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Alto Voice,Guitar - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1387467 By András Csáki (guitar) and Bernadett Nagy (alto). By David Warin Solomons. Contemporary. Full Performance. Duration 259. David Warin Solomons #971321. Published by David Warin Solomons (A0.1387467). Poem by Baudelaire (from Les Fleurs du mal). The guitar part contains many tremolo and harmonics effects.Voici venir les temps où vibrant sur sa tigeChaque fleur s'évapore ainsi qu'un encensoir;Les sons et les parfums tournent dans l'air du soir;Valse mélancolique et langoureux vertige!Chaque fleur s'évapore ainsi qu'un encensoir;Le violon frémit comme un coeur qu'on afflige;Valse mélancolique et langoureux vertige!Le ciel est triste et beau comme un grand reposoir.Le violon frémit comme un coeur qu'on afflige,Un coeur tendre, qui hait le néant vaste et noir!Le ciel est triste et beau comme un grand reposoir;Le soleil s'est noyé dans son sang qui se fige.Un coeur tendre, qui hait le néant vaste et noir,Du passé lumineux recueille tout vestige!Le soleil s'est noyé dans son sang qui se fige...Ton souvenir en moi luit comme un ostensoir!The hour approacheth, when, as their stems incline,The flowers evaporate like an incense urn,And sounds and scents in the vesper breezes turn;A melancholy waltz — and a drowsiness divine.The flowers evaporate like an incense urn,The viol vibrates like the wailing of souls that repine.A melancholy waltz — and a drowsiness divine,The skies like a mosque are beautiful and stern.The viol vibrates like the wailing of souls that repine;Sweet souls that shrink from chaos vast and etern,The skies like a mosque are beautiful and stern,The sunset drowns within its blood-red brine.Sweet souls that shrink from chaos vast and etern,Essay the wreaths of their faded Past to entwine,The sunset drowns within its blood-red brine,Thy thought within me glows like an incense urn.— Cyril Scott, Baudelaire: The Flowers of Evil (London: Elkin Mathews, 1909).
Harmonie du Soir for alto and classical guitar (mp3)
András Csáki (guitar) and Bernadett Nagy (alto)
$6.00 5.54 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Alto Voice,Guitar - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1387471 By András Csáki (guitar) and Bernadett Nagy (alto). By David Warin Solomons. Contemporary. Full Performance. Duration 167. David Warin Solomons #971325. Published by David Warin Solomons (A0.1387471). This setting of Paul Verlaine's poem Nevermore plays on an ambiguity of major and minor modes, swaying back and forth between the tonal centres of G minor and E flat majorThe poem and English translation are as follows:Nevermore  Souvenir, souvenir, que me veux-tu? L'automneFaisait voler la grive à travers l'air atone,Et le soleil dardait un rayon monotoneSur le bois jaunissant où la bise détone.Nous étions seul à seule et marchions en rêvant,Elle et moi, les cheveux et la pensée au vent.Soudain, tournant vers moi son regard émouvant :Quel fut ton plus beau jour? fit sa voix d'or vivant,Sa voix douce et sonore, au frais timbre angélique.Un sourire discret lui donna la réplique,Et je baisai sa main blanche, dévotement.-- Ah! les premières fleurs, qu'elles sont parfumées !Et qu'il bruit avec un murmure charmantLe premier oui qui sort de lèvres bien-aimées !English translation by S N Solomons:Memory, what would you have of me? AutumnDrove the thrush up through the atonic airAnd the pale sun pierced in monotoneThe chill and windy woods and the leaf flare.Together but alone we went our ways,Hair blown awry and monad thoughts unfurled.Sudden she turned to me her tender gaze:What was your finest day? - a voice of gold,Dulcet and low, ineffable and fresh.And I said nothing, offered her a smile,Seized her pale hand and pressed a kiss.Ah those first flowers of spring how sweet they were,And that first whispered Yes, how it beguiled,Won from those lovely lips with gentle murmur.(c) S N Solomons.
Nevermore for alto and classical guitar (mp3)
András Csáki (guitar) and Bernadett Nagy (alto)
$6.00 5.54 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choir,Guitar - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1387480 By András Csáki (guitar) and Budapest Scoring Singers. By David Warin Solomons. Contemporary,Religious,Sacred. Full Performance. Duration 419. David Warin Solomons #971335. Published by David Warin Solomons (A0.1387480). Recently rediscovered work of mine from 1975 - with special thanks to Nigel Warner for discovering and returning my manuscript and to Alexandr Burikov for entering it on Finale notation for me. Sanctus, sanctus, sanctusDominus Deus SabbaothSanctus Sanctus Dominus SanctusPleni sunt caeli et terra gloria TuaOsanna in excelsisBenedictus qui venit in nomine DominiOsanna in excelsis.Agnus Dei qui tollis peccata mundiMiserere nobisAgnus Dei qui tollis peccata mundiDona nobis pacemAmen(Holy, holy holyLord God of HostsHoly holy Lord holyHeaven and earth are full of your gloryHosanna in the highestBlessed is he who comes in the name of the LordHosanna in the highestLamb of God who takes away the sins of the worldHave mercy on usLamb of God who takes away the sins of the worldGive us peaceAmen)Performed by:Altos -  Nagy Bernadett and Viola ThurnayTenors - Lajos Fodré and Péter Mészáros Basses -  Ákos Borka and Béla Silló György Guitar - András Csáki.
Sanctus, Benedictus and Agnus Dei (with major 7th) for ATB choir and guitar (mp3)
András Csáki (guitar) and Budapest Scoring Singers
$7.50 6.93 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Alto Voice,Guitar - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1386864 By András Csáki (guitar), Bernadett Nagy (contralto 1), and Viola Thurnay (contralto 2). By David Warin Solomons. Contemporary. Full Performance. Duration 138. David Warin Solomons #970747. Published by David Warin Solomons (A0.1386864). Words by Graham Buck after SupervielleThe sun sets on Venus a whisper of sound goes abroad Is it a boat crossing an empty lake without an oarsman? is it a memory of the earth come stumbling here or a flower turning towards the light spicing the alien airamong those birdless trees ... The sun sets on Venus.
Planet (The sun sets on Venus) for 2 contraltos and guitar (mp3)
András Csáki (guitar), Bernadett Nagy (contralto 1), and Viola Thurnay (contralto 2)
$5.50 5.08 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Alto Voice,Guitar - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1386865 By Bernadett Nagy (contralto 1), Csáki András (guitar), and Viola Thurnay (contralto 2). By David Warin Solomons. Contemporary,Religious. Full Performance. Duration 141. David Warin Solomons #970748. Published by David Warin Solomons (A0.1386865). Setting of a spiritual poem by Audrey Vaughan:Oh gentle Lady of the stars,who bore the Son, Oh Lady of the moondust sky, who bore the One,who from the twelve-sung Heavens came. For one who cries, cries!Oh Lady of the sickle-throning moon, of your pity tender, pray,oh pray for me. Oh gentle Lady, pray, pray for me. (c) 1993 Audrey Vaughan.
Prayer to the Virgin for 2 contraltos and guitar (mp3)
Bernadett Nagy (contralto 1), Csáki András (guitar), and Viola Thurnay (contralto 2)
$5.50 5.08 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

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