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Chamber Orchestra - Level 5 - Digital Download SKU: A0.533578 Composed by Carson Cooman. Christian,Contemporary,Spiritual. Score and parts. 189 pages. Musik Fabrik Music Publishing #3025409. Published by Musik Fabrik Music Publishing (A0.533578). The Acts of the Apostles (2009), an oratorio for baritone, chorus, congregation/audience, and chamber orchestra (piano, organ, strings-suggested minimum of,was commissioned by The Memorial Church at Harvard University. It is dedicated to Edward Elwyn Jones and theHarvard University Choir.The biblical books of Luke and Acts form a pair of documents from a single author and with a single audience (thelikely-metaphorical “Theophilusâ€), yet they are unusual for being composed in such contrasting genres. Luke’sgospel, using Mark as a primary source throughout, features a comparable literary style to that of the otherevangelists. Acts, by contrast, is a historical monograph that charts the birth of the Church with dramatic storiesabout—and speeches from—the apostles, painting a vivid, if not necessarily chronological, picture of their victoriesand struggles. As such, it is a book that provides excellent source material for a dramatic choral libretto of this scale.Although much of Acts is focused on the ministry of Saul/Paul, this oratorio draws most of its material from thefirst third of the book, prior to and including the conversion of Saul. In the Prologue, Christ’s ascension is narratedand—following an orchestral Sinfonia—the chorus sings words of Jesus from the Sermon on the Plain in Luke’sgospel that foreshadow many of the trials the apostles go on to face. The astounding account of Pentecost follows:here, words from the book of Ruth, customarily read on the feast of Shavuot (Pentecost), are included, telling thestory of a Moabite woman who converted to the Israelite faith—a parallel to the expansion of the Christian messageto all nations by the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Prayer for Boldness, quoting Psalm 2, asks God for protection fromthe threats of persecution that the apostles will now face.Stephen, regarded as the proto-martyr of the Christian Church, offers one of the most developed speeches in Acts,only a small portion of which is presented here. Full of scriptural references, including the quotation from Isaiah“Heaven is my throne…â€, the end of the narrative is remarkable for two reasons: firstly, Stephen’s final wordsmirror those of Christ on the cross in Luke’s gospel—where Jesus forgives his executioners and prays “Father, intoyour hands I commend my spirit†(Luke 23:46); secondly, Saul is specifically mentioned as one who approved ofStephen’s stoning, indicative of the redemptive possibilities of the Christian message.The account of the baptism of the Ethiopian eunuch here in the oratorio ends with the First Song of Isaiah—whilenot quoted in Acts, it seems a fitting conclusion to the scene as Philip and the eunuch were reading Isaiah together,and the canticle has often been associated by Christians with the rite of baptism. Similarly, the story of Saul’sConversion is followed here by a Christological poem found in Paul’s letter to the Philippians, though it is likely aquotation from an earlier source. It is often regarded as the earliest extant Christian hymn.The Acts of the Apostles concludes with Luke’s realistic assessment that in spite of Paul’s energetic evangelism manyremained unconvinced by the Christian message. At the heart of both Luke’s gospel and Acts is the tension betweenthe uniquely important role of the Jewish traditions that Jesus himself practiced and the expansion of the gospel togentiles, of whom Luke himself is one. It is appropriate, therefore, to follow Paul’s message of salvation to thegentiles with the Magnificat: a canticle that emphasizes the promises of God to the people of Israel throughouthistory.Three traditional hymn texts are found in the oratorio, each set congregationally to a pre-existing tune. The first,“Spirit of mercy, truth, and love†is an eighteenth century poem that e.
Carson Cooman: The Acts of the Apostles (2009), an oratorio for baritone, chorus, congregation/audie
Orchestre de chambre

$25.95 24.93 € Orchestre de chambre PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (4-Part) - Level 5 - Digital Download SKU: A0.535382 Composed by Carson Cooman. Contemporary,Sacred. Octavo. 187 pages. Musik Fabrik Music Publishing #3025403. Published by Musik Fabrik Music Publishing (A0.535382). The Revelations of Divine Love (Metaphors from Sea and Sky) (2009), an oratorio for soprano,baritone, chorus, and chamber orchestra (0000.1100.1perc.strings), was commissioned for and is dedicated to the choir ofRoyal Holloway, University of London and Rupert Gough, director of choral music.The texts of the work are adapted primarily from the writings of Julian of Norwich (c. 1342–1416).Julian is best-known for her Sixteen Revelations of Divine Love (c. 1393), believed to be the first Englishlanguagebook written by a woman. Considered one of the most significant English mystics of alltime, Julian lived a reclusive life as an anchoress at the Church of St. Julian in Norwich, England (hertrue name is unknown). Regarded even during her lifetime as a spiritual authority, her optimisticvisions have been very influential in the years that have followed.Texts are also drawn from three additional sources: an excerpt from the Book of Margery Kempe(translated by Christopher M. Brunelle), two poems by English poet Robert Herrick (1591–1674),and a poem by the American writer Elizabeth Kirschner (b. 1955).The primary concept underlying this oratorio is the presence of two distinct discourses. One is asequence taken from Julian’s religious visions. The other is a sonic geography of Nantucket Island(located 30 miles off the coast of Massachusetts in the United States). This interconnected conceptwas inspired by the writings of the great Scottish poet George Mackay Brown (1921–1996). Livinghis entire life on Scotland’s Orkney Islands, Mackay Brown consistently explored the transpositionof religious imagery and events to his native landscape. (For example, the poem Apple-Basket, Apple-Blossom takes the story and structure of the Stations of the Cross, and maps them onto imagery ofdistinctly Orcadian character.)The landscape of Nantucket Island has been the driving force behind a large number of mycompositions for many years. In this oratorio, Julian’s visions are transposed from Norwich andmapped onto the Nantucket landscape. Each movement of the work thus has two parallel purposes:a setting of the visionary words, and a portrayal of a specific place in Nantucket’s geography. Muchof the music was planned in the actual locations. Since the soloists and choir must, by necessity, singthe words, a great deal of the landscape is left to the orchestra. Thus, the orchestra’s role issubstantially greater than simply accompaniment.Because of these two discourses, the oratorio is not intended as comprehensive working out of allaspects of Julian’s visions, nor does it use her own structure and sequence. Rather, it takes herbeautiful words, and the fundamentals of her visions, and attempts to create a new narrative andspiritual experience from them.This is the full score.  The vocal score is available for sale.  The parts are available on rental from the publisher.
Carson Cooman: The Revelations of Divine Love (Metaphors from Sea and Sky) (2009) oratorio for sopra

$32.95 31.65 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Instrumental Duet,Keyboard - Digital Download SKU: A0.1497847 Composed by Jenni Roditi. 21st Century,Classical,Contemporary. 11 pages. Jenni Roditi #1074259. Published by Jenni Roditi (A0.1497847). Piano Duo 2 pianos/4 hands. Thread, Between the Octaves grew out of the call the make a single line weave between the octaves. Line was the original title. Thread, as a word, brings more texture to the title and describes what the line is actually doing, threading around the harmony. A secondary thread is heard after a while, echoing and shading the primary line, with its own treble weave. It was like going back to the beginning of making melody again.Names of all the movements in the suite Between the Octaves in the right order are Initiate, Surrender, Thread, Curve, Encircle, Ritualise, Ignite. The whole suite follows a long line from movement 1 to movement 7. However, individual pieces are well suited to be played alone too. Piano Duo is ideally two Steinway grands, otherwise, whatever is available. An enjoyment of the tensions and relationships generated between the two instruments: grand-upright, upright-electronic keyboard is to be explored as a positive. Each piece creates its own world in the suite and can be part of smaller subgroups taken from the suite, in any combination, but the order of the pieces needs to be maintained if more than one is played. Here is a taste of the background to the musical world of this 53 minute compositional suite. During a reflective time I read the following: The whole philosophy of dharma art (Buddhist art) is that you don't try to be artistic, but you just approach objects as they are, and the message comes through automatically. (Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, from 'True Perception The Path of Dharma Art.' Shambhala 2008, p.133.) The 'objects as they are' became the 'octaves as they are'. As the pieces were composed the octaves had a centring and clarifying role that allowed other material to circulate around or play against them. They acted as pivots, repetitions, drones, ostinati, pointillist nodes, pedals, melodic features, struts, harmonic turnpikes, breathing spaces, bass lines: musical imperatives. The octaves called the musical shots most of the time. When the music pulled a semitone up or down and away from the octaves (as it did quite often) it was especially telling in the context of the ringing spaces the octaves were creating. I became interested in the subtle dislocation that two pianos could provide. By dislocation I mean a degree of tension between the natural acoustics of the two instruments in the room and the players idiosyncrasies as musicians.  The whole point of this work was to examine the nature of my syntax, grammar, and compositional thinking. The title demanded one thing above all: what notes am I going to use between these octaves?? My choice of notes was derived in most instances from the tempo, pitch, and rhythm of the initial octaves at the beginning of each piece alongside the individual word titles that I set out to explore as musical images. The audio was developed from Sibelius software, via MIDI to Logic samples of a Steinway grand piano.    
THREAD, Between the Octaves A Piano Duo Suite (Movement 3 of 7)
2 Pianos, 4 mains
dislocation I mean a degree of tension between the natural acoustics of the two instruments in the room and the players idiosyncrasies as musicians  The whole point of this work was to examine the nature of my syntax, grammar, and compositional thinking
$20.00 19.21 € 2 Pianos, 4 mains PDF SheetMusicPlus

Flute,Piano - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.971652 Composed by Jeffrey Hoover. 20th Century,Contemporary. Score and part. 35 pages. Musicart Publications #4797933. Published by Musicart Publications (A0.971652). In three movements, Romantic Sonata - Poems of Light (flute and piano) communicates how light can be a metaphor for the emotional and spiritual aspects of life.  There are also three paintings - also created by the composer - joining hearing with sight as a poetic way of understanding ideas and emotions.Of Light and Shadow possesses a monothematic sonata design (rather than a two-theme structure), with a primary musical theme that is developed, and a brief closing section.  Colors in the Clouds, the second movement of the work, does not differ greatly in tempo from the first movement, but rather is more relaxed in character.  A slower middle section of this movement explores tone color through expressive use of extended techniques for the flute.  Prism of the Heart is variation of the classical chaconne, with an introduction and a closing section.  The conclusion of the first movement is developed and becomes the closing section of the third movement.  This connects the first and third movements, bringing one back to where one started, yet experiencing change after the musical journey. The score and flute part in this edition are arranged to be printed double-sided, with correct page turns, directly from the PDF. Jeffrey Hoover's compositions- music ranging from soloist to symphony orchestra -have received recognition through the prestigious Trieste prize, the international Luigi Russolo competition, awards from Mu Phi Epsilon, the Lancaster Fine Arts Festival, grants, publications fellowships and more than 20 commissions. He is a member of the ACME roster of Mu Phi Epsilon, recognized for distinguished achievement as a composer. One unique aspect of Hoover’s work is when he combines composition with his paintings, creating synergetic art that intrigues and captivate audiences and performers alike. His paintings are seen in exhibitions and in concerts where his paintings are projected while musicians perform his music. Hoover’s background as a performer includes both classical and jazz music, as saxophonist and conductor. His book The Arts and Society: Making New Worlds is published by Kendall Hunt Publishing. Hoover was born on September 11, 1959, in Anderson, Indiana. He holds a Ph.D. in Fine Arts (Composition and Interdisciplinary Fine Arts) from Texas Tech University, as well as  and .Sc. from Ball State University. His career in higher education has included both faculty and arts administration appointments.
Romantic Sonata - Poems of Light
Flûte traversière et Piano

$21.95 21.08 € Flûte traversière et Piano PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (SATB) - Level 1 - Digital Download SKU: A0.921768 Composed by Lisa Waites. Christian,Christmas,Praise & Worship,Sacred. Octavo. 2 pages. Servant Song Music and Ministry #6629007. Published by Servant Song Music and Ministry (A0.921768). We're Forgiven (God of Grace) was originally scored in a Piano/Guitar/Voice format, but for this Advent/Christmas season, Servant Song Music & Ministry has produced this full SATB Choral arrangement, as well! This particular arrangement is suitable for Beginner and Early Intermediate Church Choirs and Worship Teams, including very small ensembles. If you don't have any men in your choir, you can turn the score into a Soprano/Alto 2-part version pretty easily, too.   This short, accessible piece of worship music was written as a liturgical response for use during Christian services during the Advent/Christmas/Epiphany seasons of the church calendar. It returns the work of the people TO the people, placing the Words of Assurance into the mouths and hearts of the congregation and/or choir, rather than having the minister alone speaking the words of absolution/assurance after the Prayer of Confession. Set in a simple key for beginning accompanists and including chord charts for guitarists (or pianists who prefer to play by reading the melody notes in the RH and playing by chord symbol with their LH), this song has been set in a perfect vocal range for congregational voices and/or church choirs. Non-liturgical churches have also appreciated this piece as a way for congregants to respond musically to services on themes such as God's Grace, Forgiveness, Reconciliation, Prodigals, Mercy, and also throughout Advent or whenever the pastor is focusing on themes of Hope, Peace, Joy, Love, etc. Please don't make illegal copies of this score; it is the primary way I recover the costs of arranging, engraving and publishing new music. I work on the honour system. If you truly can't afford to purchase copies of this piece for each of your singers/musicians, please contact me via email or my Facebook music page, and I'll make sure your group is taken care of. To God be the glory!  
We're Forgiven (God of Grace) SATB Choral Version
Chorale SATB

$4.59 4.41 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Guitar - Digital Download SKU: ZY.DO-1546 Composed by Yorgos Nousis. Score. 9 pages. Les Editions Doberman-Yppan (digital) #DO 1546. Published by Les Editions Doberman-Yppan (digital) (ZY.DO-1546). SIX PIECES OF JOY AND MELANCHOLY is a collection of short pieces with a more melodic and in some cases rhythmic character. The pieces were composed individually for different occasions, but they work together somehow and offer the performer and the audience a roller-coaster sensation through the constant change of mood. Danceuphoria is the opening piece, an uneven, powerful dance which immediately creates an uplifting mood. Melodic Sorrow is a piece dedicated to the memory of my father, Konstantinos Nousis. It's one of the first pieces I wrote for guitar as a teenager. Here you can read an evolved version of that first piece which keeps the simplicity of the primary inspiration.Lifeness is an ode to life piece full of rich colors, melodies and harmonies. Meditation, originally written as the theme music for a Reiki Yoga YouTube channel, is a very slow and meditative piece with short melodic legato lines. Hope evokes warmer feelings. A simplistic piece based on natural harmonies that calms and soothes us.Finally, Cascading Waltz was chosen as the final piece, because it can be freely interpreted by any performer and gives the opportunity for diverse crescendos and accelerandos.The pieces can complement the repertoire of young students as well as professional guitarists who seek a modern yet melodic approach to the guitar.SIX PIECES OF JOY AND MELANCHOLY est une collection de courtes pièces au caractère plus mélodique et, dans certains cas, rythmique. Les pièces ont été composées individuellement pour des occasions différentes, mais elles fonctionnent ensemble d'une certaine manière et offrent à l'interprète et au public une sensation de montagnes russes grâce au changement constant d'humeur. Danceuphoria est la pièce d'ouverture, une danse inégale et puissante qui crée immédiatement une atmosphère exaltante. Melodic Sorrow est une pièce dédiée à la mémoire de mon père, Konstantinos Nousis. C'est l'une des premières pièces que j'ai écrites pour la guitare lorsque j'étais adolescent. Vous pouvez lire ici une version évoluée de cette première pièce qui conserve la simplicité de l'inspiration première.Lifeness est une ode à la vie, un morceau plein de couleurs, de mélodies et d'harmonies. Meditation, écrit à l'origine comme thème musical pour une chaîne YouTube de Reiki Yoga, est un morceau très lent et méditatif avec de courtes lignes mélodiques legato. Hope évoque des sentiments plus chaleureux. Il s'agit d'un morceau simpliste basé sur des harmonies naturelles qui nous calme et nous apaise.Enfin, Cascading Waltz a été choisie comme pièce finale, car elle peut être interprétée librement par n'importe quel interprète et donne l'occasion de divers crescendos et accelerandos.Les morceaux peuvent compléter le répertoire des jeunes étudiants ainsi que des guitaristes professionnels qui recherchent une approche moderne et mélodique de la guitare.1. Danceuphoria2. Melodic Sorrow3. Lifeness4. Meditation5. Hope6. Cascading Waltz.
6 Pieces of Joy an Melancholy

$5.95 5.72 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Small Ensemble Flute,Soprano Saxophone,Tenor Saxophone,Violin - Level 5 - Digital Download SKU: A0.993652 Composed by Dennis Garretson. 20th Century,Baroque,Contemporary. Score and parts. 5 pages. Dennis Garretson #4580777. Published by Dennis Garretson (A0.993652). Description:Doubt & Determination bridges the gaps between musical eras, as one would hear certain nuance that dates back to the Baroque era but possess a rather modern musical structure. The piece challenges both the listeners and the player themselves. For the public ears, one will have to adapt the performer's perspectives to 'feel' the piece. As the title suggests, both 'Doubt' and 'Determination' are two human perceptions that oppose each other, to understand the music is to find common grounds between them, through unexpected cadences and dynamic change. The performer will have to deliver the technicalities of bringing them together, through detail instructions on dynamics and tempo change. The piece is modeled in Sonata Form. however, it is to be approached with indeterminacy, occasionally granting the performer the freedom through Tempo Rubato and Breath Perceptions.Practice Suggestion:This music can only prevail through expression, thus the commitment for dynamic is of the utmost importance. It is highly suggested to understand what makes this piece unique, a score analysis is always a good start. Mark out the accents (Staccato and Emphasis) and the tempo change. Establish breathing points since the piece has very minimal instructions for that, it is hence highly dependent on the performer's capability to deliver.A proper mindset is essential for the perfect performance.Instrumentations:Certain instruments are optional if a soprano saxophone is proven unavailable. The permitted exceptions are Violins (high strings with nuance deliverance) and Woodwinds within the tenor and soprano range.About the ComposerDennis Garretson is young Pianist, Improviser and Composer.Born and raised in Hong Kong, he started as a self-taught composer in high school. and became increasingly influenced by Hollywood &Blockbuster sounds, which paved the way towards discovering his passion towards the realm of orchestral music & film scores. He produced his first soundtrack when he was 17 and secured his first Media Award in the 12th Annual Hong Kong Film Art Association for the best original composition.Currently pursuing a music degree in Nova Scotia Canada, Dennis has the honorable opportunity of studying under multi Juno nominated composer - Peter Togni. His style of writing could be described as - Adaptive Story Telling, allowing listeners to have their very own unique interpretations of what the music could be about while anchoring within reach of the composer's core idea. Dennis strives to be a composer of true versatility, albeit his primary interest remains committed to film scores. He has written in the styles of Schoenberg's 12-tone techniques and has gone as polar as modern movie and trailer music. His music has been commissioned for short films and could be heard on various media platforms.For work inquiry, please contact through social media.
Doubt & Determination (An Epic Sonata of Indeterminacy)

$6.99 6.71 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

1 Piano,4 Hands,Piano Duet - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1391632 Composed by Rudesindo Soutelo. 21st Century,Children,Classical,Contemporary. Score. 14 pages. Publisher by Rudesindo Soutelo #975144. Published by Publisher by Rudesindo Soutelo (A0.1391632). Rudesindo SouteloFilhos da Revolução dos Cravos / Children of the Carnation Revolution (2024) for Piano Duet [ca. 5' 21]ISMN: 979-0-707704-21-9The songs of intervention that filled the revolutionary spirit are perceived by the generations born afterwards as grandfather’s little stories. The children of a revolution are always calm and carefree, but this complacent detachment contains within itself the germs of new tensions that could become the cause and beginning of a new revolution.The original version, for Orff instruments, was written for the Instrumental Group of the Vila Praia de Âncora Primary and Secondary School to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Carnation Revolution.The generative complex that organises the whole work {6[2, 2, 2], 2, 9[3, 3, 3]} is taken from the number of letters in the words of the title.-oOo-Os cantos de intervenção que preencheram o espírito revolucionário são percebidos, pelas gerações que nasceram depóis, como as historinhas do avô. Os filhos duma revolução são sempre calmos e despreocupados, mas essa acomodada distensão encerra em si mesma os germes de novas tensões que podem vir a ser a causa e o princípio duma nova revolução.A versão original, para instrumentos Orff, foi escrita para o Grupo Instrumental da Escola Básica e Secundária de Vila Praia de Âncora para assim celebrar o cinquenta aniversário da Revolução dos Cravos.O complexo geratriz que organiza toda a obra {6[2, 2, 2], 2, 9[3, 3, 3]} está tomado do número de letras que contêm as palavras do título.
Filhos da Revolução dos Cravos / Children of the Carnation Revolution
1 Piano, 4 mains

$5.00 4.8 € 1 Piano, 4 mains PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano Solo - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.693005 Composed by Ben Dockery. African,Contemporary,Latin,Standards,World. Score. 4 pages. Ben Dockery #3216651. Published by Ben Dockery (A0.693005). This short piece (1 min, 50 sec) for piano is the fifth in my series of impromptus inspired by the sounds of childhood, namely the theme music from early nineties video game systems like Nintendo.  The exotic sounds found throughout this arrangement would be described by many  as sounding Spanish, Flamenco, or Egyptian.  Impressions of these musical traditions are often characterized by the augmented second melodic interval and the use of modal rather than tonal organization.  In the minds of many composers, these musical locales once represented the edge of western civilization or the known world.  As such, they serve as creative jumping-off-points to imagine new worlds.The introduction section must be played with a far greater sense of rubato than the playback recording.  At the new tempo, interpretation is more straight-forward.  One technical and fingering challenge lies in the melodic figures in the right-hand that are frequently harmonized in parallel thirds.  The bass ostinato pattern must be played steadily, but the dynamics should still be subservient to the primary melody in the right-hand.  Follow my work at   There you can join my email list to get updates and tons of free music! 
Son of Pharaoh
Piano seul

$2.99 2.87 € Piano seul PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano Solo - Digital Download SKU: A0.1029349 Composed by Brendan Reeves. 20th Century,Contemporary. Score. 7 pages. Brendan Reeves #4830773. Published by Brendan Reeves (A0.1029349). Rhapsody – Wind of the Sea By Brendan Reeves This piece, Rhapsody – Wind of the Sea, takes the listener on a melodic ride over the waves and winds of the ocean.  The piece is grounded in an E major 7th chord which, despite being a 7th chord, serves tonic function throughout the piece. The piece begins with several arpeggios in moderato, which are meant to symbolize rolling waves.  Much like waves, they are not in perfect time.  The piece is very felt and performed with passion rather than strict attention to meter.  Dynamic is the primary focus. The melody is presented three times in the beginning of the piece, after which the dream sequence begins.  The dream sequence is characterized by stanzas differentiated by dynamic marking.  This crescendos into the next section symbolizing the wind on the sea, beginning on Measure 53.  The transition is from a previously stable tonic E major 7th chord.  With the naturalization of the D, it becomes an E dominant 7th chord and becomes the V7 chord of A major (Secondary Dominant).  In an instant flourishing A lydian scale, the listener is taken into a new melodic world in A lydian. The piece then diminishes back down into the waves of the dream pattern at measure 70.  The piece finishes off tempo with one last final, symbolic, arpeggio; a calm after the tempest.
Rhapsody - Wind of the Sea
Piano seul
Brendan Reeves

This piece, Rhapsody – Wind of the Sea, takes the listener on a melodic ride over the waves and winds of the ocean   The piece is grounded in an E major 7th chord which, despite being a 7th chord, serves tonic function throughout the piece
$3.99 3.83 € Piano seul PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano Solo - Level 5 - Digital Download SKU: A0.991480 Composed by Michelangelo Rodriguez. 20th Century,Contemporary. Score. 71 pages. Michelangelo Rodriguez Music #2961007. Published by Michelangelo Rodriguez Music (A0.991480). Written in 2016, Michelangelo Rodriguez’s 12 Etudes in the Study of the Color Wheel is a series of piano etudes that depicts the color wheel and the relationship the 12 colors have to each other. The primary colors, red, yellow, and blue, act as the three base etudes of the set. By mixing the rhythms, motifs, and articulations of the Red, Yellow, and Blue etudes, the secondary etudes are made. Orange, Green, and Violet are then further mixed using the same technique to form the tertiary etudes of Red-Orange, Yellow-Orange, Yellow-Green, Blue-Green, Blue-Violet, and Red-Violet. These 12 etudes are a direct inspiration from the neurological phenomenon of Synesthesia, and using it to combine different mediums of art. Duration: c. 25 minutesFor more information, please visit
12 Etudes in the Study of the Color Wheel
Piano seul
mixing the rhythms, motifs, and articulations of the Red, Yellow, and Blue etudes, the secondary etudes are made Orange, Green, and Violet are then further mixed using the same technique to form the tertiary etudes of Red-Orange, Yellow-Orange, Yellow-Green, Blue-Green, Blue-Violet, and Red-Violet
$9.99 9.6 € Piano seul PDF SheetMusicPlus

SATB choir and Piano - Medium - Digital Download SKU: MQ.7.0726-E Composed by Stephen Chatman. Secular, 21st century. Instrument parts. 7 pages. Duration 2 minutes, 45 seconds. Galaxy Music Corporation - Digital #7.0726-E. Published by Galaxy Music Corporation - Digital (MQ.7.0726-E). English.An arrangement of the second movement of Stephen Chatman's A Song of Joys. The piano accompaniment replicates pitches within an extensive set of Chinese bao gongs featured in the original version. Walt Whitman's text evokes the “great sun!†and feelings of warmth and love: “While we bask, we two together.†The number, two, is the primary concept of the song—two lovers, two timbres (voice and piano), two pairs of flowing contrapuntal vocal lines, two additional contrapuntal “gong†parts, two formal sections, harmonic dissonance versus resolution, tutti versus a cappella, and two climactic cadences. Duration: 2:45.
Shine! shine! shine! from A Song of Joys (Downloadable)
Chorale SATB

$2.25 2.16 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

SATB Chorus & Piano - Digital Download SKU: IZ.VMF221 Composed by Richard Sorce. Octavo. 13 pages. Imagine Music - Digital #VMF221. Published by Imagine Music - Digital (IZ.VMF221). 8.5 x 11 inches.The poem A Psalm of Life by H.W. Longfellow is a testament to viewing life in the most positive way, and not by dwelling on its hardships or past crises. Nowhere is it written that this life journey should or must be viewed in any negative way.Modulations that occur in several areas are meant to emphasize critical ideas of the poem, and the performers should take note of the melodic stress that occurs among the various parts (See measures 33 and 41). Dynamics are important in relaying the meaning of the text and should be observed, although the conductor should feel free to augment these whenever she or he deems it necessary. As always, relaying the meaning of the words through the music should always be considered the primary goal of the performance.
A Psalm of Life
Chorale SATB

$2.20 2.11 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

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