3, 4, or 5 octaves handbells - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: C7.CGB988 Composed by Karen Lakey Buckwalter. General. With Triangle, Tambourine. Score. 12 pages. Chorister's Guild - Digital #CGB988. Published by Chorister's Guild - Digital (C7.CGB988). UPC: 749193024843.These twelve accompaniments for familiar hymns are suitable for various occasions: accompanying congregational singing (try one stanza with bell accompaniment only), accompanying hymn sing-alongs (hymn text sheets are provided and may be copied), accompanying a vocal or instrumental soloist, or accompanying the piano/organ playing of the hymns. Some or all of the hymn accompaniments may be played as a medley, with a soloist or pianist/organist providing the melody. The arrangements are accessible for beginning choirs, but also will be useful for more advanced groups. Notation is entirely in whole, half and quarter notes and accidentals may be omitted. Contents: All Creatures of Our God and King; All Things Bright and Beautiful; The Church's One Foundation; Faith of Our Fathers; God of Grace and God of Glory; Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almignty; I Sing the Almigty Power of God; Loe Divine, All Loves Excelling; Now Thank We All Our God; O Jesus, I Have Promised; O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee; Praise to the Lord, the Almignty.