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Guitar - Advanced - Digital Download SKU: ZZ.DZ-4308 Composed by Giorgio Mirto. Score. 24 pages. Les Productions d'OZ - Digital #DZ 4308. Published by Les Productions d'OZ - Digital (ZZ.DZ-4308). Following a recent experience on the jury of a guitar competition, I noted with great pleasure that Giorgio Mirto, with whom I had shared the role of juror, wanted to celebrate the experience of the competition - during from which we discovered that we had had a great affinity of thought - with something which could endure over time and not evaporate as often happens in short and occasional meetings between musicians. He did it as a true composer, which he is, and dedicated to me a very beautifully crafted Suite to which I allowed myself to collaborate at least formally, by suggesting titles for the four movements. This is how Suite n.1 was born, a piece that does not strictly respect the formal rules of the Baroque era, but reinterprets and reuses them in a new key. The work's obvious late Baroque inspiration led me to find titles that invited the performer to delve deeper into the work's aesthetic inspiration. So I suggested to Giorgio that he title the four movements with something that linked their content to four greats of the 18th century. German masters. The prelude has thus become from Eisenach because of its sometimes improvised Bach-like atmosphere, the second movement, vaguely toccata, speaks an organ language in the manner of Buxtehude (who lived in Lübeck), the slow movement has a Handelian quality - and Handel was born in Halle - and the last movement, far from being a true Chaconne, undoubtedly has the latter's taste for variation and ostinato, typical traits of Telemann who lived in Magdeburg. The cities that appear in the titles are therefore indelible to the authors cited. Furthermore, one should not think that the style of the work is in any way German, given that Giorgio Mirto expresses himself in a very joyful language that synthesizes modality with minimalism, all seasoned with a a nod to Pink's progressive rock Floyd. or a Mike Oldfield... The result of this mixture of ideas, inspirations and styles is a work that personally I never tire of reading and rereading, for the freshness that emanates from it and for the climate expressive which rises, nourishing itself with full efficiency. We ultimately cannot ignore that the note B, the one which marks in a minor way some of the most expressive works of the guitar repertoire, from the study of Sor which made generations of students fall in love with the guitar, until to that of Frank Martin's Four Pieces via La Catedral di Barrios, is the modal fulcrum of the entire Suite: it is true that the Prelude begins with a clear chord in E minor and lingers on an open ending in A minor , but it almost seems that the initial E serves as a launching pad for a continuation of the work in which the dominant, that is to say the B, is the true musical North, the pole star which guides us in the other three movements until the end of the Chaconne de Magdebourg. I wish Giorgio and our Suite great longevity and a favorable destiny in the complex and complex world of contemporary guitar composition. And I thank him again, flattered by his very kind dedication.FRANCESCO BIRAGHIAu lendemain d'une récente expérience au sein du jury d'un concours de guitare, j'ai constaté avec grand plaisir que Giorgio Mirto, avec qui j'avais partagé le rôle de juré, souhaitait célébrer l'expérience du concours - au cours de laquelle nous avons découvert que nous avions eu un grand affinité de pensée - avec quelque chose qui pourrait perdurer dans le temps et ne pas s'évaporer comme cela arrive souvent lors de rencontres courtes et occasionnelles entre musiciens. Il l'a fait en véritable compositeur, ce qu'il est, et m'a dédié une Suite d'une très belle facture à laquelle je me suis permis de collaborer au moins formellement, en suggérant des titres pour les quatre mouvements. C'est ainsi qu'est née la Suite n.1, une pièce qui ne respecte pas strictement les règles formelles de l'époque baroque, mais les réinterprète et les réutilise dans une nouvelle tonalité. L'inspiration évidente du baroque tardif de l'œuvre m'a amené à trouver des titres qui invitaient l'interprète à approfondir l'inspiration esthétique de l'œuvre. J'ai donc suggéré à Giorgio de titrer les quatre mouvements avec quelque chose qui reliait leur contenu à quatre grands du XVIIIe siècle. Maîtres allemands. Le prélude est ainsi devenu d'Eisenach en raison de son atmosphère parfois improvisée à la Bach, le deuxième mouvement, vaguement toccata, parle un langage d'orgue à la manière de Buxtehude (qui vivait à Lübeck), le mouvement lent a un Qualité haendélienne - et Haendel est né à Halle - et le dernier mouvement, loin d'être une véritable Chaconne, a sans doute le goût de cette dernière pour la variation et l'ostinato, traits typiques de Telemann qui vivait à Magdebourg. Les villes qui apparaissent dans les titres sont donc indélébiles aux auteurs cités. De plus, il ne faut pas penser que le style de l'œuvre soit en aucune façon allemand, étant donné que Giorgio Mirto s'exprime dans un langage très joyeux qui synthétise la modalité avec le minimalisme, le tout assaisonné d'un clin d'œil au rock progressif Floyd de Pink. ou un Mike Oldfield... Le résultat de ce mélange d'idées, d'inspirations et de styles est un ouvrage que personnellement je ne me lasse pas de lire et de relire, pour la fraîcheur qui s'en dégage et pour le climat expressif qui monte, se nourrissant de plein efficacité. On ne peut finalement pas ignorer que la note B, celle qui marque de manière mineure certaines des œuvres les plus expressives du répertoire de guitare, depuis l'étude de Sor qui a fait tomber amoureux de la guitare des générations d'étudiants, jusqu'à celle de Frank Martin Quatre Pièces via La Catedral di Barrios, est le point d'appui modal de toute la Suite : il est vrai que le Prélude commence par un accord clair en mi mineur et s'attarde sur une fin ouverte en la mineur, mais il semble presque que le mi initial sert de une rampe de lancement pour une suite de l'œuvre dans laquelle la dominante, c'est-à-dire le B, est le véritable Nord musical, l'étoile polaire qui nous guide dans les trois autres mouvements jusqu'à la fin de la Chaconne de Magdebourg. Je souhaite à Giorgio et à « notre » Suite une grande longévité et un destin favorable dans le monde complexe et complexe de la composition contemporaine pour guitare. Et je le remercie encore, flatté de son très aimable dévouement.FRANCESCO BIRAGHI.
Suite No. 1

$10.95 10.52 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano Solo - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.956187 Composed by Adaline Shepherd. Arranged by Marc Yu. 20th Century. Score. 2 pages. Marc Yu Music #6010215. Published by Marc Yu Music (A0.956187). Basic Info:Piano Solo Sheet Music, digital downloadLevel: Level 3, Early IntermediateDetailed Description: Pickles and Peppers composed by Adaline Shepherd. 20th century. Ragtime. Historic Women Composers. Classical Piano Repertoire for the earliest beginner. Arranged by Marc Yu.This is a late elementary level arrangement in the key of Ab Major and serves as an introduction to historic women composers. Other arrangements of this piece at different levels are available. This arrangement provides a long-awaited opportunity to introduce the very youngest pianist to melodies written by women composers. Looking for more easy piano versions of works by historical women composers? In the search bar above, type PLPS. This arrangement was commissioned by Penny Lazarus Piano Studio as part of an effort to expand the early piano repertoire with pieces by women composers of the last 900 years. Learn more about the project at
Pickles and Peppers - Early Intermediate Piano Arrangement
Piano seul

$2.40 2.31 € Piano seul PDF SheetMusicPlus

Organ - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1327693 Composed by Leonardo Antonio Di Chiara. 21st Century,Classical,Contemporary,Sacred. Score. 37 pages. LEONARDO ANTONIO DI CHIARA #915737. Published by LEONARDO ANTONIO DI CHIARA (A0.1327693). Questa raccolta di dieci brani per organo, concepita tra il 2021 e il 2023, rappresenta un passo significativo nel mio percorso compositivo. Manualiter volume II costituisce la continuazione di un viaggio musicale compositivo iniziato con la mia prima raccolta dall’omonimo titolo. Ogni brano è una riflessione sulla potenza espressiva dell'organo, guidata principalmente dai manuali e con l'uso parsimonioso dei pedali. Attraverso queste miniature organistiche, cerco di comunicare la mia visione della musica, invitando gli interpreti e gli ascoltatori ad immergersi in un'esperienza emotiva unica. La sequenza di brani inizia con la complessa Ciaccona palindroma, seguita dalla Ciaccona sopra DCHLA, il cui tema si basa sulle iniziali del mio nome e cognome, conferendo un carattere personale e distintivo. Cantabile d'affetto ed Elevazione introducono emozioni intense e profonde, mentre la Toccata aggiunge dinamismo e vitalità. Herzlich tut mich verlangen merita una menzione speciale. Questo brano è un corale seguito da due variazioni, con il tema tratto dal famoso corale della tradizione luterana dedicato al tempo di passione. Le variazioni esplorano le sfumature emotive del tema, offrendo un viaggio attraverso interpretazioni ricche e personali. La Toccata breve e il Canto di Pace presentano contrasti significativi, evidenziando la mia volontà di esplorare una vasta gamma di atmosfere ed emozioni. Inoltre Canto di Pace è un omaggio musicale alle vittime dell'attacco del 07 ottobre 2023 in Israele, un tentativo di commemorare coloro che hanno perso la vita in quel tragico evento attraverso la potenza emotiva della musica. Le Partite sopra In dulci jubilo si ispirano al corale natalizio della tradizione luterana In dulci jubilo e sono articolate in quattro variazioni, ognuna unica        nel suo approccio e nell'esplorare le possibilità sonore dell'organo. Infine c’è il brano U vaqa Sënd Vit, che tradotto dall'arbëresh significa Sono andato a San Vito. Questo brano è un omaggio alle mie origini arbëresh e trae ispirazione da un canto popolare della comunità arbëresh di Greci ed è dedicato al Cavaliere della Repubblica dott. Bartolomeo Zoccano che tanto si è prodigato per la diffusione della cultura arbëresh. La composizione adotta la forma della variazione, esplorando le potenzialità di questo canto tradizionale attraverso il linguaggio ricco ed evocativo dell'organo. Manualiter volume II rappresenta il frutto del mio impegno e della mia passione per l'arte dell'organo. Confido che questa raccolta possa essere accolta con la stessa gioia e apprezzamento con cui è stata creata, offrendo un viaggio musicale che va oltre le note, esplorando le profondità dell'anima attraverso le tastiere e i pedali dell'organo, e trovi un luogo speciale nei cuori degli organisti, degli appassionati di musica e di tutti coloro che cercano un'esperienza musicale significativa e avvincente.
MANUALITER Vol. 2 dieci brevi composizioni organistiche

$6.00 5.76 € Orgue PDF SheetMusicPlus

Concert Band - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1284425 Composed by Cristiano Minellono, Marc Cerrone, Pierre Delanoe, Raymond Georges Henri Donnez, and Salvatore Cutugno. Arranged by Benoit BARRAIL. 20th Century,Disco,Funk,Pop. Score and Parts. 36 pages. Benoît Barrail #875596. Published by Benoît Barrail (A0.1284425). Score in portrait format, instrumental parts in landscape format. The song Laissez-moi danser (Let me dance) was recorded in 1979 by Italian-French singer Dalida. It remains to this day an essential hit of this singer, it is the most remixed song of her repertoire. Disco style, this dynamic song will enchant your concerts or your festive events.This fairly easy piece can also be played by festive orchestras or fanfares. There are many doubled parts in the orchestration, which will allow you to play it with a small orchestra.Conducteur en format portrait, parties séparées en format paysage. La chanson Laissez-moi danser a été enregistrée en 1979 par la chanteuse italo-française Dalida. Elle reste à ce jour un tube incontournable de cette chanteuse, c’est la chanson la plus remixée de son répertoire. De style disco, cette chanson dynamique saura enchanter vos concerts ou vos animations festives.Ce morceau assez facile peut aussi être joué par des orchestres festifs de type fanfares ou bandas. Il y a beaucoup de parties doublées dans l'orchestration, ce qui vous permettra de le jouer avec un petit orchestre.
Laissez Moi Danser By Cerrone
Orchestre d'harmonie

$49.99 48.02 € Orchestre d'harmonie PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir,Choral (SATB) - Level 1 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1399734 By French. By Dan Bradley. Christian,Easter,Praise & Worship,Religious,Spiritual. 8 pages. Mare Dan Music #983007. Published by Mare Dan Music (A0.1399734). En Francais Gloire Alléluia, Il Est Vivant! available also in Spanish: Gloria Aleluya, ¡Está Vivo! and in English: Glory Hallelujah He is Alive. Also available as solo, two parts, SAB and SATB. He Is Alive is perfect for Easter and Easter Season tells the story of the Women at the Tomb, The Road to Emmaus, Doubting Thomas. They all come to one conclusion: He Is Alive! The music has a Hebrew modality and uses rhythms like a hora. Fun and dramatic to sing and based on solid scriptures. Can provide many wonderful lessons in Faith.Il Est Vivant est parfait pour la période de Pâques et raconte l'histoire des femmes au tombeau, du chemin d'Emmaüs et de Thomas le Douteux. Une seule conclusion s'impose : Il est vivant ! Cette chanson est également disponible en Solo, Two Part, SAB et SATB, ainsi qu'en espagnol : Gloria Aleluya, Esta Vivo ! et en français : Gloire Alléluia, Il Est Vivant.La musique a une modalité hébraïque et utilise des rythmes comme la hora. Le chant est amusant et dramatique et repose sur des écritures solides. Elle peut offrir de merveilleuses leçons de foi.
Gloire Alléluia, Il Est Vivant!
Chorale SATB
$2.49 2.39 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir,Choral (SAB) - Level 1 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1399651 By French. By Dan Bradley. Christian,Easter,Praise & Worship,Religious,Spiritual. 7 pages. Mare Dan Music #982926. Published by Mare Dan Music (A0.1399651). En Francais Gloire Alléluia, Il Est Vivant! available also in Spanish Gloria Aleluya, ¡Está Vivo! and in english Glory Hallelujah He is Alive. Also available as solo, two parts, SAB and SATB. He Is Alive is perfect for Easter and Easter Season tells the story of the Women at the Tomb, The Road to Emmaus, Doubting Thomas. Come to one conclusion: He Is Alive! The music has a Hebrew modality and uses rhythms like a hora. Fun and dramatic to sing and based on solid scriptures. Can provide many wonderful lessons in Faith.Il Est Vivant est parfait pour la période de Pâques et raconte l'histoire des femmes au tombeau, du chemin d'Emmaüs et de Thomas le Douteux. Une seule conclusion s'impose : Il est vivant ! Cette chanson est également disponible en Solo, Two Part, SAB et SATB, ainsi qu'en espagnol : Gloria Aleluya, Esta Vivo ! et en français : Gloire Alléluia, Il Est Vivant.La musique a une modalité hébraïque et utilise des rythmes comme la hora. Le chant est amusant et dramatique et repose sur des écritures solides. Elle peut offrir de merveilleuses leçons de foi.
Gloire Alléluia, Il Est Vivant!
Chorale 3 parties
$2.49 2.39 € Chorale 3 parties PDF SheetMusicPlus

C Instrument - Level 1 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1206098 By Beba Selimovic. By bosnian folk song. Arranged by Zoran Radanovic. Folk,Multicultural,Patriotic,Traditional,Wedding,World. Lead Sheet / Fake Book. 2 pages. Zoran Radanovic #804292. Published by Zoran Radanovic (A0.1206098). This is famous bosnian folk song (sevdalinka). The arrangement is for accordion with chords and fingering( with bigger chords and fingering for easy reading). Das ist berühmte bosnische Volkslied. Der Arrangement ist für Akkordeon mit Akkorde und Fingersatz(mit grössere Fingersatz und SAkkorde für leichtere Ablesen). Ovo je bosanska narodna pjesma (sevdalinka). Aranzman je za harmoniku sa akordima i prstometom( sa vecim prstometom i akordima za lakse citanje).
Moj beharu - for accordion
Piano Facile
Beba Selimovic
$2.19 2.1 € Piano Facile PDF SheetMusicPlus

Easy Piano - Level 1 - Digital Download SKU: A0.956186 Composed by Adaline Shepherd. Arranged by Marc Yu. 20th Century. Score. 1 pages. Marc Yu Music #6010211. Published by Marc Yu Music (A0.956186). Basic Info:Piano Solo Sheet Music, digital downloadLevel: Level 2, Late ElementaryDetailed Description: Pickles and Peppers composed by Adaline Shepherd. 20th century. Ragtime. Historic Women Composers. Classical Piano Repertoire for the earliest beginner. Arranged by Marc Yu.This is a late elementary level arrangement in the key of C Major and serves as an introduction to historic women composers. Other arrangements of this piece at different levels are available. This arrangement provides a long-awaited opportunity to introduce the very youngest pianist to melodies written by women composers. Looking for more easy piano versions of works by historical women composers? In the search bar above, type PLPS. This arrangement was commissioned by Penny Lazarus Piano Studio as part of an effort to expand the early piano repertoire with pieces by women composers of the last 900 years. Learn more about the project at
Pickles and Peppers - Late Elementary Piano Arrangement
Piano Facile

$1.99 1.91 € Piano Facile PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir,Choral (2-Part) - Level 1 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1399595 By Spanish. By Dan Bradley. Christian,Easter,Praise & Worship,Religious,Spiritual. 6 pages. Mare Dan Music #982887. Published by Mare Dan Music (A0.1399595). Glory Hallelujah, He Is Alive is perfect for Easter and Easter Season tells the story of the Women at the Tomb, The Road to Emmaus, Doubting Thomas. Come to one conclusion: He Is Alive! This is also available in Solo, Two Part, SAB and SATB also in Spanish: Gloria Aleluya, Esta Vivo! and in French: Gloire Alléluia, Il Est Vivant and in English Glory Hallelujah, He Is Alive!.The music has a Hebrew modality and uses rhythms like a hora. Fun and dramatic to sing and based on solid scriptures. Can provide many wonderful lessons in Faith.Gloria Aleluya, Esta Vivo! es perfecto para la Pascua y la Temporada de Pascua cuenta la historia de las Mujeres en la Tumba, El Camino a Emaús, Tomás el Dudoso. Llega a una conclusión: ¡Está vivo! También está disponible en Solo, Dos Partes, SAB y SATB también en español: Gloria Aleluya, Esta Vivo! y en Francés: Gloire Alléluia, Il Est Vivant y en inglés Glory Hallelujah, He Is Alive!La música tiene una modalidad hebrea y utiliza ritmos como una hora. Divertido y dramático para cantar y basado en escrituras sólidas. Puede proporcionar muchas lecciones maravillosas de Fe.
Gloria Aleluya, ¡Está Vivo!
Chorale 2 parties
$2.49 2.39 € Chorale 2 parties PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir,Choral (SATB) - Level 1 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1399737 By Spanish. By Dan Bradley. Christian,Easter,Praise & Worship,Religious,Spiritual. 8 pages. Mare Dan Music #983011. Published by Mare Dan Music (A0.1399737). Glory Hallelujah, He Is Alive is perfect for Easter and Easter Season tells the story of the Women at the Tomb, The Road to Emmaus, Doubting Thomas. Come to one conclusion: He Is Alive! This is also available in Solo, Two Part, SAB and SATB also in Spanish: Gloria Aleluya, Esta Vivo! and in French: Gloire Alléluia, Il Est Vivant and in English Glory Hallelujah, He Is Alive!.The music has a Hebrew modality and uses rhythms like a hora. Fun and dramatic to sing and based on solid scriptures. Can provide many wonderful lessons in Faith.Gloria Aleluya, Esta Vivo! es perfecto para la Pascua y la Temporada de Pascua cuenta la historia de las Mujeres en la Tumba, El Camino a Emaús, Tomás el Dudoso. Llega a una conclusión: ¡Está vivo! También está disponible en Solo, Dos Partes, SAB y SATB también en español: Gloria Aleluya, Esta Vivo! y en Francés: Gloire Alléluia, Il Est Vivant y en inglés: Glory Hallelujah, He Is Alive!La música tiene una modalidad hebrea y utiliza ritmos como una hora. Divertido y dramático para cantar y basado en escrituras sólidas. Puede proporcionar muchas lecciones maravillosas de Fe.
Gloria Aleluya, ¡Está Vivo!
Chorale SATB
$2.49 2.39 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

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