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4613 partitions trouvées

Instrumental Duet Bass Clarinet,Instrumental Duet - Level 5 - Digital Download SKU: A0.913608 Composed by James Marshall. 20th Century,World. Score and parts. 2 pages. James Marshall Music #3410345. Published by James Marshall Music (A0.913608). Cantos (I-IX) were composed in 1977 and revised in 2017.They are for solo clarinet or bass clarinet for all levels: student, leisure playing, andconcert. Although they were originally used with school students in the Greater Dallasarea, they are intended for concert and leisure playing also. Each Canto (song) has aunique melodic ambience and musical palate. Canto III.1 (Three-point one) extends the rangeabove the break creating an expanded musical sound as well as technical challenge.small set of songs.
Canto III.1 for Soprano and Bass Clarinets
2 Clarinettes (duo)

$2.99 2.76 € 2 Clarinettes (duo) PDF SheetMusicPlus

Instrumental Duet Bass Clarinet,Instrumental Duet - Level 5 - Digital Download SKU: A0.913610 Composed by James Marshall. 20th Century,World. Score and parts. 2 pages. James Marshall Music #3410349. Published by James Marshall Music (A0.913610). Cantos (I-IX) were composed in 1977 and revised in 2017.They are for solo clarinet or bass clarinet for all levels: student, leisure playing, andconcert. Although they were originally used with school students in the Greater Dallasarea, they are intended for concert and leisure playing also. Each Canto (song) has aunique melodic ambience and musical palate. Canto IV.1 (Four-point one) extends the rangeabove the break creating an expanded musical sound as well as technical challenge.
Canto IV.1 for Soprano and Bass Clarinets
2 Clarinettes (duo)

$2.99 2.76 € 2 Clarinettes (duo) PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir,Choral,SATB Chorus - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1454212 Composed by Baden Powell De Aquino and Vinicius De Moraes. Arranged by Lanna Zita. A Cappella,Folk,Jazz,Latin,Multicultural,World. 6 pages. Lanna Zita #1033339. Published by Lanna Zita (A0.1454212). Si vous tombez sur cette partition, chef.fe de chœur ou choriste, c’est que vous aimez la musique brésilienne et ses chansons. Mais peut-être n’en connaissez vous que quelques unes du même style et voulez-vous trouver des pistes vers un autre Brésil en renouvelant votre répertoire ? Ou encore craignez-vous de chanter en chœur un genre réputé difficile du point de vue de la langue comme de son écriture rythmique ? Cet arrangement, pour 4 voix, est issu d'un recueil de 18 chansons incluant partitions et conducteurs, leurs textes et traductions, une partie Ressources et un CD (soundcloud accessible en lien) pour vous accompagner dans le chant brésilien.Découvrez Brasilear meu coro disponible sur commande à
Canto De Yemanja
Chorale SATB

$2.00 1.84 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (SATB) - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.934267 Composed by Nicola Vaccaj. Arranged by Antonio Cericola. Instructional,Opera,Standards. Octavo. 200 pages. Antonio Cericola #6328707. Published by Antonio Cericola (A0.934267). La nuovissima edizione di questo metodo storico include i componimenti scritti per tutte le estensioni vocali in tre tonalità diverse. Questa comodità sarà senz’altro utile non solo ai pianisti accompagnatori (che avranno a portata di mano la stessa aria già trasposta), ma anche agli insegnanti. Gli allievi, inoltre, potrebbero esercitare la stessa lezione in tonalità diverse per fini didattici e musicali. Ogni arietta è corredata da note storiche, da consigli interpretativi e da note autografe (ove presenti indicate in corsivo) del Vaccaj stesso. Al fine di suggerire ai cantori la giusta dizione italiana, tutti versi del Metastasio sono stati riscritti con gli accenti ortoepici correttamente segnati su tutte le parole di dubbia pronuncia italiana. Sono altresì indicati i raddoppiamenti fonosintattici. Una legenda ortoepica precede il metodo. Nell’appendice sono incluse sia le note storiche dettagliate di ciascuna opera da cui sono tratti i versi, sia la serie degli intervalli da cantare che il Vaccaj scrisse per le storiche edizioni. Di questi solfeggi cantati è stato realizzato anche il basso continuo per agevolarne l’esecuzione ai giovani pianisti. Questa nuova edizione completa dell’opera, curata nella veste grafica ed impaginata ex novo per una lettura più agevole e chiara, è arricchita ulteriormente dalla preziosa presentazione del M°Antonio Juvarra.This new edition of this historical method includes compositions written for all vocal extensions in three different keys.This convenience will certainly be useful not only to accompanying pianists, but also to teachers. Pupils also could practice the same lesson in different keys for educational and musical purposes. Each arietta is accompanied by historical notes, interpretative advice and handwritten notes (where present indicate in italics) by Vaccaj himself. All the verses of Metastasio have been rewritten with the orthoepic accents correctly marked on all words of dubious Italian pronunciation. The phonosyntactic doublings are also indicated. An orthoepic legend precedes the method. The appendix includes both the detailed historical notes of each work from which the verses are taken, and the series of intervals to be sung that Vaccaj wrote for the historical editions. The basso continuo has also been made of these sung solfeggios to facilitate their performance by young pianists. This new complete edition of the work, edited in the graphics and paginated from scratch for easier and clearer reading, is further enriched by the precious presentation of Maestro Antonio Juvarra.
VACCAJ - Metodo pratico di canto: Edizione completa di tutte le estensioni vocali con note storiche
Chorale SATB

$14.99 13.82 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Instrumental Duet,Piano Guitar,Instrumental Duet,Piano,Ukulele - Level 1 - Digital Download SKU: A0.933343 Composed by Multiple composers. Arranged by Rosa Linda González. Christmas,Instructional,Praise & Worship. 276 pages. Juan Carlos Guerra Gonzalez #6745487. Published by Juan Carlos Guerra Gonzalez (A0.933343). Alabemos al Señor - Recopilación de cantos Católicos para misasEs una colección de cantos religiosos católicos de diferentes épocas y pertenecientes a diferentes autores que nos han dejado un legado importante en la música de la Iglesia y que a través del tiempo se han ido creando para ser utilizados en celebraciones eucarísticas, convivios, retiros, grupos de evangelización, ministerios de alabanza o para el crecimiento espiritual de aquellos que se gozan en la alabanza a Dios. La cantidad de Música católica existente es muy vasta y aquí presentamos sólo una pequeña parte .Es bueno recordar que siempre los cantos de la misa deben adecuarse a los tiempos litúrgicos y a las lecturas que se desarrollan cada día.Existen varias versiones acerca de la tonalidad con que se presentan los cantos , pero, como es sabido, se pueden ejecutar en cualquier tonalidad.Los nombres de algunos autores han sido escritos aquí; hay otros cantos de los cuales se desconoce su autoría , sin embargo han llegado a ser parte de un gran legado de la música en la iglesia .Para facilitar la ejecución de los cantos, hemos incluido la tabla de acordes principales de guitarra, teclado y ukelele.Los derechos de autor pertenecen a cada uno de sus autores, mientras que la recopilación y las acordes presentados aquí son fruto del trabajo de la profesora Rosa Linda González. En este sentido la autora no pretende violentar los derechos de autor y agradecemos que el material no se copie ni se distribuya libremente sin la autorización previa de la autora.  
Alabemos al Señor - Recopilación de cantos Católicos

$39.99 36.87 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Flute Duet Flute - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1182925 By Helene Schulthess. By Helene Schulthess. Arranged by Helene Schulthess. Chamber,Contest,Festival,Folk,Patriotic,Traditional. Score. 5 pages. Helene Schulthess #782678. Published by Helene Schulthess (A0.1182925). You can purchase all 26 folkdances for 30 $ under this link: document contents 26 folk dances for two flutes (49 pages) and a score (52 pages)Swiss folk music is very lively. Its diversity reflects the small regional and cultural spaces of Switzerland. Influences from other European countries have also shaped this kind of music since the early 19th century. Polka and Mazurka have their roots in Poland, the Scottish in Scotland. The music has been passed on by word of mouth or has been written down in musicians’ notebooks.Between 1940 and 1960, the ethnomusicologist Hanny Christen travelled through Switzerland and collected thousands of melodies from the period between 1800 and 1960. The musicians played or sang in front of her. Some permitted her to write off their own hand-written dance booklets in full. In 1956, Hanny Christen began to record this music with a tape recorder. It is thanks to her that over 12,000 instrumental dance movements of Switzerland and many other pieces of tradition (costumes, biographies, musical instruments etc.) were saved from being forgotten.The instruments used in traditional folk music vary depending on the type of dance and region. Flutes are more or less non-existent. The author would like to fill a gap with this publication. She has therefore adapted one folk dance per canton from the Hanny Christen-collection* for two flutes. The pieces from the cantons of Basel City, Thurgau and Geneva do not come from this source, though.The melodies from the other 23 cantons are taken unchanged from the collection. The second voice was not always composed quite traditional. The melody follows - if possible - a contrapuntal melody of its own and is directed to the flute (difficulty grade 3 +).The editor, Helene Schulthess, is a flutist with a wide repertoire. She lives in Switzerland. She performs as a soloist, makes chamber music and is active as a music teacher. She is involved in various musical projects (* Swiss Folk Music Collection. The dance music of Switzerland of the 19th and first half of the 20th century. From the estate of Hanny Christen. Edited by Fabian Müller under the auspices of the Society for Folk Music in Switzerland (GVS/SMPS). Music print. Mülirad, Zürich 2002.
Swiss Folk Dance for two flutes and piano – 25 Canton Wallis – Walzer
2 Flûtes traversières, Piano
Helene Schulthess
$6.00 5.53 € 2 Flûtes traversières, Piano PDF SheetMusicPlus

Flute Duet Flute - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1176752 By Helene Schulthess. By Helene Schulthess. Arranged by Helene Schulthess. Chamber,Contest,Festival,Folk,Patriotic,Traditional. Score. 4 pages. Helene Schulthess #776833. Published by Helene Schulthess (A0.1176752). You can purchase all 26 folkdances for 30 $ under this link: document contents 26 folk dances for two flutes (49 pages) and a score (52 pages)Swiss folk music is very lively. Its diversity reflects the small regional and cultural spaces of Switzerland. Influences from other European countries have also shaped this kind of music since the early 19th century. Polka and Mazurka have their roots in Poland, the Scottish in Scotland. The music has been passed on by word of mouth or has been written down in musicians’ notebooks.Between 1940 and 1960, the ethnomusicologist Hanny Christen travelled through Switzerland and collected thousands of melodies from the period between 1800 and 1960. The musicians played or sang in front of her. Some permitted her to write off their own hand-written dance booklets in full. In 1956, Hanny Christen began to record this music with a tape recorder. It is thanks to her that over 12,000 instrumental dance movements of Switzerland and many other pieces of tradition (costumes, biographies, musical instruments etc.) were saved from being forgotten.The instruments used in traditional folk music vary depending on the type of dance and region. Flutes are more or less non-existent. The author would like to fill a gap with this publication. She has therefore adapted one folk dance per canton from the Hanny Christen-collection* for two flutes. The pieces from the cantons of Basel City, Thurgau and Geneva do not come from this source, though.The melodies from the other 23 cantons are taken unchanged from the collection. The second voice was not always composed quite traditional. The melody follows - if possible - a contrapuntal melody of its own and is directed to the flute (difficulty grade 3 +).The editor, Helene Schulthess, is a flutist with a wide repertoire. She lives in Switzerland. She performs as a soloist, makes chamber music and is active as a music teacher. She is involved in various musical projects (* Swiss Folk Music Collection. The dance music of Switzerland of the 19th and first half of the 20th century. From the estate of Hanny Christen. Edited by Fabian Müller under the auspices of the Society for Folk Music in Switzerland (GVS/SMPS). Music print. Mülirad, Zürich 2002.
Swiss Folk Dance for two flutes and piano – 2 Canton Bern – Polka
2 Flûtes traversières, Piano
Helene Schulthess
$6.00 5.53 € 2 Flûtes traversières, Piano PDF SheetMusicPlus

Flute Duet Flute - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1182926 By Helene Schulthess. By Helene Schulthess. Arranged by Helene Schulthess. Chamber,Contest,Festival,Folk,Patriotic,Traditional. Score. 4 pages. Helene Schulthess #782679. Published by Helene Schulthess (A0.1182926). You can purchase all 26 folkdances for 30 $ under this link: document contents 26 folk dances for two flutes (49 pages) and a score (52 pages)Swiss folk music is very lively. Its diversity reflects the small regional and cultural spaces of Switzerland. Influences from other European countries have also shaped this kind of music since the early 19th century. Polka and Mazurka have their roots in Poland, the Scottish in Scotland. The music has been passed on by word of mouth or has been written down in musicians’ notebooks.Between 1940 and 1960, the ethnomusicologist Hanny Christen travelled through Switzerland and collected thousands of melodies from the period between 1800 and 1960. The musicians played or sang in front of her. Some permitted her to write off their own hand-written dance booklets in full. In 1956, Hanny Christen began to record this music with a tape recorder. It is thanks to her that over 12,000 instrumental dance movements of Switzerland and many other pieces of tradition (costumes, biographies, musical instruments etc.) were saved from being forgotten.The instruments used in traditional folk music vary depending on the type of dance and region. Flutes are more or less non-existent. The author would like to fill a gap with this publication. She has therefore adapted one folk dance per canton from the Hanny Christen-collection* for two flutes. The pieces from the cantons of Basel City, Thurgau and Geneva do not come from this source, though.The melodies from the other 23 cantons are taken unchanged from the collection. The second voice was not always composed quite traditional. The melody follows - if possible - a contrapuntal melody of its own and is directed to the flute (difficulty grade 3 +).The editor, Helene Schulthess, is a flutist with a wide repertoire. She lives in Switzerland. She performs as a soloist, makes chamber music and is active as a music teacher. She is involved in various musical projects (* Swiss Folk Music Collection. The dance music of Switzerland of the 19th and first half of the 20th century. From the estate of Hanny Christen. Edited by Fabian Müller under the auspices of the Society for Folk Music in Switzerland (GVS/SMPS). Music print. Mülirad, Zürich 2002.
Swiss Folk Dance for two flutes and piano – 26 Canton Tessin – Monferina
2 Flûtes traversières, Piano
Helene Schulthess
$6.00 5.53 € 2 Flûtes traversières, Piano PDF SheetMusicPlus

Flute Duet Flute - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1182889 By Helene Schulthess. By Helene Schulthess. Arranged by Helene Schulthess. Chamber,Contest,Festival,Folk,Patriotic,Traditional. Score. 4 pages. Helene Schulthess #782637. Published by Helene Schulthess (A0.1182889). You can purchase all 26 folkdances for 30 $ under this link: document contents 26 folk dances for two flutes (49 pages) and a score (52 pages)Swiss folk music is very lively. Its diversity reflects the small regional and cultural spaces of Switzerland. Influences from other European countries have also shaped this kind of music since the early 19th century. Polka and Mazurka have their roots in Poland, the Scottish in Scotland. The music has been passed on by word of mouth or has been written down in musicians’ notebooks.Between 1940 and 1960, the ethnomusicologist Hanny Christen travelled through Switzerland and collected thousands of melodies from the period between 1800 and 1960. The musicians played or sang in front of her. Some permitted her to write off their own hand-written dance booklets in full. In 1956, Hanny Christen began to record this music with a tape recorder. It is thanks to her that over 12,000 instrumental dance movements of Switzerland and many other pieces of tradition (costumes, biographies, musical instruments etc.) were saved from being forgotten.The instruments used in traditional folk music vary depending on the type of dance and region. Flutes are more or less non-existent. The author would like to fill a gap with this publication. She has therefore adapted one folk dance per canton from the Hanny Christen-collection* for two flutes. The pieces from the cantons of Basel City, Thurgau and Geneva do not come from this source, though.The melodies from the other 23 cantons are taken unchanged from the collection. The second voice was not always composed quite traditional. The melody follows - if possible - a contrapuntal melody of its own and is directed to the flute (difficulty grade 3 +).The editor, Helene Schulthess, is a flutist with a wide repertoire. She lives in Switzerland. She performs as a soloist, makes chamber music and is active as a music teacher. She is involved in various musical projects (* Swiss Folk Music Collection. The dance music of Switzerland of the 19th and first half of the 20th century. From the estate of Hanny Christen. Edited by Fabian Müller under the auspices of the Society for Folk Music in Switzerland (GVS/SMPS). Music print. Mülirad, Zürich 2002.
Swiss Folk Dance for two flutes and piano – 18 Canton Graubünden – Kontratanz
2 Flûtes traversières, Piano
Helene Schulthess
$6.00 5.53 € 2 Flûtes traversières, Piano PDF SheetMusicPlus

Flute Duet Flute - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1182136 By Helene Schulthess. By Helene Schulthess. Arranged by Helene Schulthess. Chamber,Contest,Festival,Folk,Patriotic,Traditional. Score. 4 pages. Helene Schulthess #781901. Published by Helene Schulthess (A0.1182136). You can purchase all 26 folkdances for 30 $ under this link: document contents 26 folk dances for two flutes (49 pages) and a score (52 pages)Swiss folk music is very lively. Its diversity reflects the small regional and cultural spaces of Switzerland. Influences from other European countries have also shaped this kind of music since the early 19th century. Polka and Mazurka have their roots in Poland, the Scottish in Scotland. The music has been passed on by word of mouth or has been written down in musicians’ notebooks.Between 1940 and 1960, the ethnomusicologist Hanny Christen travelled through Switzerland and collected thousands of melodies from the period between 1800 and 1960. The musicians played or sang in front of her. Some permitted her to write off their own hand-written dance booklets in full. In 1956, Hanny Christen began to record this music with a tape recorder. It is thanks to her that over 12,000 instrumental dance movements of Switzerland and many other pieces of tradition (costumes, biographies, musical instruments etc.) were saved from being forgotten.The instruments used in traditional folk music vary depending on the type of dance and region. Flutes are more or less non-existent. The author would like to fill a gap with this publication. She has therefore adapted one folk dance per canton from the Hanny Christen-collection* for two flutes. The pieces from the cantons of Basel City, Thurgau and Geneva do not come from this source, though.The melodies from the other 23 cantons are taken unchanged from the collection. The second voice was not always composed quite traditional. The melody follows - if possible - a contrapuntal melody of its own and is directed to the flute (difficulty grade 3 +).The editor, Helene Schulthess, is a flutist with a wide repertoire. She lives in Switzerland. She performs as a soloist, makes chamber music and is active as a music teacher. She is involved in various musical projects (* Swiss Folk Music Collection. The dance music of Switzerland of the 19th and first half of the 20th century. From the estate of Hanny Christen. Edited by Fabian Müller under the auspices of the Society for Folk Music in Switzerland (GVS/SMPS). Music print. Mülirad, Zürich 2002.
Swiss Folk Dance for two flutes and piano – 10 Canton Freiburg – Gallopp
2 Flûtes traversières, Piano
Helene Schulthess
$6.00 5.53 € 2 Flûtes traversières, Piano PDF SheetMusicPlus

Flute Duet Flute - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1182888 By Helene Schulthess. By Helene Schulthess. Arranged by Helene Schulthess. Chamber,Contest,Festival,Folk,Patriotic,Traditional. Score. 4 pages. Helene Schulthess #782636. Published by Helene Schulthess (A0.1182888). You can purchase all 26 folkdances for 30 $ under this link: document contents 26 folk dances for two flutes (49 pages) and a score (52 pages)Swiss folk music is very lively. Its diversity reflects the small regional and cultural spaces of Switzerland. Influences from other European countries have also shaped this kind of music since the early 19th century. Polka and Mazurka have their roots in Poland, the Scottish in Scotland. The music has been passed on by word of mouth or has been written down in musicians’ notebooks.Between 1940 and 1960, the ethnomusicologist Hanny Christen travelled through Switzerland and collected thousands of melodies from the period between 1800 and 1960. The musicians played or sang in front of her. Some permitted her to write off their own hand-written dance booklets in full. In 1956, Hanny Christen began to record this music with a tape recorder. It is thanks to her that over 12,000 instrumental dance movements of Switzerland and many other pieces of tradition (costumes, biographies, musical instruments etc.) were saved from being forgotten.The instruments used in traditional folk music vary depending on the type of dance and region. Flutes are more or less non-existent. The author would like to fill a gap with this publication. She has therefore adapted one folk dance per canton from the Hanny Christen-collection* for two flutes. The pieces from the cantons of Basel City, Thurgau and Geneva do not come from this source, though.The melodies from the other 23 cantons are taken unchanged from the collection. The second voice was not always composed quite traditional. The melody follows - if possible - a contrapuntal melody of its own and is directed to the flute (difficulty grade 3 +).The editor, Helene Schulthess, is a flutist with a wide repertoire. She lives in Switzerland. She performs as a soloist, makes chamber music and is active as a music teacher. She is involved in various musical projects (* Swiss Folk Music Collection. The dance music of Switzerland of the 19th and first half of the 20th century. From the estate of Hanny Christen. Edited by Fabian Müller under the auspices of the Society for Folk Music in Switzerland (GVS/SMPS). Music print. Mülirad, Zürich 2002.
Swiss Folk Dance for two flutes and piano – 17 Canton St. Gallen – Jupiter-Galopp
2 Flûtes traversières, Piano
Helene Schulthess
$6.00 5.53 € 2 Flûtes traversières, Piano PDF SheetMusicPlus

Flute Duet Flute - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1182912 By Helene Schulthess. By Helene Schulthess. Arranged by Helene Schulthess. Chamber,Contest,Festival,Folk,Patriotic,Traditional. Score. 5 pages. Helene Schulthess #782661. Published by Helene Schulthess (A0.1182912). You can purchase all 26 folkdances for 30 $ under this link: document contents 26 folk dances for two flutes (49 pages) and a score (52 pages)Swiss folk music is very lively. Its diversity reflects the small regional and cultural spaces of Switzerland. Influences from other European countries have also shaped this kind of music since the early 19th century. Polka and Mazurka have their roots in Poland, the Scottish in Scotland. The music has been passed on by word of mouth or has been written down in musicians’ notebooks.Between 1940 and 1960, the ethnomusicologist Hanny Christen travelled through Switzerland and collected thousands of melodies from the period between 1800 and 1960. The musicians played or sang in front of her. Some permitted her to write off their own hand-written dance booklets in full. In 1956, Hanny Christen began to record this music with a tape recorder. It is thanks to her that over 12,000 instrumental dance movements of Switzerland and many other pieces of tradition (costumes, biographies, musical instruments etc.) were saved from being forgotten.The instruments used in traditional folk music vary depending on the type of dance and region. Flutes are more or less non-existent. The author would like to fill a gap with this publication. She has therefore adapted one folk dance per canton from the Hanny Christen-collection* for two flutes. The pieces from the cantons of Basel City, Thurgau and Geneva do not come from this source, though.The melodies from the other 23 cantons are taken unchanged from the collection. The second voice was not always composed quite traditional. The melody follows - if possible - a contrapuntal melody of its own and is directed to the flute (difficulty grade 3 +).The editor, Helene Schulthess, is a flutist with a wide repertoire. She lives in Switzerland. She performs as a soloist, makes chamber music and is active as a music teacher. She is involved in various musical projects (* Swiss Folk Music Collection. The dance music of Switzerland of the 19th and first half of the 20th century. From the estate of Hanny Christen. Edited by Fabian Müller under the auspices of the Society for Folk Music in Switzerland (GVS/SMPS). Music print. Mülirad, Zürich 2002.
Swiss Folk Dance for two flutes and piano – 19 Canton Aargau – Rosenwalzer
2 Flûtes traversières, Piano
Helene Schulthess
$6.00 5.53 € 2 Flûtes traversières, Piano PDF SheetMusicPlus

Flute Duet Flute - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1182137 By Helene Schulthess. By Helene Schulthess. Arranged by Helene Schulthess. Chamber,Contest,Festival,Folk,Patriotic,Traditional. Score. 5 pages. Helene Schulthess #781902. Published by Helene Schulthess (A0.1182137). You can purchase all 26 folkdances for 30 $ under this link: document contents 26 folk dances for two flutes (49 pages) and a score (52 pages)Swiss folk music is very lively. Its diversity reflects the small regional and cultural spaces of Switzerland. Influences from other European countries have also shaped this kind of music since the early 19th century. Polka and Mazurka have their roots in Poland, the Scottish in Scotland. The music has been passed on by word of mouth or has been written down in musicians’ notebooks.Between 1940 and 1960, the ethnomusicologist Hanny Christen travelled through Switzerland and collected thousands of melodies from the period between 1800 and 1960. The musicians played or sang in front of her. Some permitted her to write off their own hand-written dance booklets in full. In 1956, Hanny Christen began to record this music with a tape recorder. It is thanks to her that over 12,000 instrumental dance movements of Switzerland and many other pieces of tradition (costumes, biographies, musical instruments etc.) were saved from being forgotten.The instruments used in traditional folk music vary depending on the type of dance and region. Flutes are more or less non-existent. The author would like to fill a gap with this publication. She has therefore adapted one folk dance per canton from the Hanny Christen-collection* for two flutes. The pieces from the cantons of Basel City, Thurgau and Geneva do not come from this source, though.The melodies from the other 23 cantons are taken unchanged from the collection. The second voice was not always composed quite traditional. The melody follows - if possible - a contrapuntal melody of its own and is directed to the flute (difficulty grade 3 +).The editor, Helene Schulthess, is a flutist with a wide repertoire. She lives in Switzerland. She performs as a soloist, makes chamber music and is active as a music teacher. She is involved in various musical projects (* Swiss Folk Music Collection. The dance music of Switzerland of the 19th and first half of the 20th century. From the estate of Hanny Christen. Edited by Fabian Müller under the auspices of the Society for Folk Music in Switzerland (GVS/SMPS). Music print. Mülirad, Zürich 2002.
Swiss Folk Dance for two flutes and piano – 11 Canton Solothurn – Bruder lustig-Polka
2 Flûtes traversières, Piano
Helene Schulthess
$6.00 5.53 € 2 Flûtes traversières, Piano PDF SheetMusicPlus

Flute Duet Flute - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1182918 By Helene Schulthess. By Helene Schulthess. Arranged by Helene Schulthess. Chamber,Contest,Festival,Folk,Patriotic,Traditional. Score. 5 pages. Helene Schulthess #782667. Published by Helene Schulthess (A0.1182918). You can purchase all 26 folkdances for 30 $ under this link: document contents 26 folk dances for two flutes (49 pages) and a score (52 pages)Swiss folk music is very lively. Its diversity reflects the small regional and cultural spaces of Switzerland. Influences from other European countries have also shaped this kind of music since the early 19th century. Polka and Mazurka have their roots in Poland, the Scottish in Scotland. The music has been passed on by word of mouth or has been written down in musicians’ notebooks.Between 1940 and 1960, the ethnomusicologist Hanny Christen travelled through Switzerland and collected thousands of melodies from the period between 1800 and 1960. The musicians played or sang in front of her. Some permitted her to write off their own hand-written dance booklets in full. In 1956, Hanny Christen began to record this music with a tape recorder. It is thanks to her that over 12,000 instrumental dance movements of Switzerland and many other pieces of tradition (costumes, biographies, musical instruments etc.) were saved from being forgotten.The instruments used in traditional folk music vary depending on the type of dance and region. Flutes are more or less non-existent. The author would like to fill a gap with this publication. She has therefore adapted one folk dance per canton from the Hanny Christen-collection* for two flutes. The pieces from the cantons of Basel City, Thurgau and Geneva do not come from this source, though.The melodies from the other 23 cantons are taken unchanged from the collection. The second voice was not always composed quite traditional. The melody follows - if possible - a contrapuntal melody of its own and is directed to the flute (difficulty grade 3 +).The editor, Helene Schulthess, is a flutist with a wide repertoire. She lives in Switzerland. She performs as a soloist, makes chamber music and is active as a music teacher. She is involved in various musical projects (* Swiss Folk Music Collection. The dance music of Switzerland of the 19th and first half of the 20th century. From the estate of Hanny Christen. Edited by Fabian Müller under the auspices of the Society for Folk Music in Switzerland (GVS/SMPS). Music print. Mülirad, Zürich 2002.
Swiss Folk Dance for two flutes and piano – 23 Canton Neuenburg – Les fillettes du Landeron – Polka
2 Flûtes traversières, Piano
Helene Schulthess
$6.00 5.53 € 2 Flûtes traversières, Piano PDF SheetMusicPlus

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