Cello Solo - Digital Download SKU: A0.961997 Composed by Ma Shui Long 馬水龍. 20th Century,Contemporary. Individual part. 17 pages. SpringAutumnmusic #2341883. Published by SpringAutumnmusic (A0.961997). 《水墨畫之冥想》(九支大提琴室內樂曲) 1994年 作曲者自幼喜愛繪畫與音樂。爾後,雖然選擇了音樂為終身志業,但對繪畫的興趣與狂熱,始終有增無減。在已完成的音樂作品中,幾首均與繪畫有密切的關係。作曲者認為,所有的藝術創作,雖然因其使用的素材不同或表現的技法相異,但最後所要呈現的藝術本質,應是殊途同歸,音樂與繪畫更是不例外。 本曲創作的動機,來自於傳統水墨畫中的「虛實相生」觀念。古人笪重光「畫筌」云:實處之妙,皆因虛處而生,也就是無虛不易顯實,無空不能存虛。無疏不能成密,無密不能見疏,是以虛實相生,疏密相用。作曲者試圖以此繪畫手法,呈現在此首樂曲結構中,如時間與空間的對比,織度與密度的互換,實體與空靈的轉變等,以求音畫之意境。 ※本曲由文建會委託創作,首演於1995年11月25日於國家演奏廳,由財團法人邱再興文教基金會主辦之「春秋樂集95秋 · 室內樂之夜」。由涂惠民擔任指揮,大提琴演奏家為孫琬玲、黃智瑛、鄭佩玲、曾史妃、洪婉容、黃韻宇、劉姝嫥、蘇千芳、王佩瑜。 《Meditation on Ink Painting》for Nine Cellos (1994) Music and painting are two beloved arts for Professor Ma since he was a kid. Even he finally decided devoted to music composing for his life, he always had the passion for painting. Several Professor Ma’s compositions were highly inspired from the concepts and techniques of painting. Professor Ma believed that all the arts, although they present differently on the usages of materials or techniques, the essence and highest acheivement of all arts must be the same, including both music and painting. Meditation on Paintings in Ink was directly inspired by the techniques of Chinese traditional ink painting and the concept of the mutuality in virtuality and reality. The composer attempted to transform the philosophy that derive from the virtuality-reality relationship into the composition, presented it as the contrast between time and space, the alternation of texture and density, or, the changing of emptiness and fullness, etc., in order to establish an artistic atmosphere of musical painting. Meditation on Paintings in Ink was commissioned by the Council for Cultural Affairs, premiered in the National Concert Hall, on 25th of November 1995. It was programed in the Euterpe: Spring and Autumn concert series Autumn 1995: A Night of Chamber Music, held by the Chew’s Culture Foundation. The world premiere was conducted by Hwei-Ming Twu and the nine cellists were Wan-Ling Sun, Jyh-Ing Huang, Pei-Ling Cheng (Yi-Chin Cheng) , Shih-Fei Tseng, Wan-Rong Hung, Yun-Yu Huang, Chu-Chuan Liu, Monica C.F. Su and Pei-Yu Wang.