with each number from one to 10,000. Since I would be writing a piece for a duo, double digits would do the trick. Number 22 stood out. It has two important associations: the Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters, and there are 22 major arcana cards or allegories of the Tarot. Perfect! I could write 22 pieces, each a musical rendering of a card.  And, coincidentally, this work will opus 66.For pictorial inspiration, I bought a Pierpont Morgan Library copy of the Visconti-Sforza Tarot Cards from 15th century Italy. For musical inspiration, I listened to the wonderful salon music of the Polish composer Frederic Chopin, the American composer Louis Moreau Gottschalk, and the Brazilian composer Ernesto Nazareth.The 22 pieces in the Visconti-Sforza Tarot Cards are: Zero Il Matto The Fool entertains the gathered guests with a tarantella. I. Il Saltimbanco The Mountebank shuffles his cards and does a samba. II. La Papessa The High Priestess concocts a magic potion. III. L'Imperatrice The Empress dances all night. IV. L'Imperatore The Emperor promenades into the Great Hall and inspects the courtiers. V. Il Papa The Pope makes a proclamation that all sinners will be pardoned. VI. L'Amore Love in a tropical paradise. VII. Il Carro Triumphant in battle, the gladiators ride into town on chariots. VIII. La Giustizia Justice is swift and unrelenting. IX. Il Vecchio The Old Man reminisces. X. La Ruota della Fortuna Fortunes rise and fall unpredictably. XI. La Fortezza Strength and fortitude will prevail. XII. Il Penduto Lamentation for the Hanged Man. XIII. Il Morte Death lurks around the corner. XIV. La Temperanza Temperance in A major. XV. Il Diavolo The Devil seduces with his charm and wit. XVI. La Torre The tower topples and crashes onto the populace gathered below. XVII. La Stella Twinkle, twinkle, little star ... XVIII. La Luna Minuet for moonstruck lovers. XIX Il Sole Sunshine, margaritas and salsa cubana. XX Il Giudizio On the Day of Judgment, the angels blow their trumpets ... XXI. Il Mondo The world would be a happier place if we all dance together. Performance option: Shuffle the 22 allegory cards from the Tarot deck to determine the order of performance.
Visconti Sforza Tarot Cards, opus 66 ... Twenty Two Salon Pieces For Two Pianos (1996) 15 La Tempera
2 Pianos, 4 mains

$9.99 9.34 € 2 Pianos, 4 mains PDF SheetMusicPlus

Instrumental Duet Instrumental Duet,Piano - Digital Download SKU: A0.869330 Composed by Thomas Oboe Lee. 20th Century,Classical,Contemporary,Latin,Romantic Period. Score and parts. 4 pages. Thomas Oboe Lee #2032509. Published by Thomas Oboe Lee (A0.869330). YouTube link: the Reed sisters, Elizabeth & Lydia, asked me to write a new work for two pianos, I wasn't quite sure where or how to begin. Then I came upon a book on numerology by Annemarie Schimmel, The Mystery of Numbers. In it I discovered a lot of fascinating things, mystical and magical, associated with each number from one to 10,000. Since I would be writing a piece for a duo, double digits would do the trick. Number 22 stood out. It has two important associations: the Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters, and there are 22 major arcana cards or allegories of the Tarot. Perfect! I could write 22 pieces, each a musical rendering of a card.  And, coincidentally, this work will opus 66.For pictorial inspiration, I bought a Pierpont Morgan Library copy of the Visconti-Sforza Tarot Cards from 15th century Italy. For musical inspiration, I listened to the wonderful salon music of the Polish composer Frederic Chopin, the American composer Louis Moreau Gottschalk, and the Brazilian composer Ernesto Nazareth.The 22 pieces in the Visconti-Sforza Tarot Cards are: Zero Il Matto The Fool entertains the gathered guests with a tarantella. I. Il Saltimbanco The Mountebank shuffles his cards and does a samba. II. La Papessa The High Priestess concocts a magic potion. III. L'Imperatrice The Empress dances all night. IV. L'Imperatore The Emperor promenades into the Great Hall and inspects the courtiers. V. Il Papa The Pope makes a proclamation that all sinners will be pardoned. VI. L'Amore Love in a tropical paradise. VII. Il Carro Triumphant in battle, the gladiators ride into town on chariots. VIII. La Giustizia Justice is swift and unrelenting. IX. Il Vecchio The Old Man reminisces. X. La Ruota della Fortuna Fortunes rise and fall unpredictably. XI. La Fortezza Strength and fortitude will prevail. XII. Il Penduto Lamentation for the Hanged Man. XIII. Il Morte Death lurks around the corner. XIV. La Temperanza Temperance in A major. XV. Il Diavolo The Devil seduces with his charm and wit. XVI. La Torre The tower topples and crashes onto the populace gathered below. XVII. La Stella Twinkle, twinkle, little star ... XVIII. La Luna Minuet for moonstruck lovers. XIX Il Sole Sunshine, margaritas and salsa cubana. XX Il Giudizio On the Day of Judgment, the angels blow their trumpets ... XXI. Il Mondo The world would be a happier place if we all dance together. Performance option: Shuffle the 22 allegory cards from the Tarot deck to determine the order of performance.
Visconti Sforza Tarot Cards, opus 66 ... Twenty Two Salon Pieces For Two Pianos (1996) 22 Il Mondo
2 Pianos, 4 mains

$9.99 9.34 € 2 Pianos, 4 mains PDF SheetMusicPlus

Instrumental Duet Instrumental Duet,Piano - Digital Download SKU: A0.869341 Composed by Thomas Oboe Lee. Contemporary. Score and parts. 6 pages. Thomas Oboe Lee #32741. Published by Thomas Oboe Lee (A0.869341). YouTube link: the Reed sisters, Elizabeth & Lydia, asked me to write a new work for two pianos, I wasn't quite sure where or how to begin. Then I came upon a book on numerology by Annemarie Schimmel, The Mystery of Numbers. In it I discovered a lot of fascinating things, mystical and magical, associated with each number from one to 10,000. Since I would be writing a piece for a duo, double digits would do the trick. Number 22 stood out. It has two important associations: the Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters, and there are 22 major arcana cards or allegories of the Tarot. Perfect! I could write 22 pieces, each a musical rendering of a card.  And, coincidentally, this work will opus 66.For pictorial inspiration, I bought a Pierpont Morgan Library copy of the Visconti-Sforza Tarot Cards from 15th century Italy. For musical inspiration, I listened to the wonderful salon music of the Polish composer Frederic Chopin, the American composer Louis Moreau Gottschalk, and the Brazilian composer Ernesto Nazareth.The 22 pieces in the Visconti-Sforza Tarot Cards are: Zero Il Matto The Fool entertains the gathered guests with a tarantella. I. Il Saltimbanco The Mountebank shuffles his cards and does a samba. II. La Papessa The High Priestess concocts a magic potion. III. L'Imperatrice The Empress dances all night. IV. L'Imperatore The Emperor promenades into the Great Hall and inspects the courtiers. V. Il Papa The Pope makes a proclamation that all sinners will be pardoned. VI. L'Amore Love in a tropical paradise. VII. Il Carro Triumphant in battle, the gladiators ride into town on chariots. VIII. La Giustizia Justice is swift and unrelenting. IX. Il Vecchio The Old Man reminisces. X. La Ruota della Fortuna Fortunes rise and fall unpredictably. XI. La Fortezza Strength and fortitude will prevail. XII. Il Penduto Lamentation for the Hanged Man. XIII. Il Morte Death lurks around the corner. XIV. La Temperanza Temperance in A major. XV. Il Diavolo The Devil seduces with his charm and wit. XVI. La Torre The tower topples and crashes onto the populace gathered below. XVII. La Stella Twinkle, twinkle, little star ... XVIII. La Luna Minuet for moonstruck lovers. XIX Il Sole Sunshine, margaritas and salsa cubana. XX Il Giudizio On the Day of Judgment, the angels blow their trumpets ... XXI. Il Mondo The world would be a happier place if we all dance together. Performance option: Shuffle the 22 allegory cards from the Tarot deck to determine the order of performance.
Visconti Sforza Tarot Cards, opus 66 ... Twenty Two Salon Pieces For Two Pianos (1996) 10 Il Vecchio
2 Pianos, 4 mains

$9.99 9.34 € 2 Pianos, 4 mains PDF SheetMusicPlus

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