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Piano and voice - Digital Download SKU: LV.227 Composed by H.R. Bishop. Clothing & dress, Mothers & children, Military officers, Sadness, Farewells. Lester S. Levy Collection. 4 pages. Published by Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries (LV.227). Oh! My Bravest & Best I Resign Thee. The Poetry by T. Haynes Bayly, Esq. Symphonies & Accompaniments by H.R. Bishop. Published [n.d.] by Firth & Hall, No. 1 Franklin Square in New York. Composition of strophic with piano and voice instrumentation. Subject headings for this piece include Clothing & dress, Mothers & children, Military officers, Sadness, Farewells. First line reads Oh my bravest and best I resign thee, my heart will be desolate now.. About The Lester S. Levy CollectionThe Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music consists of over 29,000 pieces of American popular music. Donated to Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries, the collection's strength is its thorough documentation of nineteenth-century American through popular music. This sheet music has been provided by Project Gado, a San Francisco Bay Area startup whose mission is to digitize and share the world's visual history.WARNING: These titles are provided as historical documents. Language and concepts within reflect the opinions and values of the time and may be offensive to some.
Oh! My Bravest & Best I Resign Thee
Piano, Voix

$5.99 5.67 € Piano, Voix PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano and voice - Digital Download SKU: LV.11804 Composed by Robert Gray. Arranged by F.C. Unger. Steamboats, Warships, National Emblems, Harps, Lions, Lighthouses, Sailors, Ireland, Homecomings, Courage. Lester S. Levy Collection. 4 pages. Published by Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries (LV.11804). When First We Braved the Ocean Wave. A Song. Composed by Mr. Robert Gray. Arranged for the Piano Forte by F.C. Unger. Published 1838 by in n.p. Composition of strophic with chorus with piano and voice instrumentation. Subject headings for this piece include Steamboats, Warships, National Emblems, Harps, Lions, Lighthouses, Sailors, Ireland, Homecomings, Courage. First line reads When first we brav'd the ocean wave, in ship as bold as e'er left shore.. About The Lester S. Levy CollectionThe Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music consists of over 29,000 pieces of American popular music. Donated to Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries, the collection's strength is its thorough documentation of nineteenth-century American through popular music. This sheet music has been provided by Project Gado, a San Francisco Bay Area startup whose mission is to digitize and share the world's visual history.WARNING: These titles are provided as historical documents. Language and concepts within reflect the opinions and values of the time and may be offensive to some.
When First We Braved the Ocean Wave. A Song
Piano, Voix

$5.99 5.67 € Piano, Voix PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano and voice - Digital Download SKU: LV.22381 Composed by J.E. Haynes. Civil War--Union, Campaigns & battles, William Tecumseh Sherman, Patriotism. Lester S. Levy Collection. 4 pages. Published by Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries (LV.22381). Sherman the Brave. Song & Chorus. Words by Chas. Haynes. Music by J.E. Haynes. Published 1865 by Lyon & Healy, Cor. Clark & Washington St. in Chicago. Composition of strophic with chorus with piano and voice instrumentation. Subject headings for this piece include Civil War--Union, Campaigns & battles, William Tecumseh Sherman, Patriotism. First line reads Oh Sherman the brave, with his army array'd in the colors of justice and right.. About The Lester S. Levy CollectionThe Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music consists of over 29,000 pieces of American popular music. Donated to Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries, the collection's strength is its thorough documentation of nineteenth-century American through popular music. This sheet music has been provided by Project Gado, a San Francisco Bay Area startup whose mission is to digitize and share the world's visual history.WARNING: These titles are provided as historical documents. Language and concepts within reflect the opinions and values of the time and may be offensive to some.
Sherman the Brave. Song & Chorus
Piano, Voix

$5.99 5.67 € Piano, Voix PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano and voice - Digital Download SKU: LV.13768 Composed by James M. Montgomery. Patriotism, Wars, Heroes, Pride. Lester S. Levy Collection. 4 pages. Published by Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries (LV.13768). Welcome To Day [sic] Brave Sons of Columbia. Song and Chorus. by James M. Montgomery. Published 1892 by H. Eberbach, 915 F Street, N.W. in Washington, D.C. Composition of strophic with chorus with piano and voice instrumentation. Subject headings for this piece include Patriotism, Wars, Heroes, Pride. First line reads Welcome, today, brave Sons of Columbia, Your val'rous deeds on land and the sea.. About The Lester S. Levy CollectionThe Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music consists of over 29,000 pieces of American popular music. Donated to Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries, the collection's strength is its thorough documentation of nineteenth-century American through popular music. This sheet music has been provided by Project Gado, a San Francisco Bay Area startup whose mission is to digitize and share the world's visual history.WARNING: These titles are provided as historical documents. Language and concepts within reflect the opinions and values of the time and may be offensive to some.
Welcome To Day Brave Sons of Columbia. Song and Chorus
Piano, Voix

$5.99 5.67 € Piano, Voix PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano and voice - Digital Download SKU: LV.12533 Composed by Walter A. Perry. Portraits, Soldiers. Lester S. Levy Collection. 4 pages. Published by Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries (LV.12533). Gone! Brave One, Gone! A Memorial Tribute To General U.S. Grant. Song and Chorus by Walter A. Perry. Published 1885 by Perry & Noble in New Bedford, Mass. Composition of strophic with SATB chorus with piano and voice instrumentation. Subject headings for this piece include Portraits, Soldiers. First line reads Gone, brave one, gone from us, ne'er to return.. About The Lester S. Levy CollectionThe Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music consists of over 29,000 pieces of American popular music. Donated to Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries, the collection's strength is its thorough documentation of nineteenth-century American through popular music. This sheet music has been provided by Project Gado, a San Francisco Bay Area startup whose mission is to digitize and share the world's visual history.WARNING: These titles are provided as historical documents. Language and concepts within reflect the opinions and values of the time and may be offensive to some.
Gone! Brave One, Gone! A Memorial Tribute To General U.S. Grant
Piano, Voix

$5.99 5.67 € Piano, Voix PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano and voice; ukulele - Digital Download SKU: LV.18689 Composed by Eddie Newton. Railroads, Railroad employees, Accidents, Courage. Lester S. Levy Collection. 4 pages. Published by Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries (LV.18689). Casey Jones. The Brave Engineer. Greatest Comedy Hit in Years. The Only Comedy Railroad Song. Words By T. Lawrence Seibert. Music By Eddie Newton. Published 1909 by Southern California Music Company, 332-34 So. Broadway in Los Angeles, CA. Composition of strophic with chorus with piano and voice; ukulele instrumentation. Subject headings for this piece include Railroads, Railroad employees, Accidents, Courage. First line reads Come all you rounders if you want to hear a story about a brave Engineer.. About The Lester S. Levy CollectionThe Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music consists of over 29,000 pieces of American popular music. Donated to Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries, the collection's strength is its thorough documentation of nineteenth-century American through popular music. This sheet music has been provided by Project Gado, a San Francisco Bay Area startup whose mission is to digitize and share the world's visual history.WARNING: These titles are provided as historical documents. Language and concepts within reflect the opinions and values of the time and may be offensive to some.
Casey Jones. The Brave Engineer
T Lawrence Seibert
$5.99 5.67 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano and voice (mixed or male voices) - Digital Download SKU: LV.13130 Composed by A. O. H. Presidential elections, Ulysses S. Grant, Heroes. Lester S. Levy Collection. 4 pages. Published by Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries (LV.13130). The Chieftain Brave. Grant Campaign Song and Chorus. Music by A.O.H. Published 1868 by Henry Tolmman & Co., 291 Washington St. in Boston. Composition of strophic with 4-part chorus with piano and voice (Mixed or Male Voices) instrumentation. Subject headings for this piece include Presidential elections, Ulysses S. Grant, Heroes. First line reads Hurrah for Grant! the Chieftain brave.. About The Lester S. Levy CollectionThe Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music consists of over 29,000 pieces of American popular music. Donated to Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries, the collection's strength is its thorough documentation of nineteenth-century American through popular music. This sheet music has been provided by Project Gado, a San Francisco Bay Area startup whose mission is to digitize and share the world's visual history.WARNING: These titles are provided as historical documents. Language and concepts within reflect the opinions and values of the time and may be offensive to some.
The Chieftain Brave. Grant Campaign Song and Chorus

$5.99 5.67 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano and voice; ukulele - Digital Download SKU: LV.24100 Composed by Eddie Newton. Railroads, Railroad employees, Accidents, Courage. Lester S. Levy Collection. 5 pages. Published by Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries (LV.24100). Casey Jones. The Brave Engineer. With Ukulele Arrangement. The Internationally Famous Song Success. Words By T. Lawrence Seibert. Music By Eddie Newton. Published 1909 by Southern California Music Company in Los Angeles, CA. Composition of strophic with chorus with piano and voice; ukulele instrumentation. Subject headings for this piece include Railroads, Railroad employees, Accidents, Courage. First line reads Come all you rounders if you want to hear a story about a brave Engineer.. About The Lester S. Levy CollectionThe Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music consists of over 29,000 pieces of American popular music. Donated to Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries, the collection's strength is its thorough documentation of nineteenth-century American through popular music. This sheet music has been provided by Project Gado, a San Francisco Bay Area startup whose mission is to digitize and share the world's visual history.WARNING: These titles are provided as historical documents. Language and concepts within reflect the opinions and values of the time and may be offensive to some.
Casey Jones. The Brave Engineer
T Lawrence Seibert
$5.99 5.67 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano and voice - Digital Download SKU: LV.22280 Composed by Lieut. Henrie L. Frisbie. Civil War--Union, War casualties, Death, Patriotism. Lester S. Levy Collection. 5 pages. Published by Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries (LV.22280). Oh! Bury the Brave Where They Fall. Song & Chorus. Written & Composed by Lieut. Henrie L. Frisbie of the 113th Ills Infy. Vols. Published 1863 by Root & Cady, 95 Clark St. in Chicago. Composition of strophic with chorus with piano and voice instrumentation. Subject headings for this piece include Civil War--Union, War casualties, Death, Patriotism. First line reads Oh bury the brave on the field where they fall!.. About The Lester S. Levy CollectionThe Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music consists of over 29,000 pieces of American popular music. Donated to Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries, the collection's strength is its thorough documentation of nineteenth-century American through popular music. This sheet music has been provided by Project Gado, a San Francisco Bay Area startup whose mission is to digitize and share the world's visual history.WARNING: These titles are provided as historical documents. Language and concepts within reflect the opinions and values of the time and may be offensive to some.
Oh! Bury the Brave Where They Fall. Song & Chorus
Piano, Voix

$5.99 5.67 € Piano, Voix PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano and voice - Digital Download SKU: LV.21354 Portraits, Lafayette, Patriotism, Campaigns & battles. Lester S. Levy Collection. 2 pages. Published by Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries (LV.21354). Washington's Favourite the Brave La Fayette. Written by a Gentleman of this City to a Favourite Air. Arranged with a chorus in three parts and an accompaniment for the Piano Forte. Published 1824 by John Cole, No. 123 Market Street in Baltimore. Composition of strophic with chorus with piano and voice instrumentation. Subject headings for this piece include Portraits, Lafayette, Patriotism, Campaigns & battles. First line reads Rise, sons of Columbia, to welcome the brave.. About The Lester S. Levy CollectionThe Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music consists of over 29,000 pieces of American popular music. Donated to Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries, the collection's strength is its thorough documentation of nineteenth-century American through popular music. This sheet music has been provided by Project Gado, a San Francisco Bay Area startup whose mission is to digitize and share the world's visual history.WARNING: These titles are provided as historical documents. Language and concepts within reflect the opinions and values of the time and may be offensive to some.
Washington's Favourite the Brave La Fayette
Piano, Voix

$5.99 5.67 € Piano, Voix PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano and voice - Digital Download SKU: LV.21377 Composed by Miss Reba Koopman. Portraits, Patriotism, Campaigns & battles, War, Soldiers. Lester S. Levy Collection. 4 pages. Published by Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries (LV.21377). The Brave Boys of Our Country. Patriotic Song and Chorus. By Miss Reba Koopman. Published 1898 by W.H. Paige & Co. Music Publishers in Terre Haute, Ind. Composition of strophic with refrain with piano and voice instrumentation. Subject headings for this piece include Portraits, Patriotism, Campaigns & battles, War, Soldiers. First line reads On the morning breeze is flung the dear old flag boys First line of refrain Oh the brave boys of our country they are coming to the front.. About The Lester S. Levy CollectionThe Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music consists of over 29,000 pieces of American popular music. Donated to Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries, the collection's strength is its thorough documentation of nineteenth-century American through popular music. This sheet music has been provided by Project Gado, a San Francisco Bay Area startup whose mission is to digitize and share the world's visual history.WARNING: These titles are provided as historical documents. Language and concepts within reflect the opinions and values of the time and may be offensive to some.
The Brave Boys of Our Country. Patriotic Song and Chorus
Piano, Voix
Miss Reba Koopman Published 1898 by W
$5.99 5.67 € Piano, Voix PDF SheetMusicPlus

Violin Duet Violin - Level 5 - Digital Download SKU: A0.861912 Arranged by Mark O'Connor. 20th Century,Contemporary,Folk. 9 pages. Mark O'Connor Musik International #6206217. Published by Mark O'Connor Musik International (A0.861912). Brave Wolfe (misc. instrument – misc. instr. and violin) MO109Misc. Instrument Part (trumpet score and parts available)Music by Mark O’Connor4 pages - 7:00 minutes in length Brave Wolfe for misc. instrument and violin is a piece by Mark O’Connor based on an old traditional ballad. It was recorded by O’Connor and Wynton Marsalis for the album Liberty!. The recording was also used throughout the film documentary produced for PBS, Liberty! The American Revolution. This may very well be the first duet ever written for trumpet and violin. Summarized as a triumph by album notes writer Thomas Fleming, he goes on to characterize the duet by saying Marsalis’ sound echoes the noble sadness of this celebration of the heroic death of British General James Wolfe before Quebec in 1759. The piece turns into a musical gallop, evoking the surging seesaw battle Wolfe’s army fought outside the walls of the fortress city. We have a collaboration between the trumpet wizardry of Wynton Marsalis and Mark O’Connor’s extraordinary virtuosity on the fiddle. The music is suited for advanced levels. Original music printed from the composer’s manuscripts.Music editing, copying and engraving by Mark O’Connorusing Finale on Apple Macintosh 1997 Public Domain Arranged by Mark O’ConnorCan be heard on Liberty! Sony Classical and The Essential Mark O’Connor Sony ClassicalMark O’Connor - violin, Wynton Marsalis – trumpet Catalogue Number MO109Copyright © 1997 by Mark O’Connor Music International For more information on violinist and composer Mark O'Connor, O’Connor String Camps, Touring Ensembles, Discography, Bio, Repertoire and more, please For information on the O’Connor Method – instructional book series for violin, viola, cello and school string orchestra 
Brave Wolfe (misc. instrument – misc instr. and violin)
2 Violons (duo)

$6.00 5.68 € 2 Violons (duo) PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano and voice - Digital Download SKU: LV.13820 Composed by David T. Shaw. Arranged by T.A. Beckett, Esq. Flags, National songs, Patriotism, Army, Navy. Lester S. Levy Collection. 3 pages. Published by Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries (LV.13820). Columbia, the Land of the Brave. Written & Composed by David T. Shaw. Arranged by T.A. Beckett Esq. Published 1843 by George Willig, 171 Chesnut St. in Philadelphia. Composition of strophic with piano and voice instrumentation. Subject headings for this piece include Flags, National songs, Patriotism, Army, Navy. First line reads O Columbia the gem of the ocean.. About The Lester S. Levy CollectionThe Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music consists of over 29,000 pieces of American popular music. Donated to Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries, the collection's strength is its thorough documentation of nineteenth-century American through popular music. This sheet music has been provided by Project Gado, a San Francisco Bay Area startup whose mission is to digitize and share the world's visual history.WARNING: These titles are provided as historical documents. Language and concepts within reflect the opinions and values of the time and may be offensive to some.
Columbia, the Land of the Brave
Piano, Voix

$5.99 5.67 € Piano, Voix PDF SheetMusicPlus

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