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Organ - advanced - Digital Download SKU: S9.Q1562 Composed by Felix Alexandre Guilmant. This edition: Sheet music. Downloadable. Op. 50/2. Schott Music - Digital #Q1562. Published by Schott Music - Digital (S9.Q1562). Key: D major.Die acht Sonaten von Guilmant orientieren sich am klassischen Standard. Ursprünglich für die Cavaillé-Coll-Orgel gedacht, lassen sie sich jedoch ebenso gut auf außerfranzösischen Orgeln ausführen. Zur Zeit Ihrer Entstehung waren Sie ein Novum für die Orgel und ihre Literatur, die beide im 19. Jahrhundert an Bedeutung verloren hatten. Guilmants Kompositionen, reich an Melodik, Harmonik und vollendeter Satztechnik, spiegeln Klangmöglichkeiten und Farbenreichtum der ihm zur Verfügung stehenden Orgeln wider. Sein Einfallsreichtum und seine flüssige Kompositionstechnik beeinflußten die Entwicklung der Orgelfuge in ähnlicher Weise, wie Mendelssohn dieses für die Klavierfuge bewirkt hatte. Im Zeitraum des Vierteljahrhunderts, in dem Guilmant seine Orgelsonaten schuf, vollzogen sich im Bereich der instrumentalen Spieltechnik bedeutende Veränderungen. An Spieler und Instrument wurden nun größere Anforderungen gestellt.
2. Sonata D Major

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Organ - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.978417 Composed by Leonardo Antonio Di Chiara. 20th Century,Contemporary. Score. 4 pages. LEONARDO ANTONIO DI CHIARA #6304561. Published by LEONARDO ANTONIO DI CHIARA (A0.978417). Elegy n.2 si sviluppa principalmente su un salto di quarta aumentata discendente al basso e su di esso poggia una semplice melodia sia dal punto di vista melodico che ritmico. L'armonia utilizzata è prevalentemente tonale, anche se non in alcuni passaggi esploro armonie dissonanti e lontane, ma sempre con l'obiettivo di non disturbare troppo l'orecchio dell'ascoltatore.   Le indicazioni dei registri sulla partitura sono puramente indicative, pertanto l'organista non deve sentirsi vincolato da quanto indicato, ma può comunque utilizzare la sua fantasia nella scelta dei registri. Se decidi di suonare il brano al pianoforte, tieni presente che non è necessario andare oltre le sonorità del forte, ma destreggiarsi secondo la propria ispirazione tra il pianoforte, il mezzoforte e il forte. Ovviamente, anche l'uso del pedale damper rientra nella scelta dell'esecutore.
Elegia n.2 per strumenti a tastiera

$2.00 1.89 € Orgue PDF SheetMusicPlus

Organ - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1386676 Composed by Jonathan Bush. Arranged by Jonathan Selimovic (a.k.a. Jonny Music) and My Sheet Music Transcriptions. Children,Film/TV. Score. 7 pages. Jonny Music #969809. Published by Jonny Music (A0.1386676). The Instrument Parade version of the Bluey Theme Tune, arranged for the King of Instruments (Organ).Duration: 2:14This score is mainly suitable for full-sized 61-key manual and 32-note pedal Pipe, Grand, Drawbar (Hammond) and Theatre Organs, and is optimized for Concert performances (Paper size: 9 in x 12 in).Arranger Contact Info and Social MediaYouTube:
Bluey Theme Tune (Instruments Parade)

$8.99 8.52 € Orgue PDF SheetMusicPlus

Instrumental Solo,Pipe Organ - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1251250 By Audra Telksnytė. By Juozas Naujalis. Arranged by Balys Vaitkus. Classical,Religious,Romantic Period. Individual part. 2 pages. Nacionaline vargonininku asociacija #845527. Published by Nacionaline vargonininku asociacija (A0.1251250). 14 Preludes, Op. 20. Fourteen pieces for organ, dedicated to a “beloved friend, Fr. Teodoras Brazys,†presents the largest collection of works for this instrument in Naujalis’ oeuvre. Like Naujalis, Brazys was the graduate of the Church Music School in Regensburg. These fourteen preludes for organ appear to be written in expression of deep affinity and gratitude to a like-minded friend who shared similar values. Some of Naujalis’ organ preludes have been included in music collections abroad – by Mieczysław Surzyński in Warsaw and Joseph Joubert in Paris. Juozas Naujalis (1869–1934) – Lithuanian composer and organist. In 1892, he was appointed organist and choir leader at the Kaunas Cathedral, a position he held until his death. Naujalis became actively involved in organizing local musical societies and institutions. As an outcome of his groundbreaking work, a number of important private entities, such as the first boys’ choir in Lithuania based at the Archcathedral Basilica in Kaunas, courses and the school for organists (1911), the first legal Lithuanian bookshop and music publishing house in Kaunas (1905–1912), the first music magazine Vargonininkas (The Organist) and calendars for organists published in Lithuanian (1909–1910), and the music school in Kaunas (1919), have been launched. In 1908, he founded the Children Society and St. Gregory Society for Organists, which was later reorganised into St. Cecilia Society for church musicians (1924). Naujalis was also the first Lithuanian composer to achieve recognition abroad. His church music was published in Regensburg, Warsaw, St. Petersburg, Leipzig and Paris. In recognition of his merits in the field of church music he was made Commander of the Order of the Crown of Italy in Rome, in 1929.A total of 29 organ pieces by Naujalis were recorded at the Archcathedral Basilica in Kaunas in 2019.
Prelude No. 2 in G major “Praise be to You, Mary”, Op. 20 by Juozas Naujalis (1869–1934)
Audra TelksnytÄ—
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