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Woodwind Ensemble,Woodwind Quartet Alto Saxophone,Baritone Saxophone,Soprano Saxophone,Tenor Saxophone - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.534471 Composed by Johann Sebastian Bach. Arranged by Paul Wehage. Baroque,Christmas,Easter,Sacred. 207 pages. Musik Fabrik Music Publishing #3520187. Published by Musik Fabrik Music Publishing (A0.534471). The Orgelbüchlein (Little Organ Book) BWV 599−644 is a collectionof 45 chorale preludes for organ written by Johann Sebastian Bach. Allbut three of them were composed during the period 1708–1717, whileBach was court organist at the ducal court in Weimar. The remainingthree, along with a short two-bar fragment, were added in 1726 or later,after Bach's appointment as cantor at the Thomasschule in Leipzig. The45 comlete pieces are divided up according to the liturigcal year:L’Orgelbüchlein (Le Petit LIvre D‘Orgue) BWV 599−644 est unecollection de 45 chorale preludes for organ écrites par Johann SebastianBach. Tout, sauf trois ont été composées pendant la période ou Bach étaitl’organiste titualaire au cour du Duc de Weimar entre 1708 et 1717, whileBach was court organist at the ducal court in Weimar. Les trois resentanteont été ajoutée vers 1726, après la nomination de Bach comme Maître deChapelle au Thomasschule à Leipzig. Les 45 pièces sont divisée selonThe 45 comlete pieces are divided up according to the liturigcal year:Advent /Avent1. Nun komm' der Heiden Heiland, BWV 599 (A minor)2. Gott, durch deine Güte, BWV 600 (F major)3. Herr Christ, der einge Gottessohn, BWV 601 (A major)4. Lob sei dem allmächtigen Gott, BWV 602 (D minor)Christmas/Noël5. Puer natus in Bethlehem, BWV 603 (G minor)6. Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ, BWV 604 (G major)7. Der Tag, der ist so freudenreich, BWV 605 (G major)8. Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her, BWV 606 (D major)9. Vom Himmel kam der Engel Schaar, BWV 607 (G minor)10. In dulci jubilo, BWV 608 (A major)11. Lobt Gott, ihr Christen, allzugleich, BWV 609 (G major)12. Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 610 (C minor)13. Christum wir sollen loben schon, BWV 611 (E minor)14. Wir Christenleut', BWV 612 (G minor)New Year/Nouvelle Année15. Helft mir Gottes Güte preisen, BWV 613 (B minor)16. Das alte Jahr vergangen ist, BWV 614 (A minor)17. In dir ist Freude, BWV 615 (G major)Epiphany (Feast of the Purification)18. Mit Fried’ und Freud’ ich fahr’ dahin, BWV 616 (D minor)19. Herr Gott, nun schleuß den Himmel auf, BWV 617 (A minor)Passion20. O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig, BWV 618 (F major)21. Christe, du Lamm Gottes, BWV 619 (F major)22. Christus, der uns selig macht, BWV 620 (A minor)23. Da Jesus an dem Kreuze stund, BWV 621 (A minor)24. O Mensch, bewein’ dein’ Sünde groß, BWV 622 (E-flat major)25. Wir danken dir, Herr Jesu Christ, BWV 623 (G major)26. Hilf, Gott, daß mir's gelinge, BWV 624 (G minor)Easter/Pâques27. Christ lag in Todes Banden, BWV 625 (D minor)28. Jesus Christus, unser Heiland, BWV 626 (A minor)29. Christ ist erstanden, BWV 627 (D minor)30. Erstanden ist der heil’ge Christ, BWV 628 (D major)31. Erschienen ist der herrliche Tag, BWV 629 (D minor)32. Heut’ triumphiret Gottes Sohn, BWV 630 (D minor)Pentecost/Pentecôte33. Komm, Gott Schöpfer, Heiliger Geist, BWV 631 (G major)34. Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend’, BWV 632 (F major)35. Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier, BWV 633 (A major)Cathechism36. Dies sind die heil’gen zehn Gebot’, BWV 635 (C major)37. Vater unser im Himmelreich, BWV 636 (D minor)38. Durch Adam’s Fall ist ganz verderbt, BWV 637 (A minor)39. Es ist das Heil uns kommen her, BWV 638 (D major)Christian life/Vie Chrétienne40. Ich ruf’ zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ, BWV 639 (F minor)41. In dich hab’ ich gehoffet, Herr, BWV 640 (E minor)42. Wenn wir in höchsten Nöthen sein, BWV 641 (G major)43. Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten, BWV 642 (A minor)Death and Burial/La Mort et l’Enterrement44. Alle Menschen müssen sterben, BWV 643 (G major)45. Ach wie nichtig, ach wie flüchtig, BWV 644 (G minor)
J. S. Bach : Orgelbüchlein ("Little Organ Book") BWV 599−644): 45 chorale preludes arranged for SATB
Quatuor de Saxophones: 4 saxophones

$64.95 59.66 € Quatuor de Saxophones: 4 saxophones PDF SheetMusicPlus

Alto Voice,Guitar - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1402629 By David Warin Solomons. By David Warin Solomons. Classical,Contemporary,Singer/Songwriter. Full Performance. Duration 300. David Warin Solomons #985853. Published by David Warin Solomons (A0.1402629). This song is based on parts of the poem by Paul Valéry Fragments du Narcisse which explains and ponders the idea of the origin of narcissism (self-love)The words are as followsMais moi, Narcisse aimé, je ne suis curieuxQue de ma seule essence ;Tout autre n’a pour moi qu’un cœur mystérieux,Tout autre n’est qu’absence.Ô mon bien souverain, cher corps, je n’ai que toi !Le plus beau des mortels ne peut chérir que soi...  Douce et dorée, est-il une idole plus sainte,De toute une forêt qui se consume, ceinte,Et sise dans l’azur vivant par tant d’oiseaux ?Est-il don plus divin de la faveur des eaux,Et d’un jour qui se meurt plus adorable usageQue de rendre à mes yeux l’honneur de mon visage ?Quitte enfin le silence, ose enfin me répondre,Bel et cruel Narcisse, inaccessible enfant,Tout orné de mes biens que la nymphe défend...Formons, toi sur ma lèvre, et moi, dans mon silence,Une prière aux dieux qu’émus de tant d’amourSur sa pente de pourpre ils arrêtent le jour !...Dieux ! de l’auguste jour, le pâle et tendre resteVa des jours consumés joindre le sort funeste ;Il s’abîme aux enfers du profond souvenir !Hélas ! corps misérable, il est temps de s’unir...Penche-toi... Baise-toi. Tremble de tout ton être !L’insaisissable amour que tu me vins promettrePasse, et dans un frisson, brise Narcisse, et fuit..English translation by D W SolomonsBut I, beloved Narcissus, am curious onlyabout my very beingeverything else has nothing more than a heart of mysteryeverything else is nothing but absenceOnly what I own, my dear sovereign body, is what I haveThe most beautiful of mortals cannot cherish anything more than itselfSweet and golden, is there a more holy idolwithin an entire forest, self-consumed and heldand set in the living azure by so many birds?Is there a more divine gift than the favour of the watersand a more adorable use of the dying daythan to return to me the honour of my face?Please don't be silent, please dare to replyBeautiful and cruel Narcissus, unreachable child owning what I hold dear but guarded by the nymphLet the two of us, you on my lips and I in my silencemake a prayer to the gods that they should be moved by so much lovethat they would keep the day held in its purple sunsetGods! only the pale and tender parts remain of the august day,It joins the fate of other days that were consumedIt goes down into the hell of deep memoryAlas, miserable body, it is time to become as oneBend down - kiss yourself - tremble with all your beingThe intangible love that you promisedhas gone by, and in a shiver, shatters Narcissus and flees.
Fragments des Fragments du Narcisse, after Paul Valéry, for alto and guitar (mp3)
David Warin Solomons
$5.50 5.05 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Guitar,Piano,Vocal,Voice - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1402627 By David Warin Solomons. By David Warin Solomons. Classical,Contemporary,Singer/Songwriter. Score. 10 pages. David Warin Solomons #985851. Published by David Warin Solomons (A0.1402627). This song is based on parts of the poem by Paul Valéry Fragments du Narcisse which explains and ponders the idea of the origin of narcissism (self-love)The words are as followsMais moi, Narcisse aimé, je ne suis curieuxQue de ma seule essence ;Tout autre n’a pour moi qu’un cœur mystérieux,Tout autre n’est qu’absence.Ô mon bien souverain, cher corps, je n’ai que toi !Le plus beau des mortels ne peut chérir que soi...  Douce et dorée, est-il une idole plus sainte,De toute une forêt qui se consume, ceinte,Et sise dans l’azur vivant par tant d’oiseaux ?Est-il don plus divin de la faveur des eaux,Et d’un jour qui se meurt plus adorable usageQue de rendre à mes yeux l’honneur de mon visage ?Quitte enfin le silence, ose enfin me répondre,Bel et cruel Narcisse, inaccessible enfant,Tout orné de mes biens que la nymphe défend...Formons, toi sur ma lèvre, et moi, dans mon silence,Une prière aux dieux qu’émus de tant d’amourSur sa pente de pourpre ils arrêtent le jour !...Dieux ! de l’auguste jour, le pâle et tendre resteVa des jours consumés joindre le sort funeste ;Il s’abîme aux enfers du profond souvenir !Hélas ! corps misérable, il est temps de s’unir...Penche-toi... Baise-toi. Tremble de tout ton être !L’insaisissable amour que tu me vins promettrePasse, et dans un frisson, brise Narcisse, et fuit..English translation by D W SolomonsBut I, beloved Narcissus, am curious onlyabout my very beingeverything else has nothing more than a heart of mysteryeverything else is nothing but absenceOnly what I own, my dear sovereign body, is what I haveThe most beautiful of mortals cannot cherish anything more than itselfSweet and golden, is there a more holy idolwithin an entire forest, self-consumed and heldand set in the living azure by so many birds?Is there a more divine gift than the favour of the watersand a more adorable use of the dying daythan to return to me the honour of my face?Please don't be silent, please dare to replyBeautiful and cruel Narcissus, unreachable child owning what I hold dear but guarded by the nymphLet the two of us, you on my lips and I in my silencemake a prayer to the gods that they should be moved by so much lovethat they would keep the day held in its purple sunsetGods! only the pale and tender parts remain of the august day,It joins the fate of other days that were consumedIt goes down into the hell of deep memoryAlas, miserable body, it is time to become as oneBend down - kiss yourself - tremble with all your beingThe intangible love that you promisedhas gone by, and in a shiver, shatters Narcissus and flees.
Fragments des Fragments du Narcisse, after Paul Valéry, for alto and guitar
Piano, Voix et Guitare
David Warin Solomons
$11.00 10.1 € Piano, Voix et Guitare PDF SheetMusicPlus

Ensemble - difficult - Digital Download SKU: S9.Q23834 For thirteen players. Composed by Kenneth Hesketh. This edition: study score. Music Of Our Time. Downloadable, Study score. Duration 20 minutes. Schott Music - Digital #Q23834. Published by Schott Music - Digital (S9.Q23834). This three-movement work reflects the character of the wunderkammer, or Cabinet of Curiosities, which flourished between the 16th to 18th centuries: ’in this labyrinthine landscape, I found a natural context to construct my own private collection of musical objects, ciphers, and quotations. The volatile and virtuosic textures of the work are created by demanding soloistic agility from each performer. Whilst being required to fit seamlessly together to form complex musical surfaces the musicians are also set belligerently strident and dramatic roles. The concerto form (kammerkonzert) proved a natural arena for such contradictory tensions that seek resolution through metamorphosis.’ (Kenneth Hesketh)1 with B foot(pic).1(ca).0.Acl(bcl).0-0.1.1(tri).0-3perc(crot, vib, mar, tub bells, tri, h.h, 4sus cym, Chinese cym, splash cym, mark tree, 3gong, 2tom-t, b.d, kick b.d, pic timp, 5timp, 2jam blocks, 4granite blocks, egg shaker, desk bell)-pno(cel)-str(

$47.99 44.08 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

3(3.pic), vib, xyl, mar, bells, tri, 4sus cym, sizz cym, tam-t, h.h, 2 s.d, b.d, tamb, 4templebl)-cel.hp-str( or soprano voice and orchestra - Digital Download SKU: S9.Q7300 For soprano and orchestra. Composed by Ryan Wigglesworth. This edition: study score. Music Of Our Time. Downloadable, Study score. Duration 15 minutes. Schott Music - Digital #Q7300. Published by Schott Music - Digital (S9.Q7300). English • French • German.Recently awarded a British Composer Award, Ryan Wigglesworth’s orchestral song cycle 'Augenlieder' is now available as a study score. Setting poems by Robert Browning, Egon Schiele, Arthur Rimbaud and John Berryman, Augenlieder or Eye Songs was described as 'glittering with skill' by Geoff Brown in the Times. Masterfully orchestrated and with beautiful vocal writing, Wigglesworth is a composer to watch out for in the future.Keep your eyes open when you kiss, a sonnet by John Berryman ends this evocative and rich song cycle, premièred by Claire Booth and the BBC Symphony Orchestra conducted by the composer at the Barbican Hall, London in November 2009. Geoff Brown in The Times describes Ryan Wigglesworth as having a ‘bright ear for glinting textures, [a] flair for taut motivic interplay [and] his conjuror’s ability to cast a spell. This is a strong new work.’ The Sonnet depicts a five month love affair and is set alongside a little known poem by Egon Schiele Visionen and poems by Robert Browning and Arthur Rimbaud.

$25.99 23.87 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

B-Flat Trumpet Solo - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1368479 By Goran Bregovic. By serbian folk song. Arranged by Zoran Radanovic. Folk,Patriotic,Standards,Traditional,Wedding. Individual part. 2 pages. Zoran Radanovic #952810. Published by Zoran Radanovic (A0.1368479). This arrangement is very famous serbian folk song for Bb trumpet solo. Ovaj aranzman je za solo Bb trubu.Ederlezi is a popular traditional folk song of the Romani people in the Balkans. The song got its name from Ederlezi, which is a festival[1] celebrating the return of springtime, especially by the Romani people of the Balkans, and elsewhere around the world. Ederlezi is the Romani name for the Feast of Saint George. It is celebrated on 6 May [O.S. 23 April] (occurring approximately 40 days after the spring equinox),[2]. The various Balkan spellings (Herdeljez, Erdelezi) are variants of the Turkish Hıdırellez. Versions The song is featured on Bijelo Dugme's 1988 album Ćiribiribela under the title ÄurÄ‘evdan (St. George's Day). Goran Bregović, the frontman of Bijelo Dugme, wrote the Serbo-Croatian lyrics. Bregović also recorded a version with Greek lyrics, titled Του Αη ΓιώÏγη (Tou Ai Giorgi, Saint George's), with Greek singer Alkistis Protopsalti in 1991.[3] The Greek lyrics are credited to Lina Nikolakopoulou. Bregović also worked with Turkish singer Sezen Aksu on her album titled Düğün ve Cenaze (A Wedding and a Funeral) featuring a version with Turkish lyrics, titled (Hıdrellez) in 1997. The lyrics were adapted by Aksu and Pakize Barışta. Finally, together with Polish singer Kayah he also recorded a version with Polish lyrics, titled Nie ma, nie ma ciebie. Bulgarian group Ku-Ku Band, with lead singer Slavi Trifonov, released the song on several albums with Bulgarian lyrics, titled Гергьовден (Gergyovden, St. George's Day); Serbo-Bulgarian lyrics, titled Свети Георги (Sveti Georgi, St. George); and Romani-Serbo-Bulgarian lyrics, titled Erdelezi. The band Beirut, Italian saxophonist Daniele Sepe, and the Boston-based band Bury Me Standing also do covers of Ederlezi. The Gypsy Rebels of Toronto, Ontario also cover the song, featuring the vocals of Micheal T. Butch and his band. Kroke released a version of the song as well. A Bosnian version was released by the folk-punk musical group No Smoking Orchestra on their 2007 album Time of the Gypsies, Punk Opera. A beatbox/trip version was released by French band Plume Tribu on their 2010 album Le Chainon Manquant. In popular culture Goran Bregović's version titled Ederlezi (Scena Djurdjevdana Na Rijeci) was famously used in Emir Kusturica's movie Time of the Gypsies.[1] It was performed by the Macedonian singer Vaska Jankovska.[4] Ederlezi (Scena Djurdjevdana Na Rijeci) also appeared in the movie Borat, although it has no connection to the authentic music of Kazakhstan. The text in brackets in Serbo-Croatian means: The scene of ÄurÄ‘evdan on the river, a description of a ÄurÄ‘evdan celebration on a river in the movie Time of the Gypsies where that song was used. Sacha Baron Cohen's movie does not have a ÄurÄ‘evdan river scene.[5][6] In both soundtrack albums – Time of the Gypsies and Stereophonic Musical Listenings That Have Been Origin in Moving Film Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan – it was credited to Goran Bregović, although he is not the author nor the singer of the song on these albums. However, he arranged the song. A.I. Rising (2018), a Serbian science fiction film, was originally entitled Ederlezi Rising. A portion of Ederlezi (Scena Djurdjevdana Na Rijeci) was also featured in Lazy Square's (or Lenivko Kvadratjić) unofficial Russian art film reimagining of The Simpsons popular opening sequence couch gag.[7][8] Lyrics
ÄurÄ‘evdan - Djurdjevdan - Ederlezi - for Bb trumpet solo
Goran Bregovic
$1.99 1.83 € Trompette PDF SheetMusicPlus

Handbell - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1490682 Composed by Scott Pfitzinger. Arranged by Scott Pfitzinger. Christmas,Holiday,Multicultural,Religious,World. 8 pages. Pfitzinger Music #1067488. Published by Pfitzinger Music (A0.1490682). Betlehem Városban is a traditional Hungarian Christmas carol. The title translates to In the Town of Bethlehem.This arrangement is for 3-6 octaves of handbells. It is completely in 7/8 time and moves pretty quickly. It is very energetic and takes less than two minutes. While it is appropriate for any holiday setting, it could easily be used as a closer or encore for a concert.(Reproducible for one ensemble)Lyrics:Betlehem városban, rongyos istállóban maszületett,Egy sz?znek méhéb?l, drága szent véréb?l Megváltónk lett.Kit angyal hirdetett, pásztornak jelentett,Ki ?tet imádni és dics?íteni méltóvá lett.Öreg bojtár mondja, hogy bárány és gida készen légyen.? harmadmagával, sípos és dudással már elmégyen.Mindeneknek lessen ajándéka készen,Mivel a kisdedet, mint Üdvözít?nket megtiszteljék.Üdvözlégy született, jászolba tétetett kisded Jézus,Tehozzád járulunk, el?dbe borulunk, t?lünk ne fuss.Halálunk óráján, életünk fogyatánVedd hozzád lelkünket, ne hagyj el bennünket, kisded Jézus.(a story of the birth of Jesus, roughly paralleling Luke 2:6-16)English version from Google Translate:He was born in the city of Bethlehem, in a shabby barn,He became our Savior from the womb of a virgin, from his precious holy blood.Whom an angel announced, reported as a shepherd,He became worthy to be worshiped and glorified.Old burdock says to be ready lamb and kid.He will leave with a third of himself, with a whistle and a horn.Let everyone have a gift ready,Because you are honored as our Savior.Hail, your baby Jesus, born and placed in a manger,We join you, we fall before you, don't run away from us.At the hour of our death, at the end of our lifeTake our souls to you, don't leave us, little Jesus.
Betlehem Városban

$30.00 27.56 € Cloches PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano and voice (solo and trio) - Digital Download SKU: LV.2067 Composed by T.W.H.B.B. Arranged by William Clifton. Time, Courtship, Love, Farewells, Sunrises & sunsets. Lester S. Levy Collection. 3 pages. Published by Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries (LV.2067). The Watchman. A New and Improved Edition. And TRJO by T.W.H.B.B. With new Symphonies & Arrangements by William Clifton. Published [n.d.] by Atwill's Music Saloon, 201 Broadway in New York. Composition of strophic with piano and voice (solo and trio) instrumentation. Subject headings for this piece include Time, Courtship, Love, Farewells, Sunrises & sunsets. First line reads Good night good night, my dearest, how fast the moments fly.. About The Lester S. Levy CollectionThe Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music consists of over 29,000 pieces of American popular music. Donated to Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries, the collection's strength is its thorough documentation of nineteenth-century American through popular music. This sheet music has been provided by Project Gado, a San Francisco Bay Area startup whose mission is to digitize and share the world's visual history.WARNING: These titles are provided as historical documents. Language and concepts within reflect the opinions and values of the time and may be offensive to some.
The Watchman

$5.99 5.5 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano - Digital Download SKU: LV.16982 Arranged by T.H. Butler. Lester S. Levy Collection. 3 pages. Published by Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries (LV.16982). Trip to Amiens. Arranged as a Rondo by T.H. Butler. Published [n.d.] by Carr's Music Store in Baltimore. Composition of rondo, with coda with piano instrumentation. About The Lester S. Levy CollectionThe Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music consists of over 29,000 pieces of American popular music. Donated to Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries, the collection's strength is its thorough documentation of nineteenth-century American through popular music. This sheet music has been provided by Project Gado, a San Francisco Bay Area startup whose mission is to digitize and share the world's visual history.WARNING: These titles are provided as historical documents. Language and concepts within reflect the opinions and values of the time and may be offensive to some.
Trip to Amiens
Piano seul

$5.99 5.5 € Piano seul PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano - Digital Download SKU: LV.17536 Composed by T. H. Butler. Lester S. Levy Collection. 7 pages. Published by Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries (LV.17536). Medley Overture for the Piano-Forte. Composed By T.H. Butler. Published [n.d.] by Carr's Music Store in Baltimore. Composition of sectional with piano instrumentation. About The Lester S. Levy CollectionThe Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music consists of over 29,000 pieces of American popular music. Donated to Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries, the collection's strength is its thorough documentation of nineteenth-century American through popular music. This sheet music has been provided by Project Gado, a San Francisco Bay Area startup whose mission is to digitize and share the world's visual history.WARNING: These titles are provided as historical documents. Language and concepts within reflect the opinions and values of the time and may be offensive to some.
Medley Overture for the Piano-Forte
Piano seul
$5.99 5.5 € Piano seul PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir,Choral (SSA) - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1288053 By Benoît Barrail. By King Henry VIII. Arranged by Benoit BARRAIL. A Cappella,Celtic,Classical,Early Music,Irish,Medieval. 7 pages. Benoît Barrail #879095. Published by Benoît Barrail (A0.1288053). Greensleeves is a love song attributed to King Henry VIII and first printed in 1580 in London. The king sings of his love for his second wife, Queen of England Anne Boleyn (Lady Greensleeves). Sadly, this love was not reciprocated. This song quickly became popular throughout England and has been constantly sung and covered since its release. This is a very nice arrangement for SSA choir and optional bass, as the choir can sing it a cappella.Greensleeves est  un chant d'amour attribué au roi  Henri VIII et imprimé pour la première fois en 1580 à Londres. Le roi y chante son amour pour sa seconde épouse la reine d'Angleterre Anne Boleyn (Lady Greensleeves). Hélas, cet amour n'était pas réciproque. Cette chanson devint vite populaire dans toute l'Angleterre et a été constamment chantée et reprise depuis sa parution. Voici un très bel arrangement pour chœur SSA et basse optionnelle, car le chœur peut le chanter a cappella.
Chorale 3 parties
Benoît Barrail
$1.99 1.83 € Chorale 3 parties PDF SheetMusicPlus

String Ensemble - Level 1 - Digital Download SKU: A0.511782 Composed by Various. Arranged by Han-Ki Kim. Children,Instructional,Standards. Score and parts. 32 pages. Han-Ki Kim #5983491. Published by Han-Ki Kim (A0.511782). This music is arranged for Children's Educational purpose. I adapted world famous easy 32 pieces as material. It’s consist of 2 Volumes, Book 1 and 2. This is Book 1.This arrangement is for Beginner, early Intermediate, Intermediate student. I -as a Violinist, arranger, and composer of I Musici - tried to make use of functional structure of Violin. And shown Bowing sign and Fingering will be very helpful to Student. - BOOK 1 -1. Are you sleeping? --- American Traditional2. Arirang --- Korean Traditional3. Beautiful Chord --- Han-Ki Kim4. Beautiful Garden --- Han-Ki Kim5. Chopstick March --- J.B.Lully6. Chorus of Victory --- G.F.Handel7. Gavotte --- F.J.Gossec8. Go tell Aunt Rhodie --- German Traditional9. Hanchen Klein --- Spanish Traditional10. Heidenroslein --- H.Werner11. Home sweet Home --- H.Bishop12. Humoresque --- A.Dvorak13. Hunter's Chorus --- C.M.v.Weber14. If I were a little bird --- German Traditional15. Jingle Bells --- American Traditional16. Long Long Ago --- T.H.Bayly17. Lullaby --- J.Brahms   - BOOK 2 -18. Lullaby --- F.Schubert19. Mary had a little lamb --- American Traditional20. May Song --- German Traditional21. Minuet --- L.v.Beethoven22. Nearer my God to Thee --- L.Mason23. Norwegian Dance --- Traditional24. O You dear Augustin --- German Traditional25. On wings of Song --- F.Mendelssohn26. Paul and his chickens --- American Traditional27. Salut d'amor --- E.Elgar28. Silent night, Holy Night --- F.X.Gruber29. Ten little indians --- American Traditional30. Twinkle Twinkle little star --- W.A.Mozart31. Waltz --- J.Brahms32. Witch's Dance --- N.Paganini  
Violin Duets (Book 1)
2 Violons (duo)

$6.99 6.42 € 2 Violons (duo) PDF SheetMusicPlus

Cello Duet Cello - Level 1 - Digital Download SKU: A0.511786 Composed by Various. Arranged by Han-Ki Kim. Children,Instructional,Standards. Score. 32 pages. Han-Ki Kim #5983807. Published by Han-Ki Kim (A0.511786). This music is arranged for Children's Educational purpose. I adapted world famous easy 32 pieces as material. It’s consist of 2 Volumes, Book 1 and 2. This is Book 1.This arrangement is for Beginner, early Intermediate, Intermediate student. I -as a Violinist, arranger, and composer of I Musici - tried to make use of functional structure of Violin. And shown Bowing sign and Fingering will be very helpful to Student. Attached music file is Heidenroslein just for a reference.- BOOK 1 -1. Are you sleeping? --- American Traditional2. Arirang --- Korean Traditional3. Beautiful Chord --- Han-Ki Kim4. Beautiful Garden --- Han-Ki Kim5. Chopstick March --- J.B.Lully6. Chorus of Victory --- G.F.Handel7. Gavotte --- F.J.Gossec8. Go tell Aunt Rhodie --- German Traditional9. Hanchen Klein --- Spanish Traditional10. Heidenroslein --- H.Werner11. Home sweet Home --- H.Bishop12. Humoresque --- A.Dvorak13. Hunter's Chorus --- C.M.v.Weber14. If I were a little bird --- German Traditional15. Jingle Bells --- American Traditional16. Long Long Ago --- T.H.Bayly17. Lullaby --- J.Brahms- BOOK 2 -18. Lullaby --- F.Schubert19. Mary had a little lamb --- American Traditional20. May Song --- German Traditional21. Minuet --- L.v.Beethoven22. Nearer my God to Thee --- L.Mason23. Norwegian Dance --- Traditional24. O You dear Augustin --- German Traditional25. On wings of Song --- F.Mendelssohn26. Paul and his chickens --- American Traditional27. Salut d'amor --- E.Elgar28. Silent night, Holy Night --- F.X.Gruber29. Ten little indians --- American Traditional30. Twinkle Twinkle little star --- W.A.Mozart31. Waltz --- J.Brahms32. Witch's Dance --- N.Paganini
Cello Duets (Book 1)
2 Violoncelles (duo)

$6.99 6.42 € 2 Violoncelles (duo) PDF SheetMusicPlus

Violin Duet Violin - Level 1 - Digital Download SKU: A0.511783 Composed by Various. Arranged by Han-Ki Kim. Children,Instructional,Standards. 30 pages. Han-Ki Kim #5983493. Published by Han-Ki Kim (A0.511783). This music is arranged for Children's Educational purpose. I adapted world famous easy 32 pieces as material. It’s consist of 2 Volumes, Book 1 and 2. This is Book 2. This arrangement is for Beginner, early Intermediate, Intermediate student. I -as a Violinist, arranger, and composer of I Musici - tried to make use of functional structure of Violin. And shown Bowing sign and Fingering will be very helpful to Student. Attached Music file is On the wings of Song by Mendelssohn, just for a refernece. - BOOK 1 -1. Are you sleeping? --- American Traditional2. Arirang --- Korean Traditional3. Beautiful Chord --- Han-Ki Kim4. Beautiful Garden --- Han-Ki Kim5. Chopstick March --- J.B.Lully6. Chorus of Victory --- G.F.Handel7. Gavotte --- F.J.Gossec8. Go tell Aunt Rhodie --- German Traditional9. Hanchen Klein --- Spanish Traditional10. Heidenroslein --- H.Werner11. Home sweet Home --- H.Bishop12. Humoresque --- A.Dvorak13. Hunter's Chorus --- C.M.v.Weber14. If I were a little bird --- German Traditional15. Jingle Bells --- American Traditional16. Long Long Ago --- T.H.Bayly17. Lullaby --- J.Brahms   - BOOK 2 -18. Lullaby --- F.Schubert19. Mary had a little lamb --- American Traditional20. May Song --- German Traditional21. Minuet --- L.v.Beethoven22. Nearer my God to Thee --- L.Mason23. Norwegian Dance --- Traditional24. O You dear Augustin --- German Traditional25. On wings of Song --- F.Mendelssohn26. Paul and his chickens --- American Traditional27. Salut d'amor --- E.Elgar28. Silent night, Holy Night --- F.X.Gruber29. Ten little indians --- American Traditional30. Twinkle Twinkle little star --- W.A.Mozart31. Waltz --- J.Brahms32. Witch's Dance --- N.Paganini  
Violin Duets (Book 2)
2 Violons (duo)

$6.99 6.42 € 2 Violons (duo) PDF SheetMusicPlus

Cello Duet Cello - Level 1 - Digital Download SKU: A0.511787 Composed by Various. Arranged by Han-Ki Kim. Children,Instructional,Standards. Score. 32 pages. Han-Ki Kim #5983813. Published by Han-Ki Kim (A0.511787). This music is arranged for Children's Educational purpose. I adapted world famous easy 32 pieces as material. It’s consist of 2 Volumes, Book 1 and 2. This is Book 2. This arrangement is for Beginner, early Intermediate, Intermediate student. I -as a Violinist, arranger, and composer of I Musici - tried to make use of functional structure of Violin. And shown Bowing sign and Fingering will be very helpful to Student. Attached music file is Heidenroslein just for a reference.- BOOK 1 -1. Are you sleeping? --- American Traditional2. Arirang --- Korean Traditional3. Beautiful Chord --- Han-Ki Kim4. Beautiful Garden --- Han-Ki Kim5. Chopstick March --- J.B.Lully6. Chorus of Victory --- G.F.Handel7. Gavotte --- F.J.Gossec8. Go tell Aunt Rhodie --- German Traditional9. Hanchen Klein --- Spanish Traditional10. Heidenroslein --- H.Werner11. Home sweet Home --- H.Bishop12. Humoresque --- A.Dvorak13. Hunter's Chorus --- C.M.v.Weber14. If I were a little bird --- German Traditional15. Jingle Bells --- American Traditional16. Long Long Ago --- T.H.Bayly17. Lullaby --- J.Brahms- BOOK 2 -18. Lullaby --- F.Schubert19. Mary had a little lamb --- American Traditional20. May Song --- German Traditional21. Minuet --- L.v.Beethoven22. Nearer my God to Thee --- L.Mason23. Norwegian Dance --- Traditional24. O You dear Augustin --- German Traditional25. On wings of Song --- F.Mendelssohn26. Paul and his chickens --- American Traditional27. Salut d'amor --- E.Elgar28. Silent night, Holy Night --- F.X.Gruber29. Ten little indians --- American Traditional30. Twinkle Twinkle little star --- W.A.Mozart31. Waltz --- J.Brahms32. Witch's Dance --- N.Paganini
Cello Duets (Book 2)
2 Violoncelles (duo)

$6.99 6.42 € 2 Violoncelles (duo) PDF SheetMusicPlus

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