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Brass Ensemble Horn - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.931276 Composed by Alessandro Macrì. Baroque,Classical,Concert,Instructional,Standards. Score and parts. 10 pages. Music Macri Editions #6082045. Published by Music Macri Editions (A0.931276). Thinking Händel è un tributo al grande compositore Georg Friedrich Händel, coetaneo di Johann Sebastian Bach, che fu tra i più illustri rappresentanti del barocco musicale. Scrisse opere, oratori e musica strumentale, assimilando gli stili del Settecento che fuse in una sintesi personale e unitaria.I primi successiHändel nacque nel 1685 a Halle, in Germania, da una famiglia senza tradizioni musicali. Iniziò da bambino lo studio della musica, dimostrando subito un grande talento come compositore e organista. All'università di Halle intraprese anche studi giuridici. Nel 1703 si stabilì ad Amburgo, dove lavorò come violinista e dove ebbero luogo le prime esecuzioni di sue musiche, tra cui l'opera Almira, regina di Castiglia (1705).Negli anni successivi compì diversi viaggi in Italia, in Germania e a Londra, dove nel 1711 fu rappresentata con grande successo la sua opera Rinaldo. Nonostante sia oggi conosciuto soprattutto per gli oratori e la musica strumentale, ai suoi tempi Händel fu molto apprezzato per le opere teatrali, prevalentemente composte secondo il modello dell'opera seria italiana (forme musicali). Ambientata in epoca classica, di argomento letterario o di ambientazione mitologica, l'opera seria alterna, in lingua italiana, recitativi e arie. I recitativi, con un'intonazione vicina alla lingua parlata, servivano a far procedere l'azione ed erano accompagnati dal cembalo e a volte dall'orchestra. Le arie, con intonazione melodica, avevano la funzione di esprimere gli stati d'animo o 'affetti' dei personaggi e in esse i cantanti mostravano la propria virtuosistica bravura.Al tempo del soggiorno londinese risalgono anche due significative composizioni orchestrali: le tre suite Musica sull'acqua (1715-36), nate per accompagnare le feste sul Tamigi di re Giorgio I, e i Sei concerti grossi op. 3 (1730-34), ispirati al modello del musicista italiano Arcangelo Corelli.La cittadinanza ingleseNel 1719 Händel promosse la fondazione di una società musicale privata, la Royal academy of music, e ne diventò direttore. Nel 1727 ottenne la cittadinanza inglese e per molti anni dominò la scena musicale britannica. Oltre alle circa quaranta opere teatrali, tra cui Giulio Cesare in Egitto (1723), Rodelinda regina de' Longobardi (1725), Ariodante (1734), Alcina (1735), Serse (1737-38), in questi anni scrisse più di venti oratori ‒ composizioni di argomento religioso, per soli, coro e orchestra ‒ in forma drammatica e in lingua inglese (con narrazione, personaggi e dialogo ma senza scena teatrale), per lo più con testi tratti dall'Antico Testamento (tra cui Esther, 1718, Saul e Israele in Egitto, del 1738 entrambi).L'adesione di Händel alla cultura inglese non fu occasionale, ma profondamente sentita: lo dimostrano alcuni lavori vocali e strumentali, come Acis e Galatea (1718, con una seconda versione nel 1732) e l'Ode per il giorno di s. Cecilia (1739), composti su testi di poeti inglesi di grande rilievo come John Dryden e Alexander Pope.Tra la musica strumentale, Händel dedicò in particolare all'organo, di cui era valente esecutore, ben venti concerti con orchestra.Il Messia e le ultime composizioniL'oratorio Messia Ã¨ uno dei lavori più conosciuti di Händel: eseguito a Dublino nel 1742, fu scritto per una istituzione benefica in soli ventiquattro giorni. Il libretto di Charles Jennens, in inglese, illustra in tre parti i momenti più rilevanti della vita di Cristo con brani delle Sacre Scritture (è l'unico oratorio tratto dal Nuovo Testamento). La prima parte tratta dell'Avvento e del Natale; la seconda della Passione e della Resurrezione, culminante nel celebre Halleluja; la.
Thinking Händel for Baroque Horn Quartet

$3.00 2.88 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Organ - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1327693 Composed by Leonardo Antonio Di Chiara. 21st Century,Classical,Contemporary,Sacred. Score. 37 pages. LEONARDO ANTONIO DI CHIARA #915737. Published by LEONARDO ANTONIO DI CHIARA (A0.1327693). Questa raccolta di dieci brani per organo, concepita tra il 2021 e il 2023, rappresenta un passo significativo nel mio percorso compositivo. Manualiter volume II costituisce la continuazione di un viaggio musicale compositivo iniziato con la mia prima raccolta dall’omonimo titolo. Ogni brano è una riflessione sulla potenza espressiva dell'organo, guidata principalmente dai manuali e con l'uso parsimonioso dei pedali. Attraverso queste miniature organistiche, cerco di comunicare la mia visione della musica, invitando gli interpreti e gli ascoltatori ad immergersi in un'esperienza emotiva unica. La sequenza di brani inizia con la complessa Ciaccona palindroma, seguita dalla Ciaccona sopra DCHLA, il cui tema si basa sulle iniziali del mio nome e cognome, conferendo un carattere personale e distintivo. Cantabile d'affetto ed Elevazione introducono emozioni intense e profonde, mentre la Toccata aggiunge dinamismo e vitalità. Herzlich tut mich verlangen merita una menzione speciale. Questo brano è un corale seguito da due variazioni, con il tema tratto dal famoso corale della tradizione luterana dedicato al tempo di passione. Le variazioni esplorano le sfumature emotive del tema, offrendo un viaggio attraverso interpretazioni ricche e personali. La Toccata breve e il Canto di Pace presentano contrasti significativi, evidenziando la mia volontà di esplorare una vasta gamma di atmosfere ed emozioni. Inoltre Canto di Pace è un omaggio musicale alle vittime dell'attacco del 07 ottobre 2023 in Israele, un tentativo di commemorare coloro che hanno perso la vita in quel tragico evento attraverso la potenza emotiva della musica. Le Partite sopra In dulci jubilo si ispirano al corale natalizio della tradizione luterana In dulci jubilo e sono articolate in quattro variazioni, ognuna unica        nel suo approccio e nell'esplorare le possibilità sonore dell'organo. Infine c’è il brano U vaqa Sënd Vit, che tradotto dall'arbëresh significa Sono andato a San Vito. Questo brano è un omaggio alle mie origini arbëresh e trae ispirazione da un canto popolare della comunità arbëresh di Greci ed è dedicato al Cavaliere della Repubblica dott. Bartolomeo Zoccano che tanto si è prodigato per la diffusione della cultura arbëresh. La composizione adotta la forma della variazione, esplorando le potenzialità di questo canto tradizionale attraverso il linguaggio ricco ed evocativo dell'organo. Manualiter volume II rappresenta il frutto del mio impegno e della mia passione per l'arte dell'organo. Confido che questa raccolta possa essere accolta con la stessa gioia e apprezzamento con cui è stata creata, offrendo un viaggio musicale che va oltre le note, esplorando le profondità dell'anima attraverso le tastiere e i pedali dell'organo, e trovi un luogo speciale nei cuori degli organisti, degli appassionati di musica e di tutti coloro che cercano un'esperienza musicale significativa e avvincente.
MANUALITER Vol. 2 dieci brevi composizioni organistiche

$6.00 5.77 € Orgue PDF SheetMusicPlus

Woodwind Ensemble Alto Saxophone,Baritone Saxophone,Bassoon,Clarinet,Flute,Oboe,Tenor Saxophone - Digital Download SKU: A0.1010607 Composed by Carl Upsall. Children,Contemporary. 41 pages. Spiramus Press #548419. Published by Spiramus Press (A0.1010607). Nursery Crimes is a reflection on nursery rhymes, remembered and reimagined. For woodwind band of flute, clarinet, bass clarinet, alto, tenor and baritone sax, oboe and bassoon. 1. Ives Thrives in the Playground starts with the moment of first playing music at school, through to the sound of groups playing favourite tunes, initially in canon, and then completely different tunes in different parts of the playground. A nod towards Charles Ives. 2. Little Miss D minor takes the childhood tunes from the major scale through a cascade of minor thirds into a nightmarish world where familiar tunes are recognisable, but much darker, and take on the sound of Hammer Horror. 3. Bobby and Polly at Sea rounds the piece off with joyful riffing on two old favourites.
Nursery Crimes

$24.95 23.98 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Flute Solo,Soprano Flute - Level 5 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1289764 Composed by Adrian Dee. 21st Century,Chamber,Classical. Individual part. 10 pages. Adrian Dee #880461. Published by Adrian Dee (A0.1289764). I was thinking about all the ways in which we could not breathe in 2020 - George Floyd's last words, the COVID-19 pandemic putting us all on masks and respirators, the wildfires filling our homes with smoke, the racism that has silenced so many for so long. I thought it would be interesting to write a piece with all that in mind for flute, an instrument which is, of course, all about breathing.  The piece is one movement with four sections: George Floyd, Protests, Respirators, and Wildfires. It runs approximately 9 to 10 minutes, at the performer’s discretion. It requires some improvisation, a few special effects (multiphonics, use of voice, jet whistle), some serious breath control, and a lot of energy. The performer is asked to breathe in specific ways, to make the audience aware of the breathing, and to become uncomfortably short of breath.  There is also optional use of electronic Loop for layering voices in the final section.This piece was premiered by Anthony Trionfo at the National Flute Association convention, Aug. 4, 2023.  Check out the Youtube link for an exciting performance.This is an intensely emotional piece and unlike my other compositions. I'd love to hear your feedback:
2020: The Year We Could Not Breathe
Flûte traversière

$15.99 15.37 € Flûte traversière PDF SheetMusicPlus

Soli: SAATBB – Chor: SSAATB – 2Blfl.B-Fl.2.0.0. – – Pk – Str – Bc mixed choir (SATB/SATB), soloists (SATB) and orchestra - Digital Download SKU: S9.Q7080 Hail! Bright Cecilia. Composed by Henry Purcell. This edition: study score. Choral music - ernst eulenburg - score. Eulenburg Miniature Scores. Downloadable, Study score. Duration 60 minutes. Ernst Eulenburg & Co. GmbH - Digital #Q7080. Published by Ernst Eulenburg & Co. GmbH - Digital (S9.Q7080). German • English • French.An annual London celebration of the patron saint of music, in the form of a banquet plus the performance of an ode, was instituted on St. Cecilia’s Day, 22 November 1683. The occasion proved so popular that it continued for some 30 years after. A newspaper account of the first performance of the 1692 Ode informs us that 'the Ode was admirably set to music by Mr. Henry Purcell, and perform’d twice with universal applause'. The popularity of Purcell’s setting is apparent from the many sources that survived from the period and from printed extracts which appeared almost immediately after its first performance. The editor, Christopher Hogwood, is the founder-director of the Academy of Ancient Music with whom he has made over 200 recordings. He is Honorary Professor of Music at the University of Cambridge and Visiting Professor at the Royal Academy of Music, London.Un compte rendu de la première représentation nous informe que l'ode était admirablement mise en musique par Mr Henry Purcell (...) et qu'elle fut exécutée deux fois sous les plus grands applaudissements. La popularité de la composition de Purcell ressort des nombreuses sources qui nous sont parvenues et des critiques parues après la première.
Ode on St. Cecilia's Day 1692 Z 328

$47.99 46.13 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Instrumental Duet Clarinet,Flute,Instrumental Duet - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1010606 Composed by Carl Upsall. Children,Contemporary. Score and parts. 33 pages. Spiramus Press #548417. Published by Spiramus Press (A0.1010606). Nursery Crimes is a reflection on nursery rhymes, remembered and reimagined. For woodwind band of 3 flutes, 3 clarinets, and 2 bass clarinets. 1. Ives Thrives in the Playground starts with the moment of first playing music at school, through to the sound of groups playing favourite tunes, initially in canon, and then completely different tunes in different parts of the playground. A nod towards Charles Ives. 2. Little Miss D minor takes the childhood tunes from the major scale through a cascade of minor thirds into a nightmarish world where familiar tunes are recognisable, but much darker, and take on the sound of Hammer Horror. 3. Bobby and Polly at Sea rounds the piece off with joyful riffing on two old favourites.
Nursery Crimes
Flûte, Clarinette (duo)

$24.95 23.98 € Flûte, Clarinette (duo) PDF SheetMusicPlus

Guitar - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1408429 Composed by Georges Bizet. Arranged by Dan Jones 19th Century,Classical,Opera. 21 pages. DanJonesGuitarist #991016. Published by DanJonesGuitarist (A0.1408429). Habanera (L'amour est un oiseau rebelle)by Georges Bizet. Arranged for Four Guitars by Dan Joneswww.danjonesguitarist.comI have provided a score with notes and TAB, a score with notes only (to facilitate directors' page turns) and all parts with notes and TAB or just notes.L'amour est un oiseau rebelle (Love is a rebellious Bird) or Habanera is one of opera's most popular arias. The melody was actually written by the Spanish musician Sebastián Iradier. Bizet mistakenly believed it to be a folk melody but was quick to credit the original author upon being informed of its origin.  Iradier had a gift for creating popular melodies as he also wrote the beautiful La Paloma. This arrangement employs a variety of timbres and the full range of the instruments. Guitars 3 & 4 are tuned to D and Guitar 1 has the option of playing up to a high A (fret 17), although this passage is equally effective played an octave lower (see note in score). I have provided a score with notes and TAB, a score with notes only (to facilitate directors' page turns) and all parts with notes and TAB or just notes. A video performance of this arrangement is available on YouTube or at www.danjonesguitarist.comFor a huge range of writings, arrangements, compositions and much more, for guitarists of all levels of experience, please visit www.danjonesguitarist.comI hope you enjoy playing Habanera as much as I have enjoyed arranging and performing it.
Habanera 'L'amour est un oiseau rebelle' from Carmen

$6.95 6.68 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

String Ensemble,String Trio - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.800202 Composed by Various, Traditional. Arranged by Samantha J Bramley - Children,Christmas. Score and parts. 25 pages. Samantha Bramley #3877327. Published by Samantha Bramley (A0.800202). The Holiday Season can be really painful for lower string players in any ensemble. Playing ‘cello in a Carol concert makes me want to cry. That is why I have created arrangements of classic Christmas Carols and Songs guaranteed not to bore the pants off your violist or ‘cellist. No more bashing out bass notes for the ‘cello, and no more chugging away on the off-beat for viola while the fiddles get soaring melody after soaring counter-melody. We deserve more than this, right guys? You got it! Noël Re-Nouvellé Pot pourri des chants de Noëls Français les plus populaires pour trio à cordes. Durée de six minutes à la vitesse proposée. A jolly romp through some of the most popular French language carols, Noël Re-Nouvellé is a medley for string trio lasting 6 minutes at given tempo. With optional 2nd violin for viola part. Written with interest in all three parts, and taking turns with melody and accompaniment, this is a very enjoyable arrangement for ensembles of intermediate ability. If you have a great viola player or bored ‘cellist s/he will love this! Contains some double stopping of open and stopped strings. 1.    Joie dans le monde - Joy to the World 2.    Quittez, Pasteurs - Shepherds, Leave your Flocks 3.    Entre le bÅ“uf et l'âne gris - The Ox and the Grey Donkey 4.    La Marche des Rois Mages - March of the Magi Kings 5.    Il est né, le Divin Enfant  - He is Born, the Divine Christ Child 6.    Noël Nouvelet  - Traditional French Folk Carol 7.    Les Anges dans nos campagnes - Angels from the Realms of Glory 8.    Vive le vent d’hiver - Jingle Bells 9.    C’est Noël - Deck the Halls 10. O Venez, les Fideles - O Come All Ye Faithful 11. On se dit Joyeux Noël  - We Wish You a Merry Christmas Note from the arranger: All my arrangements for strings are conceived specifically with the aim of writing interesting parts for all players. Most parts do not go beyond 4th position (with the exception of a few harmonics in the lower string parts), making them suitable for student and mixed ability groups. A complete score and set of individual parts (violin, violin 2, viola, ‘cello) is included. Enjoy and feel free to email comments or requests for other works to Keep Calm & Play Strings!  
French Christmas Carol Medley for String Trio - Noëls Français en Pot Pourri pour Trio à Cordes

$22.99 22.1 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Alto Saxophone,Autoharp,B-Flat Clarinet,Baritone Saxophone,Bassoon,Cello,Flute,Oboe,Piano,Tenor Saxophone,Viola,Violin - Digital Download SKU: A0.1255183 Composed by Various. Arranged by Daniel Kelley. 19th Century,20th Century,Baroque,Classical,Instructional. 45 pages. Last Resort Music Publishing #848746. Published by Last Resort Music Publishing (A0.1255183). Intermediate Music for Three Volume 2 - Part 2 Flute or Oboe or Violin #52221Featuring works by Gounod, Rossini, Sousa, Mozart, Haydn, Dvorak and many more!  Each volume is arranged in progressive order of difficulty. This series is designed to progress to the level of the Music for Three series. The keyboard/guitar part encompasses both parts 2 and 3. Therefore, the arrangements could be played as a piano trio, or an entire trio can play with a pianist - as long as Part 1 is being played. Table of ContentsTango in D from Suite Espana, Op. 165 #2 (Albeniz) Minuet in D minor from The Anna Magdalena Bach Notebook (Bach) Minuet from the Anna Magdalena Bach Notebook (Bach) Musette from the Anna Magdalena Bach Notebook (Bach) Toreador Song from Carmen (Bizet) Hatikva based on an Eastern European Folk Tune (Cohen & Imber) Daisy Bell (A bicycle Built for Two) (Dacre) Funiculi Funicula (Denza) Songs My Mother Taught Me, Op. 55 #4 (Dvorak) Opening Chorus from H.M.S. Pinafore (Gilbert & Sullivan) When A Felon's Not Engaged in His Employment-Pirates of Penzance (Gilbert & Sullivan) Ballet from Faust (Gounod) Soldier's Chorus from Faust (Gounod) Peer Gynt Suite No. 1, Op. 46, 4 movements (Grieg)Andante from Symphony  #101 in D, The Clock (Haydn) Tarantella (Italian Traditional) Villa from The Merry Widow (Lehar) La Ci Darem La Mano from Don Giovanni (Mozart) Menuetto from Symphony  #40 in G Minor, K. 550 (Mozart) Minuet from Don Giovanni (Mozart) Minuet in F, K. 2 (Mozart) Waltzing Doll Poupee Valsante from 7 Marionettes, #2 (Poldini) William Tell Overture (Rossini) The Elephant from Carnival of the Animals (Saint-Saens) Semper Fidelis March (Sousa) Washington Post, The March (Sousa) Tritsch-Tratsch Polka, Op. 214 (Strauss) Light Calvary Overture (Suppe) Gavotte from the opera Mignon (Thomas) Trio Sonata in D, RV93 for lute & strings, 3 movements (Vivaldi) 52211 Part 1 Flute or Oboe or Violin52213 Part 1 Clarinet in Bb  52215 Part 1 Alto Sax in Eb  52221 Part 2 Flute or Oboe or Violin 52222 Part 2 Viola  52223 Part 2 Clarinet or Trumpet in Bb52225 Part 2 Tenor Sax in Bb52231 Part 3 Cello or Bassoon 52233 Part 3 Bass Clarinet in Bb 52235 Part 3 Baritone Sax in Eb52240 Keyboard or Guitar52299 Score (Parts 1-3 in C) Published by Last Resort Music
Intermediate Music for Three Volume 2 - Part 2 Flute or Oboe or Violin #52221

$20.00 19.22 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Bassoon,Cello - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1110212 By Daniel Kelley. By Various. Arranged by Daniel Kelley. 19th Century,20th Century,Baroque,Classical,Instructional. 46 pages. Last Resort Music Publishing #712547. Published by Last Resort Music Publishing (A0.1110212). 52231 Part 3 Cello or Bassoon Featuring works by Gounod, Rossini, Sousa, Mozart, Haydn, Dvorak and many more! Each volume is arranged in progressive order of difficulty. This series is designed to progress to the level of the Music for Three series. The keyboard/guitar part encompasses both parts 2 and 3. Therefore, the arrangements could be played as a piano trio, or an entire trio can play with a pianist - as long as Part 1 is being played. Table of Contents Tango in D from Suite Espana, Op. 165 #2 (Albeniz) Minuet in D minor from The Anna Magdalena Bach Notebook (Bach) Minuet from the Anna Magdalena Bach Notebook (Bach) Musette from the Anna Magdalena Bach Notebook (Bach) Toreador Song from Carmen (Bizet) Hatikva based on an Eastern European Folk Tune (Cohen & Imber) Daisy Bell (A bicycle Built for Two) (Dacre) Funiculi Funicula (Denza) Songs My Mother Taught Me, Op. 55 #4 (Dvorak) Opening Chorus from H.M.S. Pinafore (Gilbert & Sullivan) When A Felon's Not Engaged in His Employment-Pirates of Penzance (Gilbert & Sullivan) Ballet from Faust (Gounod) Soldier's Chorus from Faust (Gounod) Peer Gynt Suite No. 1, Op. 46, 4 movements (Grieg) Andante from Symphony #101 in D, The Clock (Haydn) Tarantella (Italian Traditional) Villa from The Merry Widow (Lehar) La Ci Darem La Mano from Don Giovanni (Mozart) Menuetto from Symphony #40 in G Minor, K. 550 (Mozart) Minuet from Don Giovanni (Mozart) Minuet in F, K. 2 (Mozart) Waltzing Doll Poupee Valsante from 7 Marionettes, #2 (Poldini) William Tell Overture (Rossini) The Elephant from Carnival of the Animals (Saint-Saens) Semper Fidelis March (Sousa) Washington Post, The March (Sousa) Tritsch-Tratsch Polka, Op. 214 (Strauss) Light Calvary Overture (Suppe) Gavotte from the opera Mignon (Thomas) Trio Sonata in D, RV93 for lute & strings, 3 movements (Vivaldi) Create your own ensemble - List of Available Parts: 52211 Part 1 Flute or Oboe or Violin 52213 Part 1 Clarinet in Bb 52215 Part 1 Alto Sax in Eb 52221 Part 2 Flute or Oboe or Violin *DD 52222 Part 2 Viola 52223 Part 2 Clarinet or Trumpet in Bb 52225 Part 2 Tenor Sax in Bb 52231 Part 3 Cello or Bassoon *DD 52233 Part 3 Bass Clarinet in Bb 52235 Part 3 Baritone Sax in Eb 52240 Keyboard or Guitar 52299 Score (Parts 1-3 in C) All available on SheetMusicPlus and Published by Last Resort Music Publishing
Intermediate Music for Three, Volume 2, Part 3 Cello or Bassoon
Daniel Kelley
$20.00 19.22 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Guitar,Instrumental Duet - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1262076 Composed by Traditional. Arranged by Richard Hirsch. Instructional,Multicultural,Traditional,World. 3 pages. Richard Hirsch #855138. Published by Richard Hirsch (A0.1262076). I offer an arrangement in D major of the traditional Flamenco Tanguillo de Cádiz as a second guitar to accompany my arrangement of the Tanguillo for solo guitar. The solo guitar arrangement is written in A major. To work as guitar 1 in the duet, the solo version must be played with the capo at the fifth fret to transpose the score to D major. This is normal practice in Flamenco guitar playing. The guitarist simply plays the score as if the capo were the nut. The tones/notes are then referred to as if they were being played in the first position, but they sound of course different.I created the arrangement in D major to accompany a student I taught to play the solo version so we could play and perform together. It was a lot of fun working on the arrangement and we had a great time playing the Tanguillo as a duet. It was also a big hit with audiences. I particularly recommend this arrangement for instructors teaching the solo version to intermediate students of Flamenco guitar, especially young students who will find it easier to play the Tanguillo at the fifth fret in D major. It is a great inspiration for  students to play along with their instructor, making music together. The arrangement also, of course, works just as well as a duet for two students or two experienced guitarists.The D minor section contains the typical Andalusian cadence found in the more â??jondoâ? styles of Flamenco and serves as a first introduction to these darker more serious â??sonidos negrosâ? as Manuel de Falla referred to them. The many taps or â??golpesâ? found in the score are, as I said in the description of the Tanguillo solo, not absolutely essential, but they definitely add more â??punchâ? to the performance and give the arrangement a more earthy Gitano Andaluz character.
Tanguillo de Cádiz Guitar 2

$3.99 3.84 € Guitare PDF SheetMusicPlus

Alto Voice,Guitar - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1310119 By David Warin Solomons. By David Warin Solomons. 20th Century,Contemporary,Singer/Songwriter. Full Performance. Duration 373. David Warin Solomons #899257. Published by David Warin Solomons (A0.1310119). Music composed and performed by David W SolomonsThis setting is the first song that I wrote in Strasbourg in 1976, where I met the poet Marie Keyser, who features in this video.Her poem is about the angst of adolescence. She is a scholar of German poetry and in particular the works of Hölderlin.The poem is as follows Entends mon chant d'exil et comme avec patience ensevelie en terre hostile je désapprends la respiration l'instant et toute presence humainedu royaume au bord du tempsils m'ont arrachée de l'aubeet maintenant le temps sévitle mal de terre est profondjamais la nuit n'atteint l'auroreinachevés abolis nous reposonsmais je me souviensentends mon chant d'exil et le déchirementau royaume lointain au bord du tempss'accomplit la naissance et le premier vertige de voir d'entendre et de de toucher le mondeploie l'adolescence alanguie enclose en ellel'île à fleur de mer au chant d'écume éphemère et renouveléet l'envol s'accomplit vers le point d'aubeoù le premier chant indécis de la grive musiciennedélie les sources dormeuses,le vent et l'envie d'allerles arbres vont en cortège devantentends mon chant de retour et le cheminement....mais pourquoi l'exil revient-il, briser l'allégeancecondamner les jardins et les demeures et dicter à nouveau l'errancej'entends par mes déchiruresles rumeurs humaines et l'arrêt de mort de l'instant convalescentils m'ont arrachée de l'aube....tu dis que le château entre les bouleaux frêles regarde la vallée entièrede l'aube à la nuitet déjà ériges la touroù dormir ou demeurer où vivre déliée de la mélancholiemais les fleurs dorment sous la terresemées par milliers dans le jardin balsamaire.
Elégie de Marie (Mary's Elegy) (mp3)
David Warin Solomons
$4.50 4.33 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

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