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Piano Solo - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1120181 By Rafael Gordon Pino. By Ramón Zarzoso. Arranged by Juan Carlos Cortés Aguirre. Folk,Instructional,Latin,Multicultural,Traditional,World. Score. 2 pages. Juan Carlos Cortés Aguirre #721499. Published by Juan Carlos Cortés Aguirre (A0.1120181). Transcripción para piano solo por: JUAN CARLOS CORT�S A. Ramón Zarzoso nació en Valencia el 12 de Octubre de 1899, falleció el 29 de Octubre de 1988 a los 89 años en Buenos Aires, Argentina. Autor , compositor , maestro de musica. Recorrio los 5 continentes , autor y compositor de peliculas con Lolita Torres, Rocio Jurado, Pedrito Rico, El Niño De Utrera, Lola Flores, Salvador Valverde, Imperio Argentina, Miguel de Molina, Carmen Sevilla, Paquita Rico entre otros. Casado tuvo una hija y dos nietos. Reconocido como ciudadano ilustre de la ciudad Argentina. Dedico su vida a la musica. Haciendo 700 obras musicales, como El Sombrero , Coimbra divina , Castillito de arena entre otras. Sus restos se encuentran en el panteon de actores del cementerio chacarita (Panteon Sadaic). El letrista, escritor y autor Rafael Gordon Pino, no tiene una fecha de nacimiento registrada, solo aparece el año de fallecimiento en 1958, según La Biblioteca Nacional de España. Texto: El Sombrero. Pasodoble por: Rafael Gordon Pino y Ramón Zarzoso Aguilar. Introducción: Siempre ha sido el sombrero cordobés, por su gracia y su majeza el soberano, pues toreros, flamencos y cales, lo lucieron con el aire más gitano. Lagartijo, Frascuelo, Machaquito y Espartero, con orgullo lo llevaron...Este clásico sombrero. Interludio: El sombrero... El sombrero de ala ancha con que adorno mi cabeza. Yo lo llevo...Y con él voy orgulloso, pregonando su majeza. Y no hay otro...Más castizo y español, ni que iguale su belleza, porque los rayos del sol, bautizaron su majeza. Interludio: Cuando voy a los toros en Jerez, luzco yo con alegría mi sombrero. Y a mi paso se escuchan los olé y me aplauden mucho más que a los toreros. Y si voy con mi jaca muy flamenca al tentaero soy el rey de la fiesta, con mi clásico sombrero. Interludio: El sombrero. El sombrero de ala ancha con que adorno mi cabeza, yo lo llevo...Y con él voy orgulloso pregonando su majeza. Y no hay otro...Más castizo y español, ni que iguale su belleza, porque los rayos del sol... Bautizaron su majeza.
El Sombrero. Pasodoble por: Rafael Gordon Pino y Ramón Zarzoso.
Piano seul
Rafael Gordon Pino
$7.99 7.32 € Piano seul PDF SheetMusicPlus

Jazz Ensemble Jazz Ensemble - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1470440 Composed by Lorenzo Antonio. Arranged by Alexis Galfre. Jazz,Latin,Multicultural,World. 63 pages. Alexis Galfre #1048152. Published by Alexis Galfre (A0.1470440). The popular music of Córdoba (Argentina), the cuarteto cordobés, has taken Central American popular songs on several occasions, and has known how to cover them in their own style. In the arrangement that we present here, we have taken one of these songs popularized by the cuarteto cordobés and we have arranged it to Swing.La música popular de Córdoba (Argentina), el cuarteto cordobés, ha tomado en varias ocasiones canciones populares centroamericanas y ha sabido versionarlas en su propio estilo. En el arreglo que presentamos aquí, tomamos una de estas canciones popularizadas por el cuarteto cordobés y la llevamos al Swing.La musica popolare di Córdoba (Argentina), il cuarteto cordobés, ha ripreso in diverse occasioni le canzoni popolari centroamericane e ha saputo riprodurle secondo il proprio stile. Nell'arrangiamento che qui presentiamo, abbiamo preso uno di questi brani resi popolari dal cuarteto cordobés e lo abbiamo arrangiato in chiave Swing.
En septiembre fuiste mia
Ensemble Jazz

$12.00 11 € Ensemble Jazz PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (SATB divisi) - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1263441 Composed by Juan Carlos Guerra González. 21st Century,A Cappella. Octavo. 42 pages. Juan Carlos Guerra Gonzalez #856403. Published by Juan Carlos Guerra Gonzalez (A0.1263441). Versos was written as a graduation gift to my dear friend Gabriela Fernández, who premiered the piece in Argentina while doing her graduation recital in Choral and Orchestral Conducting in 2023. I had the great privilege of using a poem by Salvadoran poet Andrea Montano, who is also living in Argentina. In the poem, Andrea explores the idea of the quest of every artist for creativity and ideas that sparks the imagination. As a composer, the words resonated in my mind, and I immediately had ideas for the music.The music reflects the journey of every artist through the waters of inspiration using a series of textures created by the voices that are gradually evolving and contracting. The piece is very challenging and demanding for the performers and the conductor. The main musical lines will flourish in between the textures created by the other voices. ___The work might be described as impressionistic in its character. The piece might be very demanding for the singers, but they will for sure enjoy performing it.
Chorale SATB

$3.99 3.66 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano,Vocal,Voice - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.958769 Composed by Felipe Pinglo Alva. Arranged by Juan Carlos Cortés A. 20th Century,Concert,Holiday,Love,Standards,World. Score. 3 pages. Juan Carlos Cortés Aguirre #6593915. Published by Juan Carlos Cortés Aguirre (A0.958769). Transcripción para Piano Solo por:JUAN CARLOS CORTÉS A.Basado en la versión fonográfica vocalizada por Rafael Miguel Sciorra, conocido artistíscamente como Juan Carlos Miranda nacido en Chivilcoy, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina, el 23 de julio de 1917 y fallecido el 8 de julio de 1999. Acompañado por la orquesta del maestro peruano Jorge Huirse Reyes, nacido en Puno, el 30 de agosto de 1920 y fallecido en Lima, el 11 de diciembre de 1992.Felipe Pinglo Alva es conocido como el Maestro de los Autores y Compositores del Perú. Nació en 1899 y fallece en 1936 a los 35 años. A él le pertenecen la letra y música de los valses peruanos El Plebeyo y El espejo de mi Vida de gran difusión en la Argentina, él no llego a conocer en vida la trascendencia de sus temas.Texto:PASION Y ODIO(Vals peruano) Por: Felipe Pinglo AlvaINTRODUCCIÓN:Ayer la amaba yo, hoy mi pasión es cruel,germinó en mí el deseo, de amar sin querer.En mi memoria están, promesa de infame mujer,que el tiempo ya borró, al lapidar un falso amor.Esos labios que plenos, de pasión he besado,Que llevan el estigma, de un recuerdo angustiado.Las mejillas que un día mis labios colorearon,el polvo del olvido, las ha envuelto en el fango...¡Hoy odio a la mujer, que antes idolatré!¡Hoy odio a la mujer, que antes idolatré!INTERLUDIO:¡Hoy odio a la mujer, que antes idolatré!¡Hoy odio a la mujer…que antes idolatré!Enlaces: Videos en You Tube por Juan Carlos Cortés A. (Nube de sonido): HISPASONIC + MÚSICA NAVEGANTE:ágina de Editor Musical en Sheet Music Plus:
Pasión y Odio. Vals Peruano por: Felipe Pinglo Alva
Piano, Voix

$7.99 7.32 € Piano, Voix PDF SheetMusicPlus

C Instrument - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.540352 By Nicolas Mustillo. By Nicolas Mustillo. Arranged by Nicolas Mustillo. Contemporary,Multicultural,New Age,Praise & Worship,Spiritual,World. Lead Sheet / Fake Book. 4 pages. Nico Mustillo #150500. Published by Nico Mustillo (A0.540352). La obra tiene un ritmo por momentos vertiginoso, y invita al juego de melodias, entre los instrumentos que ejecutan. El paisaje sonoro se compone de ritmos étnicos del mundo y por momentos de América del sur. The work has a vertiginous rhythm at times, and invites the play of melodies, between the instruments that they execute. The soundscape is made up of ethnic rhythms from around the world and at times from South America. It is part of a series of compositions that narrates the experience of an internal and external trip to Capilla del Monte, Córdoba (Argentina). Es parte de una serie de composiciones que narra la experiencia de un viaje interno y externo a Capilla del Monte, Córdoba (Argentina).
Camino en blanco
Ligne De Mélodie, (Paroles) et Accords
Nicolas Mustillo
$10.00 9.16 € Ligne De Mélodie, (Paroles) et Accords PDF SheetMusicPlus

Solo Guitar - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.540234 By Nicolas Mustillo. By Nicolas Mustillo. Arranged by Nicolas Mustillo. Contemporary,Multicultural,New Age,Praise & Worship,Spiritual,World. Individual part. 5 pages. Nico Mustillo #150374. Published by Nico Mustillo (A0.540234). La obra narra el proceso de una viaje interno y externo a un lugar llamado Capilla del Monte ubicado en una región de Córdoba, Argentina, muy caracterizada por su energía espiritual y conciencia. La musica describe ese lugar interior, ese remanso interno donde todo esta bien, y lleno de paz y luz. La partitura contiene el arreglo para guitarra solista y también los cifrados de acorde y melodía. The work narrates the process of an internal and external journey to a place called Capilla del Monte located in a region of Córdoba, Argentina, very characterized by its spiritual energy and consciousness. The music describes that inner place, that inner haven where everything is fine, and full of peace and light. The score contains the arrangement for solo guitar and also the chord and melody symbols.
Nicolas Mustillo
$10.00 9.16 € Guitare PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (SATB) - Digital Download SKU: A0.828730 Composed by Giuseppe Dogliani. Arranged by Guido Menestrina. Romantic Period,Sacred. Octavo. 6 pages. Guido Menestrina #1986533. Published by Guido Menestrina (A0.828730). SATB + Piano solo Musica dal dramma (su libretto di Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne) Cristoforo Colombo, 1896. Qui di seguito info sul compositore. n. a Costigliole di Saluzzo (Cuneo-Italia) il 13 maggio 1849; prof. a Lanzo il 23 settemre 1870; m. a Torino il 22 ottobre 1934. Fu accolto da don Bosco nel suo Oratorio di Valdocco (Torino) nel 1864, a 14 anni di età, come allievo falegname. Egli però, già cantore del duomo di Saluzzo, aveva una spiccata inclinazione alla musica, e trovò in don Bosco chi lo comprese e l'assecondò. Sotto la guida del M. De Vecchi poté studiare musica strumentale, armonia e composizione. I suoi progressi furono così rapidi che, fattosi salesiano, divenne il più attivo collaboratore del M. Cagliero, e, allorché questi partì per l'Argentina a capo della prima spedizione di missionari salesiani (1875), a lui fu affidata la direzione della Schola cantorum,e nel 1889 anche della banda musicale dell'Oratorio. Maestro impareggiabile - come attesta un suo ex-allievo, don Alberto Caviglia - trasformò la scuola di canto col suo metodo d'insegnamento, sia nella preparazione della lettura, sia nell'educazione delle voci bianche e nell'addestramento delle masse corali, che giunsero fino a quattrocento voci. Con mezzi così poderosi il M. Dogliani ricondusse in chiesa la musica classica, e la Basilica di Maria Ausiliatrice fu rinomata per le grandiose esecuzioni inappuntabili degli spartiti di Rossini, Cherubini, Haydn, Gounod, Sgambati, Bossi, Tebaldini, Pagella, Perosi, Bottazzo, Ravanello, Mattioli, Donini, giungendo perfino a eseguire la Missa Papae Marcelli del Palestrina, senza accompagnamento (1876), e le classiche composizioni di Vittoria, Lolli, Gabrielli, Orlando di Lasso. La presenza della sua Schola cantorum e della sua banda strumentale fu spesso ambita e richiesta in altre città d'Italia in solenni circostanze, meritando elogi e premi, e perfino a Marsiglia per le feste centenarie di santa Giovanna d'Arco e l'inaugurazione della nuova cattedrale (1894). Il Cagliero - di cui ridusse a stile liturgico le più solenni composizioni - lo invitò in Argentina per portarvi la sua esperienza pratica d'insegnamento, che poi concretò nel celebre Metodo di canto corale, edito varie volte e su cui si formarono generazioni di Pueri cantores. Fu pure compositore di musica sacra e inni d'occasione di ottimo effetto: notevole l'antifona Corona aurea, composta per l'incoronazione dell'effige di Maria Ausiliatrice nel suo santuario (1903). Ma soprattutto egli - seguendo il metodo educativo di don Bosco - seppe fare della scuola di canto e di banda validi strumenti di formazione interiore, educando soprattutto con l'esempio di perfetto religioso, sicché i suoi allievi, per la sua abituale compostezza e inalterabile pazienza, lo tenevano in concetto di santo. Tra essi vi fu pure il celebre tenore Francesco Tamagno; altro suo discepolo affezionatissimo fu Federico Caudana, poi maestro di cappella a Cremona e buon compositore di musica. È da notare che il M. Dogliani, col suo insegnamento e col suo esempio, precorse di un trentennio la riforma della musica sacra fatta da san Pio X col Motu proprio del 1903. (da ) follow the score online on youtube:
Giuseppe Dogliani - Salve o Regina (1896)
Chorale SATB

$1.99 1.82 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Solo Guitar - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1441944 Composed by Anon. Arranged by Keith Terrett. 20th Century,Classical,Contest,Festival,Instructional,Multicultural,World. Individual part. 7 pages. Keith Terrett #1021937. Published by Keith Terrett (A0.1441944). Romance Anonimo for Guitar.This beautiful piece, known as Romance d'Amour, Anonymous Romance, Spanish Romance, Romance de Amor, Romanza among other names are a very well know piece. The composer is unknown.Romance Anónimo (Anonymous Romance) is a piece for guitar, also known as Estudio en Mi de Rubira (Study in E by Rubira), Spanish Romance, Romance de España, Romance de Amor, Romance of the Guitar, Romanza and Romance d'Amour among other names. It is composed in the style of parlour music of the late 19th century in Spain or South America,History:The style of the piece is that of the parlour music of the late 19th century in Spain or South America. It has a closed three-part form, the first in the minor key and the second being in the major key, with the third part being a restatement of the first.The origins and authorship of the piece are unknown, hence 'anonimo'. It is thought to have been originally a solo instrumental guitar work from the 19th century, and has variously been attributed to Antonio Rubira, David del Castillo, Francisco Tárrega, Fernando Sor, Daniel Fortea, Francisco Vicaria l Llobet, Antonio Cano, Vicente Gómez, and Narciso Yepes. It has been suggested that doubts about its authorship may have been encouraged by a wish to avoid paying copyright fees and the desire of publishing companies to claim the lucrative copyright.Early recordings:The earliest recording of Romance is found on a cylinder from the Viuda de Aramburo label[3][4][5][6] featuring guitarists Luis and Simon Ramírez, which was made in Madrid sometime between 1897 and 1901. The work is titled Sort-Estudio para Guitarra por S. Ramirez. The name Sort, as it occurs on the cylinder's title, probably refers to Fernando Sor, as his surname is sometimes spelled Sort or Sorts. The recording may be heard on the Doremi CD release Tarrega, His Disciples, and Their Students (DHR-7996) and online at the UCSB Cylinder Audio Archive.Possible origins:An early publication of the work, known as Estudio para Guitarra de Rovira and attributed to Spanish guitarist Antonio Rubira,[13] was published by J.A. Medina e Hijo in Argentina before 1925 (probably in 1913, when the publisher ceased activities).Guitarist and composer Isaías Sávio (Montevideo, 1900 — São Paulo, 1977) published the work in 1959 with the title Romance de Amor (Estudo em Mi) Música de Antonio Rovira (Segunda metade do século XIX) He published information which cited Antonio Rubira as the author. (See Violào e Mestres Junio, 1966 / São Paulo, Brasil.Sávio gives information that Juan Pargas, who knew Rubira, gave the Estudio de Rovira to the guitarist Juan Valles in 1876 or 1878. Sávio mentions that the work became popular in Buenos Aires and began to be published by, among others, Spaniard Pedro Maza; and that the work appeared in the method of Pedro Mascaró y Reissig, published in Montevideo in 1919, with the title Conocido por Estudio de Rovira.Publishing company Ricordi of Argentina currently publishes the piece, and attributes authorship to Antonio Rubira.
Romance Anonimo (tremolo) for Classical Guitar

$1.99 1.82 € Guitare PDF SheetMusicPlus

String Quartet Cello,String Quartet,Viola,Violin - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1514943 Composed by Azul Blatter. 21st Century,Chamber,Classical,Contemporary. 26 pages. Editorial Copistas Acuario #1089438. Published by Editorial Copistas Acuario (A0.1514943). El proyecto editorial «Escordaturas: Nueva mu?sica latinoamericana para cuerdas» nace con la inquietud de la Editorial Copistas Acuario, por ampliar su rango de accio?n luego de la publicacio?n exitosa de diversos volu?menes de mu?sica dominicana tanto histo?rica como actual.Siempre apegados a una identidad primero dominicana y luego latinoamericana, y siguiendo nuestro objetivo institucional de «fomentar el desarrollo sostenible de la industria creativa de la produccio?n, edicio?n, publicacio?n y distribucio?n del patrimonio musical nacional y regional...» nos propusimos desarrollar esta nueva serie abriendo una convocatoria general a todos los compositores jo?venes de la regio?n que desearan publicar y difundir a trave?s de esta Editorial obras de su autori?a para ensambles e instrumentos de cuerda. Se ha preparado esta compilacio?n numerada de 10 obras que busca representar la diversidad y el alto nivel propositivo de la nueva creacio?n sonora en Ame?rica Latina. De aqui?, precisamente, el si?mbolo de la «escordatura» para visualizar esta riqueza de un continente que a pesar de las diferencias idioma?ticas de cada pai?s, logra conformar una entidad cultural identificable, valiosa y llamativa.Con inmenso entusiasmo presentamos esta primera entrega que incluye mu?sica de Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Repu?blica Dominicana, Nicaragua, Me?xico, Ecuador y Venezuela; donde confluye la variedad estili?stica de cada compositor con lenguajes que rondan desde la mu?sica tonal e impresionista hasta propuestas experimentales y posmodernas.Con la apertura de esta nueva serie, la Editorial Copistas Acuario profundiza su posicio?n en Ame?rica Latina y expande su cata?logo, esperando lograr a futuro su consolidacio?n como casa editorial de la mu?sica latinoamericana ante el mundo.-------------------------------------------------The editorial project Escordaturas: New Latin American music for strings was born from the concern of the Editorial Copistas Acuario, to expand its range of action after the successful publication of several volumes of Dominican historical and contemporary music.Always attached to a first Dominican and then Latin American identity and following our institutional objective of promoting the sustainable development of the creative industry of the production, edition, publication and distribution of the national and regional musical heritage... we proposed to develop this new series by opening a general call to all young composers of the region who wish to publish and promote through this Editorial works of their authorship for string instruments and ensambles. This numbered compilation of 10 works has been prepared to represent the diversity and high level of the new sound creation in Latin America. Hence, precisely, the symbol of the escordatura to visualize this richness of a continent that despite the idiomatic differences of each country, manages to form an identifiable, valuable and striking cultural entity.It is with immense enthusiasm that we present this first installment, which includes music from Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Mexico, Ecuador and Venezuela; where the stylistic variety of each composer converges with languages that range from tonal and impressionist music to experimental and postmodern proposals.With the opening of this new series, the Editorial Copistas Acuario deepens its position in Latin America and expands its catalog, hoping to achieve in the future its consolidation as the publishing house of Latin American music to the world.
Arco (Score)
Quatuor à cordes: 2 violons, alto, violoncelle

$9.99 9.16 € Quatuor à cordes: 2 violons, alto, violoncelle PDF SheetMusicPlus

Jazz Combo - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1421941 By Holiyo. By Holyone Tombari Dodoh. Blues,Contemporary,Jazz,Patriotic,Pop. 31 pages. Holyone Tombari Dodoh #1003277. Published by Holyone Tombari Dodoh (A0.1421941). LyricsLionel Messi oh, Lionel Messi eh. I wan be like you oh; You be baba football eh! Lionel Messi oh, Lionel Messi eh. I wan be like you oh; You be baba football eh! When we talk of football, We dey talk of Messi oh. Baba dribble eleven men, Soteh the ball come dey shout, Baba, baba, baba, baba, Na you be my father, father. Abeg make we dey go post, Make we shata goalkeeper, And carry better award. Make I ask you something, Na wetin be your name again? We say na Lionel Messi oh, Lionel Messi eh. I wan be like you oh; You be baba football eh! Lionel Messi oh, Lionel Messi eh. I wan be like you oh; You be baba football eh! Baba score many goals, Carry many award oh. Man of the match, He dey!Super assist, Na him! Best playmaker, Na him!Even at thirty five oh Baba carry world cup, Carry eighth Balon d'orBaba never taya Wetin be him name?Messi! Na wetin be him name? Messi! Barcelona He show!P. S. G. He show!Inter Miami He show!Carry baba go there, God of football Na him oh!Number ten Na him!Argentina, Argentina.Greatest Of All Time:We say na Lionel Messi oh, Lionel Messi eh. I wan be like you oh; You be baba football eh! Lionel Messi oh, Lionel Messi eh. I wan be like you oh; You be baba football eh!
Baba Lionel Messi
Jazz combo
$4.00 3.67 € Jazz combo PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (SATB) - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.900395 Composed by Traditional. Arranged by Gustavo Fuentes. A Cappella,Celtic,Folk,World. Octavo. 4 pages. Gustavo Fuentes #3532713. Published by Gustavo Fuentes (A0.900395). Agora non (Not Now) is a traditional lullaby from Asturias (Spain), arranged for Mixed Choir (SATB) a capella with chords for piano or guitar. His folkloric lyrics talk about adulterous relationships, surprising in a lullaby. This arrangement belongs to the repertory of Avalon Choir (Coro Avalon) of Buenos Aires, Argentina, of which I am its director and arranger. The audio is from a live concert. Agora non (Ahora no) es una canción de cuna tradicional de Asturias (España), arreglada para Coro Mixto (SATB) a capella, con acordes para piano o guitarra. Su letra folklórica habla sobre las relaciones adúlteras, algo sorprendente en una canción de cuna. Este arreglo forma parte del repertorio del Coro Avalon de Buenos Aires, Argentina, del cual soy el director y arreglador. El audio es de un concierto en vivo.
Agora Non, lullaby of Asturias (Spain) for Mixed Choir
Chorale SATB

$2.00 1.83 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano Solo - Digital Download SKU: A0.958735 Composed by Francisco Yoni y Edmundo Arias. Arranged by Juan Carlos Cortés A. Christmas,Concert,Latin,Standards,World. Score. 3 pages. Juan Carlos Cortés Aguirre #6117911. Published by Juan Carlos Cortés Aguirre (A0.958735). Transcripción para Piano Solo por:JUAN CARLOS CORTÉS A.Basado en la grabación fonográfica original de: EDMUNDO ARIAS Y SU ORQUESTA, acompañando a la Argentina Lita Nelson en el porro: ALGO SE ME VA. Lita Nelson (MANUELITA FERNANDEZ NELSON), cantante argentina y quien se radicó en Colombia en el año de 1958, dando inicio a su carrera musical.- Edmundo Dante Arias Valencia (Tuluá, Valle del Cauca, 5 de diciembre de 1925 - Medellín, 28 de enero de 1993), hijo del compositor antioqueño Joaquín Arias, fue un multi-instrumentista y compositor de música colombiana --destacado en el género de la cumbia--, creador de piezas musicales, difundidas principalmente a través de su grupo musical, la Orquesta de Edmundo Arias. De 67 años de edad, falleció en el Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paúl de la ciudad de Medellín, a causa de una uremia sobreviniente a un procedimiento de vesícula biliar.Francisco Yoni (Francisco Fortunato Silva) el autor de SON COSAS MÃAS, vino a Medellín en la década del 50, a fines de ella, y se acreditó como periodista. Mantuvo un gran programa tanguero en la Voz de Antioquia y dentro de él una sección que bautizó El Tango Poemizado. Se trataba de versos suyos sobre un conocido tango. Esa sección gustó mucho y circula un LP con doce temas de Yoni en esa tónica.Algo Se Me VaPorro Son por: Francisco Yoni y Edmundo AriasINTRODUCCIÓN:Cuando tú me besas algo se me va,Se me va la fuerza de la voluntad,Cuando tú me besas algo se me va,Se me va la fuerza de la voluntad.Me tiemblan las piernas, quedo sin razón,Es inexplicable toda esta emoción,Me da un cosquilleo y lo siento aquí,Me da un cosquilleo y lo siento acá.Ay papi, no beses así,Tengo, suficiente ya,Basta, basta de una vez,Ay mira, me voy a caer.Mami, yo soy muy feliz,Mira, besándote así,Mami, yo soy muy feliz,Mira, besándote así.Papi, no beses así,Tengo, suficiente ya,Basta, basta de una vez,Ay mira, me voy a caer.INTERLUDIO:Cuando tú me besas algo se me va,Se me va la fuerza de la voluntad,Cuando tú me besas algo se me va,Se me va la fuerza de la voluntad.Me tiemblan las piernas, quedo sin razón,Es inexplicable toda esta emoción,Me da un cosquilleo y lo siento aquí,Me da un cosquilleo y lo siento acá.Ay papi, no beses así,Tengo, suficiente ya,Basta, basta de una vez,Ay mira, me voy a caer.Mami, yo soy muy feliz,Mira, besándote así,Mami, yo soy muy feliz,Mira, besándote así.Papi, no beses así,Tengo, suficiente ya,Basta, basta de una vez,Ay mira, me voy a caer.CODA.
Algo se me va. Porro Son por Francisco Yoni y Edmundo Arias
Piano seul

$7.99 7.32 € Piano seul PDF SheetMusicPlus

Violin Duet Violin - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.596615 By John Winstead and Miguel Angel Cotignola. By Juan María Solare. 20th Century,Celtic,Instructional,Irish. 5 pages. Juan Maria Solare #6208589. Published by Juan Maria Solare (A0.596615). Highlands for two violins About the genesis of my work Highlands: There was a composition competition in Scotland (The Gordon Stewart Memorial Competition), they asked to write a short march for Scottish bagpipes. I said to myself: I don't know anything about the bagpipes, this could be an opportunity to get to know the instrument better. So I began to investigate and discovered that there is a huge literature, many works. Of course: all the works are impressively similar, because it is a relatively limited instrument (with forgiveness of the pipers). But this is an unimportant detail for our story. So, with a collection of bagpipe sheet music at hand, I began to investigate the possibilities of the instrument. And I made a huge mistake: Bagpipe scores are written without accidentals, but they are actually in A major. Sharps are not written simply because there is NO alternative. They can't play anything else (at least the traditional bagpipes), so the sheet music ommits the superfluous sharps. In short: then I composed my melody for that contest in A minor ... which is impossible to play on bagpipes. The fact of having written the melody on board a train prevented me from listening to dozens of works for bagpipes as a reference (at that time - June 2015 - I did not have a mobile internet connection). When I realized the mistake (in time) I rewrote that melody in major mode (well, Mixolydian ...), added some typical bagpipe ornamentation and retitled it: Ballone Castle (the name of the castle of the organizers of the contest, the Stewart Society). And now what do I do with the original melody, in minor mode? Instead of throwing it away (which I never do) I titled it Highlands, and it is the work that you are about to hear, or whose score you are holding. I didn't win that contest in Scotland. But I recorded Ballone Castle and posted it on Spotify: Ballone Castle (for bagpipes) - on Spotify (there is a version with drums and another without them). As for Highlands, the saxophone version was recorded by my Chinese friend Yu Han for the album Images of Elsewhere (Images of Elsewhere (saxophone)). In this case, there are also two versions: solo saxophone and sax with electronic sounds. The electronic sounds here actually simulate the typical bagpipe pedal (drone) note. A version of Highands for oboe Solo was recorded by John Winstead (Highlands (oboe solo)) Comparing both pieces (Highlands and Ballone Castle) it is verified how the simple change of mode (major / minor), in addition to the change of instrument, can work wonders for musical perception. They are two related but independent works, each with its own defined character - like two twins. But the story continues. In October 2020 I began an intense dialogue with the violinist Miguel Ãngel Cotignola, from Mendoza (Argentina). I suggested him to film Highlands. He suggestd me to write a second violin part. I did it. He filmed it on the shore of Lake Potrerillos, in Mendoza (Argentina). This video can be seen here: Highlands (for two violins)Juan María Solare
Highlands [2 violins]
2 Violons (duo)
John Winstead and Miguel Angel Cotignola
$2.00 1.83 € 2 Violons (duo) PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (SATB) - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.900396 Composed by Traditional. Arranged by Gustavo Fuentes. A Cappella,Celtic,Folk,World. Octavo. 4 pages. Gustavo Fuentes #3532735. Published by Gustavo Fuentes (A0.900396). ¿Dónde vas por agua? and El agua del río (Where are you going for water? and The water of the river) they are traditional songs from Asturias (Spain), arranged for Mixed Choir (SATB) a capella with chords for piano or guitar. His folkloric lyrics talk about the divinatory power of water. This arrangement belongs to the repertory of Avalon Choir (Coro Avalon) of Buenos Aires, Argentina, of which I am its director and arranger. The audio is from our CD Celtic Journey that you can listen to on Spotify. ¿Dónde vas por agua? y El agua del río son canciones tradicionales de Asturias (España), arregladas para Coro Mixto (SATB) a capella, con acordes para piano o guitarra. Su letra folklórica habla sobre el poder adivinatorio del agua. Este arreglo forma parte del repertorio del Coro Avalon de Buenos Aires, Argentina, del cual soy el director y arreglador. El audio es de nuestro CD Celtic Journey que puedes escuchar completo en Spotify.
¿Donde vas por agua? y Por el agua del río, traditional songs of Asturias (Spain) for Mixed Choir
Chorale SATB

$2.00 1.83 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

String Quartet Cello,String Quartet,Viola,Violin - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1514903 Composed by Azul Blatter. 21st Century,Chamber,Classical,Contemporary. 36 pages. Editorial Copistas Acuario #1089397. Published by Editorial Copistas Acuario (A0.1514903). El proyecto editorial «Escordaturas: Nueva mu?sica latinoamericana para cuerdas» nace con la inquietud de la Editorial Copistas Acuario, por ampliar su rango de accio?n luego de la publicacio?n exitosa de diversos volu?menes de mu?sica dominicana tanto histo?rica como actual.Siempre apegados a una identidad primero dominicana y luego latinoamericana, y siguiendo nuestro objetivo institucional de «fomentar el desarrollo sostenible de la industria creativa de la produccio?n, edicio?n, publicacio?n y distribucio?n del patrimonio musical nacional y regional...» nos propusimos desarrollar esta nueva serie abriendo una convocatoria general a todos los compositores jo?venes de la regio?n que desearan publicar y difundir a trave?s de esta Editorial obras de su autori?a para ensambles e instrumentos de cuerda. Se ha preparado esta compilacio?n numerada de 10 obras que busca representar la diversidad y el alto nivel propositivo de la nueva creacio?n sonora en Ame?rica Latina. De aqui?, precisamente, el si?mbolo de la «escordatura» para visualizar esta riqueza de un continente que a pesar de las diferencias idioma?ticas de cada pai?s, logra conformar una entidad cultural identificable, valiosa y llamativa.Con inmenso entusiasmo presentamos esta primera entrega que incluye mu?sica de Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Repu?blica Dominicana, Nicaragua, Me?xico, Ecuador y Venezuela; donde confluye la variedad estili?stica de cada compositor con lenguajes que rondan desde la mu?sica tonal e impresionista hasta propuestas experimentales y posmodernas.Con la apertura de esta nueva serie, la Editorial Copistas Acuario profundiza su posicio?n en Ame?rica Latina y expande su cata?logo, esperando lograr a futuro su consolidacio?n como casa editorial de la mu?sica latinoamericana ante el mundo.-------------------------------------------------The editorial project “Escordaturas: New Latin American music for strings” was born from the concern of the Editorial Copistas Acuario, to expand its range of action after the successful publication of several volumes of Dominican historical and contemporary music.Always attached to a first Dominican and then Latin American identity and following our institutional objective of “promoting the sustainable development of the creative industry of the production, edition, publication and distribution of the national and regional musical heritage...” we proposed to develop this new series by opening a general call to all young composers of the region who wish to publish and promote through this Editorial works of their authorship for string instruments and ensambles. This numbered compilation of 10 works has been prepared to represent the diversity and high level of the new sound creation in Latin America. Hence, precisely, the symbol of the “escordatura” to visualize this richness of a continent that despite the idiomatic differences of each country, manages to form an identifiable, valuable and striking cultural entity.It is with immense enthusiasm that we present this first installment, which includes music from Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Mexico, Ecuador and Venezuela; where the stylistic variety of each composer converges with languages that range from tonal and impressionist music to experimental and postmodern proposals.With the opening of this new series, the Editorial Copistas Acuario deepens its position in Latin America and expands its catalog, hoping to achieve in the future its consolidation as the publishing house of Latin American music to the world.
Arco (Partes)
Quatuor à cordes: 2 violons, alto, violoncelle

$9.99 9.16 € Quatuor à cordes: 2 violons, alto, violoncelle PDF SheetMusicPlus

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