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Instrumental Duet Instrumental Duet,Piano - Level 5 - Digital Download SKU: A0.534483 Composed by Germaine Tailleferre. 20th Century,Concert,Standards. Score and parts. 65 pages. Musik Fabrik Music Publishing #3534799. Published by Musik Fabrik Music Publishing (A0.534483). This work was written in the first months of 1942 while Tailleferre was living in Grasse, in the socolled« Free Zone » of occupied France during the Second World War and was completed just asTailleferre was forced to flee France with her daughter. As the wife of Jean Lageat, who had been thesecretary of the French socialist Léon Blum during the « Front Populaire » period just before the Warand who was at that time in the US working against the Vichy Government, and as someone who wasnot unvocal about her political views, this could not have been a comfortable situation. Tailleferre left arecord of what she experienced during this period in an article written for the American music journal «Modern Music » which she wrote shortly after arriving in America in the Spring of 1942 :« Notwithstanding their staunch spirit of resistence, the people under German rule today areincreasingly bowed down under their burdens. By achieving the physical decline of the French, theNazis hope that spiritual collapse will ensue. However, after two years of quasi-famine, France remainspround and great, although the necessity of liberation grows daily more urgent.....For an artist to workunder these conditions is almost impossible. The mere effort of subsisting wastes time and absorbsenergy ; The means to work are also lacking.....Musical composition is made practically impossiblethrough lack of music paper. For more than a year, I sought in vain to find paper in Lyon, Marseillesand Nice on which to copy an orchestral score...Two years of experience under German rule havetaught me that all expressions of pride, dignity, spirit , aspiration of the human will can be made onlyclaudestinely. It is a historical truth that the human mind makes its greatest progress under freedom ».Under such circumstances, it is a miracle that this work exists at all. The three movement work wasdedicated to the famous Marguerite Long, for whom Tailleferre had already written several short worksfor piano solo, and François Lang, a pianist who was closely linked with the Group des Six and whohad performed in the première of the 1934 Concerto Grosso for Two Pianos, 8 Solo Voices, SaxophoneQuartet and Orchestra and for whom Tailleferre wrote two cadenzas for concerti by Mozart and Haydn.The work opens with sunny, optimistism in a mood similar to the opening movement of the ConcertoGrosso, but quickly the mood changes to more dramatic themes. The second movement seems tosubjectively express a rupture with the past and a tragic melancholy. The final third movement isextremely dramatic and almost frightening with it’s force.When Tailleferre left France in the Spring of 1942, having been warned by a neighbor that she wasgoing to be arrested if she didn’t leave immediately, she left the score in a two-piano version, probablydue to the fact that there was no music paper to be had to copy the score. When she returned to Francein 1946, she learned that François Lang had been deported to Auschwitz where he died. Musical life inFrance had been completely changed by the War years. Tailleferre put the work aside and forgot aboutit, perhaps wanting to forget the hardships that she had lived through and the loss of many of her friendsassociated with these years.Tailleferre's version for two pianos is published by Musik Fabrik and the work may be performed inthat version. It is clear however, that the work was intended to be orchestrated and the editors hope thatthe present orchestration will allow the work to finally be presented as Tailleferre conceived duringsome of the darkest years of the Twentieth century.
Germaine Tailleferre: Trois Études for two pianos
2 Pianos, 4 mains
achieving the physical decline of the French, the
Nazis hope that spiritual collapse will ensue
However, after two years of quasi-famine, France remains
pround and great, although the necessity of liberation grows daily more urgent

$32.95 30.42 € 2 Pianos, 4 mains PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (SATB) - Level 5 - Digital Download SKU: A0.799654 Composed by D. M. Gardner. Christian,Concert,Contemporary. Octavo. 55 pages. D. M. Gardner Music #481051. Published by D. M. Gardner Music (A0.799654). SATB, Piano, Horns, Timpani, PercussionBE ADVISED, IF YOU SIT IN THE FRONT ROW, YOU MAY WANT TO BRING A RAINCOAT!In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights. (Gen 7:11-12 KJV)Quietly the first drops of rain begin to fall... One, two... The wind begins to stir, becoming audible. And in a moment it seems thousands of heavy raindrops fall upon the mountains and hills and plains, as though a veil of water had suddenly descended upon the earth from the heavens. Fountains of the Deep musically portrays the events of the Bible concerning the great waters in a tumultuous storm of notes thundering from the grand piano and percussion. Simultaneously, the choir calls out for help while being tossed by the tempestuous seas, swallowed by a great fish, and chased to the edge of the sea by Pharaoh.The text in Fountains of the Deep is a mixed narrative that combines scripture with an imagined exclamation at the cataclysmic events of the day. Still comes the rain, still comes the rain, never ceasing! Whether it was one man, thousands, or all of mankind, the Lord has chosen to use the great depths of the sea to do his Will. This dramatic sonic reenactment brings the listener as close to the action as one would wish to get.PURCHASE INCLUDES FULL SCORE AND ALL PARTS - priced to be purchased as a choral score, so, please purchase one copy per performer...Thank you!)Difficulty: Moderate (Choir)/Intermediate/Advanced (Piano)NOTE: While Ab minor may seem like an extreme key, it plays very well on the piano and gives the choir a very full sound. However, Fountains can easily be performed in A minor, as desired, by simply removing the key signature (for the Horns, also add a sharp (E minor)Approx. 4 minutes and 50 seconds in lengthTo learn more about the composer, please visit
Fountains of the Deep (SATB, Piano, Horns, Timpani, Perc)
Chorale SATB

$2.99 2.76 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1114067 By Budapest Scoring String Quartet. By David Warin Solomons. Classical,Comedy,Contemporary. Full Performance. Duration 136. David Warin Solomons #715968. Published by David Warin Solomons (A0.1114067). Instrumental quartet based on my choral piece The Choir in the Rain which is a sequence of limericks written and set to music by the composer imagining the scene if a choir were made to sing in the rain, complete with colds, coughs, sneezes and fever. Original limericks: (Introductory words: pitter patter pom etc) Our conductor was trying to train our choir to sing in the rain the music got wet and to our great regret we finally had to refrain So all of us went back indoors and we sang from our poor dripping scores but the audience cheered as we persevered and demanded sev'ral encores It was then that we all started sneezing the basses were coughing and wheezing The altos in harm'ny sniffed not very calmly but the audience thought we were teasing The Sopranos then noticed their dresses were shrinking and causing distresses the buttons they popped and the tenors they hopped as those buttons shot right past their faces It seemed that the choir was dissolving and the room started slowly revolving we'd all caught a cough it near carried us off as the fever we'd got was evolving We finally reached the last ditty in that chilly and rain sodden city oh we're told that in Spain it just rains on the plain but here it soaks both plain and pretty Performed by Violin 1: Csongor Veér Violin 2: Anna Fehér Viola: Péter Kondor Cello: Mátyás Ölveti of Budapest Scoring.
Quartet in the rain for string quartet performed by Budapest Scoring (mp3)
Quatuor à cordes: 2 violons, alto, violoncelle
Budapest Scoring String Quartet
$5.50 5.08 € Quatuor à cordes: 2 violons, alto, violoncelle PDF SheetMusicPlus

B-Flat Clarinet,Cello,Flute,Percussion,Piano,Violin - Level 5 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1283414 Composed by Eugene Astapov. 21st Century,Chamber,Contemporary. 49 pages. EAMUSIC #874599. Published by EAMUSIC (A0.1283414). Obelisk is a work that was built as a response to the atrocious events happening in the war between Russia and Ukraine. As a composer who was born in Ukraine, I felt very deeply for the hardships of the people of my country and this work is a direct emotional response to the images I see and stories I hear. The central part of the work features pre-recorded interviews with some of the Ukrainian civilians telling their harrowing stories of loss, struggles, and fight for survival.  When I was a child, my parents made the difficult decision to leave the country due to the beginning of another war Russia’s Putin started in Chechnya and my parents knew - one day he would be coming for Ukraine. As someone who immigrated to Canada at a young age, I experienced all the difficulties associated with finding new life in a new country. I saw the struggles of my parents and now I see the struggles being experienced by people fleeing Ukraine.  Throughout the work you will hear the sonic accompaniment to the pain and suffering that Ukrainians undergo on daily basis, you will hear their voices and see images of the brutality committed against the people of Ukraine. This is a heavy work to experience, but as an artist I feel it is only appropriate to raise awareness around the issue and show the people the horrors going on in the world.      The title of the work was inspired by the famous monument erected in 2001 to mark the occasion of the 10thanniversary of Ukraine’s Independence from the Soviet Union. At that point it appropriately replaced the monument of Vladimir Lenin. Towering on top of Kyiv’s Independence Square (famously known as Maidan) at 200 feet, this obelisk celebrates the nature of the Ukrainian independent spirit and directly reflects my ideas through this musical composition with the hope that the powerful Ukrainian nation will prevail over its enemy once again.  This PDF includes Score and Parts.
Obelisk: A Tribute to Ukraine

$50.00 46.17 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choir,Piano - Digital Download SKU: A0.1069497 Composed by Joanna Mills. Children,Instructional,Standards. Accompaniment. Duration 98. Joanna Mills Music #5197935. Published by Joanna Mills Music (A0.1069497). Use this piano track to accompany Rain, Rain, Go Away! (Songs for a Rainy Day) (S0.706285) 3-part choir arrangement for rehearsal or performances.This charming 3-Part choir arrangement is a quodlibet of three traditional songs about rain: Rain, Rain, Go Away; It's Raining, It's Pouring; and Pitter Patter Raindrops. It begins with a sparse staccato section which builds quickly to emulate the start of a rain shower, and then each song is added one after another until all three songs are sung at the same time. Then the rain sounds begin again until the rain shower ends with one final Drop. The piano score is simple and supports the singers, and because the song is in the key of F, Orff instruments can easily be added (or replace the piano entirely). Suitable for elementary aged students (range E4-D5), and perfect for a fall (autumn), spring, or early summer concert, or classroom instruction. Approximate performance time 1:40. Joanna Mills was the Gospel Choir Director at Roncesvalles United Church in Toronto, Canada for 20 years, and has been writing and arranging choral music for 15 years. Her compositions and arrangements are performed regularly by her own choir and others around the world and have won awards in songwriting competitions. She also teaches musical theatre, voice and piano.
Rain, Rain, Go Away! (Songs For a Rainy Day) - 3-Part Choir Piano Track

$7.99 7.38 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choir,Piano - Digital Download SKU: A0.1069495 Composed by Joanna Mills. Children,Instructional,Standards. Accompaniment. Duration 95. Joanna Mills Music #5197933. Published by Joanna Mills Music (A0.1069495). Use this piano accompaniment track with Rain, Rain, Go Away! for 2-Part Choir (S0.706323) for rehearsal or performance. This charming 2-Part choir arrangement is a quodlibet of three traditional songs about rain: Rain, Rain, Go Away; It's Raining, It's Pouring; and Pitter Patter Raindrops. It begins with a sparse staccato section which builds quickly to emulate the start of a rain shower, and then each song is added one after another until all three songs have been sung overlapping. Then the rain sounds begin again until the rain shower ends with one final Drop. The piano score is simple and supports the singers, and because the song is in the key of F, Orff instruments can easily be added (or replace the piano entirely). Suitable for elementary aged students (range E4-D5), and perfect for a fall (autumn), spring, or early summer concert, or classroom instruction. Approximate performance time 1:40.Joanna Mills was the Gospel Choir Director at Roncesvalles United Church in Toronto, Canada for 20 years, and has been writing and arranging choral music for 15 years. Her compositions and arrangements are performed regularly by her own choir and others around the world and have won awards in songwriting competitions. She also teaches musical theatre, voice and piano.
Rain, Rain, Go Away! (Songs For a Rainy Day) - 2-Part Choir Piano Track

$4.99 4.61 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (2-Part) - Level 1 - Digital Download SKU: A0.781373 Composed by Joanna Mills. Arranged by Joanna Mills Music. Children,Instructional,Standards,Traditional. Octavo. 7 pages. Joanna Mills Music #5197855. Published by Joanna Mills Music (A0.781373). This charming 2-Part choir arrangement is a quodlibet of three traditional songs about rain: Rain, Rain, Go Away; It's Raining, It's Pouring; and Pitter Patter Raindrops. It begins with a sparse staccato section which builds quickly to emulate the start of a rain shower, and then each song is added one after another until all three songs have been sung overlapping. Then the rain sounds begin again until the rain shower ends with one final Drop. The piano score is simple and supports the singers, and because the song is in the key of F, Orff instruments can easily be added (or replace the piano entirely). Suitable for elementary aged students (range E4-D5), and perfect for a fall (autumn), spring, or early summer concert, or classroom instruction. Approximate performance time 1:40. Piano accompaniment track also available on SMP (S0.706399)Joanna Mills was the Gospel Choir Director at Roncesvalles United Church in Toronto, Canada for 20 years, and has been writing and arranging choral music for 15 years. Her compositions and arrangements are performed regularly by her own choir and others around the world and have won awards in songwriting competitions. She also teaches musical theatre, voice and piano.
Rain, Rain, Go Away! (Songs For a Rainy Day) - A Quodlibet for 2-Part Choir
Chorale 2 parties

$1.99 1.84 € Chorale 2 parties PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (3-Part) - Level 1 - Digital Download SKU: A0.781371 Composed by Joanna Mills. Arranged by Joanna Mills Music. Children,Instructional,Standards,Traditional. Octavo. 8 pages. Joanna Mills Music #5197817. Published by Joanna Mills Music (A0.781371). This charming 3-Part choir arrangement is a quodlibet of three traditional songs about rain: Rain, Rain, Go Away; It's Raining, It's Pouring; and Pitter Patter Raindrops. It begins with a sparse staccato section which builds quickly to emulate the start of a rain shower, and then each song is added one after another until all three songs are sung at the same time. Then the rain sounds begin again until the rain shower ends with one final Drop. The piano score is simple and supports the singers, and because the song is in the key of F, Orff instruments can easily be added (or replace the piano entirely). Suitable for elementary aged students (range E4-D5), and perfect for a fall (autumn), spring, or early summer concert, or classroom instruction. Approximate performance time 1:40. Piano accompaniment mp3 also available on SMP (S0.706401)Joanna Mills was the Gospel Choir Director at Roncesvalles United Church in Toronto, Canada for 20 years, and has been writing and arranging choral music for 15 years. Her compositions and arrangements are performed regularly by her own choir and others around the world and have won awards in songwriting competitions. She also teaches musical theatre, voice and piano.
Rain, Rain, Go Away! (Songs For a Rainy Day) - A Quodlibet for 3-Part Choir
Chorale 3 parties

$1.99 1.84 € Chorale 3 parties PDF SheetMusicPlus

Digital Download SKU: A0.1070278 Composed by Mykhailo Verbytsky. Arranged by Tito Abeleda. Contemporary,Multicultural,Romantic Period,World. Full Performance. Duration 331. Visionary Quest Records #6858693. Published by Visionary Quest Records (A0.1070278). This poignant, contemplative arrangement of the Ukrainian National Anthem was written for Trumpet 1, Trumpet 2, Horn in F, Trombone, and Tuba. Sheet music download = 20 pages score plus parts. Duration = 5:30Ukrainian National Anthem also known as Shche ne Vmerla Ukrainy i Slava I Voila was composed by Mykhailo Verbytsky (1815-1870). Moved by recent events with the attack on Ukraine, I created this new re-imagined contemplative music arrangement of Shche ne Vmerla Ukrainy i Slava I Voila for Brass Quintet. I was so overcome by emotion that I found myself breaking down in tears as I wrote this I hope this piece resonates with you. I dedicate this piece to the people of Ukraine. #standwithukraineSoundCloud: (c) 2022 Tito Abeleda Contact Tito - tito@visionaryquestrecords.comVisionary Quest Records
Ukrainian National Anthem (Shce Ne Vmerla Ukrainy) for Brass Quintet
Quintette de Cuivres: 2 trompettes, Cor, trombone, tuba

$1.99 1.84 € Quintette de Cuivres: 2 trompettes, Cor, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

2 Pianos,4 Hands,Piano Duet - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.565178 By Sharon Wilson. By African-American Spiritual. Arranged by Sharon Wilson Music. Children,Folk,Jazz,Sacred,Spiritual. Score. 12 pages. Sharon Wilson #3519273. Published by Sharon Wilson (A0.565178). This arrangement of the traditional spiritual When the Saints Go Marching In is presented here as a mixed level duet for two pianos, four hands. The PIANO 1 is the easier part (early-intermediate) and the PIANO 2 is slightly more challenging, though still only at the intermediate level. Both PIANO parts carry the melody at times beginning with PIANO 1 for the verse. Quick-paced and bright, this dual piano duet is an ideal selection for a church setting.The purchase price includes a 5-page score with combined PIANO 1 and PIANO 2 parts on each page (the grand staff) plus an alternate format with the PIANO 1 and PIANO 2 parts on separate pages (3 pages each). Duration is just under 1-1/2 minutes. This arrangement is one of the 5 spirituals in the collection Five Joyful Tunes for Two Pianos.This song has numerous verses and varying lyrics, most of which reference the joy of marching into heaven at Jesus' second coming. Bible verses from which the lyrics were gleaned include the following: . . .Yahweh's ransomed ones will return, and come with singing to Zion; and everlasting joy will be on their heads. They will obtain gladness and joy, and sorrow and sighing will flee away. Isaiah 35:10 WEBFor the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with God's trumpet. The dead in Christ will rise first, then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air. So we will be with the Lord forever. Therefore comfort one another with these words. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 WEBBlessed are those who do his commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter in by the gates into the city. Revelation 22:14 WEBLyrics for my favorite 3 verses:O when the saints go marching in,O when the saints go marching in,O Lord I want to be in that number,When the saints go marching in.O when the trumpet sounds its call,O when the trumpet sounds its call,O Lord I want to be in that number,When the trumpet sounds its call.O when they crown him Lord of all,O when they crown him Lord of all,O Lord I want to be in that numberWhen they crown him Lord of all.
When the Saints Go Marching In (Mixed Level, 2 Pianos, 4 Hands Duet)
2 Pianos, 4 mains
Sharon Wilson
$5.99 5.53 € 2 Pianos, 4 mains PDF SheetMusicPlus

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