Concert band - Digital Download SKU: IZ.CBS151-S Composed by Britt Burns. Score. 17 pages. Imagine Music - Digital #CBS151-S. Published by Imagine Music - Digital (IZ.CBS151-S). 9 x 12 in inches.March of the Arachnids was composed with the intention of being music for the Halloween season, although it could beperformed at other times in the year. The early sketch was written in 2008, although the work wasn't fully realized until theSpring of 2011. The work is dedicated to my composer friend, Joseph Eidson, whose music largely inspired theorchestration and harmonic material for this piece.Creepy, energetic, dissonant, and playful - these adjectives best describe the work. It begins with the solo timpani thatimmediately sets the sneaking tone for the arachnids that have begun crawling. After a build-up in the woodwinds, thetrumpets introduce the terror with the main arachnid theme. From there, the tune is shared throughout the ensemble, givingnearly every instrument a chance to play the arachnid theme. A contrasting, calmer theme is introduced, simply to give ussome hope and relief that the arachnids will leave. The piece gradually grows more thick and dissonant over time, withwebby textures of woodwinds and muted brass. A short coda with the full ensemble ends the work where the piece reachesits climax.