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Piano and voice (solo and SATB chorus) - Digital Download SKU: LV.4107 Composed by George W. Persley. Homesickness, Depression. Lester S. Levy Collection. 4 pages. Published by Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries (LV.4107). Barney, Take Me Home Again! Song and Chorus. Words by Arthur W. French. Music by Geo. W. Persley. Published 1875 by John Church & Co. in Cincinnati. Composition of strophic with chorus with piano and voice (solo and satb chorus) instrumentation. Subject headings for this piece include Homesickness, Depression. First line reads Barney, dear, I'd give the world to see my home across the sea.. About The Lester S. Levy CollectionThe Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music consists of over 29,000 pieces of American popular music. Donated to Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries, the collection's strength is its thorough documentation of nineteenth-century American through popular music. This sheet music has been provided by Project Gado, a San Francisco Bay Area startup whose mission is to digitize and share the world's visual history.WARNING: These titles are provided as historical documents. Language and concepts within reflect the opinions and values of the time and may be offensive to some.
Barney, Take Me Home Again! Song and Chorus
Chorale SATB

$5.99 5.72 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Organ - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1408421 Composed by John Debney and Lisbeth Scott. Arranged by Jonathan Selimovic (a.k.a. Jonny Music) and My Sheet Music Transcriptions. Christian,Contemporary,Easter,Film/TV. Score. 6 pages. Jonny Music #991002. Published by Jonny Music (A0.1408421). Bearing The Cross from the 2004 film, The Passion Of The Christ, arranged for the King of Instruments (Organ).Duration: 3:17This score is mainly suitable for full-sized 61-key manual and 32-note pedal Pipe, Grand, Drawbar (Hammond) and Theatre Organs, and is optimized for Concert performances (Paper size: 9 in x 12 in).Arranger Contact Info and Social MediaYouTube:
Bearing The Cross

$8.99 8.58 € Orgue PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (TTBB) - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.891577 By The Beatles. By John Lennon and Paul McCartney. Arranged by Kevin Robison. Contemporary. Octavo. 7 pages. Kevin Robison Music #6253291. Published by Kevin Robison Music (A0.891577). From The Beatles TTBB Collection by Kevin Robison comes one of their most popular tunes arranged for men's voices and piano. A staple of your all-Beatles program or a concert featuring great boy bands. (NOTE: This arrangement is not the complete song and is part of a sequence of these separate octavos: COME TOGETHER, LUCY IN THE SKY WITH DIAMONDS, NOWHERE MAN, and YELLOW SUBMARINE, all available separately.)Available separately: Instrumental pack (keyboard 2, guitar, bass and drum parts).
Across The Universe
Chorale TTBB
The Beatles
$1.99 1.9 € Chorale TTBB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano and voice (solo and SATB chorus) - Digital Download SKU: LV.4249 Composed by George Frederick Root. War allies, War relief, France. Lester S. Levy Collection. 4 pages. Published by Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries (LV.4249). Hear the Cry That comes Across the Sea! Rallying Song and Chorus. Words and Music by Geo. F. Root. Published 1871 by Root & Cady in Chicago. Composition of strophic with chorus with piano and voice (solo and satb chorus) instrumentation. Subject headings for this piece include War allies, War relief, France. First line reads Hear the cry that comes across the sea, North and South and East and West.. About The Lester S. Levy CollectionThe Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music consists of over 29,000 pieces of American popular music. Donated to Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries, the collection's strength is its thorough documentation of nineteenth-century American through popular music. This sheet music has been provided by Project Gado, a San Francisco Bay Area startup whose mission is to digitize and share the world's visual history.WARNING: These titles are provided as historical documents. Language and concepts within reflect the opinions and values of the time and may be offensive to some.
Hear the Cry That comes Across the Sea! Rallying Song and Chorus
Chorale SATB

$5.99 5.72 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano and voice - Digital Download SKU: LV.5311 Composed by Carroll Carrington. Arranged by Alice Carrington. Portraits, Sailors, Happiness, Travel, Law enforcement, Prisoners, Jails. Lester S. Levy Collection. 4 pages. Published by Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries (LV.5311). He Took a Little Trip Across the Bay. Words and Music by Carroll Carrington. Arranged Instrumentally by Alice Carrington. Published 1899 by in n.p. Composition of strophic with chorus with piano and voice instrumentation. Subject headings for this piece include Portraits, Sailors, Happiness, Travel, Law enforcement, Prisoners, Jails. First line reads He took a little trip across the bay.. About The Lester S. Levy CollectionThe Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music consists of over 29,000 pieces of American popular music. Donated to Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries, the collection's strength is its thorough documentation of nineteenth-century American through popular music. This sheet music has been provided by Project Gado, a San Francisco Bay Area startup whose mission is to digitize and share the world's visual history.WARNING: These titles are provided as historical documents. Language and concepts within reflect the opinions and values of the time and may be offensive to some.
he Took a Little Trip Across the Bay
Piano, Voix

$5.99 5.72 € Piano, Voix PDF SheetMusicPlus

Electronic Keyboard,Organ,Piano and Keyboard - Digital Download SKU: HX.448408 By Elton John. This edition: scorch. E-Z Play Today. Pop,Rock. Score. 5 pages. Published by Hal Leonard - Digital (HX.448408). About Hal Leonard E-Z Play TodayFor organs, pianos, and electronic keyboards. E-Z Play Today is the shortest distance between beginning music and playing fun. Now there are more than 300 reasons why you should play E-Z Play Today. * World's largest series of music folios * Full-size books - large 9 x 12 format features easy-to-read, easy-to-play music * Accurate arrangements... simple enough for the beginner, but accurate chords and melody lines are maintained * Eye-catching, full-color covers * Lyrics... most arrangements include words and music * Most up-to-date registrations - books in the series contain a general registration guide, as well as individual song rhythm suggestions * Guitar Chord Chart - all songs in the series can also be played on guitar.
Candle In The Wind 1997
Piano grosses notes
Elton John This edition: scorch
$2.99 2.85 € Piano grosses notes PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Quintet Horn,Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1006336 By The Beatles. By John Lennon and Paul McCartney. Arranged by Ray Thompson. Pop,Wedding. 8 pages. RayThompsonMusic #609739. Published by RayThompsonMusic (A0.1006336). And I Love Her is a song recorded by English rock band the Beatles, written primarily by Paul McCartney and credited to the Lennon–McCartney partnership.It is the fifth track of their third UK album A Hard Day's Night and was released 20 July 1964, along with If I Fell, as a single release by Capitol Records in the United States, reaching No. 12 on the Billboard Hot 100.The Beatles performed And I Love Her just once outside EMI Studios; on 14 July 1964 they played it for an edition of the BBC's Top Gear radio show, which was broadcast two days later. And I Love Her has been covered by a variety of artists, including Esther Phillips, Kurt Cobain and Cliff Richard. Arranged brass quintet: 2 tpts, tbn,hn and tuba. The melody in both the verse and the chorus is shared amongst the 3 top instruments.Trumpet 1 plays the arpeggio figure.Other brass ensemble arrangements:A Hard Day’s Night Across the Universe All you need is love And I love her Because Blackbird Come Together Day Tripper Drive My Car Eleanor Rigby Getting Better Good Morning, Good Morning Hello Goodbye Here comes the Sun Hey Jude I am the Walrus I want to hold your hand Lovely Rita Lucy in the Sky Martha My Dear Penny Lane Sgt.Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club band Something Strawberry Fields Forever Taxman The Fool on the Hill The long and Winding Road We can work it out When I’m Sixty- four With a little help from my friends Yellow Submarine Yesterday You tube is brass quartet version.
And I Love Her
Quintette de Cuivres: 2 trompettes, Cor, trombone, tuba
The Beatles
$19.95 19.04 € Quintette de Cuivres: 2 trompettes, Cor, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Digital Download SKU: HX.447722 By Elton John. Pop,Rock. E-Z Play Today. 5 pages. Published by Hal Leonard - Digital (HX.447722). About Hal Leonard E-Z Play TodayFor organs, pianos, and electronic keyboards. E-Z Play Today is the shortest distance between beginning music and playing fun. Now there are more than 300 reasons why you should play E-Z Play Today. * World's largest series of music folios * Full-size books - large 9 x 12 format features easy-to-read, easy-to-play music * Accurate arrangements... simple enough for the beginner, but accurate chords and melody lines are maintained * Eye-catching, full-color covers * Lyrics... most arrangements include words and music * Most up-to-date registrations - books in the series contain a general registration guide, as well as individual song rhythm suggestions * Guitar Chord Chart - all songs in the series can also be played on guitar.
Candle In The Wind
Piano grosses notes
Elton John Pop,Rock
$2.99 2.85 € Piano grosses notes PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Ensemble Horn - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.931276 Composed by Alessandro Macrì. Baroque,Classical,Concert,Instructional,Standards. Score and parts. 10 pages. Music Macri Editions #6082045. Published by Music Macri Editions (A0.931276). Thinking Händel è un tributo al grande compositore Georg Friedrich Händel, coetaneo di Johann Sebastian Bach, che fu tra i più illustri rappresentanti del barocco musicale. Scrisse opere, oratori e musica strumentale, assimilando gli stili del Settecento che fuse in una sintesi personale e unitaria.I primi successiHändel nacque nel 1685 a Halle, in Germania, da una famiglia senza tradizioni musicali. Iniziò da bambino lo studio della musica, dimostrando subito un grande talento come compositore e organista. All'università di Halle intraprese anche studi giuridici. Nel 1703 si stabilì ad Amburgo, dove lavorò come violinista e dove ebbero luogo le prime esecuzioni di sue musiche, tra cui l'opera Almira, regina di Castiglia (1705).Negli anni successivi compì diversi viaggi in Italia, in Germania e a Londra, dove nel 1711 fu rappresentata con grande successo la sua opera Rinaldo. Nonostante sia oggi conosciuto soprattutto per gli oratori e la musica strumentale, ai suoi tempi Händel fu molto apprezzato per le opere teatrali, prevalentemente composte secondo il modello dell'opera seria italiana (forme musicali). Ambientata in epoca classica, di argomento letterario o di ambientazione mitologica, l'opera seria alterna, in lingua italiana, recitativi e arie. I recitativi, con un'intonazione vicina alla lingua parlata, servivano a far procedere l'azione ed erano accompagnati dal cembalo e a volte dall'orchestra. Le arie, con intonazione melodica, avevano la funzione di esprimere gli stati d'animo o 'affetti' dei personaggi e in esse i cantanti mostravano la propria virtuosistica bravura.Al tempo del soggiorno londinese risalgono anche due significative composizioni orchestrali: le tre suite Musica sull'acqua (1715-36), nate per accompagnare le feste sul Tamigi di re Giorgio I, e i Sei concerti grossi op. 3 (1730-34), ispirati al modello del musicista italiano Arcangelo Corelli.La cittadinanza ingleseNel 1719 Händel promosse la fondazione di una società musicale privata, la Royal academy of music, e ne diventò direttore. Nel 1727 ottenne la cittadinanza inglese e per molti anni dominò la scena musicale britannica. Oltre alle circa quaranta opere teatrali, tra cui Giulio Cesare in Egitto (1723), Rodelinda regina de' Longobardi (1725), Ariodante (1734), Alcina (1735), Serse (1737-38), in questi anni scrisse più di venti oratori ‒ composizioni di argomento religioso, per soli, coro e orchestra ‒ in forma drammatica e in lingua inglese (con narrazione, personaggi e dialogo ma senza scena teatrale), per lo più con testi tratti dall'Antico Testamento (tra cui Esther, 1718, Saul e Israele in Egitto, del 1738 entrambi).L'adesione di Händel alla cultura inglese non fu occasionale, ma profondamente sentita: lo dimostrano alcuni lavori vocali e strumentali, come Acis e Galatea (1718, con una seconda versione nel 1732) e l'Ode per il giorno di s. Cecilia (1739), composti su testi di poeti inglesi di grande rilievo come John Dryden e Alexander Pope.Tra la musica strumentale, Händel dedicò in particolare all'organo, di cui era valente esecutore, ben venti concerti con orchestra.Il Messia e le ultime composizioniL'oratorio Messia Ã¨ uno dei lavori più conosciuti di Händel: eseguito a Dublino nel 1742, fu scritto per una istituzione benefica in soli ventiquattro giorni. Il libretto di Charles Jennens, in inglese, illustra in tre parti i momenti più rilevanti della vita di Cristo con brani delle Sacre Scritture (è l'unico oratorio tratto dal Nuovo Testamento). La prima parte tratta dell'Avvento e del Natale; la seconda della Passione e della Resurrezione, culminante nel celebre Halleluja; la.
Thinking Händel for Baroque Horn Quartet

$3.00 2.86 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Instrumental Duet,Piano Cello,Instrumental Duet,Piano,Violin - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.614520 By Sharon Wilson. By Elisha Albright Hoffman and John H. Stockton. Arranged by Sharon Wilson. Children,Easter,Praise & Worship,Romantic Period,Sacred. 13 pages. Sharon Wilson #223680. Published by Sharon Wilson (A0.614520). Here is a fun and upbeat instrumental trio arrangement (for VIOLIN and CELLO duet with PIANO accompaniment) of the Gospel hymn Glory to His Name by John H. Stockton. This quick-paced arrangement will brighten the hearts of the listeners as they are reminded of the lyrics penned by Elisha A. Hoffman: Down at the cross where my Savior died, Down where for cleansing from sin I cried, There to my heart was the blood applied; Glory to His name!The VIOLIN plays the melody for the first verse and the CELLO plays the melody for most of the second verse. All notes for both the VIOLIN and CELLO are playable in the first position making this arrangement an excellent choice for early-intermediate string players. The PIANO accompaniment is written for an intermediate player. The purchase price includes a 6-page combined score (grand staff) with all three parts on each page (VIOLIN, CELLO, and PIANO) plus separate 1-staff scores for the VIOLIN and CELLO (1 page each) and also a PIANO only score (3 pages). This arrangement is one of the 10 songs in the collection Praise Him with Stringed Instruments, Book 1 (Collection of 10 Hymns for Violin, Cello, and Piano).Visit Sharon Wilson's website: to her YouTube Channel:
Glory to His Name (Easy Violin and Cello Duet with Piano Accompaniment)
Piano Quatuor: piano, 2 violons, violoncelle
Sharon Wilson
$5.99 5.72 € Piano Quatuor: piano, 2 violons, violoncelle PDF SheetMusicPlus

Instrumental Duet,Piano Flute,Instrumental Duet,Piano,Violin - Level 1 - Digital Download SKU: A0.616183 By Sharon Wilson. By Elisha Albright Hoffman and John H. Stockton. Arranged by Sharon Wilson. Children,Easter,Praise & Worship,Romantic Period,Sacred. 12 pages. Sharon Wilson #225340. Published by Sharon Wilson (A0.616183). Here is a fun and upbeat instrumental trio arrangement (for FLUTE and VIOLIN duet with PIANO accompaniment) of the Gospel hymn Glory to His Name by John H. Stockton. This quick-paced arrangement will brighten the hearts of the listeners as they are reminded of the lyrics penned by Elisha A. Hoffman: Down at the cross where my Savior died, Down where for cleansing from sin I cried, There to my heart was the blood applied; Glory to His name!The FLUTE plays the melody for the first verse and the VIOLIN leads with the melody for the second verse. All notes for the VIOLIN on either part are playable in the first position making this arrangement an excellent choice for early-intermediate string players. The PIANO accompaniment is written for an intermediate player. The purchase price includes a 6-page combined score (grand staff) with all three parts on each page (FLUTE, VIOLIN, and PIANO) plus separate 1-staff scores for the FLUTE and VIOLIN (1 page each) and also a PIANO only score (3 pages). This arrangement is written in the key of C major with ranges as follows: FLUTE ~ G4 to A5; VIOLIN ~ E4 to E5. Though notated for FLUTE and VIOLIN, this arrangement is also suitable for 2 FLUTES. This arrangement is also available (separate purchase) in the key of G major which may be better suited for two VIOLINS.Visit Sharon Wilson's website: to her YouTube Channel:
Glory to His Name (Easy Flute and Violin Duet with Piano Accompaniment)
Accompagnement Piano
Sharon Wilson
$5.99 5.72 € Accompagnement Piano PDF SheetMusicPlus

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