Violin Solo - Level 1 - Digital Download SKU: A0.930560 Composed by Seifeddin Abdoun. Contemporary,Instructional. 107 pages. Seifeddin Abdoun #4268457. Published by Seifeddin Abdoun (A0.930560). The Red Violin Method & Technique Book presents first position violin technique with intensive studies of music fundamentals. Exercises are simply explained throughout selected works of well-known composers. The book includes precise fingering, reading, and bowing skills; double stops, dotted notes, intervals, scales, and syncopation. The book also addresses dynamics (pianissimo, piano, forte, fortissimo, etc.), tempo (largo, lento, adagio, andante, moderato, etc.), and articulations (legato-slurs, accents, fermata, staccato, spiccato bowing). The right hand is thoroughly and sequentially developed through a series of bow techniques. Each bow technique defines a specific action required to produce an acceptable bow hand. The book uses a note-to-note sequence with finger's indication above and below the note heads. Accurate illustrations of the bow and fingerboard help develop proper playing position and mixing finger patterns. This technique creates better left-hand shape and helps develop proper playing position from the beginning. New material is carefully paced, sequential and immediately reinforced. New notes are approached by step, then gradually played with wider skips and crossing strings. Each new rhythm is introduced as a Rhythm Rap, which can be shadow bowed, then played on an open string, and finally placed in an appropriate melodic setting. Beside the selected melodies from well known composers, I composed many original melodies and exercises for this particular book.