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Accordion,Double Bass,Guitar - Digital Download SKU: A0.1068891 By Lars Ek. By Pietro Frosini. Arranged by Lars Ek. Folk,Multicultural,World. Full Performance. Duration 220. Lars Ek Cosmos Music c/o Musik & Underhållningsskrädderiet AB #1921483. Published by Lars Ek Cosmos Music c/o Musik & Underhållningsskrädderiet AB (A0.1068891). Något häpnadsväckande har hänt i den svenska dragspelsvärlden de senaste åren, vi har fått en ny idol. Det är häpnadsväckande på två olika sätt: för oss som kan dragspelsvärlden är det ett faktum att Lars Ek har varit med som professionell dragspelare i snart 20 år, sedan han slutade skolan, för det andra: han har blivit en idol som spelar musik och i en stil som har sina rötter 50 år tillbaka i dragspelsmusikens historia. Man kan säga att Lars Ek, idag 35 år, borde ha varit 85 år, verksam på 30-talet. Själv erkänner han att han känner en slags hemlig längtan tillbaka till en tid då dragspelare var ekvilibrister, då dragspelare spelade på ett briljant sätt, den guldålder det var för all dragspelsmusik över hela världen, en tid som vi aldrig kommer att möta igen. Det är en typ av musik som är historisk men som inte hör hemma på museerna, inte död, det är en typisk musik fylld av liv. Mycket tack vare Lars Ek. Det är en ganska anmärkningsvärd situation. Lars Ek har spelat dragspel länge, han har spelat all typ av musik som kan spelas på dragspel. För bara några år sedan kom han i kontakt med Nils Lind och Ragge Sundquist (två legendariska svenska artister från 30- och 40-talen, båda döda sedan länge – de grundade båda en skola och en stil) och naturligtvis också Frosini. Och då, äntligen, kände Lars Ek att det var just här, i den här stilen, som han hörde hemma. Lars Ek kom äntligen hem. En del slarviga lyssnare säger att Lars Ek kopierar Nils Linds musik. Det är lyssnare som inte lyssnar. Andra säger att Lars är en galning - han spelar på ett dragspel av märket Raggie Sundquist från 1937 och sedan ett par år äger och spelar han också på ett dragspel som en gång ägdes av Pietro Frosini, tillverkat 1927. Det är inte mani. Stilen efterfrågar sådana instrument. Det är mest korrekt på det sättet. Lars Ek har blivit otroligt populär. Det finns många anledningar. Han har massor av personlighet, han är en scenpersonlighet, han visar entusiasm och glädje när han uppträder, han vet hur man lockar en publik (och tjejerna säger att han är väldigt snygg). En annan anledning är att musiken som Lars framför får mycket respons från publiken. Och snälla, tro inte att det bara är de gamla som var med på 30-talet som älskar musiken - det gör även de unga! Lars Ek x 2 heter skivan. Förklaringen är enkel. Lars kunde inte hitta någon andra dragspelare som kunde hjälpa honom. Så tack vare tekniken är han själv sin egen andra dragspelare i fem av de låtar som framförs. Det finns ytterligare en förklaring. Lars framför melodier kopplade till namn som Nils Lind, Ragge Sundquist och Frosini, men han spelar också fem egna kompositioner. Bara för att visa hur han vill att dragspelsmusik ska vara komponerad. Lars Ek behöver ingen rekommendation, hans skivor säljer ändå. Men du kommer att få några sista ord. Den här skivan är, stilmässigt, väldigt sällsynt att vara inspelad 1982, det gäller att blicka bakåt och att göra det med stor skicklighet, en tillbakablick på dragspelets guldålder. Det är också en väldigt personlig skiva. Inspirationskällan kan mycket väl vara Nils Lind, Ragge Sundquist och Pietro Frosini. Men det är Lars Ek som spelar. På sitt personliga sätt. Vilket gör att detta är en skiva som spelas på ett väldigt personligt sätt.
Lars Ek
$1.99 1.91 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Guitar,Piano - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.969096 By Kai Winding. By Nino Oliviero and Riz Ortolani. Arranged by Dan Gabel. Contemporary. Score and part. 24 pages. Daniel Clayton Gabel #6050263. Published by Daniel Clayton Gabel (A0.969096). The extremely popular theme from the film Mondo Cane, More has become a standard for jazz musicians, dance bands, wedding bands, and more. Arranger and bandleader Dan Gabel has expertly prepared this arrangement in the style of the Frank Sinatra/Count Basie recording from It Might as Well Be Swing. In this version for 'Little Big Band' the tenor player has the solo melody honors, with some solo space for the pianist. Taken at an easy, relaxed 120 BPM, this chart swings along and is a great addition to your set list.The chart has been arranged with flexible instrumentation for jazz combo or what we at Gabel Music call Little Big Band. Tenor sax plays the melody with chord symbols included for individual interpretation. LEVEL: Medium Easy/Grade 2.5 (of 5). Good for student ensembles (High School or College), or performing groups.INSTRUMENTATION:Reed I: Tenor SaxReed II: Bari SaxTrumpet in BbTrombone (optional)Guitar (optional)PianoBassDrumsConductor's ScoreRANGE:Key of G major. Trumpet: high note: concert A (trumpet B).
More (ti Guarderò Nel Cuore)
Piano, Guitare (duo)
Kai Winding
$19.99 19.2 € Piano, Guitare (duo) PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano and voice (SATB quartet) - Digital Download SKU: LV.11886 Composed by Bernard Covert. Clipper ships, Children misbehaving, Danger, Ship equipment and rigging, Fathers and children, Prayer, Deception, Rescues, Distress, Love. Lester S. Levy Collection. 3 pages. Published by Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries (LV.11886). The Leap For Life. Song and Quartette. Poetry by G.P. Morris, Esq. Music Composed by Bernard Covert. Published 1850 by n.p. in n.p. Composition of strophic with piano and voice (satb quartet) instrumentation. Subject headings for this piece include Clipper ships, Children misbehaving, Danger, Ship equipment and rigging, Fathers and children, Prayer, Deception, Rescues, Distress, Love. First line reads Old Irsonsides at anchor lay in the harbor of Mahon.. About The Lester S. Levy CollectionThe Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music consists of over 29,000 pieces of American popular music. Donated to Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries, the collection's strength is its thorough documentation of nineteenth-century American through popular music. This sheet music has been provided by Project Gado, a San Francisco Bay Area startup whose mission is to digitize and share the world's visual history.WARNING: These titles are provided as historical documents. Language and concepts within reflect the opinions and values of the time and may be offensive to some.
The Leap For Life. Song and Quartette
Chorale SATB

$5.99 5.75 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

String Quartet String Quartet - Digital Download SKU: A0.819808 Composed by Georges Alary. Arranged by J.G. Cucó Barber. Romantic Period. Score and parts. 79 pages. J.G. Cuco Barber #6611217. Published by J.G. Cuco Barber (A0.819808). Work Title String Quartet No.2Composer Alary, GeorgesOpus/Catalogue Number Op.14Key F majorMovements/Sections 4 movements:Poco Andante - Allegro - Poco Andante - AllegroAndantinoPrestoFinal. Allegretto tranquillo - Poco animato - Allegretto tranquilloFirst Publication 1882Dedication Ã  son ami A. TaudouComposer Time Period RomanticPiece Style RomanticInstrumentation 2 Violins, viola, cello.
Alary - String Quartet No.2 en F major, Op.14
Quatuor à cordes: 2 violons, alto, violoncelle

$23.00 22.09 € Quatuor à cordes: 2 violons, alto, violoncelle PDF SheetMusicPlus

Concert Band - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.751057 By Avicii. By Ash Pournouri, Avicii, Salem Al Fakir, Veronica Maggio, and Vincent Pontare. Arranged by Brendan Elliget MAGA 537. Contemporary. Score and parts. 40 pages. BJE Music #6519579. Published by BJE Music (A0.751057). Hey Brother is a dance song by Swedish DJ and record producer Avicii from his debut studio album, True (2013). American bluegrass singer Dan Tyminski provides vocals for the track. It was written by Avicii, Ash Pournouri, Salem Al Fakir, Vincent Pontare and Veronica Maggio. Hey Brother sees Avicii giving his brother advice The song is written in the key of G minor, at a tempo in common time of 125 beats per minute. The song is in 4-4 time signature, with a 2-4 measure during parts the chorus. This is an arrangement for Concert Band with an optional Piano part. Grade = 3.5  Duration = 4:00 mins The audio was recorded with NotePerformer 3. The Score and Parts are available at Sheet Music Plus   Copyright © 2013 EMI Music Publishing Scandinavia AB, Pompadore Publishing AB, Ash Pournouri Publishing and Universal Music Publishing AB All Rights on behalf of EMI Music Publishing Scandinavia AB, Pompadore Publishing AB and Ash Pournouri Publishing Administered by Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, 8 Music Square West, Nashville, TN 37203 All Rights on behalf of Universal Music Publishing AB in the U.S. and Canada Controlled and Administered by Universal - PolyGram International Publishing, Inc. International Copyright Secured All Rights Reserved
Hey Brother
Orchestre d'harmonie
$49.99 48.02 € Orchestre d'harmonie PDF SheetMusicPlus

Guitar - Intermediate - Digital Download SKU: ZY.DO-1522 Composed by Francis Bebey. Arranged by Ingrid Riollot. Score. 5 pages. Les Editions Doberman-Yppan (digital) #DO 1522. Published by Les Editions Doberman-Yppan (digital) (ZY.DO-1522). Francis Bebey est né à Douala en juillet 1929, dans une grande famille où son père, pasteur, luttait pour nourrir ses enfants. Mais Francis a eu l'opportunité d'aller à l'école. Admirant son frère aîné, Marcel Eyidi Bebey, il s'est éduqué, s'est distingué, et a finalement reçu une bourse pour passer son baccalauréat en France.Nous approchions de la fin des années 1950 lorsqu'il est arrivé à La Rochelle. Plus que jamais, dans cette France où les Africains étaient regardés avec curiosité, condescendance ou dédain, Francis s'appuyait sur ses ressources intellectuelles. Travailleur assidu, il a obtenu son baccalauréat, puis s'est installé à Paris où il a commencé des études d'anglais à la Sorbonne. Un jour, il a su ce qui l'attirait vraiment : il voulait faire de la radio. Francis a appris son métier en France et aux Ã?tats-Unis.Après avoir travaillé quelques années comme reporter, il a été embauché en 1961 en tant que fonctionnaire international au Département de l'information de l'UNESCO.Parallèlement, Francis a toujours été attiré par la création musicale. Son activité diurne très sérieuse ne l'empêchait pas de fréquenter les clubs de jazz le soir. Ã? Paris, le jazz, la musique à la mode à cette époque, mais aussi la rumba et la salsa l'attiraient. Il collectionnait les disques et assistait à de nombreux concerts. Avec son complice Manu Dibango, Francis montait sur scène et jouait de la musique.Francis aimait la musique classique depuis son enfance. Il avait grandi en écoutant les cantates et les oratorios de Bach ou Handel que son père chantait au temple. Il s'est passionné pour la guitare, impressionné par les maîtres espagnols et sud-américains, et a décidé d'apprendre à jouer de l'instrument lui-même.Il a commencé à composer des pièces pour guitare, mêlant les diverses influences qui le traversaient avec la musique traditionnelle africaine qu'il portait en lui depuis son enfance. Son approche a captivé le directeur du Centre culturel américain (alors situé dans le quartier de Saint-Germain à Paris), qui lui a offert l'opportunité de se produire devant un public. Francis y a donné son premier récital de guitare (1963) devant un public hypnotisé. Son premier album solo est sorti peu de temps après.Progressivement, Francis est devenu reconnu comme musicien et compositeur. Plusieurs albums de l'ambassadeur africain de la guitare, comme le décrivait la presse, sont sortis. Il a également écrit des livres, au point que sa carrière artistique est devenue difficile à concilier avec sa carrière de fonctionnaire. En 1974, même s'il était devenu le directeur général chargé de la musique à l'UNESCO, il a fait le saut audacieux et a démissionné de cette prestigieuse institution pour se consacrer aux trois activités qui l'intéressaient : la musique, la littérature et le journalisme.Il a exploré le patrimoine musical traditionnel du continent africain, notamment à travers le piano à pouce sanza et la musique polyphonique des pygmées d'Afrique centrale, ou en chantant dans sa langue maternelle et en composant des chansons humoristiques en français !Le succès a suivi. Francis Bebey a parcouru le monde : de la France au Brésil, du Cameroun à la Suède, de l'Allemagne aux Caraïbes, ou du Maroc au Japon... la liste des pays où il a été invité à se produire, à donner des conférences ou à rencontrer des lecteurs est très longue. En plus de la reconnaissance publique, il bénéficiait de la reconnaissance de ses collègues musiciens, tels que le guitariste John Williams ou le Vénézuélien Antonio Lauro, qui l'ont invité à faire partie du jury d'un concours de guitare classique à Caracas.Sa vie était le voyage d'un pionnier africain, un homme enraciné dans son patrimoine culturel et portant un message de partage et d'espoir pour le monde. Son originalité continue de résonner dans le monde entier depuis son décès à la fin du mois de mai 2001.Francis Bebey was born in Douala in July 1929, into a large family where his father, a pastor, struggled to feed his children. But Francis had the opportunity to go to school. Admiring his elder brother, Marcel Eyidi Bebey, he educated himself, distinguished himself, and eventually received a scholarship to go and take his baccalaureate in France.We approached the end of the 1950s when he arrived in La Rochelle. More than ever, in this France where Africans were looked at with curiosity, condescension, or disdain, Francis relied on his intellectual resources. A diligent worker, he obtained his Baccalaureate, then moved to Paris where he started English studies at the Sorbonne. One day, he knew what truly attracted him: he wanted to do radio. Francis learned his craft in France and in the USA.After working for a few years as a reporter, he was hired in 1961 as an international civil servant in the UNESCO Information Department.In parallel, Francis had always been drawn to musical creation. His very serious daytime activity didnâ??t prevent him from frequenting jazz clubs in the evenings. In Paris, the Jazz, the trendy music of that time, but also rumba and salsa attracted him. He collected records and attended numerous concerts. With his accomplice Manu Dibango, Francis took the stage and played music.Francis liked classical music since his childhood. He grew up listening to the cantatas and oratorios of Bach or Handel that his father had sung in the temple. He became passionate about the guitar, impressed by the Spanish and South American masters, and decided to learn to strum the instrument himself.He started composing guitar pieces, blending the various influences that flow through him with the traditional African music he had carried within since childhood. His approach captivated the director of the American Cultural Center (then located in the Saint-Germain neighborhood of Paris), who offered him the opportunity to perform in front of an audience. Francis gave his first guitar recital there (1963) in front of a mesmerized audience. His first solo album was released shortly thereafter.Gradually, Francis became recognized as a musician and composer. Several albums of the African guitar ambassador, as described by the press, were released. He also wrote books, to the point that his artistic career became challenging to reconcile with his career as a civil servant. In 1974, even though he had become the General Manager in charge of music at UNESCO, he took the bold leap and resigned from this prestigious institution to dedicated himself to the three activities that interested him: music, literature, and journalism. He explored the traditional musical heritage of the African continent, notably through the thumb piano sanza, and the polyphonic music of the Central African pygmies, or singing in his native language and composing humoristic songs in French!Success followed. Francis Bebey traveled the world: from France to Brazil, Cameroon to Sweden, Germany to the Carribean, or Morocco to Japan... the list of countries where he was invited to perform, gives lectures, or meets readers is very long. In addition to public recognition, he enjoyed the recognition of his fellow musicians, such as guitarist John Williams or Venezuelan Antonio Lauro, who invited him to be a part of the jury for a classical guitar competition in Caracas.His life was the journey of an African pioneer, a man rooted in his cultural heritage and carrying a message of sharing and hope for the world. His originality continues to vibrate around the world since his passing at the end of May 2001.

$3.95 3.79 € Guitare PDF SheetMusicPlus

Guitar - Advanced - Digital Download SKU: ZY.DO-1551 Composed by Yorgos Nousis. Score. 8 pages. Les Editions Doberman-Yppan (digital) #DO 1551. Published by Les Editions Doberman-Yppan (digital) (ZY.DO-1551). PULSO DE LA VIDA was composed as part of my dear friend Kostas Tosidis' doctoral thesis with the title Bowing technique on the guitar.The character of the piece changes from simple and meditative to rhythmic and tension-filled, reflecting different stages of our lives.Using a C, G, D tuning for the bass strings, the guitar utilizes resonance to create sustained, cello-sounding melodies on the fourth string, complemented by harmonies on the fifth and sixth strings.The bowing technique is introduced with a continuous tremolo accompanied by an extended form of the first theme. The more dancelike and rhythmical part of the piece uses a 19/16 measure that allows us to experience a sense of disparity. Finally, the simplicity combined with a sense of completeness, but also of abandonment of the beautiful gift of life, leaves us in a state of stillness for any kind of introspection.PULSO DE LA VIDA a été composé dans le cadre de la recherche doctorale de mon cher ami Kostas Tosidis, sous le titre Bowing technique on the guitar (technique d'archet à la guitare).Le caractère de la pièce passe de simple et méditatif à rythmique et plein de tension, reflétant les différentes étapes de notre vie.La guitare, dont les cordes basses sont accordées en do, sol et ré, utilise la résonance pour créer des mélodies soutenues au son du violoncelle sur la quatrième corde, complétées par des harmonies sur les cinquième et sixième cordes.La technique d'archet est introduite par un trémolo continu accompagné d'une forme étendue du premier thème. La partie plus dansante et rythmique de la pièce utilise une mesure 19/16 qui nous permet d'éprouver un sentiment de disparité. Enfin, la simplicité combinée à un sentiment de plénitude, mais aussi d'abandon du magnifique cadeau qu'est la vie, nous laisse dans un état de tranquillité propice à toute forme d'introspection.
Pulso de la vida

$5.95 5.72 € Guitare PDF SheetMusicPlus

Alto Saxophone Solo - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1237548 By Tiesto And Karol G. By Carolina Giraldo, Jonas David Kroper, Teemu Brunila, Tijs Verwest, and Yoshi Breen. Arranged by Musikeo. 21st Century,Contemporary,Disco,Latin,Pop. Individual part. 1 pages. Musikeo #833064. Published by Musikeo (A0.1237548). Don't Be Shy is a song by Dutch DJ Tiësto and Colombian singer-songwriter Karol G. It was released on 12 August 2021 via Atlantic Records as a the second single from Tiësto's seventh studio album Drive. It also marks Karol G's first song in English.The music video was directed by Christian Breslauer, who filmed the music videos for The Business, Industry Baby and Streets. It starts off with an outdoor shot of the Norwegian National Opera and Ballet at the Night, then followed up by the Night at the Museum-inspired music video, comedian Blake Webber plays a museum janitor, and Karol G dances with a group of dancers in different scenes in a museum.Part two of the music video was released on 4 September 2021.Carolina Giraldo Navarro (born 14 February 1991), known professionally as Karol G (stylized in all caps), is a Colombian singer and songwriter. She is predominantly described as a reggaeton and Latin trap artist, but has experimented with a variety of other genres including reggae and sertanejo. In 2018, she won the Latin Grammy Award for Best New Artist, and has been nominated for several Billboard Latin Music Awards and Lo Nuestro Awards.Born and raised in Medellín, Giraldo launched her career as a teenager, appearing on the Colombian spinoff of The X Factor. She moved to New York City in 2014 to learn more about the music industry and signed to Universal Music Latino. Her collaboration with Puerto Rican rapper Bad Bunny Ahora Me Llama became her breakthrough hit, and was the lead single for her debut album Unstoppable, released in 2017. In late 2018, her song Secreto became a hit in Latin America as she and Anuel AA publicly confirmed their relationship in the music video.In July 2019, she released China in collaboration with Anuel AA, Daddy Yankee, Ozuna and J Balvin, which became her first music video with over one billion views on YouTube. In May 2019, she released the album Ocean, which served as a stylistic departure from Unstoppable, incorporating a more relaxed atmosphere in her work. Her song Tusa with Nicki Minaj also charted internationally and was certified 28× Latin Platinum by the RIAA, staying on the Billboard Hot Latin Songs chart for 25 weeks. In 2020, Karol G received four nominations at the Latin Grammys. Karol G achieved her highest-charting single on the Billboard Hot 100 with the top 10 song TQG, a collaboration with Shakira.With her fourth album, Mañana Será Bonito (2023), Karol G became the first woman to ever debut at number one on the Billboard 200 chart with a Spanish-language albumEnjoy my arrangement!
Don't Be Shy
Saxophone Alto
Tiesto And Karol G
$6.49 6.23 € Saxophone Alto PDF SheetMusicPlus

Oboe Solo - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1237545 By Tiesto And Karol G. By Carolina Giraldo, Jonas David Kroper, Teemu Brunila, Tijs Verwest, and Yoshi Breen. Arranged by Musikeo. 21st Century,Contest,Disco,Festival,Latin,Pop. Individual part. 1 pages. Musikeo #833062. Published by Musikeo (A0.1237545). Don't Be Shy is a song by Dutch DJ Tiësto and Colombian singer-songwriter Karol G. It was released on 12 August 2021 via Atlantic Records as a the second single from Tiësto's seventh studio album Drive. It also marks Karol G's first song in English.The music video was directed by Christian Breslauer, who filmed the music videos for The Business, Industry Baby and Streets. It starts off with an outdoor shot of the Norwegian National Opera and Ballet at the Night, then followed up by the Night at the Museum-inspired music video, comedian Blake Webber plays a museum janitor, and Karol G dances with a group of dancers in different scenes in a museum.Part two of the music video was released on 4 September 2021.Carolina Giraldo Navarro (born 14 February 1991), known professionally as Karol G (stylized in all caps), is a Colombian singer and songwriter. She is predominantly described as a reggaeton and Latin trap artist, but has experimented with a variety of other genres including reggae and sertanejo. In 2018, she won the Latin Grammy Award for Best New Artist, and has been nominated for several Billboard Latin Music Awards and Lo Nuestro Awards.Born and raised in Medellín, Giraldo launched her career as a teenager, appearing on the Colombian spinoff of The X Factor. She moved to New York City in 2014 to learn more about the music industry and signed to Universal Music Latino. Her collaboration with Puerto Rican rapper Bad Bunny Ahora Me Llama became her breakthrough hit, and was the lead single for her debut album Unstoppable, released in 2017. In late 2018, her song Secreto became a hit in Latin America as she and Anuel AA publicly confirmed their relationship in the music video.In July 2019, she released China in collaboration with Anuel AA, Daddy Yankee, Ozuna and J Balvin, which became her first music video with over one billion views on YouTube. In May 2019, she released the album Ocean, which served as a stylistic departure from Unstoppable, incorporating a more relaxed atmosphere in her work. Her song Tusa with Nicki Minaj also charted internationally and was certified 28× Latin Platinum by the RIAA, staying on the Billboard Hot Latin Songs chart for 25 weeks. In 2020, Karol G received four nominations at the Latin Grammys. Karol G achieved her highest-charting single on the Billboard Hot 100 with the top 10 song TQG, a collaboration with Shakira.With her fourth album, Mañana Será Bonito (2023), Karol G became the first woman to ever debut at number one on the Billboard 200 chart with a Spanish-language albumEnjoy my arrangement!
Don't Be Shy
Hautbois (partie séparée)
Tiesto And Karol G
$6.49 6.23 € Hautbois (partie séparée) PDF SheetMusicPlus

String Quartet Cello,String Quartet,Viola,Violin - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1237266 By Tiesto And Karol G. By Carolina Giraldo, Jonas David Kroper, Teemu Brunila, Tijs Verwest, and Yoshi Breen. Arranged by Musikeo. 21st Century,Contest,Disco,Festival,Latin,Pop. 8 pages. Musikeo #832786. Published by Musikeo (A0.1237266). Don't Be Shy is a song by Dutch DJ Tiësto and Colombian singer-songwriter Karol G. It was released on 12 August 2021 via Atlantic Records as a the second single from Tiësto's seventh studio album Drive. It also marks Karol G's first song in English.The music video was directed by Christian Breslauer, who filmed the music videos for The Business, Industry Baby and Streets. It starts off with an outdoor shot of the Norwegian National Opera and Ballet at the Night, then followed up by the Night at the Museum-inspired music video, comedian Blake Webber plays a museum janitor, and Karol G dances with a group of dancers in different scenes in a museum.Part two of the music video was released on 4 September 2021.Carolina Giraldo Navarro (born 14 February 1991), known professionally as Karol G (stylized in all caps), is a Colombian singer and songwriter. She is predominantly described as a reggaeton and Latin trap artist, but has experimented with a variety of other genres including reggae and sertanejo. In 2018, she won the Latin Grammy Award for Best New Artist, and has been nominated for several Billboard Latin Music Awards and Lo Nuestro Awards.Born and raised in Medellín, Giraldo launched her career as a teenager, appearing on the Colombian spinoff of The X Factor. She moved to New York City in 2014 to learn more about the music industry and signed to Universal Music Latino. Her collaboration with Puerto Rican rapper Bad Bunny Ahora Me Llama became her breakthrough hit, and was the lead single for her debut album Unstoppable, released in 2017. In late 2018, her song Secreto became a hit in Latin America as she and Anuel AA publicly confirmed their relationship in the music video.In July 2019, she released China in collaboration with Anuel AA, Daddy Yankee, Ozuna and J Balvin, which became her first music video with over one billion views on YouTube. In May 2019, she released the album Ocean, which served as a stylistic departure from Unstoppable, incorporating a more relaxed atmosphere in her work. Her song Tusa with Nicki Minaj also charted internationally and was certified 28× Latin Platinum by the RIAA, staying on the Billboard Hot Latin Songs chart for 25 weeks. In 2020, Karol G received four nominations at the Latin Grammys. Karol G achieved her highest-charting single on the Billboard Hot 100 with the top 10 song TQG, a collaboration with Shakira.With her fourth album, Mañana Será Bonito (2023), Karol G became the first woman to ever debut at number one on the Billboard 200 chart with a Spanish-language albumEnjoy my string quartet arrangement!
Don't Be Shy
Quatuor à cordes: 2 violons, alto, violoncelle
Tiesto And Karol G
$12.99 12.48 € Quatuor à cordes: 2 violons, alto, violoncelle PDF SheetMusicPlus

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