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String Orchestra Voice - Digital Download SKU: A0.1103557 By dwsChorale. By Antonio Vivaldi. Arranged by David Warin Solomons. Baroque,Classical,Religious. Full Performance. Duration 1173. David Warin Solomons #706827. Published by David Warin Solomons (A0.1103557). The whole of Vivaldi's Gloria performed by the dwsChorale (one-man choir) with alto solo David W Solomons Lyrics (English translation can be found below) Coro [Allegro] Gloria in excelsis Deo Coro [Andante] et in terra pax hominibus Aria [Allegro] - Due soprani Laudamus te, benedicimus te, adoramus te, glorificamus te. Coro [Adagio] Gratias agimus tibi Coro [Allegro] propter magnam gloriam tuam. Aria [Largo] - Soprani Domine Deus, Rex coelestis, Deus Pater omnipotens, Coro [Allegro] Domine Fili unigenite Jesu Christe, Aria [Adagio] - Contralto e Coro Domine Deus, Agnus Dei, Filius Patris. qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis Coro [Adagio] Qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis, suscipe deprecationem nostram. Aria [Allegro] - Contralto Qui sedes ad dexteram patris, miserere nobis. Coro [Allegro] Quoniam tu solus sanctus, tu solus Dominus, tu solus altissimus Jesu Christe. Coro [Allegro] cum Sancto Spiritu in gloria Dei Patris, Amen. (English translation) Chorus (Allegro): Glory to God in the highest Chorus (Andante): And on earth peace to men. Air (Allegro) - Two sopranos: We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you. Chorus (Adagio): We thank you Chorus (Allegro): for your immense glory. Air (Largo) – Two sopranos: Lord God, king of heaven, God the Father almighty, Chorus (Allegro): God the only begotten Son Jesus Christ, Air (Adagio) - Alto and Chorus: Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you who take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. Chorus (Adagio): You who take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us, accept our prayers. Air (Allegro) – Alto: You who sit on the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us, Chorus (Allegro): because you only are holy, you only the Lord, you only the most high Jesus Christ Chorus (Allegro): with the Holy Spirit in the glory of God the Father. Amen.
Vivaldi's Gloria (mp3)
$7.50 6.93 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

String Orchestra Choir - Digital Download SKU: A0.1103560 By Hertford College Choral Society. By Antonio Vivaldi. Arranged by Anon. Baroque,Classical,Religious. Full Performance. Duration 1678. David Warin Solomons #706829. Published by David Warin Solomons (A0.1103560). Lyrics (English translation can be found below) Coro [Allegro] Gloria in excelsis Deo Coro [Andante] et in terra pax hominibus Aria [Allegro] - Due soprani Laudamus te, benedicimus te, adoramus te, glorificamus te. Coro [Adagio] Gratias agimus tibi Coro [Allegro] propter magnam gloriam tuam. Aria [Largo] - Soprani Domine Deus, Rex coelestis, Deus Pater omnipotens, Coro [Allegro] Domine Fili unigenite Jesu Christe, Aria [Adagio] - Contralto e Coro Domine Deus, Agnus Dei, Filius Patris. qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis Coro [Adagio] Qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis, suscipe deprecationem nostram. Aria [Allegro] - Contralto Qui sedes ad dexteram patris, miserere nobis. Coro [Allegro] Quoniam tu solus sanctus, tu solus Dominus, tu solus altissimus Jesu Christe. Coro [Allegro] cum Sancto Spiritu in gloria Dei Patris, Amen. (English translation) Chorus (Allegro): Glory to God in the highest Chorus (Andante): And on earth peace to men. Air (Allegro) - Two sopranos: We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you. Chorus (Adagio): We thank you Chorus (Allegro): for your immense glory. Air (Largo) – Two sopranos: Lord God, king of heaven, God the Father almighty, Chorus (Allegro): God the only begotten Son Jesus Christ, Air (Adagio) - Alto and Chorus: Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you who take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. Chorus (Adagio): You who take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us, accept our prayers. Air (Allegro) – Alto: You who sit on the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us, Chorus (Allegro): because you only are holy, you only the Lord, you only the most high Jesus Christ Chorus (Allegro): with the Holy Spirit in the glory of God the Father. Amen.
Vivaldi's Gloria performed by the Hertford College Choral Society (mp3)
Hertford College Choral Society
$7.50 6.93 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir,Choral (SAB) - Level 1 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1399655 By Spanish. By Dan Bradley. Christian,Easter,Praise & Worship,Religious,Spiritual. 8 pages. Mare Dan Music #982930. Published by Mare Dan Music (A0.1399655). Glory Hallelujah, He Is Alive is perfect for Easter and Easter Season tells the story of the Women at the Tomb, The Road to Emmaus, Doubting Thomas. Come to one conclusion: He Is Alive! This is also available in Solo, Two Part, SAB and SATB also in Spanish: Gloria Aleluya, Esta Vivo! and in French: Gloire Alléluia, Il Est Vivant and in English Glory Hallelujah, He Is Alive!.The music has a Hebrew modality and uses rhythms like a hora. Fun and dramatic to sing and based on solid scriptures. Can provide many wonderful lessons in Faith.Gloria Aleluya, Esta Vivo! es perfecto para la Pascua y la Temporada de Pascua cuenta la historia de las Mujeres en la Tumba, El Camino a Emaús, Tomás el Dudoso. Llega a una conclusión: ¡Está vivo! También está disponible en Solo, Dos Partes, SAB y SATB también en español: Gloria Aleluya, Esta Vivo! y en Francés: Gloire Alléluia, Il Est Vivant y en inglés Glory Hallelujah, He Is Alive!La música tiene una modalidad hebrea y utiliza ritmos como una hora. Divertido y dramático para cantar y basado en escrituras sólidas. Puede proporcionar muchas lecciones maravillosas de Fe.
Gloria Aleluya, ¡Está Vivo!
Chorale 3 parties
$2.49 2.3 € Chorale 3 parties PDF SheetMusicPlus

Guitar,Piano,Vocal,Voice - Level 1 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1399200 By Soloist. By Dan Bradley. Arranged by Dan Bradley. Christian,Easter,Praise & Worship,Religious,Spiritual. Score. 3 pages. Mare Dan Music #982497. Published by Mare Dan Music (A0.1399200). Glory Hallelujah, He Is Alive is perfect for Easter and Easter Season tells the story of the Women at the Tomb, The Road to Emmaus, Doubting Thomas. Come to one conclusion: He Is Alive! This is also available in Solo, Two Part, SAB and SATB also in Spanish: Gloria Aleluya, Esta Vivo! and in French: Gloire Alléluia, Il Est Vivant and in English Glory Hallelujah, He Is Alive!.The music has a Hebrew modality and uses rhythms like a hora. Fun and dramatic to sing and based on solid scriptures. Can provide many wonderful lessons in Faith.Gloria Aleluya, Esta Vivo! es perfecto para la Pascua y la Temporada de Pascua cuenta la historia de las Mujeres en la Tumba, El Camino a Emaús, Tomás el Dudoso. Llega a una conclusión: ¡Está vivo! También está disponible en Solo, Dos Partes, SAB y SATB también en español: Gloria Aleluya, Esta Vivo! y en Francés: Gloire Alléluia, Il Est Vivant y en inglés Glory Hallelujah, He Is Alive!La música tiene una modalidad hebrea y utiliza ritmos como una hora. Divertido y dramático para cantar y basado en escrituras sólidas. Puede proporcionar muchas lecciones maravillosas de Fe.
Gloria Aleluya, Esta Vivo!
Piano, Voix et Guitare
$2.49 2.3 € Piano, Voix et Guitare PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir,Choral (SATB) - Level 1 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1399737 By Spanish. By Dan Bradley. Christian,Easter,Praise & Worship,Religious,Spiritual. 8 pages. Mare Dan Music #983011. Published by Mare Dan Music (A0.1399737). Glory Hallelujah, He Is Alive is perfect for Easter and Easter Season tells the story of the Women at the Tomb, The Road to Emmaus, Doubting Thomas. Come to one conclusion: He Is Alive! This is also available in Solo, Two Part, SAB and SATB also in Spanish: Gloria Aleluya, Esta Vivo! and in French: Gloire Alléluia, Il Est Vivant and in English Glory Hallelujah, He Is Alive!.The music has a Hebrew modality and uses rhythms like a hora. Fun and dramatic to sing and based on solid scriptures. Can provide many wonderful lessons in Faith.Gloria Aleluya, Esta Vivo! es perfecto para la Pascua y la Temporada de Pascua cuenta la historia de las Mujeres en la Tumba, El Camino a Emaús, Tomás el Dudoso. Llega a una conclusión: ¡Está vivo! También está disponible en Solo, Dos Partes, SAB y SATB también en español: Gloria Aleluya, Esta Vivo! y en Francés: Gloire Alléluia, Il Est Vivant y en inglés: Glory Hallelujah, He Is Alive!La música tiene una modalidad hebrea y utiliza ritmos como una hora. Divertido y dramático para cantar y basado en escrituras sólidas. Puede proporcionar muchas lecciones maravillosas de Fe.
Gloria Aleluya, ¡Está Vivo!
Chorale SATB
$2.49 2.3 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir,Choral (2-Part) - Level 1 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1399595 By Spanish. By Dan Bradley. Christian,Easter,Praise & Worship,Religious,Spiritual. 6 pages. Mare Dan Music #982887. Published by Mare Dan Music (A0.1399595). Glory Hallelujah, He Is Alive is perfect for Easter and Easter Season tells the story of the Women at the Tomb, The Road to Emmaus, Doubting Thomas. Come to one conclusion: He Is Alive! This is also available in Solo, Two Part, SAB and SATB also in Spanish: Gloria Aleluya, Esta Vivo! and in French: Gloire Alléluia, Il Est Vivant and in English Glory Hallelujah, He Is Alive!.The music has a Hebrew modality and uses rhythms like a hora. Fun and dramatic to sing and based on solid scriptures. Can provide many wonderful lessons in Faith.Gloria Aleluya, Esta Vivo! es perfecto para la Pascua y la Temporada de Pascua cuenta la historia de las Mujeres en la Tumba, El Camino a Emaús, Tomás el Dudoso. Llega a una conclusión: ¡Está vivo! También está disponible en Solo, Dos Partes, SAB y SATB también en español: Gloria Aleluya, Esta Vivo! y en Francés: Gloire Alléluia, Il Est Vivant y en inglés Glory Hallelujah, He Is Alive!La música tiene una modalidad hebrea y utiliza ritmos como una hora. Divertido y dramático para cantar y basado en escrituras sólidas. Puede proporcionar muchas lecciones maravillosas de Fe.
Gloria Aleluya, ¡Está Vivo!
Chorale 2 parties
$2.49 2.3 € Chorale 2 parties PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (SATB) - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1090171 Composed by Clifford W. King. 20th Century,A Cappella,Contemporary,Contest,Festival,Sacred. Octavo. 14 pages. Clifford W. King #694349. Published by Clifford W. King (A0.1090171). ( s a t b ) a cappella. mvt. ii of Missa Brevis by CLIFFORD W. KING Glory be to God on high, and on earth peace, good will towards men. We praise thee, we bless thee, we worship thee, we glorify thee, we give thanks to thee for thy great glory. For thou only art holy; thou only art the Lord; thou only, O Christ, with the Holy Ghost, art most high in the glory of God the Father. Amen. Duration: 4'10 Clifford W. King is an award-winning Salt Lake City-based composer, teacher and singer. Recent commissions include the Salt Lake Choral Artists, Cantorum Chamber Choir and Wasatch Chorale. His recording credits include the soundtrack to various video games and television programs. His teachers and mentors include Brady Allred, Clayton Furch, Mark Henderson, Evelyn Harris, Miguel Chuaqui, and Igor Iacimciuc among many others His music is published by Carus-Verlag and Hinshaw Music. He is the composer for the popular YouTube series and Podcast Profiling Evil. Cliff loves slightly out-of-tune pianos, bighorn sheep, and rooibos tea.
Gloria (from "Missa Brevis") ( s a t b )
Chorale SATB

$1.99 1.84 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

SAB choir/Narration with optional Full Orchestra (With Optional Full Orchestra) - Digital Download SKU: LX.55-1091L Unfolding the Journey from Jesus' Resurrection to His Ascension. Composed by Lani Smith. Choral Cantatas. Easter. 52 pages. Lorenz Publishing - Digital Sheet Music #e55/1091L. Published by Lorenz Publishing - Digital Sheet Music (LX.55-1091L). UPC: 000308099928.Easter, of course, is the most significant day in the Christian calendar. In fact, Christians are often correctly referred to as Easter people, and rightly so since the resurrection is the core of our belief in Christ as Savior. But of almost equal importance are the multiple appearances of Jesus to his disciples and others during the 40 days between his resurrection and his ascension. Beginning with our Savior's appearance to Mary, mother of James, and Mary Magdalene out of the tomb, and culminating with Jesus' ascension to his throne in heaven and the promise of the second coming, Risen to Glory reveals this journey through two narrators and an inspiring musical message. It promises to heighten the awareness of these momentous events in the mind and hearts of congregations in a stimulating, stirring and worshipful presentation.
Risen to Glory

$8.95 8.26 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

SATB choir - Digital Download SKU: LX.55-1065L A Celebration Of The Risen Lord. Composed by Stan Pethel. Choral Cantatas. Easter. 56 pages. Lorenz Publishing - Digital Sheet Music #e55/1065L. Published by Lorenz Publishing - Digital Sheet Music (LX.55-1065L). UPC: 000308060485.The joy and celebration of the risen Lord are depicted here in an exciting new work for SATB choir and narrator. A blend of original music and new arrangements of popular hymns, including What Wondrous Love and Lead Me To Calvary, Lord of Glory achieves an excellent balance of sensitive narration underpinned with a sense of excitement throughout the telling of the familiar story. The highlight of the work is the title song, which brings the cantata to a close in rousing, 6/8 fashion and is sure to have the congregation leaving with the refrain of praise the risen Lord on their lips. Performance time: 25 minutes.
Lord of Glory
Chorale SATB

$9.95 9.19 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Guitar,Piano,Vocal,Voice - Level 1 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1399094 By CHOIR. By Dan Bradley. Arranged by Dan Bradley. Christian,Easter,Praise & Worship,Religious,Spiritual. Score. 3 pages. Mare Dan Music #982388. Published by Mare Dan Music (A0.1399094). En Francais Gloire Alléluia, Il Est Vivant! available also in Spanish Gloria Aleluya, ¡Está Vivo! and in english Glory Hallelujah He is Alive. Also available as solo, two parts, SAB and SATB. He Is Alive is perfect for Easter and Easter Season tells the story of the Women at the Tomb, The Road to Emmaus, Doubting Thomas. Come to one conclusion: He Is Alive! The music has a Hebrew modality and uses rhythms like a hora. Fun and dramatic to sing and based on solid scriptures. Can provide many wonderful lessons in Faith.Il Est Vivant est parfait pour la période de Pâques et raconte l'histoire des femmes au tombeau, du chemin d'Emmaüs et de Thomas le Douteux. Une seule conclusion s'impose : Il est vivant ! Cette chanson est également disponible en Solo, Two Part, SAB et SATB, ainsi qu'en espagnol : Gloria Aleluya, Esta Vivo ! et en français : Gloire Alléluia, Il Est Vivant.La musique a une modalité hébraïque et utilise des rythmes comme la hora. Le chant est amusant et dramatique et repose sur des écritures solides. Elle peut offrir de merveilleuses leçons de foi.
Gloire Alléluia, Il Est Vivant!
Piano, Voix et Guitare
$2.49 2.3 € Piano, Voix et Guitare PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir,Choral (SAB) - Level 1 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1399651 By French. By Dan Bradley. Christian,Easter,Praise & Worship,Religious,Spiritual. 7 pages. Mare Dan Music #982926. Published by Mare Dan Music (A0.1399651). En Francais Gloire Alléluia, Il Est Vivant! available also in Spanish Gloria Aleluya, ¡Está Vivo! and in english Glory Hallelujah He is Alive. Also available as solo, two parts, SAB and SATB. He Is Alive is perfect for Easter and Easter Season tells the story of the Women at the Tomb, The Road to Emmaus, Doubting Thomas. Come to one conclusion: He Is Alive! The music has a Hebrew modality and uses rhythms like a hora. Fun and dramatic to sing and based on solid scriptures. Can provide many wonderful lessons in Faith.Il Est Vivant est parfait pour la période de Pâques et raconte l'histoire des femmes au tombeau, du chemin d'Emmaüs et de Thomas le Douteux. Une seule conclusion s'impose : Il est vivant ! Cette chanson est également disponible en Solo, Two Part, SAB et SATB, ainsi qu'en espagnol : Gloria Aleluya, Esta Vivo ! et en français : Gloire Alléluia, Il Est Vivant.La musique a une modalité hébraïque et utilise des rythmes comme la hora. Le chant est amusant et dramatique et repose sur des écritures solides. Elle peut offrir de merveilleuses leçons de foi.
Gloire Alléluia, Il Est Vivant!
Chorale 3 parties
$2.49 2.3 € Chorale 3 parties PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir,Choral (SATB) - Level 1 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1399734 By French. By Dan Bradley. Christian,Easter,Praise & Worship,Religious,Spiritual. 8 pages. Mare Dan Music #983007. Published by Mare Dan Music (A0.1399734). En Francais Gloire Alléluia, Il Est Vivant! available also in Spanish: Gloria Aleluya, ¡Está Vivo! and in English: Glory Hallelujah He is Alive. Also available as solo, two parts, SAB and SATB. He Is Alive is perfect for Easter and Easter Season tells the story of the Women at the Tomb, The Road to Emmaus, Doubting Thomas. They all come to one conclusion: He Is Alive! The music has a Hebrew modality and uses rhythms like a hora. Fun and dramatic to sing and based on solid scriptures. Can provide many wonderful lessons in Faith.Il Est Vivant est parfait pour la période de Pâques et raconte l'histoire des femmes au tombeau, du chemin d'Emmaüs et de Thomas le Douteux. Une seule conclusion s'impose : Il est vivant ! Cette chanson est également disponible en Solo, Two Part, SAB et SATB, ainsi qu'en espagnol : Gloria Aleluya, Esta Vivo ! et en français : Gloire Alléluia, Il Est Vivant.La musique a une modalité hébraïque et utilise des rythmes comme la hora. Le chant est amusant et dramatique et repose sur des écritures solides. Elle peut offrir de merveilleuses leçons de foi.
Gloire Alléluia, Il Est Vivant!
Chorale SATB
$2.49 2.3 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir,Choral (2-Part) - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1399600 By French. By Dan Bradley. Christian,Easter,Praise & Worship,Religious,Sacred. 6 pages. Mare Dan Music #982892. Published by Mare Dan Music (A0.1399600). En Francais Gloire Alléluia, Il Est Vivant! available also in Spanish: Gloria Aleluya, ¡Está Vivo! and in English: Glory Hallelujah He is Alive. Also available as solo, two parts, SAB and SATB. He Is Alive is perfect for Easter and Easter Season tells the story of the Women at the Tomb, The Road to Emmaus, Doubting Thomas. They all come to one conclusion: He Is Alive! The music has a Hebrew modality and uses rhythms like a hora. Fun and dramatic to sing and based on solid scriptures. Can provide many wonderful lessons in Faith.Il Est Vivant est parfait pour la période de Pâques et raconte l'histoire des femmes au tombeau, du chemin d'Emmaüs et de Thomas le Douteux. Une seule conclusion s'impose : Il est vivant ! Cette chanson est également disponible en Solo, Two Part, SAB et SATB, ainsi qu'en espagnol : Gloria Aleluya, Esta Vivo ! et en français : Gloire Alléluia, Il Est Vivant.La musique a une modalité hébraïque et utilise des rythmes comme la hora. Le chant est amusant et dramatique et repose sur des écritures solides. Elle peut offrir de merveilleuses leçons de foi.
Gloire Alléluia, Il Est Vivant!
Chorale 2 parties
$2.49 2.3 € Chorale 2 parties PDF SheetMusicPlus

Glockenspiel,Instrumental Duet - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1450725 Composed by Johann Sebastian Bach. Arranged by Rodrigo Faleiros. Baroque,Chamber,Standards,Traditional. 3 pages. Rodrigo Faleiros #1030273. Published by Rodrigo Faleiros (A0.1450725). Dive into the baroque elegance of Johann Sebastian Bach’s “Menuet” with this charming arrangement for two glockenspiels. Drawn from the treasured notebooks of Anna Magdalena, this piece has been thoughtfully adapted for players with intermediate skills. The arrangement encourages a duet of glockenspiels to gracefully navigate the beloved melodies, offering a new take on a historic composition. Key Features: Intermediate Level: Tailored for players with intermediate abilities, this arrangement respects Bach’s original work while presenting an enjoyable challenge. Duet Arrangement: Crafted for two glockenspiels, this arrangement fosters a dynamic exchange between players, reflecting the sophistication of the baroque period. Chord Symbols: The inclusion of chord symbols provides a foundation for harmonic exploration and accompaniment, enriching the overall musical experience. Ideal for recitals, teaching moments, or the sheer pleasure of playing Bach’s music, this arrangement brings the finesse of the baroque era to the forefront with each note. Experience the collaborative joy of this glockenspiel duet and let the legacy of Bach’s Menuet resonate through your performance. ???? Check out my other arrangements clicking here! ????
Menuet (for 2 glockenspiels) - from the notebooks for Anna Magdalena

$4.99 4.61 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

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