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Chamber Orchestra - Level 5 - Digital Download SKU: A0.890767 Composed by Georg Philipp Telemann. Arranged by Sneakwood Editions. Baroque,Classical. Score and parts. 41 pages. Sneakwood Editions #4781035. Published by Sneakwood Editions (A0.890767). Edition based on Ms. D MÜu, ms. 775Score (20 pages) and Parts (friendly performance edition): Violino principale, Violin I, Violin II, Violin III, Viola, Violoncello and Harpsichord.The Violin Concerto in A major (TWV 51:A4), which has come to light only fairly recently, does not take as its musical model the song of the nightingale (as in ‘La Bizarre’ [TWV 55:G2]) or of the goldfinch (Vivaldi), but the croaking of the common frog, also called ‘Reling’ in certain regions of Germany, whence the concerto’s subtitle. Nothing better could be expected of a composer who found inspiration even in crows and in the out-of-tune playing of village musicians! Although this concerto, which the manuscript attributes to Telemann, bears traces of his personal style, other features, such as the exceptionally high solo part, leave room for doubt. At a structurally important point in the first movement the soloist produces no more than a succession of repeated notes, ‘a-a, a-a’, which infect the other parts as well. Of course, this is the vowel that the frog croaks, given a distinctive tone-colour by use of the open A string and stopped D string. But worse is to come. In the second ritornello the orchestral violins ‘forget’ the beginning of their theme, whilst the cello inappropriately pushes its way into the foreground. The setting of the second movement (Adagio), probably a moonlit stretch of shallow water, then audibly inspires a pair of courting frogs to make sweet music together. We are given the opportunity to rejoice in their croaking offspring in the concluding Menuet and its rapid Double. This movement entirely dispenses with concertante sounds of nature and thereby betrays its origins in the suite, where it always takes its accustomed place in Telemann’s music. If we knew that a satirist was at work in this ‘Relinge’ Concerto, someone who was deliberately exhibiting all these deviations from good taste, then we could infer with some certainty that the composer is indeed Telemann. Since his own concertos ‘smack of France’ (as he puts it in his autobiography of 1718), we may most likely credit him with permitting his not at all ‘sullen old heart’ a little joke at the expense of the relevant concertos of a certain Italian composer… – Peter Huth (trans. Charles Johnston)
Orchestre de chambre

$18.00 17.29 € Orchestre de chambre PDF SheetMusicPlus

Chamber Orchestra - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.976713 Composed by Isaac Watts / Lowell Mason. Arranged by Robert Myers. Christian,Holiday,Love,Sacred. Score and parts. 49 pages. WheatMyer Music #4775721. Published by WheatMyer Music (A0.976713). When I Survey the Wondrous Cross, written by the Father of English Hymnody, Isaac Watts, in 1707 and later matched with Lowell Mason’s 1824 tune, HAMBURG, has long stood at the forefront of English hymnody.This arrangement, taken from my Passion Week cantata, Wounded, Bleeding, Still Proceeding, allows the full talent-spectrum of the Body of Christ to contemplate His sacrifice and offer their devotion.The first two stanzas feature an alto/soprano duet, set in a minor key with frequent diminished and augmented chords to reflect the despair and loss of a witness to the crucifixion. The entire third stanza, set for SATB chorus, never really moves off the F minor tonic until the end. That, and the relentless pounding of the bass line, ponders the witnesses' anguish and our vicarious experience of it through Scripture. So, sing these stanzas sadly – they are sad! When the choir enters, be sure to observe the swelling crescendos/diminuendos as the sorrow and love mingle together.The fourth stanza offers optional congregational participation and may be used to provide a responsorial to the Word of God or a preparation for the Table. The choir sings this stanza in four part harmony as the congregation joins on the melody. It stays in a major key and closely follows the traditional consonances used in Lowell Mason’s harmonization; thus, the choral parts will feel familiar and the congregational melody will flow naturally. Take the text literally (Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all.) and sing it firmly, enthusiastically, passionately, but never triumphantly. Sing it as a song of personal devotion to commit all that you have, all that you are, and all that you will ever be, to the one who humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross (Phil 2:8b) so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him (2 Cor 5:21)The music is well within the grasp of any ensemble competent with traditional SATB anthems. The instrumental accompaniments are straightforward yet very colorful, suitable for high school or higher level players. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross is an unapologetic Christian worship anthem suitable for sacred services, yet it does not compromise on artistic expression.This is the orchestral accompaniment for the choral octavo version sold separately. This version includes full score and all instrumental parts.
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross - Orchestration
Orchestre de chambre

$60.00 57.63 € Orchestre de chambre PDF SheetMusicPlus

Chamber Orchestra - Level 5 - Digital Download SKU: A0.533578 Composed by Carson Cooman. Christian,Contemporary,Spiritual. Score and parts. 189 pages. Musik Fabrik Music Publishing #3025409. Published by Musik Fabrik Music Publishing (A0.533578). The Acts of the Apostles (2009), an oratorio for baritone, chorus, congregation/audience, and chamber orchestra (piano, organ, strings-suggested minimum of,was commissioned by The Memorial Church at Harvard University. It is dedicated to Edward Elwyn Jones and theHarvard University Choir.The biblical books of Luke and Acts form a pair of documents from a single author and with a single audience (thelikely-metaphorical “Theophilusâ€), yet they are unusual for being composed in such contrasting genres. Luke’sgospel, using Mark as a primary source throughout, features a comparable literary style to that of the otherevangelists. Acts, by contrast, is a historical monograph that charts the birth of the Church with dramatic storiesabout—and speeches from—the apostles, painting a vivid, if not necessarily chronological, picture of their victoriesand struggles. As such, it is a book that provides excellent source material for a dramatic choral libretto of this scale.Although much of Acts is focused on the ministry of Saul/Paul, this oratorio draws most of its material from thefirst third of the book, prior to and including the conversion of Saul. In the Prologue, Christ’s ascension is narratedand—following an orchestral Sinfonia—the chorus sings words of Jesus from the Sermon on the Plain in Luke’sgospel that foreshadow many of the trials the apostles go on to face. The astounding account of Pentecost follows:here, words from the book of Ruth, customarily read on the feast of Shavuot (Pentecost), are included, telling thestory of a Moabite woman who converted to the Israelite faith—a parallel to the expansion of the Christian messageto all nations by the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Prayer for Boldness, quoting Psalm 2, asks God for protection fromthe threats of persecution that the apostles will now face.Stephen, regarded as the proto-martyr of the Christian Church, offers one of the most developed speeches in Acts,only a small portion of which is presented here. Full of scriptural references, including the quotation from Isaiah“Heaven is my throne…â€, the end of the narrative is remarkable for two reasons: firstly, Stephen’s final wordsmirror those of Christ on the cross in Luke’s gospel—where Jesus forgives his executioners and prays “Father, intoyour hands I commend my spirit†(Luke 23:46); secondly, Saul is specifically mentioned as one who approved ofStephen’s stoning, indicative of the redemptive possibilities of the Christian message.The account of the baptism of the Ethiopian eunuch here in the oratorio ends with the First Song of Isaiah—whilenot quoted in Acts, it seems a fitting conclusion to the scene as Philip and the eunuch were reading Isaiah together,and the canticle has often been associated by Christians with the rite of baptism. Similarly, the story of Saul’sConversion is followed here by a Christological poem found in Paul’s letter to the Philippians, though it is likely aquotation from an earlier source. It is often regarded as the earliest extant Christian hymn.The Acts of the Apostles concludes with Luke’s realistic assessment that in spite of Paul’s energetic evangelism manyremained unconvinced by the Christian message. At the heart of both Luke’s gospel and Acts is the tension betweenthe uniquely important role of the Jewish traditions that Jesus himself practiced and the expansion of the gospel togentiles, of whom Luke himself is one. It is appropriate, therefore, to follow Paul’s message of salvation to thegentiles with the Magnificat: a canticle that emphasizes the promises of God to the people of Israel throughouthistory.Three traditional hymn texts are found in the oratorio, each set congregationally to a pre-existing tune. The first,“Spirit of mercy, truth, and love†is an eighteenth century poem that e.
Carson Cooman: The Acts of the Apostles (2009), an oratorio for baritone, chorus, congregation/audie
Orchestre de chambre

$25.95 24.93 € Orchestre de chambre PDF SheetMusicPlus

Chamber Orchestra - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.944034 Composed by Music and James Joyce, Ofer Ben-Amots, and Poetry (our of Chamber Music). Contemporary. Score and parts. 127 pages. The Composer's Own Press #4615369. Published by The Composer's Own Press (A0.944034). Ben-Amots: The Joyce Cycle (1986) James Joyce's collection of 36 love poems titled Chamber Music has been a source of inspiration to many composers. From these, Ben-Amots has set nine for medium voice and piano (later orchestrated--see below), in a style he characterizes as neo-romantic to match the deliberate archaicism of Joyce's language. The songs are meant to be sung as a complete cycle, but these complex and beautiful settings may be performed independently. Shortly after composing the cycle, Ben-Amots orchestrated it, and he now considers the orchestral version to have priority. Deftly and lightly scored (winds in pairs, no heavy brass), this version sounds strikingly Mahlerian in places. 1. O Sweetheart... The lover finds solace in love when friends him fail. 2. My love is in a light attire... He admires the sight of his love walking through an orchard. 3. My dove my beautiful one... In language reminiscent of the Song of Songs, he bids her arise.  4. Rain has fallen... They seek shelter on a rainy day. 5. Sleep Now, O Sleep Now... The lover's unquiet heart is calmed with a kiss. 6. It was out by Donnycarney... A cheerful folksong, sealed with another kiss. 7. Winds of May... By the turbulent sea, the loved one has disappeared. 8. I Hear an Army... Giving way to despair the lover dreams of an army ferociously charging up out of the depths. But... 9. From Dewy dreams... It was just a dream, after all. For part and performance materials please contact * The poems, out of James Joyce’s Chamber Music, are in the public domain.Duration: ~ 25 min.Performance material by rental only! For demo recording, questions, or any additional information please e-mail Ofer Ben-Amots at:  
The Joyce Cycle, for voice and orchestra
Orchestre de chambre
the turbulent sea, the loved one has disappeared

$54.00 51.87 € Orchestre de chambre PDF SheetMusicPlus

Chamber Orchestra - Digital Download SKU: A0.944036 Composed by Ofer Ben-Amots. Contemporary,Jewish,World. Score and parts. 124 pages. The Composer's Own Press #4627681. Published by The Composer's Own Press (A0.944036). Kantes del verdgel de granadas – Songs from the Pomegranate Garden A Judeo-Spanish song cycle for solo voice and chamber symphony orchestra Composer’s notes: Kantes del verdgel de granadas, or in its English translation: Songs from the Pomegranate Garden, is a cycle of five songs in the Judeo-Spanish dialect, also known as Ladino. The texts, based on folk-poetry, are magical, passionate, and encompass a wide range of human emotions and experiences. We can find in them love and longing, sorrow and death, lightheartedness and folly, as well as burning love and even sexual innuendo. The vocal part portrays different stories and a variety of human characters in each of the five songs. It, thus, ranges in expression from parlando secco to lirico espressivo. The role of the orchestra in this cycle is more than just an accompaniment; it converses with the voice, adds colors and ambience, and serves as a commentary over the sung text. Thus, the orchestral part is equal to, or at times even more predominant than the voice itself. The initiative to write this composition came in response to a specific cultural approach by which creativity based on traditional Judaic material should correspond to four stages in the artistic process: Exploration, Preservation, Interpretation, and Innovation (as translated by the Hebrew terms: חידוש – פירוש – שימור – חיפוש). The main idea behind this initiative was to conserve crucial elements within traditional Jewish folk music, and then, bring about their revival as art music through new contemporary interpretations. Thus, the musical arrangement is partially based on the traditional Ladino tunes and partially original. However, phrases based on old Ladino melodies are starkly modified and composed in such way to completely evoke personal imagery and interpretation. The songs I selected for the cycle were taken from the four-volume collection: Chants judéo-espagnols by Isaac Levy. My criteria for the selection was finding lesser-known melodies, yet most intriguing ones and with a strong Judeo-Spanish character. The five songs have various degrees of arrangement vs. original composition: songs 2 and 3, Mi korason and Entre las huertas, for example, are almost unchanged, while songs 1 and 4, Dos amantes and Malato ‘sta el hijo del rey, heavily combine the old Ladino romancero melodies with originally composed material. The concluding song (Nr. 5) is entirely original, but correspond stylistically to the Judeo-Spanish musical language. While all five songs are secular in nature, the ballad Malato ‘sta el hijo del rey (The King’s Son is Ill) has been traditionally sung - according to Isaac Levy - on the night of Tisha B’Av along the scroll of Eicha to bemoan the destruction of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. The Judeo-Spanish text of the songs can be found below along with its English translation.   Duration: ca. 24 min.Performance material by rental only! For demo recording, questions, or any additional information please e-mail Ofer Ben-Amots at:
Songs from the Pomegranate Garden (Kantes del Verdjel de Granadas)
Orchestre de chambre

$54.00 51.87 € Orchestre de chambre PDF SheetMusicPlus

Chamber Orchestra - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.747302 Composed by Joseph Eastburn Winner (1837-1918). Arranged by Keith Terrett. 20th Century,Jazz,Multicultural,World. 48 pages. Keith Terrett #1934279. Published by Keith Terrett (A0.747302). An arrangement of four popular jazz classics namely ''Little Brown Jug'', '' Frankie and Johnny'', ''Tin Roof Blues'' & the ''Battle Hymn of the Republic'' (Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory). A great selection for your orchestra's next performance and not too difficult, the audience and players should enjoy the jazzy tunes presented in this arrangement. For more of my original music, great arrangements and all the national anthems of the world, check out my on-line stores: Need an anthem fast? They are ALL in my store! All my anthem arrangements are also available for Orchestra, Recorders, Saxophones, Wind, Brass and Flexible band. If you need an anthem urgently for an instrumentation not in my store, let me know via e-mail, and I will arrange it for you FOC if possible! Joseph Eastburn Winner (1837-1918), Trad, Composed by Paul Mares, Ben Pollack, Mel Stitzel, George Brunies and Leon Roppolo/Richard M. Jones?Composed by Julia Ward Howe (1819 – 1910).
Four Early Jazz Favourites from the USA for String Orchestra ''Jazz for 5 Strings Series''
Orchestre de chambre

$17.99 17.28 € Orchestre de chambre PDF SheetMusicPlus

Chamber Orchestra - Level 5 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1126491 Composed by Igor Korneitchouk. 20th Century,Contemporary. Score and parts. 111 pages. Studio at the Post #727166. Published by Studio at the Post (A0.1126491). Parts only (see A727154 for Score). Duration: 11 - 12 minutes, 23 Parts including soloist, parts averaging 3 -5 pp., soloist part 9 pp. Description: In Korneitchouk's mischievously titled quasi-concerto for saxophone and orchestra, The Disqualification of Harry Semantix as Trial Juror for East County, the concept of Truth and Lie is explored musically, as well as metaphorically implying something deeper. The Truth (the opening theme after an introduction pieces it together) is slowly mutated into its opposite, the Lie -- upside down, backward, twice as long and strident (the closing theme just before the double cadenza at the end of the piece). The double cadenza, is in fact a cadenza for the saxophone played over a wild orchestral stretto -- a kind of orchestral cadenza -- both simultaneously intoning bits and pieces of either theme, and seems to ask: Can Truth coexist with its Lie? or perhaps, Can Truth exist without its Lie? The first incarnation of The Disqualification of Harry... (available on CD from Old King Cole Productions) appears as a duo for saxophone and piano and has only more recently been orchestrated. The composer tells us that the idea for this piece initially germinated from his own frustrations of having to serve jury duty and being disqualified as a potential juror for answering honestly during jury selection. East County is to be understood as Any County..
The Disqualification of Harry Semantix as Trial Juror for East County (Parts only)
Orchestre de chambre

$5.02 4.82 € Orchestre de chambre PDF SheetMusicPlus

Chamber Orchestra - Level 5 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1126484 Composed by Igor Korneitchouk. 20th Century,Contemporary. Score and parts. 40 pages. Studio at the Post #727154. Published by Studio at the Post (A0.1126484). Score only (see A727154 for Parts) Duration: 11 - 12 minutes, 37 pp. Description: In Korneitchouk's mischievously titled quasi-concerto for saxophone and orchestra, The Disqualification of Harry Semantix as Trial Juror for East County, the concept of Truth and Lie is explored musically, as well as metaphorically implying something deeper. The Truth (the opening theme after an introduction pieces it together) is slowly mutated into its opposite, the Lie -- upside down, backward, twice as long and strident (the closing theme just before the double cadenza at the end of the piece). The double cadenza, is in fact a cadenza for the saxophone played over a wild orchestral stretto -- a kind of orchestral cadenza -- both simultaneously intoning bits and pieces of either theme, and seems to ask: Can Truth coexist with its Lie? or perhaps, Can Truth exist without its Lie? The first incarnation of The Disqualification of Harry... (available on CD from Old King Cole Productions) appears as a duo for saxophone and piano and has only more recently been orchestrated. The composer tells us that the idea for this piece initially germinated from his own frustrations of having to serve jury duty and being disqualified as a potential juror for answering honestly during jury selection. East County is to be understood as Any County..
The Disqualification of Harry Semantix as Trial Juror for East County - Score Only
Orchestre de chambre

$15.04 14.45 € Orchestre de chambre PDF SheetMusicPlus

Chamber Orchestra - Level 5 - Digital Download SKU: A0.551487 Composed by Antonio Vivaldi. Arranged by James Guthrie, ASCAP. Baroque,Concert,Instructional,Standards,Wedding. Score and parts. 282 pages. Jmsgu3 #5306251. Published by jmsgu3 (A0.551487). Antonio Vivaldi (1676-1741) The Four Seasons Complete, Op. 8 No. 1-4Contents:SPRINGSpring from the Four Seasons (RV269; Op. 8, No. 1) Score: 23 pages. Duration ca. 10:42I. Allegro - Spring has returned. Song of the Birds. All is gay, and the birds sing happily.FLOWING FOUNTAINS: Fountains play in the breeze, constantly moving.THUNDER: The skies are dark; lightning flashes and thunder roars.SONG OF THE BIRDS: After the storm, the birds return with their song.II. Largo - THE SLEEPING GOATHERD: On the flowered meadow, the goatherd and his dog roam among the blossoming trees. The Barking DogsIII. Allegro - PASTORAL DANCE: Nymphs and shepherds dance to the bagpipes under the beautiful skies of spring.SUMMERVivaldi: Summer from the Four Seasons, Op. 8 No. 2 (RV315) Score: 31 pages, Duration: ca 10:00, 3 movements
Vivaldi: The Four Seasons Complete for Flute & String Quartet
Orchestre de chambre

$59.95 57.58 € Orchestre de chambre PDF SheetMusicPlus

Chamber Orchestra - Level 5 - Digital Download SKU: A0.551459 Composed by Antonio Vivaldi. Arranged by James M. Guthrie, ASCAP. Baroque,Instructional,Standards,Wedding. Score and Parts. 59 pages. Jmsgu3 #5219169. Published by jmsgu3 (A0.551459). Antonio Vivaldi (1676-1741) Spring from the Four Seasons (RV269; Op. 8, No. 1) Score: 23 pages. Duration ca. 10:42Contents:I. Allegro - Spring has returned. Song of the Birds. All is gay, and the birds sing happily.FLOWING FOUNTAINS: Fountains play in the breeze, constantly moving.THUNDER: The skies are dark; lightning flashes and thunder roars.SONG OF THE BIRDS: After the storm, the birds return with their song.II. Largo - THE SLEEPING GOATHERD: On the flowered meadow, the goatherd and his dog roam among the blossoming trees. The Barking DogsIII. Allegro - PASTORAL DANCE: Nymphs and shepherds dance to the bagpipes under the beautiful skies of spring.
Vivaldi: Spring from the Four Seasons for Flute & String Quartet
Orchestre de chambre

$49.95 47.98 € Orchestre de chambre PDF SheetMusicPlus

Chamber Orchestra - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.530757 Composed by Traditional. Arranged by Daniel Kelley. Gospel,Sacred,Spiritual,Standards. Score and parts. 30 pages. Last Resort Music Publishing #6065337. Published by Last Resort Music Publishing (A0.530757). JUST A CLOSER WALK WITH THEE is a traditional gospel song which has been performed and recorded by literally hundreds of artists. The title and lyrics of the song allude to the Biblical passage from 2 Corinthians 5:7 which states, We walk by faith, not by sight and James 4:8, Come near to God and He will come near to you.An amazing resource for any musician, Music for Four is perfect for String Quartet, Mixed Quartet, Three Violins & Cello, Piano Quartet & More! Comes with score and 6 interchangeable parts - the keyboard/guitar part encompasses parts 2, 3 and 4. Therefore, the arrangements could be played as a piano quartet, or an entire quartet could play with a pianist - as long as Part 1 is being played.Set of 11 Parts plus ScorePart 1 Flute or Oboe or ViolinPart 1 Clarinet in BbPart 2 Flute or Oboe or ViolinPart 2 Clarinet in BbPart 3 ViolaPart 3 Violin Part 3 Clarinet in BbPart 3 English Horn or French Horn in FPart 4 Cello or BassoonPart 4 Bass Clarinet in BbKeyboard or GuitarScore (Parts 1-4 in C)
Just A Closer Walk With Thee for String Quartet or Wind Quartet (Mixed Quartet, Double Reed Quartet,
Orchestre de chambre

$9.95 9.56 € Orchestre de chambre PDF SheetMusicPlus

2 Fl. · 2 Ob. · 1 Fg. - Cemb. - Str. (5 · 4 · 3 · 2 · 1) [mit modernen oder barocken Instrumenten aufführbar] violin and chamber orchestra - Digital Download SKU: S9.Q47444 Concertino for violin and chamber orchestra. Composed by Christian Jost. This edition: piano reduction with solo part. Violin Library. Downloadable, Piano reduction with solo part. Duration 18 minutes. Schott Music - Digital #Q47444. Published by Schott Music - Digital (S9.Q47444). Zauberei, Magie, Mythen, Legenden, dies sind die großen Themen barocker Opern – Ausdruck der Sehnsucht jener Zeit, sich durch die Illusion der Oper dem Phantastischen hingeben zu können. Diese unverkennbare Parallele zu unserer Gegenwart ist die Grundlage einer tiefgreifenden kompositorischen und inhaltlichen Auseinandersetzung mit Stoffen und Gesten der Alten Musik, die mich zu einer Reihe von Werken anregt. Sie wird mit dem Zaubergarten – Concertino für Violine und Kammerorchester gleichsam eröffnet. Die vier Sätze „erwacht – verzaubert – bedroht – entschwunden“, deren jeweilige atmosphärische Struktur von der Solo-Violine charakterisiert wird (darin ähnlich den vivaldinischen Vier Jahreszeiten), durchlaufen unterschiedliche Stadien der Idiome „Alter Musik“, um sie durch das Prisma unserer Zeit unverbraucht und „magisch“ erscheinen zu lassen. So kann sich der Konzertmeister oder ein Gastsolist auf die Pfade des „Zaubergartens“ begeben, sie lenken oder sich dahintreibend in das Geschehen einfügen. Christian Jost, Mai 2011Die vier Sätze „erwacht – verzaubert – bedroht – entschwunden“, deren jeweilige atmosphärische Struktur von der Solo-Violine charakterisiert wird (ähnlich den vivaldinischen Vier Jahreszeiten), durchlaufen unterschiedliche Stadien der Idiome „Alter Musik, um sie durch das Prisma unserer Zeit unverbraucht und „magisch erscheinen zu lassen. So kann sich der Konzertmeister oder ein Gastsolist auf die Pfade des „Zaubergartens begeben, sie lenken oder sich dahintreibend in das Geschehen einfügen. Christian Jost.
The Enchanted Garden
Orchestre de chambre

$36.99 35.53 € Orchestre de chambre PDF SheetMusicPlus

Chamber Orchestra - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.735591 Composed by Johannes Brahms. Arranged by Andrew Middleton. Romantic Period,World. Score and parts. 11 pages. Andrew Middleton #5033527. Published by Andrew Middleton (A0.735591). Brahms Hungarian Dances have always been crowd pleasers (both versions for piano duet and orchestra). This arrangement was created for Ensemble Kyma (check out their Facebook page to be used in an up and coming they have.As F sharp minor is not the most pleasant of keys there is also version available in G minor for the same instrumentation.For more updates on new arrangements follow my Facebook page on  Or subscribe to my Youtube page at
Hungarian Dance No. 5 in F Sharp Minor arranged for Flute, Harp, Violin, Viola & Cello
Orchestre de chambre

$8.99 8.64 € Orchestre de chambre PDF SheetMusicPlus

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