Woodwind Ensemble,Woodwind Quartet - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.818344 By Stephen R Dalrymple. By Stephen R Dalrymple. Arranged by Stephen R Dalrymple (Dalrymple Designs). Contemporary. 110 pages. Stephen R Dalrymple #6318201. Published by Stephen R Dalrymple (A0.818344). Psalm 19 – The Heavens Declare - Quintet for Winds and Piano ♫ transcribed for brass, woodwind, and string ensembles ♫ This composition was written for 5 music educators to perform at a fundraiser for music programs in our school district. It has been transcribed with flexible instrumentation so that it could be performed by brass, woodwind, or string quartets (plus piano), a creative mix of instruments (choose an instrumentation for each of the 5 parts) or a small band. ♫ The text comes from the beginning verses of Psalm 19 that point out that the skies bear witness to the glory and creative power of YHWH (sometimes represented by the LORD, Yahweh, or Jehovah) the God who created heaven and earth. The laws of nature, The laws of nature controlling the uncounted stars spread across almost limitless space, the vast number of light years to the closest star, … a person doesn’t need the words of religious instruction to see evidence of God’s work. [Psalm 19:1-6 paraphrased by the composer] ♫ quintet composition © 2017 Stephen R Dalrymple ♫ recording ℗ 2021 Stephen R Dalrymple ♫ presentation © 2021 Stephen R Dalrymple ♫ Psalm 19:1-6 paraphrased by the composer ♫ sequenced by the composer ♫ This .pdf file includes 25 files (110 pages): ♫ Letter size scores for Original, Woodwind, Brass, and String Ensembles (with piano); ♫ Small page format for performing from a 10 inch tablet of Scores for Original, Woodwind, Brass, and String Ensembles (with piano); ♫ Letter size Individual Parts: Flute Part 1, Clarinet Part 1, Trumpet Part 1, Violin Part 1, Oboe Part 2, Clarinet Part 2, Trumpet part 2, Violin Part 2, Clarinet Part 3, Alto Sax Part 3, French Horn Part 3, Viola Part 3, Bassoon Part 4, Euphonium (Trombone, E Bass) Part 4, Tuba Part 4, Cello Part 4, Part 5: Piano ♫ (Tell your computer which pages you want to print. There are programs online that will allow you to split pdf files so that you can choose the correct part of the pdf for your tablet.) ♫ The YouTube video contains the full recording.