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Instrumental Solo,Pipe Organ - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1250967 By Indrė Gerikaitė. By Juozas Naujalis. Arranged by Balys Vaitkus. Classical,Religious,Romantic Period. Individual part. 2 pages. Nacionaline vargonininku asociacija #845258. Published by Nacionaline vargonininku asociacija (A0.1250967). Manuscript of Trio No. 5 has been stored in the archives of Lithuanian Theater, Music and Film Museum together with the unfinished Prelude No. 6. It seems, that these were some pages from a larger lost collection of pieces. The manuscript of Trio No. 5 was discovered in 2019 by Lithuanian organist Paulius Grigonis. At present this is its first known publication. The name Trio is slightly inaccurate for this piece, because its right hand has two voices almost throughout (33 bars out of 44 bars), which is led by the left hand and pedals. As given in the original source, the present publication maintains the free migration between the written out two-voice-texture and intervals written as one voice (bars 7, 8, 23).Juozas Naujalis (1869–1934) – Lithuanian composer and organist. In 1892, he was appointed organist and choir leader at the Kaunas Cathedral, a position he held until his death. Naujalis became actively involved in organizing local musical societies and institutions. As an outcome of his groundbreaking work, a number of important private entities, such as the first boys’ choir in Lithuania based at the Archcathedral Basilica in Kaunas, courses and the school for organists (1911), the first legal Lithuanian bookshop and music publishing house in Kaunas (1905–1912), the first music magazine Vargonininkas (The Organist) and calendars for organists published in Lithuanian (1909–1910), and the music school in Kaunas (1919), have been launched. In 1908, he founded the Children Society and St. Gregory Society for Organists, which was later reorganised into St. Cecilia Society for church musicians (1924). Naujalis was also the first Lithuanian composer to achieve recognition abroad. His church music was published in Regensburg, Warsaw, St. Petersburg, Leipzig and Paris. In recognition of his merits in the field of church music he was made Commander of the Order of the Crown of Italy in Rome, in 1929.A total of 29 organ pieces by Naujalis were recorded at the Archcathedral Basilica in Kaunas in 2019.
Trio No. 5 by Juozas Naujalis (1869–1934)
IndrÄ— GerikaitÄ—
$4.99 4.73 € Orgue PDF SheetMusicPlus

Organ - Level 5 - Digital Download SKU: A0.534661 Composed by Claude Debussy/Robert Orledge. 20th Century,Concert,Halloween. Score. 16 pages. Musik Fabrik Music Publishing #5739561. Published by Musik Fabrik Music Publishing (A0.534661). Over the years 1908–16, Debussy had produced a viable scenario for Usher on his third attempt. But when he came to making a complete draft of the music, he seems to have lost interest during Roderick Usher’s long monologue, even though he was setting his own text. As in No-ja-li he jumped to the next passage that interested him, in this case the exciting final melodrama and the collapse of the Usher house itself.In the process of completing the missing half of the score, I discovered that by reusing Debussy’s material for similar psychological situations across the opera, and by metamorphosing existing ideas (as Debussy does with Mélisande’s theme in his opera Pelléas et Mélisande), the only things I really needed to add were linking material and any passages where fast music was required. So the ‘nightmare scherzo’, and Lady Madeline’s escape from her coffin and her final bloody revenge on her brother are all mine, but most of the rest is existing Debussy in changing contexts (in which the Russian technique of ‘changing backgrounds’, both harmonic and textural, proved extremely useful, as it did to Debussy in his Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune). Eventually, both my completed ballet No-ja-li and the House of Usher were successfully premiered in 2006 and the latter soon began to find its way into the established repertoire in Europe and the US. To further support this, I transcribed some of the highlights of Debussy’s score as A Night in the House of Usher for organ, and subsequently piano—with a focus on Scene 2 and the final, horrific and maca-bre melodrama. This climaxes in the double deaths of Roderick Usher and his Sister Madeline, together with the disintegration of the ill-fated House of Usher into the stagnant lake-all beneath a blood-red moon.In this form it was first performed by Ian Buckle in the Howard Assembly Rooms, Leeds in 2010.
Robert Orledge: A Night in the House of Usher for organ, based on themes from Debussy's "La Chute de

$12.95 12.27 € Orgue PDF SheetMusicPlus

Organ - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1347300 Composed by John Burkett. Arranged by John Burkett. Classical,Sacred. Score. 5 pages. John Burkett #932107. Published by John Burkett (A0.1347300). This arrangement of the hymn tune St. Agnes (Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee) is a relatively simple setting that requires only a two-manual organ and modest playing ability.  A 12-bar introduction sets the mood.  Each phrase of the tune then appears, each separated from the next by a brief interlude.  Just as the piece seems to reach its conclusion, the final cadence is evaded and a second rendition of the melody is heard in another key.  I have provided a full-length recording to aid the prospective buyer in the decision-making process.  I encourage you to search the Sheet Music Plus or the Sheet Music Direct website for other hymn arrangements of mine, some for organ and others for piano.
Prelude on St. Agnes ('Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee')

$8.00 7.58 € Orgue PDF SheetMusicPlus

Instrumental Solo,Pipe Organ - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1251281 By Indrė Gerikaitė. By Juozas Naujalis. Arranged by Balys Vaitkus. Classical,Religious,Romantic Period. Individual part. 2 pages. Nacionaline vargonininku asociacija #845557. Published by Nacionaline vargonininku asociacija (A0.1251281). 12 Organ Trios, Op. 4. Taking into account the date of publication (1897) these seem to be the first printed organ compositions of Naujalis. They were published in Warsaw, in the collection Preludia na organy, part 2, series III. The publication soon received positive comments in the Polish newspaper of the St. Cecilia Society, Musica sacra (1898 No. 5). There are many signs that Naujalis used this edition as his favourite teaching manual since the fingerings and pedaling given are from the author himself.Juozas Naujalis (1869–1934) – Lithuanian composer and organist. In 1892, he was appointed organist and choir leader at the Kaunas Cathedral, a position he held until his death. Naujalis became actively involved in organizing local musical societies and institutions. As an outcome of his groundbreaking work, a number of important private entities, such as the first boys’ choir in Lithuania based at the Archcathedral Basilica in Kaunas, courses and the school for organists (1911), the first legal Lithuanian bookshop and music publishing house in Kaunas (1905–1912), the first music magazine Vargonininkas (The Organist) and calendars for organists published in Lithuanian (1909–1910), and the music school in Kaunas (1919), have been launched. In 1908, he founded the Children Society and St. Gregory Society for Organists, which was later reorganised into St. Cecilia Society for church musicians (1924). Naujalis was also the first Lithuanian composer to achieve recognition abroad. His church music was published in Regensburg, Warsaw, St. Petersburg, Leipzig and Paris. In recognition of his merits in the field of church music he was made Commander of the Order of the Crown of Italy in Rome, in 1929.A total of 29 organ pieces by Naujalis were recorded at the Archcathedral Basilica in Kaunas in 2019.
Trio No. 5 in A-flat major, Op. 4 by Juozas Naujalis (1869–1934)
IndrÄ— GerikaitÄ—
$4.99 4.73 € Orgue PDF SheetMusicPlus

Organ - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1278660 Composed by Lowell Mason. Arranged by Manuela Rosa. Christian,Praise & Worship,Religious,Sacred. Score. 5 pages. Manuela #870294. Published by Manuela (A0.1278660). With harmonies, engraved with Lilypondmit Harmonien, gesetzt mit LilypondWhy engrave with Lilypond? Computer engraved music looks somehow sterile. LilyPond is a music engraving program, devoted to producing the highest-quality sheet music possible. It brings the aesthetics of traditionally engraved music to computer printouts. LilyPond is free software.If you are satisfied with the sheet music I would appreciate your feedback. If you are not satisfied I would try to improve the sheet according to your criticism.Warum Lilypond? Die modernen, mit Computerprogrammen gesetzten Noten wirken irgendwie steril. Lilypond bringt die Ästhetik der historischen Notendruckkunst auf den Computer.Wenn Sie mit den Noten zufrieden sind, würde ich mich über eine Rückmeldung freuen. Wenn Sie nicht zufrieden sind, würde ich mich bemühen, die Noten zu verbessern.
Näher, mein Gott, zu dir (Gotteslob 910; Nearer, my God, to thee)

$2.00 1.89 € Orgue PDF SheetMusicPlus

Organ - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1178452 By Markus Dreja. By Unbekannt. Arranged by Markus Dreja. Christian,Classical,Praise & Worship,Religious,Sacred. Score. 2 pages. Markus Dreja #778314. Published by Markus Dreja (A0.1178452). Project: Easy organ preludes and intonations to well-known choralesNo. 5 - The father's house is our delightOrgan-Intonation / Organ-prelude to the famous christian chorale The fathers' house is our delight.Some time ago I started composing and arranging easy to moderately difficult organ intonations and preludes for well-known chorales and hymns. The project: Easy organ preludes to well-known chorales. These organ arrangements are suitable both as an independent organ piece and as a prelude / prelude to congregational singing.The hymn Das Gotteshaus ist unsre Lust is the content of many Christian hymn books. It can be found in the New Apostolic hymn book, among other things.----------------Project: Leichte Orgelpräludien- und intonationen zu bekannten Chorälen.Nr. 5 - Das Gotteshaus ist unsre LustVor einiger Zeit habe ich angefangen leichte bis mittelschwere Orgel-Intonationen zu bekannten Chorälen und Hymnen zu komponieren, bzw. arrangieren. Das Projekt: Leichte Orgelpräludien zu bekannten Chorälen. Diese Orgel-Arrangments  sind sowohl als eigenständiges Orgelstück, als auch als Präludium / Vorspiel zum Gemeindegesang  geeignet.Der Choral Das Gotteshaus ist unsre Lust ist Inhalt vieler christlicher Gesangbücher. Unter anderem im neuapostolischen Gesangbuch zu finden.
Easy Organ Preludes - Das Gotteshaus ist unsre Lust (The father's house is our delight)
Markus Dreja
$4.49 4.25 € Orgue PDF SheetMusicPlus

Organ - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1349683 Composed by John Burkett. Arranged by John Burkett. Classical,Contemporary,Sacred. Score. 5 pages. John Burkett #934452. Published by John Burkett (A0.1349683). My Prelude on the hymn tune Revive Us Again (We Praise Thee O God) was conceived for a three-manual organ and has a somewhat challenging pedal part.  The harmonic idiom reflects the influence of certain 20th century techniques (such as building chords by fourths), which create a sound world that, while still tonal, embraces somewhat greater dissonance than traditional practice allowed.  Modern ears though are accustomed to, and even enjoy, such sounds.  The introduction and interludes are based upon a rhythmic motive taken from the hymn tune, which itself is treated canonically at one point.  In another instance, even two different phrases are vertically combined.  I have provided a full-length recording to aid the prospective buyer in the decision-making process.  I encourage you to search the Sheet Music Plus or the Sheet Music Direct website for other hymn arrangements of mine, some for organ and others for piano.
Prelude on Revive Us Again ('We Praise Thee O God')

$8.00 7.58 € Orgue PDF SheetMusicPlus

Organ - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.576016 Composed by David Warin Solomons. Contemporary. Score. 33 pages. David Warin Solomons #44013. Published by David Warin Solomons (A0.576016). This is a suite of 5 organ pieces composed by David W Solomons originally performed by David Carlston Williams on 17 August 2014 on the organ of St Paul's Springfield Road, Sale (Cheshire, UK) Registrations are as suggested by the performer. (the sound sample is a recording of Passacaglia from the subsequent CD recording performed by David Carlston WIlliams in June 2015) The suggested order for this suite is: 1. Passacaglia: based on an ostinato passage in 3 time. The idea behind the passacaglia relates to the origin of the word, it is basically a gentle stroll down the street (pasar la calle in Spanish, which was converted into Passacaglia in Italian) 2. Dorina: a descriptive piece in Dorian mode based on a song about a cat, from the aptly named village of Chattevoix, who stalks, but never catches, a little bird. 3. Playtime: also about a cat, the composer's own cat who is playful and rushes around the house but occasionally stopping to pummel the soft furnishings. 4. Early Evening in Camden Town: a more serious and sad piece - in 3-3-2 time. It is an evocation of the poor folk in Camden and their dreams of what could be, if only….. It was originally a song, which the composer wrote when he was living in London, based on a poem by fellow Londoner Sandra Erös The streets are part of a toy town, waiting to be played with…. 5. The Bishop's Dance: a curious and comical piece in 11 time (3, 3, 3, 2). It comes from the legend of Robin Hood, in which Robin meets the bishop of Hereford, who had hoped to get the better of him, but Robin prevails and forces him to dance. The clumsy attempts of the ungainly Bishop to obey Robin's commands cause great merriment among the merry men To quote our vicar, Rev Barbara, after the recital For me music paints a picture, and, for that, I have got this picture of someone going for a stroll in their village and then they came across a very old cat wandering down the street imaging it could catch birds but never catching them. And then it would lie down for a sleep and dream of the days when it was a kitten.... It was a very reflective programme and turns our mind about What for the Autumn, what do we need to do next.. it really did fit in with the mood of the year, as we turn towards building up the programme for next year... So thank you, it gave us time to reflect in a very beautiful manner.... The suite is also available as separate pieces (with performances by David Carlston Williams).
5 pieces for organ

$31.00 29.36 € Orgue PDF SheetMusicPlus

Organ - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1337201 Composed by John Burkett. Arranged by John Burkett. Classical,Praise & Worship,Religious,Sacred. Score. 5 pages. John Burkett #923007. Published by John Burkett (A0.1337201). While my Prelude on Olivet (My Faith Looks Up to Thee) was conceived for a 3-manual instrument, it should also be quite playable on a 2-manual instrument.  The technical requirements are minimal and thus most church organists should fine the piece within their grasp.  I have provided a full-length recording to aid the prospective buyer in the decision-making process.  I encourage you to search the Sheet Music Plus or the Sheet Music Direct website for other hymn arrangements of mine, some for organ and others for piano.
Prelude on Olivet ('My Faith Looks Up to Thee')

$7.50 7.1 € Orgue PDF SheetMusicPlus

Organ - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1458503 By The computer. By Franz Schubert. Arranged by Manuela Rosa. Christian,Praise & Worship,Religious,Sacred. Score. 7 pages. Manuela #1037450. Published by Manuela (A0.1458503). Für Orgel manualiter bzw. Piano gesetzt, geeignet für den Gottesdienstder Schwerpunkt liegt auf einfachem Notensatz als Begleitung für die singende Gemeindezwei Tonarten (Es, C-Dur); gesetzt mit LilypondAudiobeispiel wurde computergeneriertWarum Lilypond? Die modernen, mit Computerprogrammen gesetzten Noten wirken irgendwie steril. Lilypond bringt die Ästhetik der historischen Notendruckkunst auf den Computer.organ sheet music with text, manualiter; religious song; german; Gotteslob 711,5for church servicesmultiple key signaturesaudio sample generated by computerversions in two key signatures (Eb, C major); engraved with LilypondWhy engrave with Lilypond? Computer engraved music looks somehow sterile.LilyPond is a music engraving program, devoted to producing the highest-quality sheet music possible. It brings the aesthetics of traditionally engraved music to computer printouts. LilyPond is free software.
Heilig, heilig, heilig (Gotteslob 711,5)
The computer
$2.00 1.89 € Orgue PDF SheetMusicPlus

Instrumental Solo,Pipe Organ - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1251254 By Audra Telksnytė. By Juozas Naujalis. Arranged by Balys Vaitkus. Classical,Religious,Romantic Period. Individual part. 2 pages. Nacionaline vargonininku asociacija #845531. Published by Nacionaline vargonininku asociacija (A0.1251254). 14 Preludes, Op. 20. Fourteen pieces for organ, dedicated to a “beloved friend, Fr. Teodoras Brazys,†presents the largest collection of works for this instrument in Naujalis’ oeuvre. Like Naujalis, Brazys was the graduate of the Church Music School in Regensburg. These fourteen preludes for organ appear to be written in expression of deep affinity and gratitude to a like-minded friend who shared similar values. Some of Naujalis’ organ preludes have been included in music collections abroad – by Mieczysław Surzyński in Warsaw and Joseph Joubert in Paris. Juozas Naujalis (1869–1934) – Lithuanian composer and organist. In 1892, he was appointed organist and choir leader at the Kaunas Cathedral, a position he held until his death. Naujalis became actively involved in organizing local musical societies and institutions. As an outcome of his groundbreaking work, a number of important private entities, such as the first boys’ choir in Lithuania based at the Archcathedral Basilica in Kaunas, courses and the school for organists (1911), the first legal Lithuanian bookshop and music publishing house in Kaunas (1905–1912), the first music magazine Vargonininkas (The Organist) and calendars for organists published in Lithuanian (1909–1910), and the music school in Kaunas (1919), have been launched. In 1908, he founded the Children Society and St. Gregory Society for Organists, which was later reorganised into St. Cecilia Society for church musicians (1924). Naujalis was also the first Lithuanian composer to achieve recognition abroad. His church music was published in Regensburg, Warsaw, St. Petersburg, Leipzig and Paris. In recognition of his merits in the field of church music he was made Commander of the Order of the Crown of Italy in Rome, in 1929.A total of 29 organ pieces by Naujalis were recorded at the Archcathedral Basilica in Kaunas in 2019.
Prelude No. 5 in F-sharp minor, Op. 20 by Juozas Naujalis (1869–1934)
Audra TelksnytÄ—
$4.99 4.73 € Orgue PDF SheetMusicPlus

Organ - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.935501 Composed by Kazys Daugela. Christmas,Contemporary. Score. 5 pages. Kazys Daugela #6292379. Published by Kazys Daugela (A0.935501). Four-part suite The Seasons for narrator and orchestra Lithuanian composer Kazys Daugėla created on the basis of K. Donelaitis poem The Seasons plots and the most famous artist Vytautas Kazimieras Jonynas (1907-1997) woodcut illustrations. These Donelaitis poem The Seasons illustrations have become classics of Lithuanian art. Composer created his paintings of the suite using native Lithuania Minor folk song melodies. Some of them are written almost 200 years ago. Most songs used are from Christian Bartsch prepared and published by Lithuanian folk songs Song of the votes. If you do not doubt that the song’s soul is in the melody, it should also be true, that the song is understood correctly only when we sing or listen to it – so believed Ch. Bartsch. He could not possibly foresee that the songs that sounded at his time will be wiped out in parallel with the East Prussian population. But after all, maybe he did predict? Therefore, he was rescuing them. The ancient epics and worldview associate The Seasons with cyclical idea of time, which is expressed by the view of The Sun’s path in the sky. The main hero of this musical work is The Sun and the diversity of nature, life and work associated with it. In the Eternal Circle we born, age, die - everything repeats, nothing new happens. In the second part of the The Cares of Winter, the Lithuanian traditional Advent song Sodai, sodai, leliumoj was used and developed.
"The Cares of Winter" from "The Seasons", suite for organ

$3.99 3.78 € Orgue PDF SheetMusicPlus

Organ - Level 5 - Digital Download SKU: A0.912505 Composed by Thomas R. Schadl. Concert,Contemporary,Instructional,Standards. Score. 29 pages. Thomas R. Schadl #6201739. Published by Thomas R. Schadl (A0.912505). Theme and Variations on TRSCH is a piece that is suitable for concert use. As one plays the piece, one shall realize that each variation has its own character. The work also may be used for educational purposes in that it teaches students on how a theme is transformed rhythmically and arranged melodically.Theme And Variations On TRSCH For Organ by Thomas R. Schadl consists of seven variations that are based on TRSCH (B flat, D, E flat, C, and B or A# D D# C B). It is written using the serial technique, the compositional method where a row of notes are arranged in direct, reverse, inverse and retrograde-inverse orders. The technique employed is not as strict as the 12-tone system used in the compositions of Arnold Schoenberg and Anton Webern. In a standard theme and variations form, the melody may be altered by adding or subtracting notes, or changing it rhythmically, but it is not the case in the piece being discussed. Most variations do not follow the rhythmic pattern of the main theme; rather, the theme in each variation is treated in fragments, lengthened note values, shortened note values, inversions and reversed orders. Each variation explores moods and the work is organized this way:Main Theme: m 1-6           TRSCH is stated in the bass.Variation I:     m 7-22         FugatoVariation II     m 23-50       Mystical quality and lyrical Variation III   m 51-88       Scherzo, lyrical section, scherzoVariation IV   m 89-116     ToccataVariation V     m 117-224   Mystical mood, scherzo, mystical moodVariation VI   m 225-297   Toccata, brief lyrical section, toccataVariation VII   m 298-317   Variation I but at a slower speed.Forward                           ReverseA# D D# C     B             F   F # A G# EF# A# B   G# G             C# D   F   E   CF   A   A# G   F#            C   C# E D#   BG# C   C# A# A             D# E   G F#   DA   C# D   B   A#            E   F   G# G   D#
Theme And Variations On TRSCH For Organ

$21.82 20.67 € Orgue PDF SheetMusicPlus

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