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Piano - Digital Download SKU: LV.13959 Composed by M. Holst. Lester S. Levy Collection. 3 pages. Published by Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries (LV.13959). The Duke of Wellington's March and Quickstep. By M. Holst. Published [n.d.] by John Cole in Baltimore. Composition of sectional with piano instrumentation. About The Lester S. Levy CollectionThe Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music consists of over 29,000 pieces of American popular music. Donated to Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries, the collection's strength is its thorough documentation of nineteenth-century American through popular music. This sheet music has been provided by Project Gado, a San Francisco Bay Area startup whose mission is to digitize and share the world's visual history.WARNING: These titles are provided as historical documents. Language and concepts within reflect the opinions and values of the time and may be offensive to some.
The Duke of Wellington's March and Quickstep
Piano seul
M Holst
$5.99 5.75 € Piano seul PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano - Digital Download SKU: LV.1098 Lester S. Levy Collection. 2 pages. Published by Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries (LV.1098). The Duke of York's March. n. Published [n.d.] by J.A. & W. Geib, 23 Maiden Lane in New York. Composition of da capo with trio with piano instrumentation. About The Lester S. Levy CollectionThe Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music consists of over 29,000 pieces of American popular music. Donated to Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries, the collection's strength is its thorough documentation of nineteenth-century American through popular music. This sheet music has been provided by Project Gado, a San Francisco Bay Area startup whose mission is to digitize and share the world's visual history.WARNING: These titles are provided as historical documents. Language and concepts within reflect the opinions and values of the time and may be offensive to some.
The Duke of York's March
Piano seul

$5.99 5.75 € Piano seul PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano - Digital Download SKU: LV.14127 Composed by T. Smith. Lester S. Levy Collection. 2 pages. Published by Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries (LV.14127). The Duke of Wellington Return. A Rondo for the Piano Forte. Composed by T. Smith. Published [n.d.] by G.E. Blake, No.13 S. 5th Street in Philadelphia. Composition of rondo with piano instrumentation. About The Lester S. Levy CollectionThe Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music consists of over 29,000 pieces of American popular music. Donated to Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries, the collection's strength is its thorough documentation of nineteenth-century American through popular music. This sheet music has been provided by Project Gado, a San Francisco Bay Area startup whose mission is to digitize and share the world's visual history.WARNING: These titles are provided as historical documents. Language and concepts within reflect the opinions and values of the time and may be offensive to some.
The Duke of Wellington Return. A Rondo for the Piano Forte
Piano seul

$5.99 5.75 € Piano seul PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano - Digital Download SKU: LV.1097 Lester S. Levy Collection. 2 pages. Published by Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries (LV.1097). (1) Duke of York's March. (2) Mrs. Fraser's Strathspay. n. Published [n.d.] by in n.p. Composition of (1) da capo with trio. (2) sectional with piano instrumentation. About The Lester S. Levy CollectionThe Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music consists of over 29,000 pieces of American popular music. Donated to Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries, the collection's strength is its thorough documentation of nineteenth-century American through popular music. This sheet music has been provided by Project Gado, a San Francisco Bay Area startup whose mission is to digitize and share the world's visual history.WARNING: These titles are provided as historical documents. Language and concepts within reflect the opinions and values of the time and may be offensive to some.
(1) Duke of York's March. (2) Mrs. Fraser's Strathspay
Piano seul

$5.99 5.75 € Piano seul PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano - Digital Download SKU: LV.15919 Lester S. Levy Collection. 2 pages. Published by Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries (LV.15919). The Duke of Yorck's March. n. Published [n.d.] by G. Willig. Market St., No.185 in Philadelphia. Composition of da capo with piano instrumentation. About The Lester S. Levy CollectionThe Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music consists of over 29,000 pieces of American popular music. Donated to Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries, the collection's strength is its thorough documentation of nineteenth-century American through popular music. This sheet music has been provided by Project Gado, a San Francisco Bay Area startup whose mission is to digitize and share the world's visual history.WARNING: These titles are provided as historical documents. Language and concepts within reflect the opinions and values of the time and may be offensive to some.
The Duke of Yorck's March
Piano seul

$5.99 5.75 € Piano seul PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano - Digital Download SKU: LV.7908 Composed by Stephen Glover. Portraits, Military officers. Lester S. Levy Collection. 6 pages. Published by Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries (LV.7908). The Duke of Malakoff's March. Composed by Stephen Glover. Published [n.d.] by Lee & Walker, 722 Chesnut St. in Philadelphia. Composition of sectional with piano instrumentation. Subject headings for this piece include Portraits, Military officers. About The Lester S. Levy CollectionThe Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music consists of over 29,000 pieces of American popular music. Donated to Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries, the collection's strength is its thorough documentation of nineteenth-century American through popular music. This sheet music has been provided by Project Gado, a San Francisco Bay Area startup whose mission is to digitize and share the world's visual history.WARNING: These titles are provided as historical documents. Language and concepts within reflect the opinions and values of the time and may be offensive to some.
The Duke of Malakoff's March
Piano seul

$5.99 5.75 € Piano seul PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (SATB) - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.828704 Composed by Giovanni Bononcini, Giovanni Battista Bononcini. Arranged by Guido Menestrina. Baroque,Contemporary,Sacred. Octavo. 44 pages. Guido Menestrina #368381. Published by Guido Menestrina (A0.828704). Anthem which was performed in King Henry the Seventh's Chappel at the Funeral of the most Noble & Victorious Prince John Duke of Marlborough By Giovanni Bononcini (1670-1747) transcribed by Guido Menestrina Il padre, Giovanni Maria Bononcini (Buononcini) (1642-1678), era stato violinista e compositore: attivo alla corte di Modena, aveva scritto un trattato, Musico prattico, pubblicato nel 1673. Il fratello minore di Giovanni, Antonio Maria, fu anch'egli musicista. Proprio dal padre Giovanni ricevette la prima educazione musicale; quando questi morì, nel 1678, divenne studente di Giovanni Paolo Colonna a Bologna, dove vennero eseguiti i suoi primi lavori. Proprio grazie al Colonna entrò a far parte dell'Accademia dei Filarmonici in veste di compositore. Nel 1685 aveva già preparato e pubblicato le sue prime opere. Ottenne nel 1688 il posto di musicista presso la basilica di San Petronio, e più tardi divenne maestro di cappella nella chiesa di San Giovanni in Monte. Sempre a Bologna fece la conoscenza del librettista Silvio Stampiglia, assieme al quale, tra il 1692 e il 1696, produrrà cinque opere. A partire dal 1692 si recò a Milano, Roma (dove fu apprezzato e sostenuto da Filippo II Colonna e dalla sua consorte Olimpia Pamphilj) e Venezia; infine, dal 1698 al 1711 si stabilì a Vienna, dove godette i favori degli imperatori Leopoldo I e Giuseppe I. Di passaggio a Berlino nel 1702, incontrò Georg Friedrich Händel, di quindici anni più giovane di lui, di cui riconobbe il talento precoce: lo avrebbe rincontrato alcuni anni più tardi. Dal 1714 al 1719 fu di nuovo a Roma, al servizio di Johann Wenzel, Conte di Gallas, Ambasciatore dell'Imperatore d'Austria a Roma, molto noto per il suo amore per la musica. Al Conte di Gallas, Bononcini dedicò la Favola Pastorale Erminia, rappresentata al Teatro della Pace nella Stagione del Carnevale del 1719. Il dramma musicale ebbe grandissimo successo sia per la musica, sia per gli interpreti, fra cui si segnalarono Domenico Gizzi (1687-1758), Musico Soprano della Real Cappella di Napoli ed il celebre contralto napoletano Francesco Vitale. Sempre nella Stagione del Carnevale 1719 al Teatro della Pace, Bononcini rappresentò il dramma per musica L'Etearco, dal librettista Silvio Stampiglia dedicato alla Contessa Ernestina di Gallas, moglie dell'Ambasciatore austriaco. Anche in questo dramma per musica Domenico Gizzi e Francesco Vitale fecero apprezzare tutte le spezie più ricercate del virtuosismo canoro. Poi, dal 1720 si stabilì a Londra, sotto la protezione del John Churchill, I duca di Marlborough. Qui si esibì anche al violoncello in numerosi concerti, molto apprezzati dall'aristocrazia inglese. Divenne membro della prestigiosa Royal Academy of Music.[senza fonte] Il pubblico londinese era, all'epoca, totalmente ignorante dell'opera italiana, e Händel stava muovendo i primi passi della sua prestigiosa carriera. Fra i due compositori si accese un forte spirito di competizione, sia che collaborassero alla realizzazione della medesima impresa (i tre atti dell'opera Muzio Scevola furono composti il primo da Filippo Amadi, il secondo da Bononcini, il terzo da Händel, al fine di soddisfare tutti e tre gli artisti), sia che, più spesso, si impegnassero in produzioni rivali. Le opere di maggior successo di Bononcini in quegli anni furono Astarto (1720), Crispo (1722), Griselda (1722), che si rivelò un vero e proprio trionfo, Erminia (1723), Calfurnia (1724). A favore dell'italiano era anche una certa ostilità verso Händel dovuta alle sue origini tedesche e alla contemporanea presenza sul trono inglese della poco amata dinastia di Hannover. Ma nel 1727-1728 scoppiò uno scandalo che compromise il successo di Bononcini e lo costrinse a lasciare Londra: il compositore Antonio Lotti accusò il madrigale di Bononcini In una siepe ombrosa di essere un plagio di un brano dei suoi Duetti, terzetti e madrigali. Fuggito a Parigi nel 1733, a causa di speculazion.
Giovanni Bononcini - Anthem (for the Funeral of John Duke of Marlborough)
Chorale SATB
Giovanni Bononcini (1670-1747) transcribed by Guido Menestrina Il padre, Giovanni Maria Bononcini (Buononcini) (1642-1678), era stato violinista e compositore: attivo alla corte di Modena, aveva scritto un trattato, Musico prattico, pubblicato nel 1673 Il fratello minore di Giovanni, Antonio Maria, fu anch'egli musicista
$9.99 9.6 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano Solo - Level 5 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1353490 Composed by John Burkett. Arranged by John Burkett. Classical,Sacred. Score. 10 pages. John Burkett #938224. Published by John Burkett (A0.1353490). My Prelude on Duke Street (Jesus Shall Reign) is intended for church pianists looking for interesting arrangements of hymns familiar to their congregations.  A 15-bar introduction based on the first four notes of the hymn tune prepares for the first statement of the tune accompanied by a repeated rhythmic pattern of intervals of a third.  The second statement, in a different key, is essentially fugal in nature and concludes with a bridge to the final statement.  This statement is the most difficult to play.  The tune is played in long tones in octaves between the two hands.  The difficulty comes in the quick and wide leaps to chords that occur after each melody note is struck.  I have provided a full-length recording to aid the prospective buyer in the decision-making process.  I encourage you to search the Sheet Music Plus or the Sheet Music Direct website for other hymn arrangements of mine, some for organ and others for piano.
Prelude on Duke Street ('Jesus Shall Reign')
Piano seul

$12.00 11.53 € Piano seul PDF SheetMusicPlus

Handbell - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1307883 Composed by John Hatton. Arranged by Cheryl (Sutton) Baker - Bronze:FX. Christian,Contemporary,Easter,Religious. Score. 6 pages. Bronze:FX #897142. Published by Bronze:FX (A0.1307883). The title is derived from the tune name “Duke Street†and it depicts both the tempo and style of the arrangement. It is flowing and meditative, with colorful LV patterns and melody both in the bass and treble.The arrangement is for full bell choir using 3-6 octaves of handbells. Rated at a Level 2 when played with 11-12 ringers because of its slow tempo and easy rhythms, “A Stroll on ‘Duke Street’†can be interpreted very musically, with crescendos and spiritually high moments. Its three verses are each treated differently, with the last verse raises the key signature a half step and then yet another half step as it grows with intensity. Although based on a hymn tune, the title allows this arrangement to be used for any audience.For sacred environments, the arranger suggests that the text be studied for inspiration. There are several words set to the tune “Duke Street,†although the arranger favors the text that begins, “I know that my redeemer lives.†When performing the piece, use the first verse as a humble (and somewhat hesitant) prayer, the second verse more confident (by relying for God's promises), and the third verse as if obtaining divine reassurance. This would place the prayer-giver in a place of wonder – a spiritual mountain-top experience. Also, see the next paragraph's description, which could also be used for a spiritual experience with God the Creator.For secular environments, use the visual imagery of an early morning walk. You start out just before sunrise, when nature is quiet and there is still dew on the grass. As you continue your upward path, the sky begins to change colors and the birds to sing. Aiming for the viewpoint at the hilltop, tree shadows begin to form and the brush mirrors the orange and grey from the new sunrise about to appear. When the sun does rise, it seems to wash all the darkness away in a single instant, making this new day clean and perfect.Performance time:• 3 minutesPerformance notes are included.
A Stroll on Duke Street

$2.50 2.4 € Cloches PDF SheetMusicPlus

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