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Chamber Orchestra - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1080705 Composed by Claude Debussy/Robert Orledge. 20th Century,Romantic Period,Standards. Score and parts. 30 pages. Musik Fabrik Music Publishing #4727447. Published by Musik Fabrik Music Publishing (A0.1080705). Instrumentation2 flûtes/2 flutescor anglais (doublant hautbois/doubling oboe)clarinette en La/clarinet in Abasson/bassooncor en Fa/horn in Fpercission (1 éxecutant - timbales (3)/cymbale suspendue, tambour de basque)/percussion (1 performer - timpani (3)/suspended cymbal, tambourine)harpe/harp9 cordes/9 strings (ée/duration: 5 minutes 30 secconds (environ/approx.) Une versions pour violon et piano ainsi qu’une version pour violon et orchestre (31CA(hb)23/2100/timb/perc/hpe/cordes)est également disponibile/A version for violin and piano as well as a version for violin and orchestra (31EH(ob)23/2100/timp/perc/strings) is also available.______________________Prmière: Edmond Agapian, violin with the Calagray (CA) Youth orchestra, cond. Gareth Jones, University of Calgary, 28 Janaury, 2011Première of the version for violin and 17 instruments: Frédéric Moisan, violin Orchestre 21 cond. Paolo Bellomio, Unveristy of Montreal, Canada, 2 March 2012Preface:In the early 1890s, Debussy composed the opening of a lyrical piece in E major for violin and piano, perhaps as a shorter companion piece for the violin Nocturne he was planning for the Belgian violinist Eugène Ysaÿe. After Debussy’s death in 1918, his second wife Emma often gave away sketch pages to performers or composers as memorials to her beloved husband , and this particular page was given to the Cuban born pianist and composer Joaquin Nin (1879-1949). It came up for sale in the catalogue of the British antiquarian dealer Lisa Cox in 2010 and although it might possibly be an early song for contralto and piano, the more dynamic idea in bar 12 strongly suggests the violin, especially as it begins on an open D string. Moreover, there is no text and in pieces of this length, Debussy usually wrote at least one word in, if only to remind himself where he had got to in any song. So my starting point was a complete 12-bar melody gently undulating in the violin’s lowest register over a sensual accompaniment, rising to a climax in bar 12 and giving me a contrasting idea that I could use as a link between sections and in the cadenza. As the B section (bars 14-26) derives directly from Debussy’s opening theme by metamorphosis, my own additions were restricted to the central section (bars 27-57) - comprising a new scherzando idea (C) and the more lyrical D (bars 36-46). C returns at bar 47, followed by the opening sections in reverse order, so that the Sérénade begins and ends with Debussy’s material and is cast in arch form (ABCDCBA). Robert OrledgeBrighton, 19 June 2019Robert Orledge was born in Bath in 1948 and educated at Clare College, Cambridge, where he gained his doctorate for his study of the composer Charles Kœchlin in 1973.   Between 1971 and 1991 He rose from Lecturer to Professor in the Music Department of the University of Liverpool, publishing books on Gabriel Fauré, Claude Debussy, Charles Kœchlin and Erik Satie, as well as numerous articles, editions and reviews.   As a historical musicologist, Professor Orledge specialized in the way composers composed, ,and since taking early retirement in 2004, he has concentrated on completing and orchestrating Debussy’s unfinished works, and especially his theatre projects. His completion of Debussy’s opera The Fall of the House of Usher (1908-17) was successfully premiered at the Bregenz Opera Festival in Austria in August 2006 and has since been performed in America, Portugal Germany and Holland, as well as being broadcast throughout Europe. A DVD of the Bregenz premier is available on Capriccio 93517, produced by Phylida Lloyd and conducted by Lawrence Foster. His completion of the Chinese ballet No-ja-li ou Le Palais du Silence (1914) was also premiered in 2006 in Los Angeles and ot.
Claude Debussy: Sérénade for violin and 17 instrments, full score and solo part only (parts on ren
Orchestre de chambre

$16.95 15.85 € Orchestre de chambre PDF SheetMusicPlus

Soprano, tenor, Knabensoprano, flugelhorn, mixed choir and chamber orchestra - Digital Download SKU: S9.Q7038 Teil I: Schwarz vor Augen... · Teil II: ...und es ward Licht!. Composed by Harald Weiss. This edition: study score. Music Of Our Time. Downloadable, Study score. Duration 100' 0. Schott Music - Digital #Q7038. Published by Schott Music - Digital (S9.Q7038). Latin • German.On letting go(Concerning the selection of the texts) In the selection of the texts, I have allowed myself to be motivated and inspired by the concept of “letting go”. This appears to me to be one of the essential aspects of dying, but also of life itself. We humans cling far too strongly to successful achievements, whether they have to do with material or ideal values, or relationships of all kinds. We cannot and do not want to let go, almost as if our life depended on it. As we will have to practise the art of letting go at the latest during our hour of death, perhaps we could already make a start on this while we are still alive. Tagore describes this farewell with very simple but strikingly vivid imagery: “I will return the key of my door”. I have set this text for tenor solo. Here I imagine, and have correspondingly noted in a certain passage of the score, that the protagonist finds himself as though “in an ocean” of voices in which he is however not drowning, but immersing himself in complete relaxation. The phenomenon of letting go is described even more simply and tersely in Psalm 90, verse 12: “So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom”. This cannot be expressed more plainly.I have begun the requiem with a solo boy’s voice singing the beginning of this psalm on a single note, the note A. This in effect says it all. The work comes full circle at the culmination with a repeat of the psalm which subsequently leads into a resplendent “lux aeterna”. The intermediate texts of the Requiem which highlight the phenomenon of letting go in the widest spectrum of colours originate on the one hand from the Latin liturgy of the Messa da Requiem (In Paradisum, Libera me, Requiem aeternam, Mors stupebit) and on the other hand from poems by Joseph von Eichendorff, Hermann Hesse, Rabindranath Tagore and Rainer Maria Rilke.All texts have a distinctive positive element in common and view death as being an organic process within the great system of the universe, for example when Hermann Hesse writes: “Entreiß dich, Seele, nun der Zeit, entreiß dich deinen Sorgen und mache dich zum Flug bereit in den ersehnten Morgen” [“Tear yourself way , o soul, from time, tear yourself away from your sorrows and prepare yourself to fly away into the long-awaited morning”] and later: “Und die Seele unbewacht will in freien Flügen schweben, um im Zauberkreis der Nacht tief und tausendfach zu leben” [“And the unfettered soul strives to soar in free flight to live in the magic sphere of the night, deep and thousandfold”]. Or Joseph von Eichendorff whose text evokes a distant song in his lines: “Und meine Seele spannte weit ihre Flügel aus. Flog durch die stillen Lande, als flöge sie nach Haus” [“And my soul spread its wings wide. Flew through the still country as if homeward bound.”]Here a strong romantically tinged occidental resonance can be detected which is however also accompanied by a universal spirit going far beyond all cultures and religions. In the beginning was the sound Long before any sort of word or meaningful phrase was uttered by vocal chords, sounds, vibrations and tones already existed. This brings us back to the music. Both during my years of study and at subsequent periods, I had been an active participant in the world of contemporary music, both as percussionist and also as conductor and composer. My early scores had a somewhat adventurous appearance, filled with an abundance of small black dots: no rhythm could be too complicated, no register too extreme and no harmony too dissonant. I devoted myself intensely to the handling of different parameters which in serial music coexist in total equality: I also studied aleatory principles and so-called minimal music.I subsequently emigrated and took up residence in Spain from where I embarked on numerous travels over the years to India, Africa and South America. I spent repeated periods during this time as a resident in non-European countries. This meant that the currents of contemporary music swept past me vaguely and at a great distance. What I instead absorbed during this period were other completely new cultures in which I attempted to immerse myself as intensively as possible.I learned foreign languages and came into contact with musicians of all classes and styles who had a different cultural heritage than my own: I was intoxicated with the diversity of artistic potential.Nevertheless, the further I distanced myself from my own Western musical heritage, the more this returned insistently in my consciousness.The scene can be imagined of sitting somewhere in the middle of the Brazilian jungle surrounded by the wailing of Indians and out of the blue being provided with the opportunity to hear Beethoven’s late string quartets: this can be a heart-wrenching experience, akin to an identity crisis. This type of experience can also be described as cathartic. Whatever the circumstances, my “renewed” occupation with the “old” country would not permit me to return to the point at which I as an audacious young student had maltreated the musical parameters of so-called contemporary music. A completely different approach would be necessary: an extremely careful approach, inching my way gradually back into the Western world: an approach which would welcome tradition back into the fold, attempt to unfurl the petals and gently infuse this tradition with a breath of contemporary life.Although I am aware that I will not unleash a revolution or scandal with this approach, I am nevertheless confident as, with the musical vocabulary of this Requiem, I am travelling in an orbit in which no ballast or complex structures will be transported or intimated: on the contrary, I have attempted to form the message of the texts in music with the naivety of a “homecomer”. Harald WeissColonia de San PedroMarch 20091 (auch Altfl.) · 2 (2. auch Engl. Hr.) · 1 (auch Bassklar.) · 0 - 2 · Flhr. · 0 · 0 - P. S. (Glsp. · Röhrengl. · Gongs · Trgl. · Beck. · Tamt. · 2 Holzschlitztr. (oder Woodbl.) · Woodbl. · gr. Tr.) (3 Spieler) - Org. (Positiv) - Str. (4 · 4 · 4 · 4 · 2).
Orchestre de chambre

$55.99 52.36 € Orchestre de chambre PDF SheetMusicPlus

Chamber Orchestra - Digital Download SKU: A0.851122 Composed by Traditional. Arranged by Sophia Johanna. Christian,Christmas,Classical,World. Score and parts. 17 pages. Sophia Transistor #3684543. Published by Sophia Transistor (A0.851122). Year after year, the whole family comes together and eventually tries to perform Christmas songs on the fly. Thisarrangement of the german traditional chistmas church song In Dulci Jubilo (In Sweet Rejoicing) offers several parts for many variableinstruments in their specific notation forms. The voices can be combined ad libitum. The score also offers decentvocal scores with the original german lyrics and also english lyrics. The score includes: - Piano (piano with chordsymbols) - vocals (in english and in german); 3 verses for each language - solo instruments in C (violin, flute,etc.); quartet - solo instruments in bass clef (trombone, cello, bass, etc.); quartet - solo instruments in Bb(trumpet, clarinet, tenor saxophone, etc.); quartet - solo instruments in Eb (alto saxophone, Eb-clarinet, etc.);quartet - solo instruments in F (french horn, F-tuba, etc.); quartet - accordion / harmonica - guitar (notes/tabs/chord) - drumsYouTube Play Along: description (Beschreibung auf Deutsch):Alle Jahre wieder wird mit der Familie zusammen Weihnachten gefeiert. Lasst uns dochwas zusammen spielen! Na klar, hast du Noten? Ja hier, für Keyboard... hm, für mich passen die nicht... DiesesArrangement des Weihnachtsklassikers In Dulci Jubilo (nun singet und seid froh!) beinhaltet Noten für die gängigstenHausinstrumente. Alle Stimmen können miteinander kombiniert werden. Die Gesangsnoten sind vernünftig notiert undden Liedtext gibt es auf Englisch und auf Deutsch. Folgende Musikinstrumente werden durch diese Noten abgedeckt: -Klavier (leicht, mittlere Begleitung, Intonationsvorschläge, Akkordsymbole und Melodie) - Gesang (auf Englisch undauf Deutsch); jeweils 6 Strophen - Soloinstrumente in C (Geige, Flöte, etc.); Quartett - Soloinstrumente mitBassschlüssel (Posaune, Cello, Bass, etc.); Quartett - Soloinstrumente in Bb (Trompete, Klarinette, Tenorsaxofon,etc.); Quartett - Soloinstrumente in Eb (Altsaxofon, Eb-Klarinette, etc.); Quartett - Soloinstrumente in F(Waldhorn, F-Tuba, etc.); Quartett - Akkordeon / Harmonika - Gitarre (Noten/Akkorde/Tabs) - SchlagwerkViel Spaß beim Ausprobieren!This arrangement has been optimized for on the fly performances during Christmas time. The constitution of instruments (rhythm and solo instruments (also in transposing scores)) can be put togetherad libitum. All parts are matching, can be combined or played alone.traditional german christmas church songarranged by Sophia Johannafor family band2018 Holiday Contest Entry Public Domain Instrumental
In Dulci Jubilo - family band
Orchestre de chambre

$4.99 4.67 € Orchestre de chambre PDF SheetMusicPlus

2 Oboen, 2 Hörner, Streicher flute and chamber orchestra - intermediate to advanced - Digital Download SKU: S9.Q558258 To Rondo C major. Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Hausmusik. Downloadable, Piano reduction with solo part. Op 244. Möseler Verlag - Digital #Q558258. Published by Möseler Verlag - Digital (S9.Q558258). Key: D major.Mozart schrieb das Rondo C-dur, KV 373 für Violine und Orchester 1781 für Antonio Brunetti, dem Konzertmeister der Salzburger Kapelle. Bereits im selben Jahr wurde das Werk von Brunetti aufgeführt; gedruckt wurde es aber erst 1800, neun Jahre nach Mozarts Tod. Ein Jahr später erschien eine nach D-dur transponierte Fassung für Querflöte und Orchester. Zur Zeit der Klassik war das Uminstrumentieren eigener oder fremder Werke nicht mehr so üblich wie im Barock. Aber es gibt noch genügend Beispiele; gerade Mozart liefert den besten Beweis (KV 413). Im Gegensatz zu der Ausgabe von 1801 ist die vorliegende Fassung enger am Originaltext orientiert, behält aber die Transposition nach D-dur bei; die Praxis hat gezeigt, dass die Querflöte in der D-dur-Fassung besser klingt.
Rondo D major
Orchestre de chambre

$11.99 11.21 € Orchestre de chambre PDF SheetMusicPlus

Chamber Orchestra - Level 1 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1007141 Composed by Charles McCreery. 20th Century,Children,Contemporary. Score and parts. 46 pages. St Maur Music #5024433. Published by St Maur Music (A0.1007141). This song is an orchestral version of one of a series of ‘Fourteen Tolkien Songs’. A comment on the collection by an Oxford piano teacher: ‘For those who only know Tolkien via the recent blood-and-thunder films, this song-cycle by Charles McCreery will give a very different angle on the classic saga. Here we find a gentle and ethereal world, where rhythms lilt and words echo. The twelve songs, suitable for choir, evoke a dreamy, water-colour landscape with no harsh sounds, the tunes are singable and in a traditional style that Tolkien would surely have approved. Dr Julia Gasper, LGSM   A general comment on Charles McCreery’s music by a violinist and composer in the USA: ‘Charles McCreery’s beautifully melodic, intricately textured compositions are infused with classical, romantic and folk idioms.’ Samantha Gillogly   ‘Galadriel’s Song’ is appropriate for either women’s or children’s voices, and is potentially of interest to anyone who is familiar with the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. The three vocal parts and the individual orchestral parts can all be printed out separately at the end of the full score. The MP3 which plays from this page is of a version of the song which can be heard on the stmaurmusic channel on YouTube (            On the front cover is a photograph of leaves in Wytham Woods, Oxford, and at the end of the full score is a photograph of the sea off Treyarnon Bay, Cornwall .
Galadriel's Song of Eldamar, Orchestral Version
Orchestre de chambre

$7.75 7.25 € Orchestre de chambre PDF SheetMusicPlus

0 · 2 (1. auch Engl. Hr.) · 0 · 2 - 0 · 1 · 0 · 0 - Str. (0 · 0 · 2 · 2 · 1) alto-solo, mixed choir and chamber orchestra - intermediate - Digital Download SKU: S9.Q23765 Advent Cantata for alto solo, mixed choir and chamber orchestra. Composed by Bertold Hummel. This edition: score. Downloadable, Score. Op. 8. Duration 20 minutes. Schott Music - Digital #Q23765. Published by Schott Music - Digital (S9.Q23765). German.Als umfassende, nicht nur chormusikalische Offenbarung erweist sich Bertold Hummels Adventskantate Offenbarung neuen Lebens für Alt-Solo, gemischten Chor und Kammerorchester op. 8. In seinem 1953 im Auftrag des Südwestfunks geschriebenen Werk verarbeitet der 2002 verstorbene Komponist in sechs Abschnitten frühbarocke Kirchenlieder und stellt ihnen Psalm- und Bibelsprüche des Deutschen Psalters von Romano Guardini gegenüber. Dabei wechseln Antiphon, Choralbearbeitung, Chor-Psalmodie und eine Passacaglia einander ab. Es entsteht ein rhythmisch lebhaftes sakrales Werk voller Ausdruckstiefe und herber Klarheit, in dem an alte kirchentonale Psalmtöne anknüpfende melodische Substanz verarbeitet wird. Aber auch Einflüsse des späten Strawinsky sind unverkennbar. Das rund 20-minütige Werk kann wahlweise in deutscher oder englischer Sprache und anstelle des Kammerorchesters auch mit Klavier-/Orgelbegleitung musiziert werden. Es eignet sich natürlich zur Aufführung an einem Stück, kann aber auch – wie bei der Uraufführung geschehen – mit Zwischentexten zum Advent angereichert werden. Zudem ist eine Herauslösung einzelner Abschnitte der Kantate zur musikalischen Gestaltung von Adventsgottesdiensten bei dieser vorweihnachtlichen Komposition durchaus möglich.
Revelation of New Life
Orchestre de chambre

$35.99 33.65 € Orchestre de chambre PDF SheetMusicPlus

0 · 2 (1. auch Engl. Hr.) · 0 · 2 - 0 · 1 · 0 · 0 - Str. (0 · 0 · 2 · 2 · 1) alto-solo, mixed choir and chamber orchestra - intermediate - Digital Download SKU: S9.Q23761 Advent Cantata for alto solo, mixed choir and chamber orchestra. Composed by Bertold Hummel. This edition: set of solo parts. Downloadable, Set of solo parts. Op. 8. Duration 20 minutes. Schott Music - Digital #Q23761. Published by Schott Music - Digital (S9.Q23761). German.Als umfassende, nicht nur chormusikalische Offenbarung erweist sich Bertold Hummels Adventskantate Offenbarung neuen Lebens für Alt-Solo, gemischten Chor und Kammerorchester op. 8. In seinem 1953 im Auftrag des Südwestfunks geschriebenen Werk verarbeitet der 2002 verstorbene Komponist in sechs Abschnitten frühbarocke Kirchenlieder und stellt ihnen Psalm- und Bibelsprüche des Deutschen Psalters von Romano Guardini gegenüber. Dabei wechseln Antiphon, Choralbearbeitung, Chor-Psalmodie und eine Passacaglia einander ab. Es entsteht ein rhythmisch lebhaftes sakrales Werk voller Ausdruckstiefe und herber Klarheit, in dem an alte kirchentonale Psalmtöne anknüpfende melodische Substanz verarbeitet wird. Aber auch Einflüsse des späten Strawinsky sind unverkennbar. Das rund 20-minütige Werk kann wahlweise in deutscher oder englischer Sprache und anstelle des Kammerorchesters auch mit Klavier-/Orgelbegleitung musiziert werden. Es eignet sich natürlich zur Aufführung an einem Stück, kann aber auch – wie bei der Uraufführung geschehen – mit Zwischentexten zum Advent angereichert werden. Zudem ist eine Herauslösung einzelner Abschnitte der Kantate zur musikalischen Gestaltung von Adventsgottesdiensten bei dieser vorweihnachtlichen Komposition durchaus möglich.
Revelation of New Life
Orchestre de chambre

$41.99 39.27 € Orchestre de chambre PDF SheetMusicPlus

0 · 2 (1. auch Engl. Hr.) · 0 · 2 - 0 · 1 · 0 · 0 - Str. (0 · 0 · 2 · 2 · 1) alto-solo, mixed choir and chamber orchestra - intermediate - Digital Download SKU: S9.Q24032 Advent Cantata for alto solo, miced choir and chamber orchestra. Composed by Bertold Hummel. This edition: vocal/piano score. Downloadable, Piano reduction. Op. 8. Duration 20 minutes. Schott Music - Digital #Q24032. Published by Schott Music - Digital (S9.Q24032). German.Als umfassende, nicht nur chormusikalische Offenbarung erweist sich Bertold Hummels Adventskantate Offenbarung neuen Lebens für Alt-Solo, gemischten Chor und Kammerorchester op. 8. In seinem 1953 im Auftrag des Südwestfunks geschriebenen Werk verarbeitet der 2002 verstorbene Komponist in sechs Abschnitten frühbarocke Kirchenlieder und stellt ihnen Psalm- und Bibelsprüche des Deutschen Psalters von Romano Guardini gegenüber. Dabei wechseln Antiphon, Choralbearbeitung, Chor-Psalmodie und eine Passacaglia einander ab. Es entsteht ein rhythmisch lebhaftes sakrales Werk voller Ausdruckstiefe und herber Klarheit, in dem an alte kirchentonale Psalmtöne anknüpfende melodische Substanz verarbeitet wird. Aber auch Einflüsse des späten Strawinsky sind unverkennbar. Das rund 20-minütige Werk kann wahlweise in deutscher oder englischer Sprache und anstelle des Kammerorchesters auch mit Klavier-/Orgelbegleitung musiziert werden. Es eignet sich natürlich zur Aufführung an einem Stück, kann aber auch – wie bei der Uraufführung geschehen – mit Zwischentexten zum Advent angereichert werden. Zudem ist eine Herauslösung einzelner Abschnitte der Kantate zur musikalischen Gestaltung von Adventsgottesdiensten bei dieser vorweihnachtlichen Komposition durchaus möglich.
Revelation of New Life
Orchestre de chambre

$15.99 14.95 € Orchestre de chambre PDF SheetMusicPlus

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