說來奇怪。 有時當我清晨醒來,我的大腦會自動產生某種旋律。 這是我在 2018 年 3 月 1 日上午 5 點 30 分錄製的一段經過提練的五句旋律。 第二天更早 3 月 2 日凌晨 2 點,我給音樂添加了一些中文歌詞,形成了 一首完整的歌曲,我想作為一張特殊的生日賀卡給我的長子阿爾文, 他的生日是 3 月 3 日, 他現在真巧在愛 爾蘭巡島旅遊。 我希望這首歌的意義能適合他的處境。
It is strange. Sometimes when I wake up in the early morning, my brain will automatically produce certain kind of melody. This is a refined piece of five lines melody that I recorded on the March 1, 2018 at 5:30am. The next day even more early at 2:00 am on March 2, I added some Chinese lyrics to the music to form a complete song, which I would like to give as a special birthday card to my eldest son Alvin, whose birthday is March 3, and he is now just on a tour along the Ireland. I hope that the meaning of the song can fit to his situation.
版權所有。本歌 曲 允 許 非 利 潤 複 制 。但任何想要將此歌曲用於盈利或商業用途的人士必須事先與歌曲作者 聯繫。 jkxgao@gmail.com
All rights reserved. Copying of the song is permitted for none profit purpose. Anyone who wants to use this song for profit or commercial purpose must contact the songwriter in advance at: jkxgao@gmail.com